Add Information To Datagridview?

Aug 5, 2010

I have two split-arrays and two columns (first name and last name). How can I add my two split-arrays to my datagridview?My code does not work, because all last name entries are at first name.

For k = 0 To UBound(array1)
For i = 0 To UBound(array2)
Next (i)
Next (k)

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Copying Information From One DataGridView To Another?

Nov 16, 2011

I was doing some refreshing on my VB.NET skills by working on a little project for a friend of mine. This program loads class information from a database on her college classes and is going to allow her to select classes to add and create her schedule for the next year. We are displaying the data in datagridviews. What I am currently having trouble with is getting the data from the one classDataGridView to transfer over to scheduleDataGridView. I am able to copy the selected data to a variable, my only problem is then getting to assign that variable in to a cell in the 2nd datagridview.Here is my current code for copying and transferring the data, it is being accessed in a button_click event.

For Each row As DataGridViewRow In classDataGridView.SelectedRows
Dim text As String
For Each cell As DataGridViewCell In classDataGridView.SelectedCells


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Information For Datagridview To Textbox?

Apr 5, 2012

Private Sub DataGridView1_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.Click
txttID.Text = DataGridView1.CurrentCell.Value
' txttSurname.Text = DataGridView1.Columns(1)
txttSurname.Text = DataGridView1.Rows(DataGridView1.).Cells(1).Value

I am trying to have a situation where if a user clicks on a certain row in a datagridview control the value in the datagridview row will be shown for a a certain column. Column 1 in my datagridview control has Names in it so I want if a user clicks row 0 the name in row 0 will be shown and if a user clicks row 1 the name in row 1 will be shown etc. this is the code I have so far. ! tried line 2 2 in my code but it shows whatever cell i click and sometimes its not an id .

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Information From Datagridview To Textbox

Apr 5, 2012

I am trying to have a situation where if a user clicks on a certain row in a datagridview control the value in the datagridview row will be shown for a a certain column. Column 1 in my datagridview control has Names in it so I want if a user clicks row 0 the name in row 0 will be shown and if a user clicks row 1 the name in row 1 will be shown etc. this is the code I have so far. tried line 2 2 in my code but it shows whatever cell i click and sometimes its not an id.


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Getting Information From A Cell In A Selected Row Of A DataGridView?

Dec 27, 2011

I am implementing a search form for a database, and I have the search functions working how I want them to. However, I have two connected tables, connected by an "ID" field. In the DataGridView that I use to show results, I want to have the functionality to be able to click on a certain row in the table, and the second table would update to show the data connected to the selected row.

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Insert Information From Row In Datagridview Into Textbox?

Jul 10, 2011

How i can insert information from the Row in datagridview into textboxes?now i made an access db then i made 7 textboxes to add information in my db no how i can reverse this action :

that i select any row to show the information every thing in his text box ?

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Populating A Datagridview With Information From A Database?

Aug 15, 2011

I am populating a datagridview with information from a database. One of the columns is a monetary amount. Right now my datagridview columns just show a double.

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Save Information From A Datagridview Without Using A Database?

Aug 31, 2009

I need to be able to save data from a datagrid for recall later. The next day for instance. I dont want to use a database. I dont thing that using the user.config system is the right way.davidbell

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Save Information From DataGridView As A New DataTable?

Jun 29, 2011

I have compiled some information into a DataGridView.How can I save all this DataGridView info into a DataTable?

dt As New System.Data.DataTable
dt = DataGridView1.DataSource

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Access The Information That The User Has Typed Into Datagridview?

Aug 17, 2010

how do I access the information that the user has typed into my datagridview. In my case, I know I want the information stored in column 1 of the datagridview one row at a time.How can I get at this information?

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Cannot Display New Information In DataGridView Without Closing One Of Forms

May 3, 2009

I am currently working on a school database that I am having troubles with. I have the Table Adapters, Binding Source, and DataGridView all working, along with the Insert, Update and Delete Commands. I have the user open up the SubjectForm. On this form the user is looking at a DataGridView of the subjects table and everything that is in it. When the user clicks add new on the right side, it opens up a new form called AddNewSubject. When the user gets done adding the new subject in, a dialog box appears and says that the subject was added successfully. After the user clicks exit, it takes them right back to the SubjectForm where the DataGridView is. My question is, how do I update the data in that grid so that after the user clicks exit on the AddSubject Form, the new data will appear in the grid? I have tried a combination of things and they haven't worked. I will add my code at the bottom.[code]....

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DataGridView Not Sorting Information Appropriately VS 2008?

Jun 28, 2011

At last I have found a simple way to run the "Wait for the progress bar." This is my code. But it does not really work. What's wrong?


I need help with the ifstatement how to "pass" if the progressbar is 100% loaded.

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Forms :: Choose Information In Datagridview For Calculation

Oct 19, 2010

i am choosing a flight that i want and then the system will go tho another form where it will show the details about the flight in datagridview..after we choose which flight to take there is 2 combobox where u can choose hw many adult and hw many last there is a calculate button where it calculate the total price...the peradult price n perchild price will b stated at datagridview....the total price calculated will b displayed in a textbox...

this is my coding
Dim adult As Double
Dim child As Double
myconnection = New OleDb.OleDbConnection(myconnectionstring)


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Get Information In A Datagridview And Put It On A Crystal Report Viewer?

