Eliminate Duplicate Random Numbers?

Nov 25, 2011

So basically I'm making a BINGO game on vb 2008 and i have a "call number" button. The letter and numbers get added to a list box each time. But i do not want the same number to be called. Is there a way that the program can read the items in the list box and not generate (Randomly) the same value again to be displayed in the label.This is what i have:

Callnum = Int(75 * Rnd() + 1)
lstNumbersCalled.Items.Add(lblCallLetter.Text & " " & Callnum)


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Eliminate Duplicate Random Numbers For A BINGO Game?

Nov 24, 2011

how to eliminate duplicate random numbers displayed in labels ( a column of 5 labels). This is for a BINGO game i am doing. I have tried a Do .. Loop until structure with a for next but i am not sure how to proceed:

For NumB = 0 To 4
B(NumB) = Int(15 * Rnd() + 1)
itemarrayB(NumB).Text = B(NumB)
Loop Until

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VS 2008 Eliminate Duplicate Numbers From Appearing In ListBox?

Nov 25, 2011

I am making a Bingo game. I have a button which keeps on calling numbers which are then added to a list box. How do i make it that the numbers called don't repeat (get displayed in the "number called" label). Is there a way to use items already added in the list box to eliminate duplicate numbers.

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Generate 6 Unique Random Numbers - Sometimes Get Duplicate Numbers ?

Oct 6, 2011

The program must generate 6 unique random numbers but when I click display numbers sometimes it gives me 6 unique numbers and sometimes I get duplicate numbers. I will add the code I have so far.

Public Class frmMain

Private Sub btnExit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click


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Duplicate Random Generated Numbers?

Mar 7, 2012

I have a code that generates random code using a set of letters. One for a random pin and another for a random code. I can loop the generation of my codes depending on the input. When I try to generate 1 to 3 set of codes it works fine. but if it's 4 and above. I always get a duplicate set of random numbers. I don't what wrong. My code for generating my codes are in vb.net and be passed to a stored procedure for inventory.

Button event:
Protected Sub genCodeBtn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles genCodeBtn.Click
connection = accDB.databaseConnect()


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Random Numbers With Duplicate Values

Mar 9, 2010

Get Random value with no duplicate


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Find Duplicate Random Numbers In An Array And Replace With New?

Feb 9, 2012

How can I check an array for duplicate random numbers and replace the duplicates with new random numbers?[code]...

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VS 2008 Eliminate Duplicate Characters

Sep 5, 2010

I have a text box where I only want to be able to enter each character once, so no AA or 99, only one of each character. This is so I can paste into the field, but where any duplicates would be eliminated. I've tried using this code, but am not sure where I go wrong.


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Visual Basic 2008 Retrieve Specific Data From Ms Acces To Eliminate Duplicate Records?

Sep 11, 2009

I'm doing a simple database thru VS2008 and Msaccess without using any builtin relationship between records, now i need to know how i can retrieve specific data from access using the oledbadapter or any, example seek if the value from the textbox1.text is already existing in msaccess table then msgbox "Record already exists.", note that the code is in keypress event of the textbox1.

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Bug In VB 2010 RC - Class Random - Always Produces The Same Random Numbers In The Same Sequence

Apr 4, 2010

The class Random is out right defective. It always produces the same random numbers in the same sequence. Things I have tried so far is every kind of seed you can think of as well as Randomize. The result is that I always get the same random numbers in exactly the same sequence.

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Use .next (random Numbers) To Randomly Select Something From A List Of Numbers But It Can't Repeat The Number?

Aug 16, 2009

So how would I use .next (random numbers) to randomly select something from a list of numbers but it can't repeat the number?I could do:

dim num as integer
dim r as new random
num = r.next(1,5)
if num = 1 then
elseif num = 2 then

That wouldn't work because it would repeat.If I donwload someone's game can I disect it in VS? :0 I tried going to open project, then I went to the folder and clicked open. It brought me inside of the folder so I tried to open the game but there is no form1 there. It says the games name then .exe in the explorer-like thing in the top right?Also, how would I have a value or something in a label and access it from a button.

