.net - Build Simple SQL Admin Interface To Change A Few Values In A Table

Jan 5, 2011

I am currently building a system in SQL Server 2005.

I have a table that holds information about certain insurance schemes such as overheads and other things. These values will change occasionally and currently I administer the database straight through the management Studio.

I would like to build a simple interface that will allow my colleagues to change these values by selecting the company in a dropdown and the current values will populate. They can then edit these values and submit them to the database.

Is this possible in the current Visual Studio supplied with SQL Server 2005 or do I need to get another product.

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Interface And Graphics :: Build An Application With A Simple MENU?

Mar 31, 2009

current version is 2008 I'm trying to build an application with a simple MENU. When the user clicks on a Menu Item i want the container to show some controls, now when the user clicks another Menu Item, the container needs to change and show other controls, and so on with every menu Item the user clicks, one at a time.

I thought of panels showing and hiding for every menu Item clicking, but that would use a lot of memory as ALL the controls would be created, some of them just not showing. I also though of an MDI application, but i dont want multiple forms (with the menu bar) opening inside one form. I just want the actual container of one form to change.

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Build A Simple Calculator In VB?

Mar 20, 2006

how to build a simple calculator in VB; i got the interface with buttons and text box alredy and i figured out how to put more then one number using buttons alredy(Disp.Text = Disp.Text & 1) , Looking at the windows calc, how do you store the number u just entered into a text box and alowe user to enter another to performe calculations, what code should i use for equal button and etc.

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.NET Simple .exe Will Run On Some Computers But Not Others (should All Be Same/similar Build)?

Sep 22, 2009

I created a simple desktop app (really simple) and did a network clickonce deployment. It works fine on most computers.BUT nothing on one computer (computer A). No message, no start menu, nothing. App has no dependencies other than .NET framework. If I just copy the exe onto the same computers, it works fine on all computers except computer A.Computer A has the correct framework installed. When I double click the exe it does nothing - no message, no error, not showing up in task manager, notta. I tried more than one application and it performs the same.

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Build A Simple App That Will Start Another Program?

Jan 22, 2011

I am trying to build a simple app that will start another program.The command line that works in a dos batch file is c:program filespixellWall Controlwallctl.exe -layout=c:1.lay with my code below this works, c:program filespixellWall Controlwallctl.exe but the switch info above doesnt get passed, I get a run time error.

Public Class Form1
Dim layout1 As String
Dim layout2 As String


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Sql - Redirect Admin If There Is No Record In Table To The Another?

Jun 4, 2010

I would like to redirect admin if there is no record in table to the another form but I am doing something wrong in my code but i cant find.

Private Sub frmlogin_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim cmd As SqlCeCommand
Dim namecount As String
Dim con1 As SqlCeConnection


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Build And Display A Simple Diagram That Is Built From Data Entered By The User?

Aug 22, 2011

I wish to build and display a simple diagram that is built from data entered by the user. Because I can't post a picture of the types of diagrams here I'll use the following example. Image a picture of a house as a child might draw it a large square, with a triangle for a roof, a rectangle for a door, and two smaller squares for windows. Now I want to build an application that lets the user enter data and change that drawing according. For example, by entering the length and height of the house the size changes, change the number of windows, size of the door or height of the roof.

Now this may seem like a useless application but keep in mind the house is just an example the real purpose is different but should be as simply drawn. I'm looking for suggestions on make this work. Should I use a paint? or is something like this better done with a tie into the Visio references?

View 13 Replies

VS 2010 Way To Make Like 'admin' Form Where New Account Applies Will Pop-up When 'admin' Log In And Then Either Accept / Reject New Users?

Oct 10, 2010

i have a script with a login form that creates a folder per user with username.txt, password.txt, firstname.txt, and lastname.txt. - auto creates when creating new user.after i log in and change form i want an label showing the first and last name of the person logged in,how am i supposed to do that? is there any way to make like an "admin" form where new account applies will pop-up when "admin" log in and then either accept or reject new users?

View 8 Replies

Change Or Reset The Local Admin Password Of The Opreataing System(win Xp) ?

Oct 5, 2006

I want to change or reset the local admin password of the opreataing system(win xp) using vb.netIs it possible?

