Find Driver Location From GUID

Jun 2, 2010

First off, apologies, I am probably diving in a bit too deep with this one. I am trying to find the current version of the drivers in my machine. I have a list of the GUIDs and friendly names by using the following code:


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GUID In Registry - Get The Program To Preform This Task On Another Computer As Their GUID Will Be Different?

Feb 26, 2012

im workin on a task that will get the current computers Default Gatway, So i chose the easiest option, using the Registry, in most cases i find this with no problem at all, here's the code im using right now,

Public sHost As String = My.Computer.Registry.GetValue _
("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMControlSet001servicesTcpipParametersInterfaces THE GUID NEEDED HERE ", "DhcpServer", Nothing)

Which works fine, if i put My GUID in where i've stated in above code, I get the right value ect..., no what i was woundering is how would i get the program to preform this task on another Computer as their GUID will be diffrent, if their away i can do this with simplicity?

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C++ - Standard Keyboard Driver Source Code - Where Can Find This

Feb 2, 2010

I am looking for the standard source code for a keyboard. Is there any where that I can download this source code so that I can modify it for my own use?

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Driver Detection - Tell User That It Is Safe To Close Program Once Driver Is Install

Jun 1, 2011

Trying to figure out if there is anyway built into windows 7/Vista/XP and/or Dpinst to verify that a driver is installed? I created a program that uses DPinst to install a driver and now I need to figure out how to tell the user that it is safe to close the program once the driver is install as the driver takes longer on some machines to install. Would anyone know how to get this to work?

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ERROR[HY000][Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]Could Not Find File '(unknown)'.

Oct 8, 2011

I'm currently doing a project that includes access 2010 My question will be what driver can I use for an access 2010 *.accdb type file? For a *.mdb it works perfectly well with

ConnString ="Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq=" & Application.StartupPath & "\CITSDB.mdb;Uid=Admin;Pwd=123;"

But, when I changed the mbd to accdb:

ConnString ="Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.accdb)};Dbq=" & Application.StartupPath & "\CITSDB.accdb;Uid=Admin;Pwd=123;"

It resulted in errors:

ERROR[HY000][Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]Could not find file '(unknown)'.
ERROR[IM006][Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager]SQLSetConnetAttr failed
ERROR[HY000][Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]Could not find file '(unknown)'

And then it shows me that my code for

If dsLogin.Tables(0).Rows.Count = 1 Then
IndexOutOfRangeException was unhandled
Cannot find table 0

I knew it must be the driver but I don't know what accdb driver I can use for the connstring.

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Find Install Path / Location Of EXE?

Mar 26, 2011

I want to create a button that opens a supplied word document in their standard word handler like office or openoffice. But how do you find the Location of the exe (Or its folder) and using it to open the Word Document.[code]...

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Find Location In DataGridView On MouseDown?

Jan 24, 2011

When a MouseDown event occurs on a System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView I'm performing some action. But now I only want to perform said action if the MouseDown event occurs on any part of the Grid EXCEPT for the Headers (row or column).

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Find Location Of DGV Cell Based On Value?

Jun 7, 2010

I have a DGV that is getting created on loadup, getting the results from a SP. So in this case, I have a DGV that is not bound to anything. It only get bound to a datasource at runtime.I have specific values that I'm looking for. See code

If e.Value.ToString = "HU-3" Then
e.CellStyle.BackColor = Color.Chartreuse
e.CellStyle.ForeColor = Color.White

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Find The Location Of Element By Index?

Jan 19, 2010

i need to find the location of element by index

example i enter 5 numbers

1 2 3 4 5

search a number, i search 3 it should display the lindex location? for me to understand more about vb,,more on arrays..

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Find The Location Of My Application's Executable In WPF?

Jun 26, 2010

How can I find the location of my application's executable in WPF (C# or VB.Net)?

I've used this code with windows forms:


But with WPF I received this error from Visual Studio:

System.Window.Application does not contain a definition for ExecutablePath.