Example:This is in a label.

Dim number as Integer
number = 0

Then in the button do

Label.number = 0

How would I do something like that? I want to use that a lot as I did in a different language.

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Get Random Value With No Duplicate?

Feb 27, 2010

I use this code in which i want different value of i (no duplicate). . but this code return some duplicate value of [code]...

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Random Number Without Duplicate?

Oct 28, 2010

MSDN not been very useful. Numbers must always be 1/6 Can't afford to have a duplicate come up in a row.

Private Sub toggleButtonVisibleState(ByVal send As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim RandomClass As New Random()
Dim RandomNumber As Integer
RandomNumber = RandomClass.Next(1, 6)


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Random Numbers And Random Strings

Nov 24, 2009

I don't take programming lessons at school or anything, and I'm starting to (try to) teach myself about random things.Currently I'm making an app that has 3 functions:

-Random Integer (1 to 100)
-Random Answer (Yes or No, similar to a coin flip)
-Random Dice Roll (1 to 6)

How would I go about doing this?At the moment all I know about random numbers etc. is that I will need to do something along the lines of Dim dice As New Random or something like that, but, like I mentioned, I have no idea.I am well aware of the DIC rules that you won't write the code for me/do my "homework(?)" for me, and that's not what I'm asking.

View 2 Replies

10-100 Duplicate Elimination : How To Use A Dim Numbers() As Integer

Oct 5, 2011

how to use a Dim numbers() As Integer thats bout it here is my problem that iam facing :Use a one-dimensional array to solve the following problem: Read in 20 numbers, each of which is between 10 and 100, inclusive. As Each number is read, print it only if it is not a duplicate of a number already read. provide the "worst case" (in which all 20 numbers are different). use the smallest possible array to solve this problem.

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Find Duplicate Numbers From An Array?

Sep 22, 2009

I am having trouble in finding duplicate numbers in an array.the first one is to create an array with duplicates and then display the number that has been duplicated and how many times it has been duplicated.

Here is my uncompleted code:

Dim arry(4) As Double
arry(0) = 4
arry(1) = 44


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Lowest To Highest And Duplicate Numbers

Jun 9, 2011

label10 displays which is the highest number
label12 displays which is the lowest number
label14 displays which is the number that is duplicated

My codes don't run 100% correct.:'(
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Label6.Text = Val(TextBox1.Text)
Label7.Text = Val(TextBox2.Text)
Label8.Text = Val(TextBox3.Text)
[Code] .....

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Removing Duplicate Numbers In Listbox?

Jun 10, 2011

I have been working on a pythagorean theorem calculator and am actually stuck on the final bit of code. What I am trying to do is check the values (integers) inside a listbox, remove duplicate number (both values), and input one of the values into a textbox.

Here is an example of what I am doing:



When the program runs, check listbox value #1 and listbox value #2, if listbox value #1 and #2 match (2 & 2), input that value (not both duplicates) into a variable, remove both of the duplicate values, continue checking the rest of the values, and finally multiply the leftover values. I am sure that sounds confusing. Here is what the final output will look like



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Divide Two Numbers Together And They Should Be 2 Random Numbers From 1-12?

Jan 10, 2010

Basically, I want to divide two numbers together and they should be 2 random numbers from 1-12 (I have done that part) but, the answer should be a whole number (i.e. Integer, so no decimal points etc) So, I did the following:

' Initialize the random-number generator.
' Generate random value between 1 and 12.
Dim value5 As Integer = CInt(Int((12 * Rnd()) + 1))


but the problem here is that the program crashes after only a few clicks on the button. So I guess the question is: How can I make the program generate two numbers (from 1-12) that when divided become a whole number?(Is there any code that may tell the random generator that I want the numbers to be even?-so all even numbers from 1-12?)

