Moving Textbox To Right Off Form And Reappear On Left

Nov 27, 2011

I'm trying to make it so that a textbox, label, or picturebox can move from the left side of the form to the right and off the form, then reappear again on the left side like a circular loop.. It kinda looks like how news channels like CNN or NBC have stocks sliding on the bottom of the screen. Or how at the NY Stock Exchange, theres stocks just rolling through those LED displays. I want to do that in my program but I don't know how. So far I got it to only go to the right, then when it reaches the end of the form, it reverse directions so it goes left and right to the end of the form.

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Moving Image Across Form And Reappear?

Dec 31, 2010

I am trying to create some simple animation using GDI+ graphics. The scene takes place in outer space, I want to run comets across the form. My problem is getting the comets once they leave the form to reappear on the other side. I can do it horizontally, the code for that is below. I can't figure out how to get a comet to leave the bottom of the form and reappear at the top. Anyone have any advice or knowledge on this?

Private Sub CometTimer_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CometTimer.Tick
'Declare variables.


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VS 2008 : Change The Pointer From Left To Right To Right To Left In The TextBox?

Mar 28, 2009

I'm using vb2008 Is that possible to change the pointer from left to right to right to left in the TextBox.

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Moving Panels To The Left When One Is Minimized

Mar 22, 2011

In my current project, I have 4 panels. Each panel has its mini application in it such as a notepad. In each panel I have a status strip with links to minimize and maximize it works like Linux windows. Basically, it makes the height of the panel to 22 which is the height of the status strip to make it look kind of like Linux Style OS. What I've achieved is when I minimize a given window, I move it to another location where it is out of the way. What I want to do is make the x number of panels to the right move left to the spot the minimized panel WAS located.


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Change Pointer From Left To Right To Right To Left In TextBox?

Oct 28, 2011

Is that possible to change the pointer from left to right to right to left in the TextBox. to became as it show in the pic below.

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Moving A TextBox - User Will Have To Move A (selected Textbox) By Clicking A Button

Feb 11, 2010

I am building an app. that needs some input from the user, the user will have to move a (selected textbox) by clicking a button. The TextBox will have to move 20 points down or up from corent location by clicking a button.

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Make A Label Disapear And Reappear Alfter Half A SecondI

Sep 6, 2009

how would i make a label disapear and reappear alfter half a secondI like.


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Extract The Left To Numbers From A Textbox?

Nov 26, 2009

I am trying to extract the left to numbers from a textbox this is hat I have but it does not work:

Dim lblLmins As String
Dim txtHrsMins As String
lblLmins = (Left(txtHrsMins, 2))

In VB6 it's very easy lblmins = left(txtHrMins,2))

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VS 2010 Multiline Textbox Padding (Left)?

Apr 4, 2012

Is there any way to push the left padding on a multi-line text box to the left to be in line with the left justified padding on a single line text box? It is frustrating as it looks off-kilter with the multi-line text indented as it is.

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Moving Focus To TextBox?

May 7, 2009

I have simple application that basically allows you to open up and view PDF files.I use an OpenFileDialog control to select the PDF file and a WebBrowser control to view the file (via the Acrobat ActiveX). Everything works great. However, I would like to also record info, from each PDF file that gets viewed, into a TextBox control (someone would read a line or two from the PDF file and type a summary into a TextBox control). Once the PDF file gets loaded, it takes the focus. But instead, I would like the focus to move the TextBox control. Changing the focus upon the Web Browser1_ DocumentCompleted event does not work (I don't believe the WebBrowser control is aware of the PDF itself, just the ActiveX control) In fact, the only way to move focus to the TextBox, after the PDF file is loaded, is to click the TextBox with the mouse. I can't �TAB into that field.

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VS 2010 Moving To Next Textbox

Sep 16, 2010

Lets say I have 10 text boxes (named, txtbox1 - txtbox10), and I have a timer and a button. Each time I click the button, it records a time. Instead of having to manually create a code to input times for each textbox separately, is there a way I could use an integer and a loop type code? [code] I know this is pretty much an easy question for an experienced coder, and I know that the code above doesn't work.

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Irregular Shaped Form With No Borders Moving Across The Screen Until From Within The Loop The Form Closes?

May 26, 2012

I tried it every way I can think off, but nothing can stop it .

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Form.Left And Form.Top To A Different Screen Don't Work?

Aug 24, 2009

I've run into a little problem recently. My computer has two screens sitting side-by-side.

Here are the dimensions for my first screen: {X = 0 Y = 0 Width = 1280 Height = 1024}

Here are the dimensions for my second screen: {X = 1280 Y = 0 Width = 1280 Height = 1024}

My form saves its position on exit into the Registry. Whenever I start my application, I set its opacity to 0 in the constructor and it goes to my first screen. While its opacity is at 0, I then move it to its previous location (1280, 0) like this:

thisForm.Left = X
thisForm.Top = Y
Where X = 1028 and Y = 0.

I place a breakpoint directly in front of those assignments and when I hover over thisForm.Left, it = -4. Whenever I hover over thisForm.Top, it = -4.

Sure enough, when my form comes up, it's in my first screen.

For those interested, I've now worked around it, by doing some additional testing. What caused it: My Window State was Maximized. Solution: If before I set these positions, I change my Window State to Normal, the form moves. I can then maximize it while it's on the second screen and it remains there. why I can't move my form while it's maximized? It's more for curiosity than to find a solution, since the work-around is actually working quite well.

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VB Not Moving After Type On Textbox And Use Tab Stop

Nov 15, 2011

Has anyone have any problem when the program is running (debug mode or release). Problem starts after i type text onto the text-box and press tab(using tab stop) and then after that i can't do anything else except type on that text-box.

In order for me to continue or close it i have to use task manager to end the process.

