Assign Index On Combobox/Listbox?

Jun 15, 2009

Trying to learn VB 2005. So my questions might tend to use the logic from VBA/VB6.

So, my question is, is it possible to assign indexes on the listbox/combobox? What I have is an ID and a Description from a table and would like to display it on listbox/combobox to allow user to choose from by looking for required description. When selected the ID will be used to search for other information related to this ID.

I manage to display the description but how to assign the IDs?

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Assign Values To .Net Property Array With Index Implied?

Mar 23, 2011

Is it possible to (or how can I) assign values to a class property array like this:

MyImgClass.RGB = (255,255,255)

I'm not sure how to build my Public Property setter to allow this, if it's possible at all.

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Pass Listbox Index To Another Listbox To Insert Value Via Inputbox Or Another Form?

Sep 20, 2011

what it does iswhen a user checks an item in the checked list box it transfer it to a listboxso i have a checked list box and a listboxi am planning to put another listboxwhat i would like to be able to do is thatwhen the user checks an item on the checked list box it will transfer the item into the listbox [like the one on my previous thread]and be able to show an messagebox with a textbox [ i read its called an input box ] or another form with a textbox and/or combo box will pop up

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Index Error "InvalidArgument=Value Of '2' Is Not Valid For Index" For ListBox

Oct 16, 2011

Im just going to have to get used to this language for the rest of the semester And smohd, I will get back to you with my problem. That "Me..." control is so random. Not like JAVA Why am I getting an error with totalGrade


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Assign The Value Of A Combobox To A Variable?

Jul 18, 2012

i would like to assign the value of a combobox to a variable and use this variable as a parameter on the insert statement.see code below,code 1 works ok,but code 2 brings an error relating to wrong datatype,i cant seem to find where the problem because i think i am doing everything right.


i would like code 2 to work so that i can assign the variables different values at different scenarios. column serialno is a foreign key from table Stock.

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DB/Reporting :: Assign A Value To Combobox?

Mar 26, 2008

I have Combobox "Combo5" with a string value selected by the user.

How would I assign that selected value to another variable that I want to use later on or how od I refer to a combobox value that is currently selected?

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Assign Combobox.selectedvalue To A Variable?

Jul 31, 2009

I would like to assign cboBegCust.SelectedValue to c and cboEndCust.SelectedValue to d

Dim c, d As String
cboBegCust.SelectedValue = "customer"
cboEndCust.SelectedValue = "customer"


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On Combobox How To Assign Variable To Those Stings?

Mar 30, 2012

On Combobox how do I assign variable to those stings?

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Assign A Value From A Listbox To A Textbox?

Feb 29, 2012

I have an application in VB.Net that displays the results of a math operation to a listbox. For example I have the 12345 + 12345 = 24690. What I'm trying to do is to have the first 2 numbers (12345 and 12345) copied to 2 different textboxes when listbox item is selected. Here's the code I have so far:

'Make sure that we have a selected item before continuing
If listBox1.SelectedIndex = -1 Then


During runtime it only works with index 1 when it gets selected. I have 10 records being displayed (0 to 9). None of other indexes are being shown at the textboxes.

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Assign Value To Listbox Items?

Aug 13, 2011

So, I'm working with Betfair API and I'm trying to use a listbox to display some data, for those who are familiar with it, it's the markets names.

I'm using this code and it's working great so far:

Sub Markets()
Dim oMarketsReq As New BFUK.GetAllMarketsReq
Dim oMarketsResp As BFUK.GetAllMarketsResp
With oMarketsReq


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Assign A Datasource To A ComboBox Control During Runtime?

Feb 16, 2012

I'm trying to assign a datasource to a ComboBox control during runtime. When I do so, I get the attached message. Here is my

cmbAddressDesc.DataSource = dbDataSet4.tblAddressCodes.addrDescColumn

dbDataSet4 is a typed dataset. I want to learn how to use an Interface. The error message is suggesting using an IList. How would I do this. I'm having trouble finding good documentation on this.

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Get A List Of Users On My Computer And Assign Them To A Combobox?

Nov 1, 2009

How can I get a list of users on my computer and assign them to a combobox?

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VS 2010 Assign Multiple Values To Combobox

Aug 1, 2010

i have a combobox and wish to assign multiple values if possible, eg is i select WESTERN EUROPE i would like the values to be: western europe OR western-europe AND Generic as the combobox is used to search for these strings within a listview (which is working fine for the combobox1.text but the listview sometimes has "western Europe" as "western-europe" and does not find it.


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Assign Data Source To ListBox?

Jan 16, 2012

assign data source to listbox. These are my codes. The codes generated error in retrieving data to listbox.