Sep 20, 2011

I'm developing a Computer based patient info system at our school using VB.NET,my problem is there is an error in my reports how can i get information in a datagridview and put it on a crystal report viewer

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Place A Datagridview's Row Information (each Cell) Into A List?

May 5, 2010

I am trying to place a datagridview's row information (each cell) into a list.

I've tried this:

Dim dgvRow As DataGridViewRow=myFrm.myDGV.Rows(index)

and it returns the count of my cells in the row, so I know it's getting the right row but how would I get the info from each of those cells and place them in a list?

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Populate DataGridView By Information From Text Boxes?

Feb 10, 2011

I am receiving information via a serial port as Integers. The information is the displayed on textboxes(two text boxes). My problem is that, I am failing to transfer this information to a Datagridview.I have written the following code.

Private Sub BtnSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnSave.Click


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Retrieve USB Devices Information And Bind Them To DataGridView

Dec 11, 2010

I have the following code:

Dim searcher As New ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_LogicalDisk WHERE DriveType = '3'

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Display Information In A Listbox From Selection Made In Datagridview?

Jun 26, 2009

I'm curently trying to get information displayed in a listbox from a selection made in a datagridview. For example a user selects an artist from the treeview control and it displays all the albums by that artist in the datagridview. Once a user selects an album all information for that album is displayed below the datagridview in either a listbox or listview control. I've tried dragging the conrols from the datasource and it' won't drag onto the listbox. What do I need to do to get it so that it will display album, artist and track information?

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Open A .csv File Via Openfiledialog And Then Display Information On A Datagridview

Apr 17, 2010

I am trying to open a .csv file via openfiledialog and then display information on a datagridview...What would be some ways to approach this? I have tried reading the file, separating the values by commas and placing them in a string followed by placing the string into a list. I place them in a list because I have more than one string of text I want operated in the CSV file. How can I display each string of separated values onto my datagridview?

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VS 2008 : Programmatically Send Information From A Text Box Into Specific Columns In A DataGridView?

Jun 15, 2009

Is there a way to programmatically send information from a text box into specific columns in a DataGridView? I tried
Column1.Text = TextBox1.Text

and it obviously does not work.

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Creating A Reporting App That Pulls Information Off Of A Sql Database And Populates The Data In A Datagridview Control (DVG)?

Mar 31, 2011

I am creating a reporting app that pulls information off of a Sql database and populates the data in a datagridview control (DVG). I am using tab pages (Tabcontrol), and I have about 10 tabs with within the control. What I have done is created a dynamic control that will populate in each tab page once the tab is selected. I am using a split container and in my split container.panel 1 is where all my buttons and search functionality will be. In my split container.panel2 to is where the main DGV control will be. I have got this to function properly, however now I am unable to add anything to my split container.panel1. I would like to add diffrent labels and buttons in the panel1 one without putting another panel on top of the split container.panel1, and also if i do this when I resize my container the panel will just sit there. I am using the selected index changed event to get my split container to show in each of the diffrent tabs

Private Sub searchTab_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles searchTab.SelectedIndexChanged


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OLEDB Connection - Pull Information From Three Different Database Tables And Compiling The Information Onto One Screen

Jun 9, 2011

The program is currently trying to pull information from three different database tables and compiling the information onto one screen, to do this i am using three different connections and a function to handle the data at each stage. The issue is as my code hits PageLoadStage of "2" and runs the QueryDatabase() Function i am encountering an error of: "OleDB exception unhandled: No value given for one or more of the required parameters." This occurs on line 15 of the first code snippet. Can anyone explain this and/or identify any code issues if that is the cause.


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Method Which Check If A Certain DSN Exists Then If It Does Extract Information And Use Information For Connection Purposes

Feb 2, 2011

I was looking for some stuff online, and i was looking through my reference sheets for, but it seems in the code i have found, there is declare in methods. Below is an example i am talking about. The thing is, that i dont recognize it and believe that it is an earlier version of Visual Basic ( 6 or earlier) which used it. Should i just keep looking for different code?

Public Declare Function RegOpenKey Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegOpenKeyA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal _
lpSubKey As String, phkResult As Long) As Long

Goal: Find information on how to implement a method which will check if a certain DSN exists, and then if it does, extract the information and use the information for connection purposes.

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Able To Stop User From Entering Other Information Until Enter Right Information In The Textbox

May 24, 2012

I have a text box where i am entering numbers of double datatype andon the Keytdown event of the textbox some checks take pace and in certain circumstances I want to be able to stop the user from entering other information until they enter the right information in the textbox (where it says right here) . now when I say exit sub the textbox somehow loses focus . but this is not how I want it to be I want the textbox to remain with the focus so the user can change the information . How can i go about this. And the other thing is why is my txtDestPayRate1.Focus() just befor the exit sub not working?

