Form.Left And Form.Top To A Different Screen Don't Work?

Aug 24, 2009

I've run into a little problem recently. My computer has two screens sitting side-by-side.

Here are the dimensions for my first screen: {X = 0 Y = 0 Width = 1280 Height = 1024}

Here are the dimensions for my second screen: {X = 1280 Y = 0 Width = 1280 Height = 1024}

My form saves its position on exit into the Registry. Whenever I start my application, I set its opacity to 0 in the constructor and it goes to my first screen. While its opacity is at 0, I then move it to its previous location (1280, 0) like this:

thisForm.Left = X
thisForm.Top = Y
Where X = 1028 and Y = 0.

I place a breakpoint directly in front of those assignments and when I hover over thisForm.Left, it = -4. Whenever I hover over thisForm.Top, it = -4.

Sure enough, when my form comes up, it's in my first screen.

For those interested, I've now worked around it, by doing some additional testing. What caused it: My Window State was Maximized. Solution: If before I set these positions, I change my Window State to Normal, the form moves. I can then maximize it while it's on the second screen and it remains there. why I can't move my form while it's maximized? It's more for curiosity than to find a solution, since the work-around is actually working quite well.

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Irregular Shaped Form With No Borders Moving Across The Screen Until From Within The Loop The Form Closes?

May 26, 2012

I tried it every way I can think off, but nothing can stop it .

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Crop Form Screenshot - Screen Capture Of Twindows Form And Display Only A Certain Specified Area

Aug 2, 2010

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


So I'm trying to take a screen capture of the windows form and display only a certain specified area of that screen capture in a picturebox on a different form. Kind of like this. First, take the screen capture of the form: Then get a specified area of that form through x,y coordinates or something and display it on a picturebox on a separate form.

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Form Height Limit, Make The Form Larger Than The Screen And Allow For Scrolling Down?

Nov 17, 2011

I have read that VB .NET in earlier versions limited the FORM size to that of the development machine screen resolution.I am hoping that there is a way in the current VB 2010 to get around that.However in my attempts to make the form larger, it always resets itself to the screen height on my develoment machine.Is there a way to get around this and have the person be able to use a scroll bar to move down?The data I wish to show actually has two screens worth of information but the stuff in the scroll down section would be used on a limitied basis so scrolling will be useful rather than having to recreat the screen to show less data at one time.

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'abort' (terminate Immediately) A Form Screen In A Windows Form Application Running Under 'local' Environment?

May 30, 2012

FormA calls DialogB where user cancels DialogB which exits via ForceTermination(), see insert.Caller FormA check for DialogResult not = OK, which it isn't, and I can see this in debug as Abort(3).However, the code continues merrily along its way until I get a 'null reference' error which I'm trying to avoid via Force Termination().This is caused by the user cancelling DialogB, a selection process to get a database (SQL) instance.[code]

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Stop All The Functions On Parent Form While Child Form Is Still On Screen?

May 1, 2009

form1 has datagridview, when I click "add new", form2 appears(details view, allowing me to add new records into datagridview on form1). when I click "add new" again, form2 appears again, if I click x times, form2 will appear x times. How do I stop the add new button and all the functions on form1 from working until form2 is closed?

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How Do I Move A Form To The Left?

Apr 1, 2011

create a windows app. project with one form and 2 buttons ( if you tell me how to do one of the buttons, I'll figure out the other one). When you click one button it should move the form 2 pixels to the left. The other should move the form 2 pixels to the right.As a hint, he says to use the form's "LEFT" property -- but, I don't see "LEFT" in the properties window for the form.

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IDE :: Get The Toolbox To Be To The Left And Separate From The Form?

Jan 17, 2011

when I open an application to make changes, and I open the toolbox, it appears in the work area with my form. How can I get the toolbox to be to the left and separate from the form?

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Make Image Top Left Of Form?

Feb 18, 2010

I have this code on my form, which makes a sprite image appear as the background. how do I make the image stay at the TOP LEFT corner of my form?

Public Class IconPreview
Public c As Client
Private Sub IconPreview_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


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Make The Controls Go Left Or Above The Form?

Jun 16, 2012

if you 'slide' a control to the right or bottom of the form, it acts as it should, if you try it with the top or left, the position values change but their still appear to be stuck at the left or top of the screen. how do i make it so they can 'slide' off the form like you can with the bottom and right of the form

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VS 2008 Resize Form To The Left?

Sep 30, 2010

I want to resize a form to the left and then to the right. This means that i want some controls to be static in the center and the form to resize either to the left, then add a control (temparory) or to the right.


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VS 2008 Could Not Get Form To Work On Work Computer

Aug 21, 2009

I have a form that works on my local Machine I created into. I have Office 2007 on this machine. I created the Form with the Excel 12 Reference. I move the Entire conetence of the Project folder to my work computer. Which has Office 2003. Do I need to recreate the form with the Excel 11 reference. I could not get the form to work on work computer. IT has a com error. I am acessing the EXE for the debug folder w/in the Bin Folder.

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Dockable(Scrollable) Form Left Side?

Apr 2, 2010

im trying to make the form Dockable in the desktop on the righ side. I mean i can do this i can stick the form on the side but all other application are not seen in the full window coz my appz is still on the top and others appz under it.Size of the form is 200x1024, it is like administration stripe.So i would like to make other Winows in the system ended on the edge of my application. Is it even possible in VB?There is other way i guess to use some of the scroll(collapsible,expader) windows to the side of the desktop would do it as well but i dont know how to ?

