Display Command Results In A Textbox?

Jun 6, 2011

I am working on a simple program called "Who's Connected?" where it runs a command (netstat -aon) and then displays the results in a multi-lined textbox. However, when I press the button that will run the command, it tells me that it can't convert the string to an integer or something. And when I did manage to get it to convert to an integer, it really showed an integer in the textbox instead of the connections and IP addresses. What do I do? Here is the code I have: Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click 'Running command and displaying results in textbox1 TextBox1.Text = CStr(Shell("netstat -aon"))'Results end up being a triple or quadruple digit number End Sub

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Display Queried Results In Textbox Where Criteria In Another Textbox 1 Form

Jun 21, 2010

I have a database I am creating with about 50 users over a network. There are about 6 groups of users and these users are spread across 10 branches. I want to block/allow users from particular forms and views. For example I want branch users forms to be filtered by their branch number but depending on the group they are in they can only see some forms. i.e. 50 users, 10 branches, each branch has about 5 ppl of where 1 is in group A and 4 are in group B. I want all users that belong to branch 1 to see the information they enter, but Group B enter data but cannot approved or delete, and group A can enter, approve and delete. So then. On my login form I have the user type his/her username but the i want LEAVE function to update 2 textbox where I have named GroupName and BranchNo. Basically to run a query and look for the username and return in one textbox that user's groupname and the other textbox the user's branch no. This information will be used to filter forms and block the user from certain controls. This is the code I have so far but still can't figure how to display the results.

Private Sub UsernameTextBox_Leave(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles UsernameTextBox.Leave
'Make Connection to database


It keeps highlighting the BranchNumber and UserGroup and giving error "Value of type 'String' cannot be converted to System.Data.OledbCommand

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VS 2008 Redirected Results Of Command Prompt To A Multi-line Textbox

Jan 31, 2010

I have redirected the results of the command prompt to a multi-line textbox and i want to get the line number of the error. [code] how would i get the line numbers? it should get 90,92,95.

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Display Search Results In Textbox And Labels?

Jul 1, 2009

How can i display search results on textbox etc. like i have wrote code for searching and then it selects values as per search but later how can i display those values on textbox , i have no any idea about how to do this, i usualy use databinding but in this case i dont think i can use databinding

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Display Calculated Results Of Textbox Values Into Summary?

Apr 3, 2012

I'm trying to learn vb .net. Below is my code, and all I want to do is display the calculated results in a summary. Whether it be a message box or a different form it really doesn't matter.

Public Class Form1
'Global Declarations.
Const STEREOSYSTEM_Decimal As Decimal = 425.76D
Const LEATHERINTIERIOR_Decimal As Decimal = 987.41D
Const COMPUTERNAVIGATION_Decimal As Decimal = 1741.23D
[Code] .....

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Use An Entry In A TextBox To Display Results In A DataGridView VS 2010 VB?

Apr 15, 2011

I have a single form in Visual Studio 2010...in that form...

TextBox = txtSearch
Button = cmdSearch
DataGridView = GridView1
GridView1 is bound to a View, tblAccounts.

tblAccounts includes multiple columns, including a text field for 'AccountName'...this name can be in one of two columns.I'm trying have a user enter any part of an AccountName in txtSearch, click cmdSearch, and return all matches in tblAccounts to GridView1.

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Vb Wpf Database Applicationwin - Name Entered By The User From A Textbox And Display Query Results In A List Box

Apr 10, 2009

How do you carry out a query from a criteria e.g name entered by the user from a textbox. and then display the query results in a list box..

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Display A Popup Textbox When A User Hits The Edit Command Button

May 4, 2009

I would like some info on how to do a procedure. In my program when a user hits the Edit Command button I would like for the program to display a popup Textbox where he/she can input data and store it. Then the data will be linked to the comments box, once the user hits the save button. Also the popup textbox disappears after the user is done entering the data.

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Program - Results For The Quit Command Input Of -999 But Rather Just To Quit Without The Results?

Jul 22, 2009

How can I make this program not to give me the results for the quit command input of -999 but rather just to quit without the results?

Sub Main()

Dim TempIncelsius As Double
Dim TempInput As Double
Dim Formula As Double


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Different Command Execution Results On Different Workstations?

Feb 6, 2009

I have a client application that has been in use on about 14 workstations for nearly a year now. on the admin side the old app works correctly but the new one comes up with an error stating a column (Job_ID auto increment primary key) in the database does not exist when inserting a new job record yet it still adds the job to the database. all information is correct. The estimation side does not come up with this error and all computers in both departments run the same exact application installed from the same disk. all issues seem to be related to the jobs table only. But the same workstations with the column not existing error on admin side have a different setup on the network and will not allow a desktop icon to be created by the new application or manually.

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Powershell Piping Results From One Command To Another

Dec 8, 2010

I currently have an ASP.NET programming creating a Powershell CmdLet to create a mailbox in exchange. The issue I'm having is sometimes is fails to create the mailbox because "it can't find" the exchange database I am specifying. So what I'm trying to do is run a Get-Mailbox and then pipe the results to an Enable-Mailbox command. Below is the code I am using to do it:


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List Results From Command Line In Listbox

Mar 29, 2011

I am trying to develop an application and am still learning VB. I have a commandline that will list some applications that I need to make selectable to run certain processes based on what is selected. I have already found the MSDN stuff on using the RedirectStandardOutput class to add to streamwriter. What I need to do is read each line and add to a listbox so that the user can select each application. How to read each line of the stream and add to a listbox.

