.net - Control Server Name In EF CF?

Mar 7, 2012

I created a DBContext Initializer:

Public Class DropCreateInitializer(Of T As DbContext)
Inherits DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges(Of T)
Protected Overrides Sub Seed(context As T)


how to control the SQL server the new context will create a database on. It gets created on localhost/SQLEXPRESS.

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How To Control In Clinet From Server

Jun 8, 2011

I have created two applications communicating over sockets, one being the client and the other being a server. I want someone to tell me how I can control the client from the server. Please tell me where and how to start. [code]

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Remote Control From Web Server

Jan 16, 2009

I have looked into this for a while now with no success. out or lead me in the right direction. I am trying to control my application from an apache web server either locally or remotely.

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ASP.NET Server Control - How To Add AssemblyInfo File

Jan 5, 2011

I've noticed on a few tutorials online that when a new ASP.NET Server Control is added, it automatically includes Properties folder (containing AssemblyInfo.cs) and a References folder.

This works fine for me when creating a C# Server Control, but in VB.NET I just get a template .vb file and a Project file.

Why is this and how can I get an AssemblyInfo.vb file?

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Control The Form Of Client From Server?

Feb 5, 2011

Is it possible to control the form of client from server? I must create a program in server that will control or even show/load application form in client. I use Visual Studio .net Ultimate 2010 platform both of the server and client application.

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How To Create New Server Control Type

Jun 19, 2012

I'm trying to create a new server control type in ASP.NET. This control would put a RequiredFieldValidator into a certain place. My class inherits from the WebControl class and it has a ControlID property which is the ID of a given control. The RequiredFieldValidator will be generated near the control with the given ControlID. However, the value of ControlID is nothing. In what events can I successfully use this property?

Public Class MyControl
Inherits WebControl
Protected Property ControlID As String
Protected Property IsLinkedBrother As Boolean = False
[Code] .....

But ControlID is Nothing for some reason and the event throws an exception. ControlID is never changed after initialization and it is initialized this way:
<MyControl runat="server" ID="IDValue" ControlID="ControlIDValue" EnableCliendScript="true" CssClass="Whatever" Display="Dynamic" />

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Internet Cafe Server Control

Nov 3, 2011

I want to create a simple client server with GUI to control my little internet cafe in my house.My Question :

1. Where I can get some tutorial to control another computer with my server application

2. Where I can get some tutorial to control bandwidth usage (if can or available)

Honestly, for number one question, I want to block or control user for opening Porn site or Download with download manager that take too much bandwidth so it's affect another user connect too slowlyJust it for billing timing, pricing or another like that I can to program it, but for controling I still didn't understand.

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Localhost Server To Control Program?

Aug 17, 2010

I'm interested in creating a simple localhost server that can serve dynamically generated data from a ListView into a formatted web page. I'd also like to "control" or otherwise have the program execute functions based on what links are clicked.I've been searching for solutions and it looks like it would be a fairly simple task but I'm not sure exactly what the best way to go about this would be.

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Sql Server - Report Viewer Control For 1.1?

Oct 6, 2010

The company that I work for is not so much sacred of new technology they just seem to let things slip, you know the type, "It worked 5/6+ years ago so I don't see why we should change it"Despite this I have managed by hook or by crook to get an installation of SQL server 2008R2 to develop on which has the reporting services. Excellent I think, I can finally start moving some of the access applications to VB.net and use SSRS to provide some embedded reports, everyone is happy.But not so fast, it turns out the standard build of desktop here only has .net1.1. I have managed to dust off a copy of visual studio 2003 (The last edition that could target 1.1) and built a few little tests to check DB connectivity. The problem I am having is the report viewer control is only available in .net2.0 and above.So what options do I have for displaying my SSRS reports in a VB.net1.1 thick client application?

Before anyone asks the following options are out

Going anything web based (Farrrrrrrrrr too modern for the company + no web server)
Upgrading to a version of .net released after George Bush the 2nd lost an election but still became president
Changing jobs

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Asp.net - Event Click In Server Control Don't Happen?

Feb 16, 2012

I have created this user control.

Imports SAAQ.Utl.W00692BaseControle
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls
Imports System.Web.UI


However, the method Button_Click is never called when i click on of the button thatt his method handle. The specifics events arent raised.

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Asp.net - Get User Control Property After Server Transfer?

Apr 14, 2011

I have a host page with multiple user controls in it. Some of these controls have a user created property named Enabled, and is boolean.In some controls the default value for Enabled is set to False. In the host page, I am able to access the property and set it to True. The control does what it is supposed to.On this host page there is a "Run Report" button which executes a Server.Transfer to a "Results" page.In the codebehind of the results page, control values from the PreviousPage are checked via other user created Properties for the controls and added to a ParamterList.

I am attempting to check the Enabled property of the controls on the PreviousPage, however when this is done, it appears that the Enabled property is set to that of the default (in this case False), and not what I had set it to on the page when it loaded.Does the value of this property need to be put into a hidden text box or something so its value is available after the ServerTransfer? It seems like any control which contains a value is retrievable via the PreviousPage and its user created property, but any variable set inside of the control is reset back to its default value.