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Serial IO - Build Inputs And Outputs Interface Board

Feb 20, 2009

I would like to build inputs and outputs interface board (if you have schematics for the hardware or where I could purchase such thing) I need 9 inputs and 8 outputs, 24 volte DC for the inputs and I want to build a form in visual basic that utilizes the serial port so for example when I press Button1_Click it will make output number 1 goes high in the board and when input 9 goes high in the board label9 or Button3 will change color in the form.

So basically the IO interface and the form will only be used to energize relays and monitor these relays. I am not worrying at this moment about if this input is high make this output high but if this is possible in visual basic currently running Visual Studio 2008 Express.

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Admin On Vista Doesn't Show As Admin Class?

Jun 9, 2009

on XP Pro, IsUserRole(eUserType.Administrator) returns true, if the class is administrator, and false if it's limited...

On Vista, it returns true, if it's the first administrator account, and false for anything else... I created a second administrator account on Vista, and it shows in code as "Standard" (or limited) user, the same as if I made a "Managed Account" on Vista...

#Region " [IsUserRole] "
Public Enum eUserType
Administrator = 0


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Unable To Use 2 Different Login Authorities Which Are Admin And Non-Admin

Mar 11, 2010

I'm designing a system, whereby am unable to use 2 different login authorities, which are Admin and Non-Admin. I am using VB.NET and Ms. Access and need help for the codes.I want something like, if i click on admin/non admin (with different passwords) a dialog box pops onto the screen and asks for the password. If the password is correct it should take me to the form i want. Something of this sort please.

View 9 Replies

Interface And Graphics :: Simple Code To Detect When A Pixel Changes Color Anywhere On Screen

Aug 19, 2010

I'm trying to figure out some simple code to detect when a pixel changes color anywhere on the screen. Maybe with just a msgbox popup when it changes.

View 2 Replies

Build Datasource With Datagrid Values

Jan 7, 2010

anyone know how to do this? build datasource(datatable) with values from a datagrid.

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Add A Row In Data Table Taking Values From 2 Text Boxes Which Are Not Bound To That Table?

Dec 26, 2010

I have a login form that consists of 2 text boxes: txtUser, txtPass. Now these are not bound to any data table & I don't what them to be bound. When a new user enters his user name & password, I want to add these on a data table that has two columns: User, Pass. Data table information: Data Source = Login.accdb, Data table = LoginTable, Connection = LoginCn. I use visual basic 2010. So how do I do this?

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Display Data Stored In A Sql Sever DB Table, The Table Has A Field With 6 Values?

Jul 8, 2009

I currently have this working already for one of my combo box's, but when i try to use the same code i get this error ''There is no row at position 6.'' . The are 2 fields in the table asset_type_id, asset_type_name', im trying to dispaly the values in a combo box for the field 'asset_type_name.

the code for ' Friend Sub RetrieveCustomerInformation2()' works but the other friend sub throws the error.
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data
Imports System
Imports System.Data.OleDb


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HTML Table Displays Random Cell Values Outside Of Table

Sep 23, 2009

I am using a string builder to set up an html table row by row so that it can be emailed. I currently gather my information from the database using a data reader and while dataReader.read, I use stringbuilder.Append to add each cell value to the table.The issue is that after about 200 rows, the html breaks and displays a cell value above the table in the email. I have tried changing the cell padding, but this was not successful.

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DB/Reporting :: Simple XML Query And Comparing Values

Aug 5, 2009

I've tried different approaches to query a simple xml and compare one of it's values but none of them worked well.

Consider the following XML structure:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
- <Shops>
- <Shop>
[Code] .....

I have the shop name in a drop down list which is ShopsDDL and it's set to autopostback. What I want to achieve is:
On postback, check for a xml node where node's text = shopDDL shopname
And retrieve also this node's currentdate and label counter.
Rhen, if the node currentday = today then increment labelcounter by 1
Else set labelcounter = 1 and currentday= today
My problem is the XML query, I can do all the logic as soon as I manage to retrieve data from the XML.