Here is that code.
' Define the namespaces used by this sample.
Imports System
Imports System.Text
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Diagnostics
[Code] .....

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VS 2008 Command Prompt Results To A Richtextbox?

Jan 4, 2010

1. Is their a way that i can capture the command prompt results and place it in a richtextbox?

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Cryptography - Command Line Argument To Compare The MD5 Results

Jun 11, 2009

I have a file called Test.txt with a one line of String equal to 'This is String', and I've created a command line argument to compare the MD5 results, why am I not getting a match?


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Connection Is Busy With Results For Other Command Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider For SQL Server

May 21, 2010

I use the following code in a webservice to fill a SQL 2008 database.


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Display SQL Results In MsgBox?

Mar 12, 2012

I need to ba able to display the results from sql into a MsgBox and have the option Yes/No.

My SQl is : SELECT account FROM Ta Where cost=0.

this will return about 10-15 rows, i need to see te accounts with o cost befor i continue.

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Display Results In Listbox

Mar 17, 2010

[code]I have a listbox, 4 radio buttons,a textbox and a button. I want the user to type in a number into the textbox, click on 1 radio button(multiplication) and then click on the button to show the number entered into the textbox multiplied up to 3 times. [code]

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How To Display Fibonacci Results

Mar 2, 2009

I can get the results if I plug a number in for i, but I get them as a string for some reason.
Private Sub displayButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles displayButton.Click
'display Fibonacci results
Dim fib(10) As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim fibn As String

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Using A WCF To Display Database Results?

May 21, 2009

I am using a WCF to connect to my database. I have the code below, I am trying to select all the details from the database where the customernumber = what the user has entered on the form.However, I cannot return a dataset to the form as it sends in a string.

Imports System.ServiceModel
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb


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Way To Display Search Results

Jul 14, 2011

I'd like to add a generic search feature to my WinForm application (Visual Studio 2010). I want the users to type in a value (for instance john), and then display a list of any company, contact, or student records that contain the search value in the name[code]...

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Display Query Results From SQL Server In VB?

Apr 8, 2012

I am trying to display query results from SQL server in VB. I wrote following code, but not getting how to "Just display the results";


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Display Results In A Chart Control?

Jun 6, 2011

I'm trying to present results on an aspx web page where a store procedure parameter is defined by a dropdown list control on the page. I have followed this guide from Microsoft and have my resultset presented in a DataGrid view. But I cannot seem to adapt it to present the resultset in a chart.

As you can see from my VB code below, I thought it would simply be a case of adapting the GridView databind to a Chart. I have tried various other options, and have successfully generated my data in a chart using a hard-coded parameter in an SQL statement on the ASP page. But when it comes to using the control, I get an empty chart.

Below is what I have so far.

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Report
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page


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Display Results In Message Boxes?

Mar 25, 2012

I have an assignment where Im supposed to make a compound calculator which displays interest earned each year (e.g. next 10 years) as well as the total amount for those years. Im having difficulties in writing the code for the calculation.I know the formula and how it works but Im not entirely sure how to use it in VB

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Display Search Results From Combo Box?

May 9, 2011

I'm trying to creat a search form so far ive looked EVERY wher with no luck ive been doing this for a week now ands its really ratteling me that i cant do it.

So i want to populate a combo box with data from my database in access and ive been able to do this ill show the code below, but then i want to be able to click someones name for example "Christopher" and once i click "christopher" i want the textbox's on the form to be filled with the correct information eg address age phone number[code]...

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Display Search Results In A New Form?

Apr 13, 2011

I'm using visual studio 2010 and sql server 2005 to store my data. I'm creating a system that will allow me to find/search for records that are stored within the database. Thing is, i have 2 separate forms for this - one is the find/search page which allows you to enter in as many fields as you want (the more you enter, the more efficient the search is) and the second one is the find/search results page which will show the results from the search.

I'm not using a datagrid as i've already created these forms myself. I'm on a tight schedule because i've spent so much time already trying to get this to work. Do i need to create another dataset and tableadapter and bind the text boxes? how will i code the find/search button so the search will be carried out and the results will appear in the other form?

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Search File And Display Results?

Jan 8, 2012

I'm trying to make a form where the user enters a customers account info and then saves it to a file. the user should then be able to search for a customer by their last name and when it is found it display the customers info[code]...

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Use Query Wizard And Display Results?

Jan 19, 2010

1. How to produce querry results within the application by user input. ( I want to acheive a similar function to querry in MS Access.

2. How to produce results in a form application from a preassigned querry triggered by a button click event.

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Using Arrays To Display Poll Results ?

Nov 18, 2011


I removed line numbers from your code, So now it is line 22. Dont put line numbers, they are auto generated frequency(responses(answer)) += 1

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Change Display Of Query Results In Text Box

Jan 19, 2011

ill get the obviuose out of the way. I have XP Pro, VB2010, query(read only) to an ODBC db, displaying several results in a text box. How can I make the data display w/o the the numbers displaing decimal places. These are quantities that are to be displayed not pricing, ie. the result would say 7.0000 qty on hand, and it should say 7 on hand. The code is below,


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Display Current Results In Text File?

Apr 5, 2010

How can I display only the most current results from a text file? I have a button the user can click that needs to display only the most current results from the text file.

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