.net - Control GDI Handle Leak ?

Jul 28, 2009

I have a problem with a control leaking GDI handles.

This is the cut-down version of the control:

Public Class FancyLabel
Inherits Label

Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs)


When I run the program, the GDI object count is 38. Then I open a form that has only one FancyLabel on it and the GDI object count gets increased to 42. I then close the form and the GDI count falls down to 39 and stays there no matter how many instances of the form I create and close.JV

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VS 2010 Webbrowser Control Has Memory Leak

Dec 16, 2011

I have a simple app that has a listbox of URL's.I loop through these url's and display them in a webbrowser control.Ive noticed that on each page load the memory usage goes up from 5-10 megs, and will no go down. Ive researched a TON of solutions online and none seem to help at all.Do any of the pro's here know how to fix this memory issue in a webbrowser control?

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Finding The Position Of A Control From The Control Handle.?

Feb 24, 2012

I've looked throu all of the SendMessage(messages) but there does not seem to be anything like WM_GetPos.Now I can accomplish through AHK with ControlGetPos, but for the life of me I can not figure out what Win API function they are calling to accomplish this.We have an order entry system we use, that I am trying to automate the printing of our reports (we have 4 per order form) to save time

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Webbrowser Control - Memory Leak - HTTP Web Request Instead Of A Webbrowser?

Mar 18, 2011

i have created an app to load an access database into a datagridview, which contains web urls. When button is clicked it webbrowser1 navigates to each url and each webpages document.inertext is put into textbox. This all work fine but after a while the webbrowser navigation becomes increasingly slower.

For Each RW As DataGridViewRow In Me.DataGridView1.SelectedRows
'''''''''''#######cell values into strings ########''''''''''''''
If RW.Selected = True Then
Dim domain As String


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Get The Handle From A Control?

May 8, 2009

I need the intPtr for a form. Control.FromHandle(control) gives me the control from a handle, but I need the opposite--get the handle from a control. How do I do this?

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Get The Handle Of A Control?

Apr 27, 2009

I need to get the handle of a control as an IntPtr to pass to a screen capture class in vb.Net 3.0. Tried this but get an invalid handle exception.

Dim hwnd As IntPtr = Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle.Alloc(CanvasMap)

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Add An Event Handle To A Custom Control?

Jun 30, 2010

I have a problem to handle an event on a custom control a have on a form.... So first i made a custom control that is just a groupbox with some labels and txtboxes. That control i add dynamically to my form like this (Baycontrol is the name of my control)


Friend Bay(29) As BayControl
Add the controls to Form
For Simindex = 0 To 29 'Me.Bays - 1


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Get The Handle Of A ComboBox's Edit Control

May 29, 2009

I'm inheriting a couple of the common WinForms controls and then manually repainting them so that they will correctly render over a WinForm with the Aero Glass effect enabled. I have this working well with the TextBox. I ran into a snag with the ComboBox though in that it would only repaint some of the control. I fired up MS Spy++ and saw that the ComboBox has an Edit control in it (that's not in it's control collection). I can repaint that Edit box, but I need to get the handle of it and a couple of my attempts have flopped. I found some code that used the FindWindowEx API passing the Comboboxes handle but for me it returns 0.

hwndEdit = FindWindowEx(Combo1.hwnd, 0&, vbNullString, vbNullString)

Basically, I need the handle of the edit control inside the combobox (once I understand how to correct get that then I can get the additional controls in other ones I want like the ListView). Here's the Spy++ screen shots to illustrate (from Spy++ I can see the individual handles).

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Handle The Key Down Event Of The User Control

Dec 19, 2010

I use VB.NET 2010 I have created a user control which holds a few textboxes, where the user can find articles. This user control is added to several Forms (where ever the search is needed). I have to handle the key down event of the user control, but it isn't working... The usercontrols's Key_Down Event is never fired. - I have set KeyPreview of the form to true, then the Key_Down of the Form is fired.

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Tab Control To Handle Child Windows In An MDI?

Nov 6, 2009

My application uses an MDI form, and there are instances where the end user will need multiple child windows open at a time. I need an easy way for the user to switch between windows, which made me think of using tabs kinda like Firefox, or like the tabs in the Visual Studio IDE up at the top where you can switch between open forms and code files.

I'm curious if there is a control in .NET that will already do this? I would rather not re-invent the wheel if I can help it. Google has failed me thus far.

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Web Browser Control :: How To Handle Popups

Mar 31, 2010

I have a large project in Vb.net which drives a web browser control around. What's the best, and easiest, way to manage browser pop ups? Note, I am not just looking to cancel or close them. I need to manage them just like the main window.

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C# - Control.Invoke Error: Handle Not Yet Created?