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How To Declare A Simple Array And Intialises Its Values

Dec 30, 2009

i know how to declare a simple array and intialises its values, but i dont know how to get its results out of it. let me explain what i want.i've basically made like a Quiz, so the array(s) needs to hold 20 questions and 20 anwers. and i ve put these separately in each array, i.e. i have 2 arrays one with questions and the other with answers.when the user of my program presses ' get a Quiz Question', they retrive a question. Then the user types in an answer and using the submit button sends the answer for it to be verifed. how do u make sure that the question has a coressponding answer to it. as ive sed i have 2 separate arrays, i dont know how tell vb that when a particular question appears that it has a corresponding answer. If it matches a positive message appears, i.e.good otherwise wrong will appear.Also i need to randomize the way the questions appear in the quiz so they dont follow the same order when they are seen for the second time?

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Simple VB Syntax To Show Some Values From A Database?

May 24, 2011

Im just doing some tests to connect to a mysql database.I do not know how to call these values once I have made the sql query. How do I go about this, i.e. to show the values on the labels on a form?


Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Public Class Form1
Dim ServerString As String = "Server = localhost; User Id = root; database = CALIBRA"
Dim SQLConnection As MySqlConnection = New MySqlConnection


What do I put in the "SOMETHING MISSING HERE"?

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VS 2008 Make A Simple Sum Of The Checked Values?

Nov 4, 2009

I have a (checked) listview with values in the subitems. I am trying to make a simple sum of the checked values, but I can't seem to get it to work. The values returned aren't correct.

The idea is that each time I check or uncheck a row it re-calculates the values from subitems(2).

Here's what I was trying:

For i = 0 to Listview1.CheckedItems.Count - 1 Label1.Text = CDec(Listview1.CheckedItems(i).Subitems(2).text) + cdec(Listview1.CheckedItems(i).Subitems(2).text)Next i

I have (text) values like 77.50, 115.60, etc.

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How To Find Repeated Values In One Dimensional Array And Change The Values

Jul 14, 2009

I am using Visual Basic express edition 2008.I am trying to know if a value in a single dimensional array is repeated in the array. If yes, then multiply one of them by 100. For example:

MyArray (14) = 12, 15, 18, 15, 18, 11, 15, 18, 16, 14, 18, 8, 12, 17, 10
In the above example:
MyArray (1) = MyArray (3) = MyArray (6) = 15
MyArray (2) = MyArray (4) = MyArray (7) = MyArray (10) = 18
MyArray (0) = MyArray (12) = 12


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Change A Line In A Listbox Build Up As An Array?

Jan 14, 2012

I've got a listbox in visual basic 2008 with lines that look like:

item 0; item 1; item 2; item 3

How can I select that line and change within that line the value of e.g. item 3? (by default it's set to 0 and should be set to a value > 0 when entered by the user.

After that I need to calculate the total price based on the price in item 2 and the new value of item 3 (being >0)

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Change Build Executable Image For Program?

Jul 18, 2011

How do you change the build executable image for your program? Right now mine looks like a blank form. I would like to add a custom image.

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Change CheckedListBox Control Build - In 2008?

Dec 10, 2010

When CheckedListBox is only one line high, all itmes hidden, there are two small black arrows on right side, one up and another down. I want to CheckedListBox only has one down arrow, when click the down arrow, will popup a window and show all items, like the control below [URL]

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Change Source Code With A Pre-build Event?

Apr 12, 2011

I've got a variable, BuildDateTimeStamp, would it be possible to add a pre build event to update the value of this variable?code]...

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Unable To Change The Name In Build So Whatever Is Startup File?

Jan 10, 2011

I wish to have two EXE files in my project. Say one EXE has startup form ABC.vb and other is BCA.vb I am not able to change the name in Build so whatever is my startup file, my exe file's name remains the same. How to change it?

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Simple Data Entry Form In Via Relational Table?

Mar 21, 2012

I am creating data entry form in vb.net. I have three tables 1.orders,2. orderdetails 3.productOrderid- Primary key for Order table and foreign key for Orderdetail table.In Dataentry form , I need when I load form , value of orderid from ordertable should automatically load in orderid colum of ordertable.

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Use Entries From A Textbox To Update Simple Access Table?

Aug 2, 2010

I familiar with how to populate information from an access table to textboxes but not the other way around. I am familiar with the DataTable class.

I would appreciate any methods whatsoever on how to do this with as much detail as possible since I am not an expert on database connections.

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Getting Build Errors In Program To Change Button Name When Clicked?

Jun 13, 2010

Imports System
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Class MyButtonClass


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