Getting Data From A ListView Into An Array?

Apr 21, 2010

I have a ListView control on my form set up like this in details mode:What I would like to do, is get all the values of the data cells when the user presses the Delete booking button.So using the above example, my array would be filled with this data:

values(0) = "asd"
values(1) = "BS1"
values(2) = "asd"


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Populate A Listview With Data From An Array With 3 Entries?

Jun 10, 2011

When I try and populate a listview with data from an array with 3 entries I find that the data goes into the wrong columns. The array consists of the following.

(0): "T123456789"


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Store Data To Array From Listview/Listbox/Database?

May 25, 2009

How to store data from listview/listbox/database to a array for further processing?

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VS 2008 - How To Access Listview Data - Program That Contains A (listview) Control

Sep 22, 2009

I have a vb-2008 program that contains a (listview) control.

View = details
AllowColumnReorder = true

Lets say the table has 3 columns (a,b,c) and 1 row of data.

a b c
1 2 3

I want the user to be able to re-arrange the columns (by dragging the column headers) before printing the contents of the table.

c a b
3 1 2

Statements like:

.. ListViewX.Columns(2).Text
.. ListViewX.Columns.Item(2).Text
.. ListViewX.Items(0).SubItems(2).ToString

Give the column-name (c) and cell-contents (3) of the origional table .. not the (3rd) column (b) of the re-arranged table.

How can i get the column-name and cell-contents of the (3rd) column of the re-arranged table?

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VS 2008 Use Current Listview To Generate MsAccess Data In 2nd Listview?

Mar 20, 2010

i am developing a point of sales system. currently i have my product code scanned and displayed in a listview. lets say that i have 5 product codes displayed in my first listview. By clicking on a button, how can i use these codes to call upon the details (prices, product name, etc.) of the corresponding codes and display in another listview?

i am using Visual Basic 2008 and MsAccess as my database. who have the idea on solving my question. (As my last thread has not been answered at all..

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Use Current Listview To Generate MsAccess Data In 2nd Listview

Mar 20, 2010

i am developing a point of sales system. currently i have my product code scanned and displayed in a listview. lets say that i have 5 product codes displayed in my first listview.

By clicking on a button, how can i use these codes to call upon the details (prices, product name, etc.) of the corresponding codes and display in another listview?

i am using Visual Basic 2008 and MsAccess as my database.

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Data From Listview To Be Loaded To Another Listview But Different Forms?

Apr 21, 2009

I am having a problem regarding to pass all the data on the listview from one form to another and add another columns. The purpose of my columns is that I want to put text from there because I am sending a mail but I want to get the status of my message if it failed or send and write it at every end of the rows.

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Listview Data Transferring To Other Listview

Mar 16, 2012

im using 2008 and i would like to ask if is it possible that if i click a data in my listview then it would go to another listview and using a db

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Getting ListView Items Into Array

Sep 21, 2009

I have a listview with two columns of data in it. I want to capture all the items in the listview into an array. The array will have two dimensions, one for column 1 and the other dimension for column 2. I am a little lost on how to iterate over the listview items. I figure it would be a for each statement. Its also the actual call that passes the found item and sub item to the array I am struggling with.

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Populating ListView With An Array?

Mar 25, 2011

how to populate a 3 column ListView with an array? I'm using this code

For k = 0 To (strArr.Length / 3) - 1
For i = 0 To 2
ThisRow(i) = strArr(i)


but I am getting the following output if I were to have the following in my array : the, quick, brown, fox, jumped, over

| Column1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
| the | quick | brown |
| the | quick | brown |

I want it to display:

| Column1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
| the | quick | brown |
| fox | jumped | over |

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Array.Sort Returns Blank Data When Sorting A Structure Array?

Jun 19, 2009

I'm trying to sort an array based on a structure but whenever I do this, it basically erases all the data in the entire array.I have verified that the array is populated correctly, it is when using array.sort that everything returns blank.

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Generic Class Array - Reading In A Excel File And Extract Data To Store In A Array

Sep 9, 2010

I want to reading in a excel file and extract the sCodenumber sDescription ans the sStatus and store them in a array : StatusComposeArray(5200) As MyCompose. After this I need this array for comparing outside this class. But as can you see the array is defined inside the sub: ReadingIn_ExcelFilesCompose [Code]

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Replacing A String With Array's Data Based On Array's Index?

