Error While Copying File On Remote Server With Server Path

Jun 6, 2012

I am trying to copy upload files to remote server i get below exception.[code]...

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VS 2010 The Remote Server Returned An Error: (500) Internal Server Error?

Dec 5, 2010

posted again but this time its regarding both the webclient and the web reuqest giving me this error :S

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VS 2005 Remote Server Returned An Error:(503) Server Not Available

Feb 19, 2010

the remote server returned an error: (503) server not available m getting this error...wen i m trying to extract email id from a webpage...

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Using .net 2005 - FtpWebRequest For ListDirectory Always Gets 550 Error The Remote Server Returned An Error: (550) File Unavailable

Jan 11, 2011

Using 2005 - FtpWebRequest for ListDirectory always gets 550 error The remote server returned an error: (550) File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access).

On both FTPListDirRequest.Method = System.Net.WebRequestMethods.Ftp.ListDirectory

FTPListDirRequest.Method = System.Net.WebRequestMethods.Ftp.ListDirectoryDetails


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Remote Server Returned An Error:(503) Server Not Available?

Oct 27, 2011

remote server returned an error:(503) server not

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Path Of Windows On A Remote Server

Mar 2, 2009

how can I get the path of Windows on a remote server. I know that for the pc that is running the application I can do System.Runtime.Interop Services.RuntimeEnvironment.GetRuntimeDirectory but on a remote server, how can I do?

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File I/O And Registry :: FTP - Remote Server Returned Error (Command Unrecognized)

Sep 25, 2008

Does My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile work with FTP? When I attempt to use it, I get the exception: "The remote server returned an error: (500) Syntax error, command unrecognized."

Here's the code I'm using:
Dim UpdateAddress As String = "" & lbDownload.Items(X).ToString
My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile(UpdateAddress, BasicPath & lbDownload.Items(X).ToString, "", "", True, 10000, False, FileIO.UICancelOption.ThrowException)
The FTP server is IIS6.

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The Remote Server Returned An Error: (501) Syntax Error In Parameters Or Arguments?

Sep 2, 2009

I am trying to upload a file to Mainframe machine from my application. I am getting the following error.The remote server returned an error: (501) Syntax error in parameters or arguments


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Upgrade The Framework On The Server - When Run The .exe File From The Server,get A Runtime Error?

Jun 29, 2009

I have several programs that I wrote in Visual 2003 that I run from a server at work. We upgraded to Visual Studio 2008 recently and I converted my code to that version. I rebuilt the .exes and tried to run it from the server. It said I needed to upgrade the framework on the server, which I did. Now when I run the .exe file from the server I get a runtime error:

Runtime Error!
Program: d:...
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the applicaiton's support team for more information.

These programs are very important to the day-to-day operations of the company I work for. I did backup the software before converting it, so we're running normally right now, but there are modifications and upgrades I need to make as soon as possible, but cannot due to the programs crashing when I run the on the server.

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Develop An Application Which Can Connect Any Remote Server And Pick The Configuration Information From Server And Show It In Desktop?

Feb 10, 2010

I planing to develop an application which can connect any remote server and pick the configuration information from server and show it in my desktop.

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Get A 553 Error "The Remote Server Returned

May 26, 2012

I am writing a small ftp application for a friend and I'm not sure whats going on here. I'll try to be as descriptive as possible. I get a 553 error "The remote server returned an error: (553) File name not allowed." when I try to upload a file.


I added a msgbox to show me what the path to the server is and this is it.Click OK and it gives me the error above.So I changed the "ofd.Files.FileName to ofd.Files.SafeFileName My msgbox now shows this:Then VS throws en error saying it can't find the file in the projects debug folder so I move it there and run the program and it uploads. I noticed that in the first msgbox it has forward and backward slashes could that be my problem or is it something else?

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Remote Server Error: (405) Method Not Allowed

Jul 11, 2009

I am trying to fill a web form (hosted in a remote web site) from a VB NET 2.0 Application.The web form has a submit button, as usually, in order to start some process and then send the result to some emails accounts).[code]

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The Remote Server Returned An Error: (401) Unauthorized?

Jan 16, 2012

below is my code for posting a value in php code and get response...but I am have an error The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized

Dim post As String


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IDE :: Error - The Remote Server Returned An Error: (406) Not Acceptable

Jun 17, 2010

When I tried to read the data of a http link using, an error occur. The error is:The remote server returned an error: (406) Not Acceptable.This error is only occur for some links.

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Remote Server Returned An Error (503) Bad Sequence Of Commands

May 11, 2010

I attempting to download 6 files from my FTP site to a local server using VB 2008.After 1 or 2 files are downloaded I am geeting an error Bad sequence of commands.It appears the ftp connection is not closing then re-opening.[code]Then I change the file name. After the 2nd or 3rd file, I get the error message.How would I close the connection and reopen it without having to close the program?

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The Remote Server Returned An Error 417 Expectation Failed?

Jan 19, 2012

Why I am having error above? below is my code.

