Access Enty Point Method Of Form Based Applications?

Mar 13, 2010

How can I Access the Enty point method of Form Based Applications?How can I set their attributes?

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Set Attributes Of Entry Point Thread Of A Form Based Application Before It Start?

Mar 13, 2010

I do not want to disable Application Framework feature and turn to main function technique

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[2008] VB Form Based On Access Form?

Feb 28, 2009

below i have the form which i made in access, its BIG, REALLY BIGI am going to try and recreate this form using VB and MySQL, the question is how?The purpose of this form is to display all locations ready for someone to enter in information into them, normally the first field in each table has a unique name (which is set as the default value for that field), in the morning, the only field which is altered is a sign on field, which in access, the user clicks and the time is entered.

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Applications - Build Some GIS Based Projects ?

Jun 3, 2011

I have been working in GIS development for around 10 months now. I have been doing all the development in Javascript. I now want to build some GIS based projects!

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VS 2005 Sorting A List (Of Point) Based On Distance

Mar 26, 2010

I have a list of collection of points on the screen. I want to order them based on their distance from a seperate, independent point. What's working is I have a function GetDistance which does the dirty pythagorian work of returning the distance between two points.

'Create the set point from which to start all measurements from (startpoint)
dim SetPoint as new Point(200,200)
'Create a list to hold arbitrary points to test (endpoints)
dim ListOfPoints as new list(of point)


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Forms :: Form Object Access From Class Method

Oct 22, 2009

I want a string and a listbox, both which are in a form to be modified by an instance of a class method. Should (could I):

1. Pass the entire form to the class method as parameter.

2. Pass the listbox and the string to the method as parameters.

What's the best approach to get access and modify this string and listbox on the form.

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Unable To Find Entry Point Method In DLL

Jul 23, 2010

I get this error
Unable to find an entry point named 'UpdateResource' in DLL 'kernel32.dll'.

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Form Application .NET File.Create Method, Access Denied To Path

Sep 25, 2011

I wrote an application which parses a website and downloads an mp4 file from website. User can select the path where he wants to download the video. When I try to download I get an exception for the file, Access Denied to Path. When I gave the permissions to folder that I chose, then works fine. How can I resolve that problem? End-User will select the folder. How do I change the permissions?

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Is This A Secure Method Of Providing Service For Database Applications

May 10, 2012

WinFormsApp Login passes information to .php (server based) Login (provided credentials are correct) to DB to retrieve Decryption Key. WinFormsApp then uses Decryption key on Hardcoded encrypted connection string and renders application usable.This would then eliminate the necessity to encrypt/decrypt a connection string at runtime, virtually rendering any unauthorized person with a useless software.

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Call A Method That Compute Some Data That Method Is On Another Form In Windows Form Application?

Mar 17, 2012

i want to which way is better when concentration is on processing speed. i want to call a method that compute some data that method is on another form in my windows form application then what you prefer is better way 1) to call that method in another form and use returned value or create similar method in form where it is required.i want to make it's processing fast.

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VS 2008 Set A Point Without Setting Point.x And Point.y Separately

Jun 4, 2009

I hve been working with points a lot recently, and I have been wondering if there is a way to set a point without setting point.x and point.y separately. For example for (3, 5): Point1 = (3, 5) But that isn't right

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Access One Database Over A LAN With Different Vb Applications?

Mar 6, 2011

im using ms access 2003 and vb 2010, i already have 3 different vb apps, and i want to access a single database over the lan. but i dont know how. is this possible using a client-server type or is there much simpler way to access the database?

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Obtain WIFI Access Point Information?

Jun 4, 2006

I was wondering if it's possible to access information from within Visual Basic about WIFI connections, such as their SSID, MAC address, ect. I don't know whether I have to add a reference, what commands to use, ect.

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Set Location Of Child Form To A Specified Point Of Parent Form

Nov 11, 2010

how to set location of child form to a specified point of parent form.Below is my code but it is not working for setting the location.[code]

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Overcome Access Denied Error In Share Point?

May 17, 2012

This is the code, i am using this code to insert data in my list in share point. If user have permission then this code is inserting data into list. If user dont have permission then it is raising error access denied . How to overcome this?

Protected Sub Btn_Registration_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Btn_Registration.Click


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Access Menu Items And Windows From Other Applications In .NET?

Sep 17, 2009

I am needing to be able to access excel and adobe acrobat menu items and popup Windows (mostly acrobat). Is there a way to do this besides using mouse clicks and sending key strokes (come on, this aint applescript). There are some menu actions I need to automate and I need to be able to discover if a window did open and if so I need to do things in it.

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Allowing Simultaneous Access To Database For Two Different Applications?

Jul 31, 2009

I am developing desktop search engine. For that i am maintaining indexed database with file name and their path. The indexed database is created at once by scanning all hard disk. This indexed database is further updated when user creates, deletes or renames file. The updation task is carried out by an windows service application and for searching files on hard disk I have created another windows aplication. The problem is that when windows service is updating database, windows application can not read database. It gives error 'Cannot open user default database. Login failed.Login failed for user 'WINXPSwapni'.