Jul 13, 2010

i have an array contains a-z.Then i have a textbox and when click on the button, it will replace the text inside the textbox to the index number of the array.Example, from "abc" will become "0 1 2" The code below do the to do so that i can replace the text inside the textbox from "0 1 2" back to "abc" based on the array?

Dim txtKey As String = readKeyTxt.Text
readKeyTxt.Text = ""
For Each b As String In txtKey[code].....

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Getting ListView Values Into A String Array?

Apr 20, 2010

I have a ListView control set up in details mode, and on a button press I would like to retrieve all column values from that row in the ListView.This is my code so far:

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim items As ListView.SelectedListViewItemCollection = _


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Inserting Multidimensional Array Into ListView

Jul 12, 2011

I have a 2 dimensional array and also a 2 column listview box. I am able to insert array (0,i) into column A, but i do not know how to insert Array(1,i) into column B.


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Listview Item To String Array?

Jun 8, 2009

I am coding for a WPF application that has a ListView. I want to add values of one column of selected items in the listview to a string array.

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Listview With Multi Columns To Array?

Feb 20, 2009

I am currently using the following code to store all of the items from a listbox control in an array, and then build a string based on the array items, trimming the last two character of the string to remove the ", ". I am looking to do something similiar for my multicolumn listview control but am concerned about how to store the multiple subitems for each item in the array.

Dim myStr (listbox1.items.count) as String
'store all active medications information in an array & build a string
For i As Integer = 0 To listbox1.Items.Count - 1


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VS 2005 Check For Each Array In Listview?

Apr 2, 2012

I'm working on my listview to extract the strings from my php source. I want to check for each array in my listview when i finds the matches of html tags "<span id=""mystrings2"">Enabled", then tick for each checkbox in the listview when the matches are found.


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C# - Modifying Data With ListView EditItemTemplate By Settings Its Data Source Property

Feb 22, 2011

Modifying data with the ListView's EditItemTemplate by programmatically settings its DataSource property and calling its DataBind method. I don't have option to use data source control for ListView. All ListViews are bound with data from code-behind. So, I have to handle the Edit/Update mode of ListView manually. [Code]

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Removing The Selected Items In ListView, And In Array?

Jun 10, 2011

I have button that adds element in array and displays the item that is added in array in the listview, And also i have button that deletes it but it's not working.

Here's the code:
Private Sub btnRemove_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnRemove.Click
Dim i As Integer
Dim new_array As New List(Of String)(movieArray)
With ListView1


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Storing A Listview With Subitems Into String Array?

Mar 6, 2011

IM builing an applicaiton that acts as a bank it holds holds Customer information, and there bank ballance. I want to record there Payment ID (for each month), and for them to be able to search for that Payment ID. I have the Payment ID search Function, and it works, but how would when creating a NEW payment be able to add that to the End of each Customers record. Once its saved, how would i then be able to load that information in a combo box back to the Customer. Im using the following method to save the Customer


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VS 2008 Getting File Size From An Array Into ListView?

Mar 13, 2010

I'm attempting to get the size of a bunch of files located in a directory with an array. Using a single file, it works great. But as an array, I get an error. This is the code I was using:

Dim filepath() As String = Directory.GetFiles("C:Test", "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
Dim lvi As New ListViewItem
Dim fi As New FileInfo(filepath.ToString)


It works... kind of. It adds each file to the ListView, when I just want the whole sum. I was hoping I could just use "DirectoryInfo" from the System.IO namespace, but everything I've been reading says I need to loop through the files.

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VS 2010 : Fill Up A 3 Column ListView With An Array?

Mar 24, 2011

is it possible to fill up a 3 column ListView with an array.

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ListView/ComboBox Datasource Does Not Work With Array Of Datarows

Feb 13, 2009

I want to set the DataSource Property of a listview and of a combobox to an array of datarows.

This is the Code:


The 'Name' column does exist, but the ComboBox shows only the type of each datarow not the contents! If I set the datasource to a datatable, the correct column is shown in the combobox/listview.

