2010 Error Handling - Multiple Line E.message

Sep 22, 2011

In the Catch of Try-Catch there are the following two properties:


Does the .Count mean there are multiple lines in .Message? If not, what is the .Count used for?

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.net - Error Handling Message Types?

Mar 13, 2012

I am using try..catch for error handling. I am getting the message displayed as

messagebox.show (ex.tostring)

But it gives very long message.Is it possible just to get only the actual error or I could give my own modified message, based on what ex contains?

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Error Handling - Determine Which Line Causes A Program To Crash

Feb 7, 2012

I have created a vb.net program and released it to the customer. They are running the exe and at times the program crashes unexpectedly and display the message: "... has encountered a problem and needs to close" I know I should have added code to handle the exception, but is there a way that I can find out which line in the program caused the error? What is generally as good way to track errors in a program after it has been released?

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VS 2010 Handling Multiple Events At Once?

Nov 23, 2011

I took a VB class a couple semesters ago and I did really well. Unfortunately, it seems as though we only covered the very basics within the class, as I feel rather clueless right now.

Here's my issue. I'm trying to write a program that will encode notes (like music notes, A-G#) which are entered by the user, into digits, 0-9. Now I have the system laid out, in that 1-8 will represent A-A, while a 0 or 9 preceding a digit will represent a flat or sharp respectively.

Now my question is actually rather basic, but I just can't seem to figure out how to do this. The user will enter the note sequence by clicking on buttons (12 of them). What I'd like to do is create one sub that will handle all possible button clicks. I suppose it's possible that I could have separate subs for each and every button; but it just seems more efficient and cleaner to have one sub that manages them all.

The part I have completed and working properly will display a message (the same message) in a messagebox each time any of the buttons are clicked. So I have the "Handles" part working for all 12 buttons. But what I'd like to do is write code, perhaps "If" statements such that If "btnA" is clicked, then say "You clicked Button A," and If "btnASharp" is clicked, then "You clicked Button A Sharp," and so on. Is it possible to do this somehow by recognizing which event was actually triggered?

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Error Message On A Line Of Code

Dec 13, 2010

I am getting this error message:

Warning 1 Variable declaration without an 'As' clause; type of Object assumed.

And here is the line of code that generate the error message:

Dim acceptedExtensions = New String() {".jpg", ".png", ".gif"}

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Error Handling When Using VB 2010 Express?

Jun 3, 2012

I used the following code(with bug):

For n = 0 To 100
If saveLine(n).Substring(0, 8) = "heading:" Then
End If
Next n

The For loop only ran 5 times. It turned out that saveline(5) was shorter then 8 characters, so I changed the code which solved the problem:

For n = 0 To 100
If saveLine(n).Length > 8 Then


VB 2010 neatly exits the for loop when the bug occurs. In this case it was easy for me to pick up the bug, because the combo box was not properly populated. What if it was not obvious that the for loop did not complete? It is quite scary to think that bugs like this are not displayed at run time.

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VS 2010 AppActivate Error Handling?

Dec 17, 2011

I am trying to add some error handling for AppActivate if any error occurs.I initially tried using a try statement and cancelling the sub that calls the function where my AppActivate code is, but that didn't work.I have tried looping it, changing values and everything I know. I have Googled and nothing :S

Here is my I have removed all the error handling I tried to implement, however, this commented msgbox I would like to be included (that is, possible to execute) in any methods you present.


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VS 2010 Unable To Do Error Handling

Feb 21, 2011

I was just wondering if it is considered overkill to add:


To every sub in your project. And what would be the side effects of this if any.

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VS 2010 Database Connection Error Handling?

Mar 4, 2011

I want to handle errors that might occur when user tries to connect to database. I don't know how to do that.This is my connection string used all over the program:

Using connection As New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + txtFilePath.Text + ";Jet OLEDB:Database Password=" + txtFilePassword.Text + ";")
There are a few errors that i faced them myself:


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Error Message On VS 2010 Beta : An Error Occurred Trying To Load The Page - Member Not Found

Jan 5, 2010

I am facing another error "An error occurred trying to load the page. Member not found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80020003 (DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND) )" performing the following scenario:- Opened a sample VS 2010 WPF project that I receiveved from a co-worker (Project compiles, and run on his machine)I tried to open project properties (Project --> Properties)The project properties panel/window didn't open, all it had was an error symbol (red/white X) and the error message above(HRESULT: 0x80020003).I am unable to view niether the designer window nor the code window (no messages are reported) but the pane where the code/design shoud display is empty, all you can see is the background color.

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VS 2010 - Create Error Handling MsgBox If No Apparent Internet Connection?

