Graphics.DrawImage Call Runs Slow?

Jun 5, 2010

I'm trying to improve the speed of my call to:Graphics.DrawImage (Image, Rectangle, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, GraphicsUnit, ImageAttributes)I want to display two images, where the old one fades smoothly into the new one, driven by a Timer tick of 10 or 20 ticks a second. The following code runs fine on JPEG files of around half a megabyte or less, but takes much too long (up to half a second) fora 2MB JPEG. Using the Stopwatch control, I isolated the problem to the two .DrawImage calls. Do I need to do this in DirectX or is there a way to improve the efficiency of the routine? I thought of trying to resize the two images beforehand to fit the rectangle, but that's not a simple call (I don't think), and it might just mean moving the delay elsewhere.

(Dim fltOpacity As Single = 1.0F 'opacity value)
(Dim BGrafx As BufferedGraphics)
* * * * * * * * * *


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2D RPG Game In VB Out Of Memory After Graphics.DrawImage

Jun 1, 2010

Well currently im programming a game in Visual Basic and I have it to the point where it draws a map on the form, it loads maps to different areas when you walk on the map, and I am doing so by using Graphics. DrawImage which redraws the map on the screen with the character in the new position. It was working quickly and smoothly until now.

I added some more sprites and now it starts to lag badly then it will throw a Out of Memory exception and it will display a big red x across the form. I watched the memory now as i move the character one spot on the forum and the memory increases 100mb's each time. It wasn't doing this before which is weird. I managed to fix the out of memory error using GC.GarbageCollect but I read that this is bad, also the character still lags across the forum. I really didn't want to release the source code until I was finished but seeing as I need help quickly because this is for a project I am working on for Thursday (End of semester Programming 2 Junior year of high school) I don't have many options.

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Graphics.DrawImage Loses Resolution?

Dec 21, 2010

Graphics.DrawImage loses resolution

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Graphics.DrawImage Mirror (Flip) Image?

Feb 20, 2009

How do I flip the image upside down (below the first image) Like as if a house were at the waters edge and you can see the house, and the reflection in the water?

code for drawing the image (which is a battery)

'Finding center'
Dim batX As Integer = 160 - (imgDct(cbo_Battery.Text).Width / 2)
Dim batY As Integer = 200 - (imgDct(cbo_Battery.Text).Height / 2)
'Draw Battery


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VS 2010 E.Graphics.DrawImage Is Fading Stretched Image

Dec 13, 2010

This is in a class, the class inherits Panel.


The goal is to have this image stretched to 300x50 Whenever I do it, it works, but it fades the image from left to right, so that at Left = 0, the image is solid, but at Left = 300, the image is transparent.

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Avoiding Flicker When Drawing Multiple Bitmaps With Graphics.DrawImage

Mar 15, 2011

I need to draw a bitmap background with one or more moving bitmaps in the foreground; something like a chessboard where pieces move across it. I use a timer-tick event to redraw the background and then draw the relocated foreground image like the code below. But I get flicker, even though I set the form to use double-buffering. The culprit seems to be redrawing the background to refresh where the foreground images used to be; no flicker if I replace the background DrawImage with a simple Graphics.Clear. I think what I want to do is draw the background, and the foreground bitmap(s), in memory and then render it all. I used to do this with double-buffering, BitBlt, and .Refresh in VB6 but I haven't found the equivalent in VB2010. This must be a pretty common graphics requirement; what's the trick to it?

Dim Gfx As Graphics
Me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint Or ControlStyles.UserPaint Or ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, True)
Dim rectBrd As Rectangle 'use as clipping region for drawing


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App Runs Slow On Other Machines?

May 24, 2009

Basically i have designed an app that runs smoothly on my desktop PC (3GHz processor, 2GB RAM, Windows XP Media Centre (SP3)).

When i put the app on my laptop(1.4GHz processor, 448MB RAM, Windows XP Home Edition (SP2)) it runs really slow and is unusable.

I have tried deploying the app and also just copy the whole folder to my laptop and run the apps *.exe from the bin/debug folder, but it has the same results.

I have tested it on higher spec machines with 2GB RAM and they also replicate the slowness, so i'm at a loss as to why it behaves 100% on my desktop PC, where i have Visual Studio installed but not on any other machine.

My question is if little differences like operating system, RAM, service packs, VS installation, etc, make apps run differently on different machines.

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Application Runs Slow

Jul 22, 2009

I have designed an application just like it is an Excel table. By changing each textbox the application runs a huge amount of vb code and it takes time.

E.g. you want to enter a three digits number it takes from two to four and sometimes more seconds for ech digit to enter. That`s really embarrassing.

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Code - Runs Too Slow ?