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Dynamically Create Array Based On String Length Property and Index Of Method

May 4, 2009

I would like to format output to a property of a custom control I have made.For instance I have a literal control in my control and when populated I want to check if it is longer than 30 characters long, if so, then go to the next space (as to not cut the word off) after the 30th character and place a <br /> tag in to place the next 30 characters on the next line.So if there were 100 characters in a string, there would be 3 line breaks in the label.I have the looping worked out to get the label populated but cannot get how to dymaically create the array based on the string lenth property and index of method.

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Switch From ADO To ADO.NET - Regards To Data Access When It Comes To Windows Forms Applications

Jul 21, 2009

I have some friends who are 'old-school' VB6 database developers and I was telling them about .NET and its features, specifically ADO.NET. In our conversation, they brought up the following reasons why they would rather stick with ADO than move to ADO.NET: The Dataset is disconnected (What if power fails?)

The same amount of code still has to be written The new options of Dataset, BindingSource and TableAdapter seem confusing the same code is written programatically access the Database, all that changes is how that command is laid out. Why ADO.NET is 'better' than ADO with regards to data access when it comes to Windows Forms applications. What does ADO.NET provide that ADO does not? What does it do better than ADO? I'd like examples that do not involve LINQ.

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Finding A Point On A Diagonal Line When Have The Start Point And End Point Of The Line?

Feb 14, 2011

I have a Diagonal line drawn on a picture box on my forum and i need to know if the user has clicked the line I have the Start point and End Point of the Line and the mouse x,y location So i basically need to find out if the x,y of the mouse is on the line.

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Update Control On Win Form: Windows-based-timer Vs Server-based-timer

Feb 24, 2011

In a vb 2010 project, I have 2 win forms: Form1 and Form2.

In the Form1 class there is a server-based timer: when the "elapsed event" fires, then I update the text of a Label1 on the Form2. A very simple code:

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Maximum Amount Of Space That Can Use For MS Access Database Applications Inside VB Program?

Oct 19, 2010

I have a program that is running with a Data Connection to Database MS Access Office 2007. I maxed the Database at 1.97 GBytes of memory. I then inserted the Database into my VBasic Program and tried to compile. The compiler gave an error at the Me.ChemicalsTableAdapter.Fill(Me.Chemistry2aDataSet.Chemicals)

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
radPrefix.Checked = True


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VS 2010 : Search For Text Within A String (Starting Point And Ending Point)?

Dec 31, 2010

I'm trying to extract a piece of text from within the string, defining both a starting point and an ending point. For instance, say I want to search for the text found between "That is a " and " car" in the string "That is a red car", so it would return "red".I know you can use .SelectionStart and SelectionLength, but the length of the word can change, so the selection length can vary. What I want is to establish a specific starting point and a specific ending point from which to extract the text from the string.

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VS 2010 Loop In A Variable And Grab Info From Point A To Point B?

May 24, 2010

I want to know if its possible to loop in a variable and grab info from point a to point b

This is what I have stored in my Variable

</div> <!-- div reviews end white-space:nowrap; margin-bottom:5px; class="reviews" -->
<div class="list_address">


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Get X / Y Point Of Actual Form?

Jan 2, 2012

How can I get the coordinates of a form (current form => Me) of the upper left angle of it on the screen?

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Add Point And Delete Point When The User Clicks The Picture?

Jul 29, 2009

i have a picturebox which displays a map i have 2 modes add point and delete point when the user clicks the picture it creates a point on the picture where the user has clicked that works perfectly its when i try and delete the point when it doesent work :/ i have all the points loading from an xml file this is the code i have:


basicly i want it to when the user clicks the point it fines the x any y in the xml delete the node then delete all the points on the map then reload them all according to the xml

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Form Is Hidden Behind Other Applications

Mar 27, 2009

I have made a validation application, the application runs in the tray and responds to events of another app such as save document, on this event my application runs, validates the document and creates a pop up message of errors in the document. However the pop-up is hidden behind the other application, the other application is locked because it is waiting for my app to finish. I have tried combinations of show(),activate(),bringtofront () with no success i have also tried SetForegroundWindow() and SwitchToThis Window() for win api but with these the app still just flashes orange in the taskbar behind the other application which is locked.I think it is almost definatly a problem with stealing focus from the other application but im not trying to make an annoying pop-up, it is needed and only appears when there are problems with the document the other application is locked and will not respond untill okay is clicked on the pop-up and it is easy to miss the flashing icon in the taskbar

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SpeDK 5 And VB Form Applications?

Feb 27, 2012

Can I use the Speech SDK 5 for the creation new program ?If yes,How can I use this

programm and could you give me some sample codes.An other hand,

Can I inser TTS into my project ?How to do ?

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VB Windows Form Applications?

Jun 18, 2012

ith the following windows form applications in VB, question is attached.

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Controlling Outside Applications - Resize Multiple Applications And Send Keystrokes To Each One

Sep 12, 2011

I am working on a project that is used for key broadcasting. Don't worry nothing illegal, I'm making a multibox application for world of warcraft. However I am having trouble when it comes to launching and manipulating other applications from another.


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