Aug 18, 2010

Using the following
If GeBrowse.DownloadString("URL GOES HERE").Contains("CHECKS FOR TEXT HERE.") Then
Something goes here
If there is no apparent internet connection, how would i create an error handling Message box or something of the sort?

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VS 2010 New To Message Queue - Multiple Instances Of Program?

Mar 1, 2012

I am using a message queue successfully as I am testing while I am writing a new program. (This is my first time using a message queue.) I have to have multiple instances of my program running, so I was wondering if this would be a problem with the queue? I have tested it and it looks fine, but I didn't know if it is by coincidence, or if the queues were separate.

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VS 2010 Valiidation Error Message?

Jan 5, 2011

Im having an issue creating an error message for validation on a field. I have created the validation in Access and used ADO.net to connect to my VB form, but would like an error message to pop up when something is input incorrectly!

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Get An Error Message When Click Add New Button In VB 2010?

Jun 15, 2011

I have a form and I have added some data in the comboBox's and a textBox, I clicked BookingTableBindingNavigatorSaveItem all the data was saved.

But when I click the BindingNavigatorAddNewItem to add a new record I get an error message. can someone tell me what is wrong (picture below).


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VS 2010 : Error Message For Empty Listbox?

Jul 4, 2011

i have 3 listboxes and a calculate button and a lblGrandTotalCost, the program works like this when i select an item from listbox 1 and listbox 2 then click "calculate" it shows a result in listbox 3, after repeating this rocess few times if u click the lblGrandtotalCost button it calculates the grand total of all the totals that are in listbox 3, Now i want the program to show an error message if some one click the lblcalculateGrandTotal button when listbox 3 has nothing in it or empty. how do i do that?

i wrote this code but it don't seem to work

If lstGrandTotalCost.Items = "" Then
MessageBox.Show("warning! theres nothing in listbox 3", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning)

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VS 2010 Adding Error Message To Listbox?

Dec 22, 2010

I have a functioning program that has been completed that based on miles and gallons used, both will display the individual MPG for each single entry as well as compile a total for the miles, gallons used and overall MPG at the bottom.My problem is that when 0 is entered for fuel, the MPG calculation says Infinity and 0 is placed in the gallonsUsedListBox.I've been trying to get the statement "Gallons must be greater than zero" into thegallonsUsedTextBox by utilizing an If..Then statement but to no avail. I'm not sure where to input it or if my avenue of using the If..Then statement is even on track. Here is the code I have:

Option Strict On
' MPG Average
Public Class MPGAverage


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C# - Multiple Line Continuation In IDE (Visual Studio 2010)?

Oct 1, 2010

i notice that when i start next line of code and i press enter, it recompacts itself and the continued line moves left a bit... then if i place focus on the second line and press enter again, it (the second line) moves to the left some more, and it keeps doing this every time i focus on second line and press enter. how can i make it so that my second (and third etc) lines are formatted in a pre-determined way so they are always a certain amount of tabs indented to the right from where my line 1 starts?

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Get Error Message When Opening VB Window In PowerPoint 2010?

Dec 28, 2010

When I attempt to open the visual basic window in PowerPoint 2010 I get the following message:STDOLE2.TBL could not be registered. What causes this and how is this fixed?

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Getting An Error Message When Click The Save Button In 2010?

Apr 25, 2011

when in debug mode, the form loads I then fill out the form and when I click the save button I get an error message,

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VS 2010 - Error Message Will Not Display On Invalid Input

Dec 2, 2010

I am working on a program where a user either enters "small" or "large" and then the number of toppings. Once the user has done that my program outputs the total cost of a pizza based on user input. If they enter something else besides a number in the txtNumberOfToppings I am trying to show they message box that says "Re-Enter a valid number!" Likewise I am trying to display the error message "Re-enter a number that is 0 or greater!" If they enter a negative number into the textbox. However they do not display when I do enter invalid input.

My Code
Author: Adam Fandre
Description: User enters the words "SMALL" or "LARGE" and then the number of toppings
And program then displays cost based on user input.
Comments: Finished
Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
[Code] .....

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VS 2010 Error Message That Doesn't Happen All The Time

May 18, 2012

I have this function I put together with help online and it works just fine until the program runs over night. I don't think it is night time that is the problem, just the long run time. I take bitmaps and place text on them then convert them to icons so that the image can be used on the system tray.


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Cancel Backgroundworker - Got The Error Message" This BackgroundWorker Is Currently Busy And Cannot Run Multiple Tasks Concurrently?

