Fonts On Button Text Image Unreadable ?

Jan 28, 2010

Using XP and VB 2008 Express for development of Widows Forms App.I am setting a button's .text to "" and then assigning a bitmap with some text written on it to the button's .image. Everything looks great on the development compter, but is almost unreadable on test computers using Vista and Windows 7. This despite trying a number of different combinations of (standard?) font family and size (including Arial, Verdana, Microsoft Sans Serif). Why?

Details....I have a button on a form (32 pixels x 32 pixels).I set the button.text field to "". I create a bitmap a little smaller than the button, and DrawText on it (I can't simply use the button.text field because I want to place text in different areas of the button and draw special characters.I use the following code to create the bitmap:

m_bmpDrawingSurface = New Bitmap(30, 30, Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)
Dim objGraphics As Graphics
objGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(m_bmpDrawingSurface)[code]...

I wonder if somehow fonts are being anti-aliased or otherwise cleaned up by the system on the development computer, but not on the other computers. I also wonder if I should be creating just a simple 30 pixel x 30 pixel bitmaps, or perhaps should be trying somehow to get the buttons 'device context' or something. Or, is there an alternative to DrawString that draws text more intelligently than just setting the nearest pixel either black or transparent, which is what seems to be happening (ie, no anti-aliasing or creation of shades of gray). Maybe another pen? Is there an "anti-aliasing" pen?

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MultiPage FAX TIFF Image In Picture Box Rendering Unreadable Images?

Feb 20, 2009

The source code for this task is here: copied the VB code to Break TIFF file with multiple pages to be displayed in a Picture Box. I did modify one line of code for testin¦

'Save the master bitmap
MasterBitmap.Save("C:UsersmyselfDesktopxx.tif", info, ep)


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Winforms - Hide Button Text Or Make Image On Button Cover Text?

Aug 10, 2009

I dynamically create buttons on a form and use the button text as ids so that I can pass that to an SQL query to pull saved data about that button when necessary, but I also use an image over buttons that have information saved about them. What I need to know is how do I keep the text on the button from appearing when there is an image assigned to that button? By default shows both the text and the image and no TextImageRelation values allow for the image to take precedence. I tried changing the text color to transparent, but the outline of the text is still visible through the image. Is there anyway to keep the text value as it is but just show the image on the button?

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Use Open Type Fonts To Write To An Image In .net?

Jun 16, 2012

Does anyone know of a solution for writing text to an image using an OTF? I know that GDI+ does not support OTF and that WPF does. I can load the font as a label in WPF, but still do not know how I can write this over an image, such as a watermark would do, and save that image.

I need this in an page, so I won't actually be able to use WPF, but I figure that might be a start in building a class my page can import.

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Icon / Image Next To Text On Button

Jul 24, 2010

I have seen many programs with a little icon/image next to their text on their button. I would like to know how thats done. I dont mean to hover my button and make different effects, all I want is a little icon/image next to the text in my button.

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Format Text With Different Fonts?

Feb 27, 2011

I was just adding some neat features to my program, and now I realize that they've caused problems with my formatting features. In my program, you can bold, underline, italicize, and strikethrough the text you select. You can also change the color and font of the text. After adding in the ability to change the font of the selected text, I noticed that there was a problem when you tried highlighting the entire word, with some characters in the word having different fonts, and then formatting (bolding, underlining, etc.) the text. The error I get is[code]...

Notice how the "Ma" is in the Comic Sans MS font and that the "th" is in the Arial font. If I were to highlight this word on my program and try bolding it, the error would pop up.

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Display An Image (from MemoryStream) And Some Text And A Button?

May 21, 2009

This is interesting. We've spent the last day attempting to patch a problem with the following (legacy) code that continues to grow its process size. This is done in Visual Studio 2003.We have a form on which we display an image (from MemoryStream) and some text and a button. Nothing fancy. Looks something like this: Protected Overrides Sub OnLoad(ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


Now. We've tried very numerous things. We've discovered that Disposing does nothing, and, indeed, the IDisposable interface doesn't actually touch memory. If we don't create a new CJ5Form_PTOperatorAcknowledgement form each time, the process size does NOT grow. But loading a new image into that form still causes the process size to continually grow.

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Changing Fonts When Writing To Text File?

Jun 2, 2009

when writing to a text file from an application what do i need to do to change the font in the text file

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Fonts On RichTextBox Control And Printing Text

Oct 23, 2010

I am having trouble with the fonts on a richtextbox control what I need is to do the following;
*Selected Text Within
5.Font up 1 such as from 10 button clicked then 12*
6.Font down Vice versa of 5*
7.Printing text in the RTB

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DataGridView Display Unreadable?