Private Sub txtDestPayRate1_KeyDown1(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles txtDestPayRate1.KeyDown

If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then


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Possble To Get All Printer Information 'with Click Of A Button' To Print All Information

Dec 3, 2009

I am designing a backup/restore utility for work.atm i have been able to populate field for PC name, IP address, MAC address, number of printers installed on the PC but i am wondering is it possble to get all the printer information 'with the click of a button' to print all information like the prnmngr.vbs script down.I am able to run a batch file but i wanna get it to go from that app or even embed to batch file to the app and run it form there .

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Retrieve Information From A Binary File, Alter That Information, And Put It Back Into A New File?

Aug 27, 2009

I am using VB2005 and trying to put an application together.What it needs to do is retrieve information from a binary file, possibly alter that information, and put it back into a new file.The file is a .wav file with data appened to the end. There is an additional section at the end of the .wav file which stores xml data.I have found that if I open this in a hex editor and make a 1:1 swap on any of the bytes that the application that the file is for can still read the XML.If I tried to add or remove characters from the XML then it would not read. I located a header byte and incremented it to resolve this.

This worked as an excellent bandage to do conversions where the data always needed to be changed to the same thing.What I have been asked to do is build logic that allows for different things to happen depending upon what data is contained within the file.The method that I am currently trying to impliment is:

Read through the file with a

Searche for a bytestream that will signal data is coming

For example:

If System.IO.File.Exists("C: est estread.wav") Then
Dim findit() As Integer = New Integer() {&H3C, &H55, &H73, &H72, &H44, &H65, &H66, &H30, &H31, &H30}
Dim i As Integer[code].....

And then extract all the data till the end of element marker "<" It seemed like there should be a better way and I was looking for some insight. If I proceed with this method, I will have to read the file one time to gather the information and then a second time to write it all out with the header modified for length.This is my first experiene with working with binary files in this way.Also,I've been experiementing with building a string and slapping it back in at the end using the binarywriter.write(string) method.I noticed that it was putting in header characters before the string.These seem to change if I change the length of the string.At one point it was d0 07. Later it became e7 07. Does anyone know of a way to prevent this header from being inserted?

I tried a for each loop to grab all of the characters from the string, convert them to a byte array and deposit the byte array into the file, but the header remained the same. When I write the byte array generated from a I do not get this header.

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MySQL Count Rows Count Rows And Gain Access To Other Information In A Row Based On Provoided Information

Oct 8, 2009

I have a fair bit of experience with VB.NET and C# (In this case I chose VB.NET, blame my laziness), but I do most of my professional work using PHP. I have no experience what so ever in using any database with VB.NET let alone MySQL.Just FYI, at the moment I am only trying to Query the database to gather the information required to activate. The Activation wizard and algorithm building (which is finished anyway), and everything else will come soon. I chose the MySQL database because I have experience with it, and it seems the best option for remote usage.The whole idea already works in PHP, I'm just have major issues moving it accross into VB.NET (Using the MySQL Connector.NET);I understand the basics, and all I need to know how to do is Count Rows and gain access to the other information in a row based on provoided information (in PHP, through mysql_ result)

So, here goes nothing, this is the Query code I am using in PHP to complete the job I want to do in VB.NET. [code] As you can see, I basically need to get the PHP code into VB.NET to fit into the 'btnQueryDB.Click' Command in VB.NET. By Equivalent, the Product ID in VB.NET will come from 'txtPID' and similar, Serial Number will come from txtSNUM. Once counted to be 1, the Activation Code and Status will be fed into 2 other text boxes in the form. (acCode, and acStatus).

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Get AD Information From VB?

Aug 30, 2011

I am slowly getting used to VB coding using VB 2010 Express. I am trying to develop a WinForms application to access AD and get a list of computers in a particular OU. Is there any short reading material that will educate me on how to interact with AD from VB code? I have added "Imports System.DirectoryServices" and "Imports System.Net" headers to my code but don't know which functions/api to use.

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Getting Information Out Of A Ds A Different Way?

Jun 30, 2011

Quick question, im making a simple application that will store all my passwords and logins for different accounts i have i.e hotmail, facebook etc the way i found is working but surely there is a much simpler way to do this, because at the moment im calling a select statement passing in a parameter and getting a result back which is fine, but the way im getting the information out of the DS doesnt look right, in that way i mean i have seen it done simpler ways then what im using and unfortunatly i cant find the tutorial i was looking at but this is my code.

Dim Login As String = dss.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item(0)Dim Password As String = dss.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item(1)Again there is another way of naming the coloums you want im sure, because if i was to change the SQL table later on then that change will effect this application.

So what i would like to know is how can i name a coloum i want to use, the SQL table consists of 3 coloumns 1. UserAccount 2. Password 3.Date Created.

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DataGridView Input Validation - Certain Column On Datagridview Should Accept Integers Only, Otherwise, It Will Return A Messagebox

Jun 5, 2011

Some codes here on how could I validate my datagridview? I mean, a certain column on my datagridview should accept integers only, otherwise, it will return a messagebox. Kindly include on which event it should be posted.

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