View 2 Replies

Loop To Search For Duplicate Numbers Within A Column In A Database?

Nov 28, 2011

i have wrote a loop to search for duplicate numbers within a column in a database which i have got fine but when i find a duplicate i would like to get the all of the row so if 33 was a duplicate i would like to get the following row.


I have tried to do this buy use something i saw on msnd's website:

Dim foundRow() As Data.DataRow = customerDS.Tables("Details").Select("HNCNO Like '33%'")

However if i change the line to notice the i beside the like

Dim foundRow() As Data.DataRow = customerDS.Tables("Details").Select("HNCNO Like 'i%'")

but i get Index was outside the bounds of the array. Ok i know that means that there is nothing in my array. What i would like is to find the duplicate row associated i. you will probably understand me better when you see the code.

Private Sub checkRowsForDups()
Dim customerDS As DataSet
Dim dupArray As New ArrayList


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Visual Studio - Detect Duplicate Numbers On Array?

Sep 9, 2011

I have this project that let user inputs 5 different numbers from 1 to 50. But I want to validate it before saving to DB that i will be 5 unique numbers.

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Get 7 Different Random Numbers?

Jul 3, 2009

i want to know how to generate 7 "differents" random numbers.

I need to use a tab() with 7 entries and verify(with a loop?) if the generated number is or not present in the the table, if not then increment a counter by 1 and add the number in the table and increment the table position by 1 for the next randomized number.

Im not sure how to do the verification, so far all i have is a function i made for the random number between min and max:

Private Function randGen(ByVal min As Integer, ByVal max As Integer)
Dim random As New Random()
Dim i As Integer


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Get Random Numbers Between 0 To 100 ?

Jul 11, 2009

I want to get random numbers between 0 to 100..But i do not want the random number to be repeated.

Private Sub Form2_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim objRand As New Random
objRand.Next(0, 100)
End Sub

Suppose first time random numb generated is 10..Next time if same random number is generated,den i want to get the other random number..I want to get all the numbers b/w 1 to 100..but only one time

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Get Random Numbers Between 0 To 100?

Jul 11, 2009

I want to get random numbers between 0 to 100..But i do not want the random number to be repeated.

Private Sub Form2_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim objRand As New Random
objRand.Next(0, 100)
End Sub

Suppose first time random numb generated is 10..Next time if same random number is generated,den i want to get the other random number. I want to get all the numbers b/w 1 to 100..but only one time

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Random A Numbers About 20 Second

Jun 25, 2010

I want to random a numbers about 20 second. how to write the code


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Add Random Numbers To Listbox?

Jul 19, 2011

i need to add random numbers in list box like


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Add Random Numbers To Messagebox?

Jun 21, 2010

i am trying to create a messagebox which brings up four random percentages which add unto 100%, i can create the messagebox with[code]messagebox.show ("") {icode]

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Application That Needs Several Random Numbers?

Jul 14, 2011

I am writing an application that needs several random numbers. Each time I use the Rnd() function, do I need to precede it with the Randomize() initializer?Or can I just use Randomize() once at the beginning of the code?Examples: Do I need to do it this way?


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Generate 10 Random Numbers Between 1 And 52?

May 1, 2012

'm attempting a program and need to generate 10 random numbers between 1 and 52. However all the numbers must be different. I'm trying this in a For Loop. I'm not terribly amazing at this so all I have so far is:

Dim B, I, J, max, min, card() As Interger
max = 52
min = 1


What am I doing wrong and what is the ultimately simple solution I know the internet can provide for me?

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Generate Numbers At Random

Jan 9, 2010

This code is in VB6.0I have 28 numbers in sequence (eg 1-28), they are randomly generated and displayed in a label. I dont want a duplicate number displayed in the label. Pls how do I do this. Below is how I generate numbers at random. Now I want to make sure there is no duplicate number displayed in the label.[code]

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