Apr 14, 2010

In our application there are many DataGridViews used but just one grid has a problem it displays the data out of alignment with the grid. If you scroll it displays over the top of the original data til eventually the data becomes a black line. There are only about 30 columns and 50 rows of data displayed and the grid is databound to SQL Server. We are using VS2008

Any ideas on what the problem is and how to fix it?

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Unreadable Characters In Richtextbox?

Apr 19, 2012

i'm writing a program that gets text from word document and puts it in a richtextbox. The problem is the characters are unreadable once in the richtextbox.

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Find The Truth Length Of A Text String With Different Fonts

Mar 5, 2011

The length of the previous words is exactly the same but the "truth length" it is not. I want to know if there is any way to find the truth length of a text string with different fonts The reason why I want the "truth length" is I want to make an rss scroll bar and when the first label "hiding all" in the right to send the next rss it in the left.

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Have An Image Move Up And Down When A Number Is Entered In The Text Box And The Start Button Pressed?

Nov 13, 2011

the task is to have an image move up and down when a number is entered in the text box and the start button pressed. now ive managed to get the image to move up but not to sure how id get it to go back down.the code ive used so far is

Private Sub btnJump_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnJump.Click
While picFrog.Top > 0
picFrog.Top = picFrog.Top - Val(txtSpeed.Text)


but it comes up with a error. can someone point me in the right direction of what kind of code i should be using?

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Draws Text On A PictureBox Using A Font That Is Already Installed (registered) In System Fonts?

Nov 23, 2009

I'm working on a program (Under Visual Basic .NET 2008) that draws text on a PictureBox using a font that is already installed (registered) in system fonts. I'm wondering how can I perform the same but with a font that is not already installed on system, by adding this font file (*.ttf usually) to my solution explorer and use it in my program, given that this font file must be included in exe file.

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IDE :: Example Code In Xml Comments Unreadable Due To Missing Line Breaks

Sep 30, 2009

I am trying to use the xml comments suggested (with VB in a project in Visual Studio 2008).I want to give examples of how to use a class, for example, so I write [code]This is readable in the code itself, but the resulting help information in the Object Browser is unusable.The summary, parameters and returns stuff is OK,but the example code is all as one block, with a single space instead of the line endings.I know that most XML treats all whitespaces the same (space, line ending, etc.) but since <code> is described as being for multi-line code blocks, I expected it to respect line endings and indentation.Ideally it would colour-code the code as visual studio does, but the least it should do is respect space (similar to the HTML <pre> tag).Otherwise how is it useful for multi-line code blocks?

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Draw Text To Image - Hit Save Again It Writes The Text To The Background Image On PbMenu1?

Sep 4, 2010

I'm making a front end to dvdauthor.I have a picturebox which holds the menu background. In order to draw a textbutton on the background image I store the image in a hidden picturebox. So the text doesn't get drawn to the visible background.

Dim ctl As Control
For Each c As Control In pbMenu1.Controls
If c.GetType() Is GetType(TextBtn) Then[code]...

This works the first time. But if I hit save again it writes the text to the background image on pbMenu1.

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IDE :: Button Image From Resource File Or On Load Image Which Is Faster Way?

Dec 20, 2009

i want to know, which way program runs faster1- add image to button through its property -> assign image from project resource file2- on form load event, assign images to buttons, from project resource file

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Create A Button So When User Hovers Over The Button It Will Change Its Image

May 22, 2010

I am trying to create a button so when a user hovers over the button it will change its image.

I used this code but it did not work.

Private Sub Button1_MouseHover(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim Image0 As Bitmap = My.Resources.Image2


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Change Their Image Ie Image Button On DIsable?

May 5, 2011

I am using two button in WPF i want to change their image ie image button on DIsable how to do it.

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Get A Code That Will Load Text, The Correct Image To Match It And The Command For Each Image?

Jun 16, 2011

I need a code that will load text, the correct image to match it and the command for each image. what i want to do is make a program that will download a swf and an image into to folders. then at startup the program will load all the swf and images and put the images into a listview so when you click on the image for the swf file it will give the link to the swf so it can be loaded.

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Add A Text String To An Image And Save The Original Metadata To The New Image?