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How To Find Closest Number To Given Location

Nov 29, 2008

I am creating an application and I have the numbers 1 - 20. Each number represents a location. They are continuous. I need a way to find the closest number to a given location. For example if the event is in location 8 and there are 2 people who can attend who are in locations 6 and 10. Then zone 6 would be chosen as its closest and also the lowest. If I needed the next highest closest number then I could pull all of the numbers into an array and sort them and then pull out the one which is the next highest zone. However as I need to find the closest number which could be lower, im not sure how to achieve this.

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How To Find Location Of DGV Cell Based On Value

Jun 14, 2011

I have a DGV that is getting created on loadup, getting the results from a SP. So in this case, I have a DGV that is not bound to anything. It only get bound to a datasource at runtime.I have specific values that I'm looking for.[code]

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How To Find Start Location Of Program

Feb 18, 2011

How to find start location of program VB.NET???

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C# - Find The Position Or Location Of String In Given Document?

Feb 26, 2010

How to find the position or location of string in given document.I have one word document and i want to store all its words and word positions in database so thats why i need to find the position of the words.

how can i find position or location of word or string in given document.

i intend to use or c# for and .doc documents

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Find Location Of AppDataRoamingMicrosoftWordSTARTUP Directory With Visual Basic

Jul 4, 2009

I am trying to write a simple Visual Basic 2008 installer that copies word macro templates to Word's startup directory. On Vista and 7, that directory is the user's AppDataRoamingMicrosoftWordSTARTUP directory. Is there a way that I can programmatically find this directory? I.e. is it safe to say that this directory will almost always be in this location such that I can simply get the user's home directory and then add AppDataetc.... or is there a registry or something else that I can access to get Word's current standard startup directory?

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VS 2010 : Find The Location Of A Piece Of Text In A Datagridview?

Mar 18, 2012

I have a datagrid view with 3 columns and variable rows. I have many rows so it is tough to know what is where so, the first row consists of names.I have a textbox in which I type in a name and hit a button. Doing this, I want the location of the that cell in terms of and

Extended : for the adjacent ones just add +1, +2 etc to the column number right ?

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.net - Find Location Of A Short Sequence Of Bytes In Byte Array?

Jan 15, 2011

How can I efficiently find the location of the first instance of a four byte sequence within a byte array? Is there something more efficient than looping through the whole array, or a built-in method?

I'm searching through a byte array for a pair of CrLF. I can't convert it to string for an InStr first because I need the position of it in the original byte array.

I am trying to figure out the location of this, as it delimits between a string portion and a binary portion, similar (well, exactly like for this part of it) to an HTTP header. There is a string portion, and two CrLf before the content begins.

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VS 2005 Check For String, Find Lenght And Location Then Copy?

Mar 25, 2010

So I have a string that I need to search through for certain strings. If they exist, then copy that string to a text box. There has to be an easier way to do this then what I have below


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Way To Find Exact Location (Drive / Folder) Of A Specific File

Jan 31, 2011

What is the best and fastest way to find the exact location(Drive/Folder) of a specific file, without scanning the whole drive. Right now, I am using those two instructions to locate EXCEL.EXE so I can properly call it with a shell command.[code]It is quite a long process, and I have to deal with some access denied folder like System Volume Information. I am quite new to VB programming.

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Find Exact Location Point() Of Characters In Mixed Language Sentence?

Apr 10, 2012

location of character in mixing laguage (e.g. farsi & english) sentence are different in memory and display , you can check it with point() all Instructions as LEFT ,RIGHT ,MID not work correctly when using it on the mix language sentence also GetPositionFromCharIndex(I) also not get position of the char user see on display...i need to have exact location point() of display character (from left or right side of text box)

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Is A GUID Really Unique

Jan 8, 2010

Is GUID really unique? I have a webservice that the client application connects to, which generates a GUID. I know GUID are generated using the mac adress of the NIC. Is the NIC in the webservice server used or the client NIC?

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Specify GUID For Event?

Aug 27, 2011

I need to specify a GUID for each event declared in my class, to be able to generate a manifest for it.