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Find A Control To Upload Big Files To A FTP Server?

Apr 3, 2012

I need to find a good control for VB.Net to upload big files to an FTP server:

Can upload files up to 10GB
Uses passive mode
Provides feedback during upload, to make sure it's going OK
Can cancel and resume
Up to two concurrent connections

I read about WebClient + NetworkCredential, but it doesn't seem to provide progress infos. There are also the FTPWebRequest/FTPWebResponse classes from WebRequest/WebResponse, as well as WebClient.UploadFileAsync.

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How To Set Description Of A Property In Custom Server Control

Sep 2, 2009

I have created a custom Server Control and I want to add a description to the properties and events that the control holds. I have looked over the Internet and came up with the following.[code]Unfortunately this does not seem to work in visual studio .net 2008.

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Webbrowser Control Does Not Work On Win 2003 Server?

Feb 5, 2011

I have a program which uses web browser control to automize some testing. it works fine on local machine. however, when I deploy it on windows server 2003, for some reasons, the program can not click any buttons automatically in the IE browser control.

I checked, the IE on windows 2003, because of security, the internet is set in the highest security zone, all others, i.e. activex, scripting, ... are enabled.

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Asp.net - .NET User/server Control With Custom List Items?

Feb 18, 2011

I'm attempting to create a simple menu user control just as outlined here. The attached code results in an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error, but I can't figure out why.

<%@ Master Language="VB" CodeFile="MySite.master.vb" Inherits="MySite" %>
<%@ Register src="Controls/Menu.ascx" tagname="Menu" tagprefix="my" %>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head runat="server">


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Asp.net - Embed A Static Image Resource In A Web Server Control?

Feb 15, 2010

I am going to create a web server control representing a treeview. So I want to use 2 images for + and - for expand/collapse. How can I build this into the control in a way that can be used as image source when rendered on the page? Since this will be in a compiled web controls library, I don't want to rely on external images in the web application.

Edit:Based on this answer by Andre Kraemer I did the following:

In AssemblyInfo.vb:
<Assembly: System.Web.UI.WebResource("MyCompany.MyWebControls.Resources.plus.gif", "image/gif")>
<Assembly: System.Web.UI.WebResource("MyCompany.MyWebControls.Resources.minus.gif", "image/gif")>


My Assembly name is MyWebControls.My Root Namespace is MyCompany.MyWebControls.The images plus.gif and minus.gif are located in a folder named Resources, and the images have Build Action set to Embedded Resource.It still does not work. I get no errors. I have tried the generated image url directly in the browser, bot nothing happens, just a blank page.

Note:I tried to use an invalid path in the resource name, and the result was exactly the same, which made me wonder if I need to do something special to map the actual resource to the resource name. I got a 404 Not Found error only if I used different name in the code than what was specified in AssemblyInfo, it had nothing to do with path was pointing to an actual resource!

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C# - Running A Server Control Inside A MVC View Page (asp.net)?

Apr 1, 2010

I know i can run webforms and mvc views in seperate files, but i want to run the web server control output and events in/on the mvc view page, however, i keep getting this compiler error:

Line 38: <CuteWebUI:Uploader ID="UploadPic" runat="server" UploadType="IFrame"
Line 39: FileTooLargeMsg="{0} cannot be uploaded! File size ({1}) is too large. The maximum file size allowed is set to: {2}."
Line 40: TempDirectory="~/UserData/Images/TemporaryImages" UploadingMsg="Uploading..."


i don't know what else do do, it just wont recognize the control name when im writing the event signature, right after the "handles" keyword, comes the server control name and then a dot, and then the event name, but as events its just giving me "Me", "MyBase" and "MyClass" options to run events for... doesn't let me access "FileUpload.OnFileUploaded" which is the control name & event name i want to write the sub routine method declaration (and subsequently method) and signature for.

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Markup Code Inside Custom Server Control?

Dec 29, 2010

I'm new to custom server controls and I'm hoping to use them to build various 'modules' for different sites I build to cut down on duplicate code.

I'm familiar with custom user controls in which I can create an .ascx & .ascx.vb file which can then be imported into an .aspx page and used freely.

However, with custom server controls I cannot find a way of using markup/html code. Is this possible at all or must all code be created programmatically?

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Sqldatasource Control - Read A Single Value From A Sql Server Database ?

Jul 17, 2011

Trying to use asp.net for the first time. I want to read a single value from a sql server database.

I have configured the SqldataSource as:


I have the above asp:SqlDataSource code on the website page. The connection string is in the web.config file. When I run the page it is all works but the required data is not shown. Am I right to think that where I dragged the sqldatasource entity is where the data result should be shown?

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VS 2008 Application Remote Control (client/server)?

Oct 16, 2010

I need some pointers on which .NET technology to use for a project I'm working on. I'm building a "dashboard" digital signage WPF program that will display various things on a large monitor mounted high up in the ceiling of my office.What I need to be able to do is control certain aspects of this program from my desktop. For example, there will be a TV window in the application with signal being provided by a TV tuner on the mini-computer connected to the monitor in the ceiling. What I want to be able to do is make a remote control to be able to change the channel etc. I'm confused at what technology to use. I've read about remoting, WCF, and simple TCPclient classes but I'm confused at which one would be better. I'm thinking it may be better to use WCF because what I think I need to do is make a function that will change the channel and accept channel numbers, etc from the remote control program. Am I on the right path?