Jan 31, 2012

I show a waiting form (saying "Please wait...") on a different thread when there is long-running code in some forms (for example, during data loading). I show the form like this:

m_PopProcessingThread = New Thread(New ThreadStart(
m_PopProcessingForm = New WaitingForm(m_Message)
End Sub))


The stack trace points to the part of code where I hide the form. How could the handle not have been created, when just before the Invoke call, I loop until said handle is created?

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Display Control In .NET That Can Handle Color Codes?

Jun 12, 2011

It seems the only options available to do multi-color on a string is either a bunch of label controls cleverly grouped together or to use a RichTextBox and play with the font properties as text is added to the control.

What I am looking for instead is some kind of control that can render some style of control codes out as color. Consider bash codes:

echo -e "This text is ${GREEN}green${NORMAL} and this text is ${BLUE}blue${NORMAL}"

In the above, the words 'green' and 'blue' will be colorized with their respective colors. I was wondering if there was a control with some kind of feature like this, or will I have to code something myself?

Note, I only have the Express copy of VB 2010, and I would very much like to avoid third-party controls.

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Forms :: Gather Control Handle Information?

Jan 29, 2010

I have a problem whereby some rubbish code is not releasing its memory (eventually reaches the 10k handle limit and crashes).I'm looking to insert some logging in the application to dump a list of handles present at the point of failure.

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Get External Application Control Handle (hWnd) And Name?

Feb 3, 2011

i can't find to another application controls handle and name. i searched to samples but i can't understand. How i write to API's for this.

i'm working to API declare and the some API functions. And i've got a right Main hWnd. But i can't get controls hWnd (button, textbox etc..).. ?

Example : FindWindowEx, AccessibleObjectFromPoint, AccessibleObjectFromEvent, AccessibleObjectFromWindow..

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Handle Events Of A Control In A Class File?

Feb 22, 2010

if I wanted the button onclick event in a different class how would I declare it?

when I refer back to the form it says I need to declare with events..

Private Sub btnAddToLaneFilter_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Dispatch.btnAddToLaneFilter.Click
If Me.txtCriteria.Text = "" Then


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Handle File Downloads In The WebBrowser Control?

Mar 19, 2011

I'm trying to implement my own downloader. I have the download Form and I had a way to show it but, It's inefficent because, It just checked for ending extensions!I just want to cancel the download and show my downloader with the URL.[code]...

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Asp.net - Can A Page Raise An Event That The User Control Can Handle

Mar 13, 2009

I have done this the other way many times as it makes sense (the page knows about the control as it has been added to the page and can handle the 'child' event)

Is it possible to do it the other way? I think not as the control doesn't know what page it is going to be on

The reason i ask this is that I have a modal popup on the page to ask users to login, and it is only when the user has logged in that I want my user control to go away and execute some code but I am not too sure how to tell the control this has happend?

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Handle Events On The Dynamically Loaded User Control?

Jun 20, 2011

I have the user control that is loaded dynamically. When the user save the data by clicking on the Save button, a raise event is passed.

Public Sub RaiseCloseEvent(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
RaiseEvent Close(sender, e)
Debug.Print(String.Format("The control {{0}} was closed by {{1}}.", Me.Name, sender.ToString))
End Sub

In the save button I have called the RaiseCloseEvent as follows:

RaiseCloseEvent(sender, e)

Now, how can I close the user control form? Any Idea? I have used VB.Net language.

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Unable To Handle Events When Adding Control At Runtime

Mar 11, 2011

I am in need of adding arr of type label at run-time. I am making a program which will retrieve employee name from database in different label. On clicking each employee name (label) it will display all the information about that employee in a msgbox. I use the following code to create the label. Since the number of labels is not fixed I have used an array.
dim withevents lblArr() as Label 'declared in the class

In the subroutine(Form load):
for i as integer=0 to NoofEmployee-1
redim lblArr(NoofEmployee-1)
lblArr(i)=new Label
' I assigned all the necessary property like size location etc..

I declared another subroutine:
private sub MyClick(sender as Object,e as EventArgs) **handles lblArr(0).click**
end sub
The code doesn't compile since a subroutine doesn't.

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VS 2008 WinForms Label Control Handle Focus?

Jan 30, 2011

There is a panel which contains 2 components: a label and a TreeView. The hierarchy, obviously, looks like this:panel1 // handles Enter event

- label1
- treeView1

I need to do some UI updates when user starts interacting with any of these 3 controls. My attempted strategy was to catch the Enter event of the panel, which would fire when user clicks a label, or TreeView. This way, I can write only one (1) event handler instead of several. While it worked for the TreeView, it didn't work for the label. When I click the label, I don't get the Enter event on the panel. Whats different about the label control? I could handle the Click event of the label. At the same time, I wonder what the other solutions might be.