Button2_Click(sender As


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Cannot Assign Selectedindex To A Databound Listbox If It Has No Parent?

Mar 22, 2012

It appears that I cannot assign the selectedindex for a databound listbox if it has no parent, but I can do so if I have populated the list "manually" from the same datatable. In my code example, the "if" line toggles between loading a list via data binding and loading a list "manually" (both use the same data table). In each case I attempt to set the selected index afterwards. With manual loading, the selected index is set; with data binding, an error is thrown (which can be avoided by assigning the listbox a parent, but the "manual" equivalent doesn't need this). Is this a bug?


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Assign Values To ComboBox Items From MySQL DB Loop Adds?

Apr 20, 2012

So I am able to get the comboBox populated with the proper list of "clientLocations".

However they all have a valueMember of 0; thus the issue at hand is properly assigning the value of the comboBox items to the database column (which is returned in the dataset) rather than just the name.

Private Sub updateClientLocationComboBox()
'clear list


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Assign Context Menu Strip To Listbox Item?

Aug 30, 2009

How can I assign a context menu strip to a listbox item and not the listbox itself?

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Assign Icon To User According To Gender - Show In ListBox

Jun 7, 2012

I can't seem to find a way to accomplish this task - I would like to be able to show a List of usernames with a female or male "icon", depending on the Application Settings the user selects. I have the following properties listed in my Application settings:


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Split A Listbox And Assign To A Variable In Order To Save To MS Access?

Mar 15, 2012

I have a listbox that contains 10 records as the follow:

1 + 1 = 2
1 - 1 = 0
2 / 1 = 1


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Get A ComboBox To Remove The 6th String In The ComboBox Or An Index Of (5) But It Doesn't Remove It?

Feb 22, 2009

I'm trying to get a ComboBox to remove the 6th string in the ComboBox or an index of (5) but it doesn't remove it here is the function I am using:

if ComboBox1.items.count = 6 then
End If

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Keep Listbox.index At 0 When Not Being Used?

Oct 17, 2011

This is my first post, but I plan on becoming part of the community now that i'm in a Class. I've been searching through all of my notes and power-points to try and answer this simple question I have a program that contains two radio buttons ( Residential and Business) and two list boxes (Premium Channels and Connections) I need to make it so that when the radio button Residential (radResidential) is selected the listbox selectedindex (lstConnections) stays at 0 ?


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Way To Set Index Of A Listbox To A New Value

Mar 11, 2010

I have been looking over some old vb 6 code and I noticed that there was a way to set the index of a listbox to a new value. For instance, if you wanted to populate a listbox with items from a database you could assign an id value from the table as the index value so that it is easier to relate back to the database. Does anyone know if and how to do this in

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Find Index Of Value Member In Combobox?

Aug 11, 2010

How should i find the index of the value member in an combobox?

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VS 2005 Set The Combobox Index Based On Value

Aug 15, 2010

How should i set the combobox selected index based on the "value". The following is the sample code. I am getting an error on the button click event.


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VS 2008 Combobox Index Changes Timer?

Jan 28, 2011

I have a comobox and a timer.

im trying to make it so the index of the combobox is "for example"


each number will change the timer
1 = 1000
2 = 2000
3 = 3000

and then the code will be something like If comobox1.text = "1" then timer1.interval = 1000
end if

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VS 2008 Combobox Selected Index?

May 16, 2010

im having a problem regard combobox selected index.the combobox wont change its index when i type a text that is the same with one of the items and pressing tab. when i check its selected index its -1. ill give an example to make it simple..combobox items = AB, AC, AD i entered "AB" by simply typing it not by selecting in the dropdown.its index is -1, how can i make the index the same with the items in the drop down?

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VS 2008 Getting The Index Value Of A Combobox In A DataGridView?

Sep 25, 2009

I have a column in a datagridview that is a combobox with 4 items in it. I can use this code to see the text value of the selected item:

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Find An Index In A Listbox?

Jan 8, 2012

Whenever I try to find an index in a listbox, i get the answer as's my code.


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Get Item Of Specified Index From ListBox

Mar 18, 2011

How can I get an item of a specified index form listbox in a messagebox without selecting any item in listbox.

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Combobox Index Change On Form Close?

Dec 16, 2010

I have a combo boxthat holds a list of values that are a custom object and when a value is selected a few text boxes are loaded with data. I use the SelectedIndexChanged Event. Works wonderfully.I noticed that this even is also called when a user clicks the 'x' to close the form. I just wanted to understand the logic behind that. I get that the technically index is changing since the cbobox value is being set to nothing, but to me that just seems a little inefficient.

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