Dim postData As String = "username=acelle&password=acelle&login=Submit"


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VS 2008 FTP - Remote Server Returned An Error: (530) Not Logged In

Oct 19, 2009

I've made this script to read the lines from the txt. But when I try to login I just get this " The remote server returned an error: (530) Not logged in." Even I "logged in" at the link.

vb Private Sub Refresh_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Refresh.Tick

TextBox1.Text = GetWebSiteSource("ftp://<myusername>.<mypass>/<serverip>/<serverIP>%20port%2027016/Server%20Documents/log.txt")
Dim lines As New List(Of String)(IO.File.ReadAllLines(TextBox1.Text))
Tname1.Text = lines(0)


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Can't Remote Access To SQL Server In Server Machine

Jun 8, 2012

I want to build an application, which can remote access to SQL Server in Server Machine.I used to build one, and it also can access to SQL Server in other pc. But when i promote it to become a Server(to become a Domain Controller). My application has never access to SQL Server. I don't know what to do now?

remember: I want to build an application, which is accessing to SQL Server in Window Server(Client/Server Application).

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Retrieve Contacts Or Inbox : Getting The Remote Server Returned An Error: (403) Forbidden?

Feb 2, 2009

I am using Visual Basic (VS 2005) windows 2003 and Exchange 2003. Also I have developed WEBDAV functionality for retrieving messages from my exchange. Everything worked fine until they have asked me to move to 2007. I already know that Microsoft has de empasized Webdav but they say that they still supporting it.My problem is that every time I'm trying to retrieve contacts or inbox or whatever I getting The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden Below is a sample of my code

Dim sQuery As String
Dim SNList As System.Xml.XmlNodeList
Dim Email1List As System.Xml.XmlNodeList


I cannot find any examples written in Visual Basic for Exchange 2007. I want to start using the webservices but I cannot find any examples. Where can I find them ? Everything is written in C++ or C#.

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Renaming A File On Remote Server?

Jan 29, 2010

I have built this utility to upload/download files to an FTP server with a few options which will be taken from a command line. One of the options is going to be rename file. But this would be done on the remote side.

Basically, only tmp files will not be caught has hazardous on this FTP site during upload. So the file gets uploaded as tmp and will need to be renamed to .zip and vise-versa.

I know how to do this locally as it is not hard to use the moveto function, but how would I do this assuming, the ftp stream is already opened and read/write access is properly granted?

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Sending An XML File To A Remote Server

Feb 17, 2010

A certificate is required to complete client authentication.I am sending an XML file to a remote server.[code]

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Sql - File Structure As Seen By Remote Server Using VB.Net

Mar 26, 2012

If I want to use a FolderItem verb like 'Copy to folder', then I have to somehow supply the name of the folder to which I want the object copied. How is this done. I dont understand how msdn can be so minimal on examples. Not one mention is made about this scenario anywhere on that vast resource. Hope someone here encountered this before and has the answer.

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Delete File On Server From A File Path From A Sql Database File Path?

Feb 4, 2010

I am having a big problem with deleteing a file form the server. I have the filename for a image stored in my SQL database. the problem is i am getting an error of "Illegal characters in path. " Here is the code below:Everything is working fine until the delete command.

Protected Sub DeleteButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim tmpEquipID As String = Request("EquipID")
Dim tmpImageID As String = (CType(FormView1.FindControl("ImageIDLabel"), Label).Text)
Dim d As New equippicsDataContext


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Accessing / Downloading A File From A Remote Server Through FTP In ASP.NET Using VB

Apr 9, 2012

I have been struggling with this but to no avail. But I know I have to get this done. So have come here. I am making a new ASP.NET 'web application project'. I am using VB. The actual task is to access a couple of values from a remote ftp server and store them in variables. But there are a few concerns:


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Copy File From Client To Remote Server?

May 7, 2010

I'm trying to upload a file to a remote server by using vbscript

below is a code :

Dim fso, f, myFile
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
myFile =$URL


the problem is with this code i can copy the file only in the same PC but it didn't work when i try with different machin i mean from client to server?

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VS 2008 Can't Create File On Remote Server

May 16, 2012

I'm using ReportExecutionService to create file on a different server on the network. The application does the required job if I run it locally, but fails to create file when I publish it. The error I get is- Access to the path '\' is denied. The folder has full access to Domain users. Here is my code to create a report file on a different server via an app.


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Save Data To A Text File On A Remote Server?

Mar 13, 2011

I'd like to save data to a text file on a remote server I have. There are no security issues here, just the method.

Dim FILE_NAME As String = "123.456.789.012/variables.txt"
If System.IO.File.Exists(FILE_NAME) = True Then
Dim objWriter As New System.IO.StreamWriter(FILE_NAME)


I know it's not the most secure way of doing things, but the end data has to be in the txt format, otherwise I'd have used MySQL.

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SharpSSH Progress And Rename A File On The Remote Server

Aug 23, 2010

Using the library to connect to a remote server and copy a file. I have the process working fairly well but have some smaller things which I cant seem to resolve as documentation for the library is fairly thin. I have two routines working. One using the Tamir.SharpSsh class and the other using the Tamir.SharpSsh.jsch class.


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Error: "The Remote Server Returned An Error - (407) Proxy Authentification Required"

Nov 20, 2011

I am developing a tool to get all elements of a web page (images, links etc...) and I am having a small problem with the Download button. I click it, and becuase we use a proxy at school no matter what I try it will always throw the error: "The remote server returned an error - (407) Proxy Authentification Required"How do I detect that the user is using a proxyAnd then if so, authenticate with it so that I can download the file?

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Load Xml File In A Rich Text Box From A Remote Server To Program Form?

Dec 1, 2010

I have a windows app in , i am trying to read a xml file from my server(url...).I am able to read abc.xml . now i have a requirement to show abc.xml in a rich text box in and then i have to show node and its value in combobox. I am able to do this with a directory(suppose that file is in C:/abc.xml)[code]...

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