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Cyberproj - Connections From Multiple Clients To A Server Having Winsock Control

May 17, 2010

I am developing project on cyber cafe using vb .net 2005 and winsock i don't know how to accept connections from multiple clients to a server having winsock control

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Get System Date From SQL Server To Status Strip With Timer Control

Dec 15, 2011

How can I get SQL Date and time into statusstrip with timeer control

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Irc Server - Computers - Able To Control Them Remotely Without Using External Dekstop Management ?

Jan 6, 2009

At my house we got 6 computers and 5 laptops. Not I want to be able to control them remotely without using external dekstop management or something else. So i can control when my kids can use the computer or not

So I came up with the idea of creating an irc server that listens to commands that I type from my main computer. The commands are no problem for me to program but the irc server itself looks pretty hard. I've been looking on google but cant find a good source to learn it. some other ideas than using irc protocol?

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Javascript - Creating A Web Server Control To Mimic Jquery Autocomplete API?

May 2, 2012

I am attempting to create a ASP .Net (VB.Net) custom control for an auto-complete drop down that uses jQuery auto-complete.The basic flow is the consumer of the control will set some properties (such as the data source) which will then be injected as javascript to initialize the autocomplete.There are a lot of pieces involved so i may have missed posting some of the code, please comment if you think something is missing and i will add it.the consumer's code behind (PreInit event):

myDropDown.DataCallback = "testFunc";

the DataCallback property in the control:

Public Property DataCallback As String

the options object creation and javascript injection in the control code behind (PreRender event):

Dim _serializer As New JavaScriptSerializer()
Dim optionsObject As New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
optionsObject.Add("source", DataCallback)


when i debug into the initialize function, i see options has one property, source, with the string "testFunc" as it's value. what i need is for source's value to be testFunc (not as a string) so it can be executed as a callback in autocomplete instead of autocomplete thinking it is a URL.

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Loading Data To A Tree View Control Using SQL SERVER Db As My Backend

Oct 27, 2011

I have a problem loading data to a tree view control using SQL SERVER db as my backend...i just found out that sqlserver dont accept multiple SQLDATAREADER

The code below works in SQLCOMPACT EDITION..


I have use this code in my applications using SQLCE as my backend, but when i transfered to sqlserver it doesnt work because of the datareader..

Output is like this
something like that

If i put it in a single query(sqlYear & sqlMonth), the ouput will be like this

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Asp.net - Control 'GridView1' Of Type 'GridView' Must Be Placed Inside A Form Tag With Runat=server?

Apr 12, 2011

I have a problem with My dataGridVew. i am trying to export data from my DB to excel fie. it's a small page where there are only data grid view and button to export like this :

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head runat="server">


When i click on the button error message is coming : "Control 'GridView1' of type 'GridView' must be placed inside a form tag with runat=server.???" even i have placed it in form ?

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Asp.net - My Custom Server Control Is Generated As System.Web.UI.UserControl In The Designer File?

Feb 16, 2012

I created a server control which consist only of fews buttons.

<ToolboxData("<{0}:CWNavigation runat=""server""></{0}:CWNavigation>")> _

I then referenced it in my ASPX page. Take note that the control are in the same solution, same project located in Commun/Navigation/CWNavigation.vb.

<%@ Register TagPrefix="NAV" TagName="CWNavigation" Src="~/Commun/Navigation/CWNavigation.vb" %>

I added it to the page.

<NAV:CWNavigation ID="CWNavigationService" runat="server" />

But the designer file along with the code-behind generate it as.

Protected WithEvents CWNavigationService As Global.System.Web.UI.UserControl

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Building A Server Control That Inherits Button And Giveing It Other Click Capabilities?

Dec 11, 2008

building a server control that inherits button and giveing it other click capabilities

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Remote Control Program That Uses Mysql Database As Bound Between Server And Client

Apr 23, 2010

I'm developing a remote control program that uses a mysql database as the bound beetween the server and the client.The only problem is that cause of mysql being really varnuable to crashes i made it in a way that it checks for information every 10 seconds so things doesnt get messy. [code] For some reason after 10 seconds the connection is mysteriously aborted and the reader gives a fatal error.How can i extend the time limit to >10 seconds ?

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Visual Studio: Databinding With Random Control In Database (SQL Server 2008)?

Feb 29, 2012

i have this database format in SQL:

ID name add num
1 fel mn 201
2 john kaye 23
3 Kate mani 25

I used databinding to call the values on (SQL) to textboxes in visual studio 2010 and i have this code in NEXT command:

Inter is the name of the databinding
With inter1
If .Position = .Count - 1 Then


The code above display the information not on Random. How can i display those information in Random mode? And i need a msgbox when all the data has been already seen by the user. I mean no redundant data will be seen by the user upon random mode has been done.

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