Visual Basic 2010 Express

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C# - Update And Get Values In Windows Forms While Moving One Form To Other Form?

Nov 30, 2009

How can I update and get values in a Windows Forms application while moving one form to other form (like cookies)?

I need to update the values to some variable and again I am going to refer stored values and need to do some calculations.

I have used cookies in ASP.NET but I am not able to find out the same concept in .NET Windows Forms (C#).

How can these issues be resolves?

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VS 2005 Moving Rich Text Box String From Form To Form?

Apr 15, 2009

simple problem Basically in form1 i have a line of SQL code in a rich text box called rtb_select

what i would like..This code to run under a connection string called strSQLSelectQuery in form2

I have been told someting like strSQLselectQuery = rtb_select.text would work however because rtb_select is in a different form in the same project it does not recognise rtb_Select

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Moving Cursor From Combobox To Textbox After Selection?

Jun 22, 2010

I have a VB form with 2 comboboxes and a textbox in which a user can type into.I would like my mouse cursor to move from my 2nd combobox selection directly over to the textbox that I have on a VB form.2nd comboboxe name: "CodeComboBox"Textbox name where I would like my cursor to move to after the selection:"USDOTNumtxt"I use the TextBoxName.Focus() in the SelectedIndexChanged but it doesn't function.

Here is my whole code:
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles


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How Do I Move A Form To The Left?

Apr 1, 2011

create a windows app. project with one form and 2 buttons ( if you tell me how to do one of the buttons, I'll figure out the other one). When you click one button it should move the form 2 pixels to the left. The other should move the form 2 pixels to the right.As a hint, he says to use the form's "LEFT" property -- but, I don't see "LEFT" in the properties window for the form.

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IDE :: Get The Toolbox To Be To The Left And Separate From The Form?

Jan 17, 2011

when I open an application to make changes, and I open the toolbox, it appears in the work area with my form. How can I get the toolbox to be to the left and separate from the form?

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Make Image Top Left Of Form?

Feb 18, 2010

I have this code on my form, which makes a sprite image appear as the background. how do I make the image stay at the TOP LEFT corner of my form?

Public Class IconPreview
Public c As Client
Private Sub IconPreview_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


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Make The Controls Go Left Or Above The Form?

Jun 16, 2012

if you 'slide' a control to the right or bottom of the form, it acts as it should, if you try it with the top or left, the position values change but their still appear to be stuck at the left or top of the screen. how do i make it so they can 'slide' off the form like you can with the bottom and right of the form

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VS 2008 Resize Form To The Left?

Sep 30, 2010

I want to resize a form to the left and then to the right. This means that i want some controls to be static in the center and the form to resize either to the left, then add a control (temparory) or to the right.


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Make A .SubString Get The Characters From Right To Left Not Left To Right?

Oct 8, 2011

I am trying to figure out how to make a .SubString get the characters from right to left not left to right.Say if a user enters 123456789 in text box 1 and I use textbox1.text.SubString(0,2) it will display 12. But, I want it to get 89.I do not want it to get 98, but 89. I tried textbox.text.substring (0, -2) but that just gives an error.So if Gold is entered it gets ld

it gets un
it gets ic

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Scroll Left In Panel When Children.left= -

Jun 6, 2011

I got a panel that i am adding labels to. I have autoscroll enabled on it so when they fill the viewable space it scrolls. but i need to put the labels to the left unviewable space(when left scroll is already at 0) The label is placed but i dont get the scroll bars and i cant force it to scroll to a - value.

Is this even possible? Same thing with UP.

Or is the Scroll only limited to Bottom and Right?

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Dockable(Scrollable) Form Left Side?

Apr 2, 2010

im trying to make the form Dockable in the desktop on the righ side. I mean i can do this i can stick the form on the side but all other application are not seen in the full window coz my appz is still on the top and others appz under it.Size of the form is 200x1024, it is like administration stripe.So i would like to make other Winows in the system ended on the edge of my application. Is it even possible in VB?There is other way i guess to use some of the scroll(collapsible,expader) windows to the side of the desktop would do it as well but i dont know how to ?

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Pictuebox Go Outside The Form When Give It A Picturebox.left?

Apr 6, 2009

why the pictuebox go outside the form when I give it a picturebox.left=me. width-picturebox.width?it has to be in the form border I don't understand How this happen

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Float A Label (label1) In The Bottom Left Of Form?

Jul 20, 2010

How do i float a label (label1) in the bottom left of form? so if form resizes it still stay in bottom left, though 5px from left and bottom.

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Show / Hide Form When Cursor Is In The Top Left Corner?

Jul 13, 2009

you know how you can set the windows taskbar to appear and disappear when the position of the mouse is all the way at the bottom? i want to do the same thing with my form when the mouse is in the top left corner of screen.or perhaps you can suggest to me a different way to do this. the user will probably just need to set those trackbars just several times during their usage.

View 1 Replies - Moving Text In A Web Form Vb

Jan 11, 2012

I was trying to do a label that will slide from left to right of a web form in vb. I search on the web it only have example that work for windows application form.. I wanted it to be done in web form..

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Form Moving Using Panel

Mar 26, 2011

Taking the following code into the account: [code] This makes my entire form client area act like a cpation bar and i can darg it using any any part of it! Becuase i had a borderless form that is why i used this code (which is definitely not mine - no offense) . This works perfect in windows 7 but in lower OS versions it acts weired like even if user makes little dragging on the form occasionally this triggers and takes the form out of the bound of screen! I was wondering can i alter the above code somewhat like instead of intercepting the form area as caption bar it detects a panel (docked at the top giving illusion of a caption bar) and make that my form move. I know you brothers will make me say that using the mouse down mouse move and mouse up events of panel i can attain this, definitely i can but thought of some more professional approach. url...

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