Right now i'm decorating the class with the following:

ComClass("AB849263-E1F7-466B-9BAC-828E67F2871D", "EB2AB5A4-D3AD-4C01-81FB-A73AB0B3848C", "6623B1F2-2D4E-4974-AE51-369F65D47F69")

However when i use the MT tool to generate the manifest, i'm greeted with : "mt.exe : genman warning G81010014: Explicit guid not defined for type NetTest.NetClass+TestEventHandler."

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.net - Convert Session To Guid?

Jun 28, 2011

I am building a User Management section to a website CMS.The user has a list of users and then clicks the edit button, the system then stored the UserId in a session and goes to the editUser.aspx page which will show the users details.To get the users details I need to convert the UserId session to a Guid so i can get user details.

I keep getting error message:

System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.

Dim selectedUserId As Guid = CType(Session("strUserId"), Guid)
Dim mu As MembershipUser = Membership.GetUser(selectedUserId)

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.NET Native GUID Conversion

Nov 9, 2011

I have an external database that is feeding information to me. One saves their data as native GUID format and my other data source supplies standard .NET GUID format string. Is there a tidy way to convert from Native GUID to GUID Structure? Also is there any validation bit to determine if a provided value is a Native GUID or not? I can't seem to find any if there is one. The difference is as follows:

typedef struct _GUID
DWORD Data1;
WORD Data2;
WORD Data3;
BYTE Data4[8];

Data1, Data2 and Data3 get their byte order reversed but Data4 remains the same, see [url] for more info.

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Get GUID From Calling Application?

Nov 29, 2010

I have multiple applications that will be calling a DLL.Is there a way to get the GUID from the calling application without passing it?I would like to use the GUID to verify the parent application and open up rights within the DLL for a specific app but not others.

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GUID Creation In 30 Digits?

Oct 1, 2010

Now i am doing a desktop application, In which i have to construct GUID. Eventhough having a built-in function in our VB.NET like "System.Guid.NewGuid.ToString()" to get GUID, I need to create the GUID in 30 digits in the below mentioned criteria through

Application constructs the GUID (30 digits) using the information from the 5 different sources. The different sources are Current system time, millisecond of the system time, Process ID for the application, system physical memory status and finally the group object identifier number.

8 digits
4 digits 8 digits
8 digits 2 digits


I am not sure how to get the above values to construct the GUID?

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How To Extract A GUID From A Win32 DLL Or OCX

May 28, 2010

We have a .NET app that needs to examine a folder that may contain COM libraries (DLL and OCX.) When we do encounter a COM library one thing we need to accomplish is to extract the GUID from the COM DLL or OCX.Is there a straightforward way to do this with .NET without using 3rd party libraries?

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Insert GUID Into Datatable?

Jun 22, 2010

I'm calling a GUID with a system function and trying to insert it into a database as a primary key. i'm using vb 2010 .net framework with sqlce server making my datatables. the column is AutoNumber which i set up to be a uniqueidentifier. the length is not adjustable and set at 16. i got all kinds of not parsing query errors. i've edited the insert statement a bunch trying to figure this out. i've went so far as changing the table schema of AutoNumber to be just a nvarchar with length of 100. it's something to do with how i'm inserting the GUID. in the code below i'm converting it into a string then inserting it into my table. is this wrong?? i've tried finding other ways of doing it but it's a little confusing. everything else in the code works perfectly it's just this part that is keeping me from completion.[code]...

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Forms :: UnBound DataGridView Location - Grid Must Be In The Correct Location According To The Pixel Point?

Dec 19, 2011

i am using an unbound datagridview so i can dynamiclly add rows. all that is working fine. but the grid is not is the location i have coded.. i am using the defualt form as a base then coding the unbound stuff in.. should i just create a blank class file and do everything? the only problem i am having is the grid must bees in the correct location according to the pixel point that i have given it. Right now it is placing the grid at point (0,0) no matter what point is entered on the line for location. so what am i missing??????

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Substring Give Error - Says Index And Location Must Refert To A Location Withing String

Oct 22, 2011

I got a error when I run this code:

Dim btch As String
Dim LeftPart As String


It says index and location must refert to a location withing string

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