Jun 5, 2011

I've got a 2005 form that calls a stored proc to load a combobox with eligible sales reps. There are approximately 40k sales reps available...I know that's a lot, but that's what I'm dealing with. I'm trying to figure out why it's taking this form 15 seconds to load.

Here's my code:

Want to load this in the most efficient way possible given the HUGE amount of data that my client is wanting to see.

Can you help me? :confused:

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PictureBox Has An Image Alignment Or Offset Error When Using In The Picture Boxs' Paint Event?

Apr 17, 2010

I have tried to realign the image by down and right one pixel, but still only part of the first row and column are visible when zoomed.I can't find exactly what I'm looking for online.

My computer is an HP-Pavillion dv9600 Notebook PC.

OS: Windows Vista SP2 32-bit

The following code reproduces the problem:

Public Class PictureBug
Dim pxlColor As Color
Dim img As Bitmap = New System.Drawing.Bitmap(My.Resources.TestBug[code]......

View 7 Replies

Graphics Very Slow With New Video Card?

Jan 7, 2010

I use GDI+ graphics in (express 2008). A simple ball animation was fast using an old computer and video card, but very slow after upgrading to a new computer with a hi-end GeFoce GFX 260 video card.Windows 7, 64 bit.I have tried adjusting all the video card settings I can find, but still slow.

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Interface And Graphics :: Odd Slow Redraw On Some PC's

Jun 20, 2012

I am having and issue with a VB.NET App that displays data derived from a database in a DataGridView Control. I am retrieving the data into a dataview and then setting the Grid.Datasource = oDView. On most machines it refreshes the data cleanly and quickly as you would expect.


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System Displays The Graphics So Slow?

Sep 24, 2011

my system is fully designed but everytime I click a button that will to another form (which is also fully designed) the response of my system is to slow. Can you suggest anything to make it faster? I'm afraid that it will catch the attention of the panelist (I have a defense, 2 weeks from now).Here's the image which I've screen shot. Everytime I click a button it will take up to 3 seconds. Thats the sequence.

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Interface And Graphics :: Animated Gif In Picturebox, Slow & Choppy?

Apr 3, 2009

I've been searching for days. I can't find anything that I think is going to work. I've probably read the answer and skipped it because I don't get it. I'm new. I've researched multithreading, sub routines and webbrowser. The webbrowser thing doesn't seem professional to me.

All I want is the animation to be smooth when it's displayed and to have it integrated into the app so it's not called from the local drive.The animated gif is in PictureBox3. Please point me in the right direction. I really don't want to use a static image.


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Function Call Too Slow

Oct 13, 2009

I'm writing a application that need to execute a certain code several times a second. At first, i wrote a Function and used it. But it was too slow... So, using Stopwatch i started measuring the performance of my code. And apparently it was from the funcion call. So i wrote a example code, just a simple loop. And using the Stopwatch it took 4E-6 = 0.000004 seconds. Then i copy and paste the loop code, into a function and made a call to the function. it took 0.03 seconds. It was 7500 times slower with a function call. Why using a function call can be so much slower?[code]...

View 9 Replies

Call A Routine In Kernel Mode Besides Using Pinvoke Which Is Slow?

Mar 29, 2012

I have a problem listing directory information in a process I wrote to call directory listing of the $MFT routine.The gang has convinced me that the problem is that I'm not calling the routine in Kernel Mode.How does one call a routine in Kernel Mode besides using pinvoke which is slow...."MODERN PROGRAMMING is deficient in elementary ways BECAUSE of problems INTRODUCED by MODERN PROGRAMMING." Me?

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Interface And Graphics :: Trying To Get Correct Coding To Call Function Correctly

Apr 25, 2009

I have declared this function and trying to get the correct coding to call this function correctly.Public Declare Function ColorRGBToHLS Lib"shlwapi. dll" (ByVal clrRGB As Long, pwHue As Long, pwLuminance As Long, pwSaturation As Long) As Long

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.net - Making A DrawImage A Button?

Nov 14, 2011

I have these three images that I have drawn to my form.

GraphicsBuffer.DrawImage(ButtonEasy, New Rectangle(25, 330, 100, 50), 0, 0, 100, 50, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, ImageAttributes)
GraphicsBuffer.DrawImage(ButtonMedium, New Rectangle(150, 330, 100, 50), 0, 0, 100, 50, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, ImageAttributes)
GraphicsBuffer.DrawImage(ButtonHard, New Rectangle(275, 330, 100, 50), 0, 0, 100, 50, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, ImageAttributes)

But I want to make a Boolean expression for when they are clicked so I can trigger the events to load the game mode selected.

Do I do this through resource code or is there a simply way to do this. My idea seems like it would be bad and not syntaxically correct.