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Moving Textbox To Right Off Form And Reappear On Left

Nov 27, 2011

I'm trying to make it so that a textbox, label, or picturebox can move from the left side of the form to the right and off the form, then reappear again on the left side like a circular loop.. It kinda looks like how news channels like CNN or NBC have stocks sliding on the bottom of the screen. Or how at the NY Stock Exchange, theres stocks just rolling through those LED displays. I want to do that in my program but I don't know how. So far I got it to only go to the right, then when it reaches the end of the form, it reverse directions so it goes left and right to the end of the form.

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Pictuebox Go Outside The Form When Give It A Picturebox.left?

Apr 6, 2009

why the pictuebox go outside the form when I give it a picturebox.left=me. width-picturebox.width?it has to be in the form border I don't understand How this happen

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Float A Label (label1) In The Bottom Left Of Form?

Jul 20, 2010

How do i float a label (label1) in the bottom left of form? so if form resizes it still stay in bottom left, though 5px from left and bottom.

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Show / Hide Form When Cursor Is In The Top Left Corner?

Jul 13, 2009

you know how you can set the windows taskbar to appear and disappear when the position of the mouse is all the way at the bottom? i want to do the same thing with my form when the mouse is in the top left corner of screen.or perhaps you can suggest to me a different way to do this. the user will probably just need to set those trackbars just several times during their usage.

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Dynamically Create Another PictureBox On The Form While The Program Runs (to The Left Of The Static One)?

Aug 12, 2011

I've created a form with a PictureBox on it and would like to dynamically create another PictureBox on the form while the program runs (to the left of the static one). I've written this code:

Dim temp As PictureBox
temp = New PictureBox
temp.Image = StaticPictureBox.Image
temp.Visible = True


When I run this code I can detect that the temp PictureBox does get created. However, it is not rendered onto the form. It seems like it's there but is invisible.

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Get X And Y Coordinates Of A Control's Location On Form Relative To Screens Top Left Corner?

May 23, 2009

How can I get x and y coordinates of a control's location on a form relative to the Screens Top Left corner?

For example, if I have 3 labels on a form and I want label2 and label3 to display the x and y of label1 relative to the screens top and left corner.

When running the app, as the form's possition is changed label 2 and 3 update the coordinate of Label1's possition relative to the top left of the screen.

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Left Function Does Not Work?

Oct 31, 2010

I expected the "Left" function in the code below to return the letter "A" but it returns nothing? Also, as a further test, Left(CP, 3) returns nothing?

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Interface And Graphics :: Resize Boderless Form Bottom Left Corner - Rubber Band Effect

Oct 23, 2010

I was able to search this code : [URL] but i need a help in modifying this code so that i can re-size the form from bottom left corner the code block below is resizing the from from bottom right corner i need that to be modified to convert it to bottom left corner


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Balls Ending Up On The Left Side Of The Screen?

Jun 3, 2011

I was wondering if there was a simple explanation for the fact that most of the balls in the following code seem to end up on the left side of the screen....

' Assembly : Balls
' Author : FOlphen
' Created : 01-28-2010


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Displaying Two Forms On Left / Right Side Of Screen

Aug 11, 2010

I would like to display 2 forms side by side. Frm1 will call Frm2. The problem is, if Frm1 is too near the edge of the computer screen, when Fr2 is shown, part of it will be outside the screen. How do I make it so that if Frm1 is near the right-side of the screen then Frm2 will show on the left-side of Frm1 and vise-versa?

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When Left Clicking Notify Icon On System Tray For Context Menu, Blank Form Shows In Taskbar?

Jul 3, 2010

Simply saying I've added an Notify Icon to my project and then added context menu showing up when the left mouse button is pressed. The problem is that with the context menu some blank form is showing in the taskbar. There is no such form within the project.Does anyone know why it may be happening or how to get rid of the effect? I might add that I have other context menu attached for mouse right click button and it works fine, no blank forms and such showing on the taskbar it's just the left mouse button that works that way.Here is the code that I am using to show the menu:(the visible state to false is necessary for the other menus not to pop up with the one i want... unless anyone knows better method)

Private Sub NotifyIcon_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles NotifyIcon.Click
If e.Button = MouseButtons.Right Then


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IDE :: Green Vertical Lines In Left Margin On Code Screen?

Aug 3, 2011

It seems when I change some code while working with practice files I get green veritcal lines in the left margin of the code page I am writing. What does it mean?

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Adjust A Form To A Screen?

Jan 15, 2011

I have a MAC 24" wich I like because I have it working as a Microsoft XP.I make several programs in VB6 using most of the screen (about 80% width).But I have several others PCs from 20" to 11".I'm trying to find an automated system to adjust the form, listboxs, etc., to the smaller screens.

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Any Way To Create App With One Screen On Form?

Dec 15, 2011

I know that when you are working in, you are using forms, so in conclusion you will have an application with multi-windows. My questions is next: How you can do it, to have all the application screen in a main form. I have an application which assists me to manage the products and the customers. Normally with the forms, if I press on: Add new customer or Add a new product, I will have a new windows pop-uped. I want to have both on the same form. When I press on new custom to see the specific screen and when I press on the new product to see its screen. I tried now using panels and tableLayoutPanels using the property visible, but I'm sure it is not the best way to do it.

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Call A New Form Screen?

Nov 19, 2010

I know you can do it with, but are there any other ways of doing this?

So what is the most appropriate way of doing this in

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Dim Screen But Exclude Form

Dec 19, 2009

I was just wondering if there is a way to dim the screen and show a form which is not dimmed (eg. Vista/7 UAC prompts)? If so, how would i be able to it?

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Fit Form To Screen Size?

Feb 10, 2010

Anyone know of a way to fit a form to the size of the screen automatically? So it is fully visible on a 10" netbook if you designed it to fit a 13" screen?

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