Dec 14, 2009

in my button click event i ececure

If BackgroundWorker4.IsBusy Then
End If[code]....

after proceess completed if press the button again.i got the following error msg

This BackgroundWorker is currently busy and cannot run multiple tasks concurrently.

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VS 2010 Debug.Print Multiple Values On Single Line?

Sep 25, 2010

In VB6 you can debug.print multiple values from a loop to a single line by simply adding the ";" or "," chars.


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VS 2010 - Debug - Code For A Payroll Calculator - Gives Me My Own Error Message Box

Feb 3, 2012

I have written the below code for a payroll calculator. When I run the program, it gives me my own error message box no matter if my number of hours fall within the 5-60 hours range as I have stipulated. Is there something wrong with my code? (well, obviously there is something wrong--I just cant find it!)


'This program calculates the Gross and Net Pay as well as the Tax Deduction amount of an employee's wages when given the input of Employee Name, Tax Rate, Hours Worked, and Hourly Pay Rate.


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VS 2010 : Make The Text In A Error Message Bold Or Highlighted?

Jul 4, 2011

so one of my error message in my program looks like this MessageBox.Show("You forgot to select a Location!" & ControlChars.CrLf & "You must select a workshop and location then click Add workshop button," & ControlChars.CrLf & "repeat the process few times and" & ControlChars.CrLf & "then click Calculate button to calculate the grand total", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning)and i want the texts "Add workshop" and "Calculate" bold or highlighted when the message box appears, how do i do that?

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VS 2010 Error Message : Argument Out Of Range Exception Unhandled

Jun 23, 2011

Working with an If statement I have tried the following

If -0.6 > (LLum_Gline(8).X - LLum_Gline(12).X) > 0.6 Then
patient_frm.llum_gline = 2
MsgBox("Measurement is Abnormal")
End If

I am getting an error message that says Argument out of range exception unhandled. I have double checked and verified that LLum_Gline(8).X and LLum_Gline(12).X are in fact valid.Is my problem simply in how i am phrasing the If statement. Is there a way for me to phrase what im doing without writing multiple if statements?

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VS 2010 : Show Message Box Error If System.componentmodel.win32exception Occurs?

May 16, 2012

I created a simple program which basically launches programs installed on 32-bit system in the C:Program Files directory. I purposely put an .exe line of code in the compiler but that .exe wasn't installed on the system, I was expecting for an error when I tried to click the launch button and I did. NOTE: I already have a beginning If statement and that program is actually installed in the system, works perfectly no errors appearing.

ElseIf lstMultimedia.SelectedItem = "HyperCam" Then Process.Start("C:Program FilesHyperCam 2HyCam2.exe") 'this program doesn't exist in the system"

When the error appeared I looked at it in detail and found it was a system.componentmodel.win32exception type of error, I'm guessing that means a file doesn't exist in the directory I specified therefore the program displays an error.Now what I want to do is display a message box saying along the lines "This program cannot be found in your system" or something like that. But I don't know what the actual syntax/code for it, so far from thinking I have this.

Else : lstMultimedia.SelectedItem = 'no idea what to put here Then MessageBox.Show("This application cannot be found in your system or is installed in a different directory", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
End If

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Create An Error Message By Message Box To Tell The User To Enter A Number Only If They Key In A Character Value?

Feb 22, 2009

how to create an error message by message box to tell the user to enter a number only if they key in a character value?


Private Sub btnCalcFat_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalcFat.Click
Dim intFat As Integer
intFat = Integer.Parse(txtFat.Text)
lblResultDisplay.Text = txtFat.Text * 9
End Sub

My text box is call txtFat

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Asp.net - Html Parser Error Message: Parser Error Message: The Server Tag Is Not Well Formed

Aug 11, 2011

I am getting the error Parser Error Message: The server tag is not well formed. on the code line below:

<asp:HyperLink ID="imgFileType" ImageUrl="images/Icon_Pdf.gif" NavigateUrl='<%#"javascript:ViewFile('erg_", Eval("DocumentName") %>' runat="server"></asp:HyperLink>

I need the url link to be parsed as:


What am I missing in the syntax?

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Asp.net - Error Handling Using Events, Checking If An Error Happened And React Accordingly?

Sep 8, 2009

I have an object, say Order where if an error occurs, it raises the ErrorOccurred event. If I'm running some code in say, the codebehind for a .aspx page with an public Order registered as WithEvents and I want to check to see if an error has occurred before I run more code, how do I do this? I can't simply check theOrder.ErrorOccurred. Do I have to create a local boolean flag that switches over in the event handler (OnErrorOccurred)?


Public WithEvents theOrder As New Order
Public Sub DoStuff()
If theOrder.ErrorOccurred Then


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