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Pulling Item Stored In Array Out Of ListView For Modification

Jun 8, 2010

I have a data entry form, a listview form and a couple of classes. Data is entered in the form, and it is stored in an array. This is then displayed in a listview. I can insert and delete just fine, but I cannot figure out how to modify. This is what needs to happen: With a row selected in the listview, modify is clicked in the menu strip.

Whatever information is in the selected row, it needs to be transferred to the data entry form where changes to it may be made. I have attached what I have so far, and a sample data file is provided in the root directory. I think I need to temporarily store the selected item, put it into the data entry form, delete it, and when submit is clicked have it re-inserted.

Attached File(s)

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VS 2010 Datareader To Multidimensional Array To MultiColumn ListView?

Oct 7, 2011

I am using a datareader to pull data from my database. I store the data in a multidimensional array in a seperate class file. I access the values in the array from a form through properties.The problem I am having is when I run the project as I step through the code I can see the values being added to the array but when access it from a string property it shows up as string System.String[,]. I would like to have my array transposed accross the listview under the corresponding column. below is the code I am using.


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Four Columns Of Data In A 2d Array Or Structure Array?

Dec 2, 2009

Here's the data I'm trying to work with

Spark Plugs
column 1: PR214,PR223,PR224,PR246,PR247,PR248,PR324,PR326,PR444
column 2: MR43T,R43,R43N,R46N,R46TS,R46TX,S46,SR46E,47L
column 3: RBL8,RJ6,RN4,RN8,RBL17Y,RBL12-6,J11,XEJ8,H12
column 4L 14K22,14K24,14K30,14K32,14K33,14K35,14K38,14K40,14K44

Here is what i came up with for my code so far

Public Class frmMain
Private strSpark() As String = {"PR214","PR223","PR224","PR246","PR247","PR248","PR324", "PR326","PR444"}
Private strBrands As String(,) = { { } }
End Class

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Get An Array Of Columns And An Array Of Data Types?

Jun 10, 2009

how to parse SQL Text with VB.NET?

Ex: I got a sql file "CREATE TABLE..." i want to get an array of columns and an array of data types.

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Assign A Specific Position Across The Line To Have The Printer Print The Data At Without Left Padding The Array Data?

Jul 6, 2011

Ypos = TopMargin + Count * PrintFont.GetHeight(ev.Graphics)
ev.Graphics.DrawString(ROData(x, 3), PrintFont, Brushes.Black, LeftMargin, Ypos, New StringFormat())
Count = Count + CInt(ROData(x, 4))

The above line prints the data contents of the ROData array in position three. I would like to be able to assign a specific position accross the line to have the printer print the data at without left padding the array data.

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Buffer/Array - Safe Application That Contains 3 Threads - Data Acquisition And Decoding - Data Graphing - FFT And Filtering

Aug 26, 2009

I am trying to write a thread safe application that contains 3 threads : -

1 - Data acquisition and decoding
2- Data graphing
3 - FFT and filtering

Thread 1 is collecting bytes from the serial port and converting them int integers (so taking two bytes) after is has captured 64 Bytes and converted into 32 integers, it then needs to pass the array to the graphing thread.

The graphing thread then plots the data and waits for more data.

Thread 3 also waits until thread one has collected 2023 integers and takes these and performs some FFT calculations (which take time).

My question is how do i share the arrays between the three threads without deadlocking the program? as the serial thread will be flying around reasonable fast (1000 bytes per second) so it will synclock onto the shared buffers for most of the time.

Originally i was going to use two synchronised queues, so when thread 1 has collected 32 bytes it queues the data into the graph queue, and once it has collected 2023 it queues the data into the FFT queue.

Then thread 2 and 3 can simple dequeue the data.

However using queues has the overhead of casting the data in and out, and as i know the data type i was planning on using two arrays :-

Dim GraphArray() as ushort
Dim FFTArray() as ushort

Then Thread 1 adds data to each thread, and thread 2 and 3 simple wait until the correct amount of data is available before removing the data. my question is there an array type that allows me to remove x amount of data from an array?

Because i cannot do this easily with the ararys defined as above (GraphArray, FFTArray), as i was planning on making them 1mByte and allowing thread 1 to fill them Knowing they should never overflow and then let thread 2 and 3 remove x amout of bytes at a time unless there is a better way of doing it

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