Aug 20, 2010

I try to add text strings to an image but keep the metadata of the original image. The problem is How can I save ImgMetaData (from the original image) to the new image?

Here are the codes:

Public ImgMetaData As BitmapMetadata
Public myImageCodecInfo As ImageCodecInfo
Public myEncoder As Encoder


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Text And Image Manipulation In The Form Of Hiding Messages Within The Image?

Apr 1, 2010

i have an assignemnt in my visual basic express 2008 class, were i have to type in an image name, like paris.jpeg,and automatically manipulate the file to be called paris-steg.png. Once this happens i click the manipulate image button and the image should be altered so that paris-steg.png has a message hidden in it. Then i have to decode that message. At this point im having troubel getting the file name to automatically appear as paris-steg.jpeg, and you will proabbly see why with my code. I need to know how to do this. The way i have it, i basiaclly add -steg.png onto the text typed into the text box, this doesnt work when the user types in paris.jpeg as it comes out as paris.jpeg-steg.png. heres the instructiosn and my code

(6) When the text file does not exist, alert the user with a message box and do not do any further processing.
(6) When the image file does not exist, alert the user with a message box and do not do any further processing.


In this program you should read text from a file one character at a time instead of one line at a time. If <tt>sr</tt> is an IO.StreamReader, then <tt>sr.Read()</tt> will return an integer that is the value of the next character in the file. Use <tt>Read</tt> instead of <tt>ReadLine</tt> in this program.You can check whether a file exists by using the code <tt>IO.File.Exists(filename )</tt> . The function will return a Boolean value (True if the file exists but False if not).

You can check whether a string ends with a specified pattern by using the <tt>EndsWidth(pattern )</tt> function. For example, if <tt>s</tt> is a String, then <tt>s.EndsWidth(".txt")</tt> will return a Boolean value (True if <tt>s</tt> ends with the pattern but False otherwise).In a string, <tt>IndexOf(pattern )</tt> gives the first position where the pattern exists, but <tt>LastIndexOf</tt> gives the very last position where the pattern exists.The code <tt>s = Chr(i)</tt> converts the Integer <tt>i</tt> into a character and assigns the character to the string <tt>s</tt> .

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Image As A Button As A Sound Button?

May 27, 2009

wever, I'm possibly failing this course hardcore, Edit:I just read around a bit, hmm. Thought I'd give a bit more background to my cause.It's an incredibly simple program, I'd imagine- except I've just not gotten the hang of much of the coding part. I'm just looking for assistance in any code that sound to an image, to create a button, I've already got the whole thing layed out and ready, but days of scouring -what I can- (as the network blocks a effload of sites), I haven't found anything that would lead to aiding me

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Insert Text For The Designated Object When The Help Button (next To The 'close' Button) Is Pressed?

Aug 20, 2011

how do i insert text for the designated object when the help button (next to the 'close' button) is pressed?

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Forms :: Button With Dropdown - Button With Default Text On It

Jan 1, 2010

What control should i use if i want a button with default text on it and when i press on it, it give a drop down menu that i can select different commands. I tried a combobox which seems to be very close to what i want. i set the dropdownstyle to dropdownlist so it looks like a button. but i cant seem to set a default text on the box and i dont want this text to be in the item list. also when i set the dropdownwidth to a value larger than the combobox width, it will align left.

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Get Some Text Fields To Input Text And One Image Path Then Want To Print That In A Format?

Mar 23, 2010

What I want, is Some text fields to input text, and one image path, then I want to print that, in a format like..

Centered Text
Centered Text
[=====IMG=====] Text text text text


But from everything I've read though, I'm completely lost.

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VS 2010 Listview Item / Header Text & Minor Text & Image

Jan 18, 2012

I need to make a listview, for each item to be like this:

- An image on the lef.t
- A header text on th etop.
- A minor text on the bottom.

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Add An Image Key To A Button?

Aug 8, 2009

Im trying to add a image key to a button an a tree view but it never got to know how to do it. When try to add an image to the resource and go to lets day button1 and click on image key and click the arrow down it wont show the image i just added same with the tree view

Oh yeah is there a specifc size for the image key? If it does work?

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C# - Image Button

Mar 16, 2012

I have created a image button for my apps on windows mobile. There is a small problem though, when i have different screen resolutions,bigger for example, the image isn't automatic resized to fit in the control. How can this be done?


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Use Image As A Button

Mar 11, 2010

I made a button in pts and now want to use it as a button in a program. Is there any way to change the image of the button to the one i made or make it function like a button ?

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