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Handle Browser Popups Using The NewWindow Event Of The WebBrowser Control

Oct 21, 2010

I'm trying to handle browser popups using the NewWindow event of the WebBrowser control. The one main thing I needed is the cookie from the main browser control on my form to be passed to the popup window. Below is the only way I've been able to open the popup and pass the Document.Window.Opener value to it so that when java script is executed, it knows where the opener window is. I am getting the following error right now when trying to set the cookie from my webbrowser control to the iexplore instance of the popup window that opened.


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Invoke Or BeginInvoke Cannot Be Called On A Control Until The Window Handle Has Been Created?

Mar 5, 2009

i AM TRYING TO USE A THREAD TO UPDATE SOME CONTROL during runtime using invoke and i get this message.here is my scenario:im trying to build a performance monitor tooli have a mainform that is MDI parent and i create mdi child using


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VS 2008 Call Procedure To Handle All Control.click Events?

Jul 27, 2009

I am trying to make a routine that will be called everytime the mouse button is clicked. I want it to be called so that the controls event that the mouse is clicked on is triggered.

For example:

You have a button control on your form. Instead of having the Button1_click event

You have a Control_click event. And that Control_Click event will be used for each control on the form.

View 11 Replies

VS 2008 Force The Creation Of A Handle Of A Control Before The Form That It Is Contained On Is Loaded?

Nov 24, 2011

I am just wondering how to force the creation of a handle of a control before the form that it is contained on is loaded... I have tried:


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VS 2008 Handle Saving User Control Settings On Form Close?

Dec 27, 2009

What is the correct way to handle saving user control settings on form close. I have a tabcontrol that a user can add tabpages during runtime. The user control has a few controls (listbox,combobox,textbox) How can I save the created tabpages and the data in each control in the usercontrol? Below is how I am calling my usercontrol

Public Class TabPageEx
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.TabPage


I seem to be a little lost as most documentation seems to suggest that I can not save usercontrol settings in the app.config. I have played around with the solution expl. settings tab without much success. But, then again I may be going about it all wrong. So, I am looking for a little direction on the best way to handle this on form close.

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Windows Forms Text Editor Control That Can Handle MS Word Documents Properly?

Aug 13, 2011

I need to find a Windows forms Text edit which can handle MS Word documents correctly.That is documents with Images, textboxes etc (.doc, .docx).I have tried Devexpress Xtrarichedit and TXText Control but when you load a MS Word Document (.doc, .docx) the document does not appear as it does in MS Word.That is Textboxes overlapping images are misaligned or have no transparent background option, so the white background of the textbox hides part ot the image.Has anybody had experience with 3rd party Document .net editors which mamage MS Word Documents correctly?

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Find The Handle Of The Child Window For The Yes Button In The User Account Control Window?

Mar 20, 2010

I am trying to find the handle of the child window for the Yes button in the User Account Control window so i can click it. This window has a structure with a few child windows with the same name.

Dim hwnd As IntPtr = FindWindow(Nothing, "User Account Control")
Dim hwnd2 As IntPtr = FindWindowEx(hwnd, 0, "DirectUIHWND", vbNullString)
Dim hwnd3 As IntPtr = FindWindowEx(hwnd2, 0, "CtrlNotifySink", vbNullString)
Dim hwnd4 As IntPtr = FindWindowEx(hwnd3, 0, "Button", "&Yes")

There are multiple CtrNotifySink with its own Button child window or other child windows. How do i search thru the different CtrNotifySink window to find the one that contain the Yes button so i can send a click to it? I do need to find it before i can send a click, right? because i try just sending it to the main window with sendmessage and nothing happen.I even try sending it directly to the handle found by spy++ of the yes button with bm click but nothing happen?

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Handle Value Change Of Control Inside UserControl Inside FlowLayoutPanel?

Apr 30, 2012

I am making an invoicing application. I have a label (lblCost) inside of a UserControl (InvoiceEntry) inside of a FlowLayoutPanel (pnlEntries). InvoiceEntry represents a line item on the invoice, and pnlEntries is the "body" of the invoice. pnlEntries can hold several InvoiceEntry controls.

I am attempting to sum all of the lblCost values from each InvoiceEntry control to make a subtotal, and I want that subtotal to change automatically if costs are changed (e.g., a change in quantities being ordered). Is there a way to handle when the lblCost.Text property of any of the InvoiceEntry controls contained within pnlEntries changes?


' Instantiate objects of the various database interaction classes.
Private mCustomer As New Customers
Private mItem As New Items


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Joystick Handle - Use Only The Handle Of The Component?

Mar 23, 2009

I wrote an application to handle a joystick with directinput. It works fine if it uses the handle of the main window but it doesnt happen the same if the handle is the one of the component that contains the joystick's operation.

I mean:

main form handle: 15

component handle (which is inside the window and the joystick needs the focus of this component to work): 25

It always work if the handle i initilizate the device is the main form (15).How can i use only the handle of the component?

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