Edit: I've gotten to this:

Private Sub ButtonEasy_MouseClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs) _
Handles ButtonEasy.MouseClick


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DrawImage And DrawString Missing

Jul 8, 2009

At the top of my code I have:


but when I try to use it, no DrawImage or DrawString methods are available. I can get DrawImageAbort rather ironically.[code]...

View 16 Replies

Overwrite DrawImage In Picturebox (.NET)?

May 15, 2011

I've a program that draw an image in a picturebox with DrawImage. This image, a ball (.png transparent), every second is overwritten by another ball of different color. After 3-5 second the edge of the ball becomes bad, because of overwriting.

I tried to clean the background with a FillRectangle before any overwrite, but i need to preserve the windows form background. How can i do that?

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C# - How To Increase Performance Over GDI DrawImage (Unscaled)

Apr 6, 2010

In my user control's paint handler I iterate over a collection of predefined Bitmap objects and draw them to the client area thusly:

C# version:
private void Control_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) {
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
foreach (BitmapObj bmpObj in _bitmapObjCollection) {
g.DrawImageUnscaled(bmpObj.Bitmap, bmpObj.Location);
[Code] .....

The code works fine but starts to bog down when a dozen or so objects are added to the collection. My question is: Is there a way to speed this up? Would it be possible to use the Win32 bitblt function to replace DrawImageUnscaled? And if so how?

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VS 2005 DrawImage Scales Incorrectly

Jul 18, 2010

Basically, what I am trying to do is scale part of an image. In VB6 the Scaling version of the BITBLT api worked fine, however in .NET's Drawimage version of it works okay, until a different destination size is specified.url...The red is from the next tile on the source image. and the bottom is missing one row of pixels.I have also screened this, and counted that the left side isn't properly doubled and the very first column of pixels is in 1x1 squares instead of 2x2 like the rest of the image.I don't get why it's obtaining outside the range I set, so here is my code incase it helps, note that you'll need to define a blocks array:[code]

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Copy The Whole Source Picture Into Destination One Using DrawImage?

Oct 9, 2009

using DrawImage I can copy the whole source picture into destination one using its left&top corner and width&height sizes...butI would like to copy A REGION of source picture into destination one using my "starting corner" and my sizes.

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DrawImage And Defining Color To Copy Instead Of Mask?

Feb 7, 2012

I am using VB 2008 & drawimage function to copy image A to Image B. My problem is image A has many different colored patches on it and I only want to copy the ones that have a certain RGB value. I was going to set the masking color to the RGB value but remembered that defines the color to ignore - Im interested in the opposite.

I know I could loop through all the pixels and check its color, but its way slow and Im hoping theres something better?

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DrawImage Issues In A Dynamically Added Picturebox?

Feb 5, 2009

This is my first post to these forums so forgive me for any etiquette I may be disregarding.I am creating a custom control that has a TabControl on it. The user will then double click or right click the TabControl to display a ContextMenuStrip asking if they would like to add a new image (or tab) to the project. After they select the image file, I create a new tab, add that to the TabControl, and then I want to create a PictureBox that I draw on in a particular way depending on space available and several other factors.

Where I am having the issue is in drawing the image to the PictureBox, it is only displaying the BackColor and none of the DrawImage work. It is important to note that because of what I am doing it will not suffice to set the PicBox.Image = ImageFile or PicBox.BackgroundImage = ImageFile. I need to select tiles from the image file and then draw them into the PictureBox in a particular way, which changes if the control resizes. Also, I am using a PictureBox because the final image within it can potentially be larger than the containing tab page, and therefore I want the TabPage to generate an AutoScroll bar. If there is another way to do this, please let me know.

Below is a very simple example of what I have currently. What I suspect to be happening is that the PictureBox's Paint event is firing after I do my DrawImage work and basically overriding what I did, but I hope I am wrong.OpenAddTilesetForm() simply displays a form for the user to select which image to use, and the properties pertaining to it.


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Drawimage On An Empty Picturebox Keeping Transparency?

Nov 15, 2010

In the following code is the way to make a picture transparent (picture i1 is emty and opacity can get values from 0.00 to 1.00[code]...

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G.DrawImage And Distortion - Distort BmpR With DestinationPoints0?

Nov 30, 2011


I don't know how to distort bmpR with destinationPoints0. Which graphic method do I use to transform it? Muchas gracias, Onion Ring (fried) Onion is a recent refuge from Mac OS X and hates Mac App Store. System: Windows 7 x64

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See If Image Drawn To Form Through Graphic.drawimage Has Been Clicked?

Nov 11, 2011

' Show game directions.[code]...

I think this is actually really easy to do that it isn't documented on here or msdn.

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Rendering Graphics Efficiently - DirectX - Graphics Card And Use Of DirectDraw Or OpenGL

Sep 23, 2011

We have a GIS application that has some performance issues. It creates and sends an image to a web browser. We start with a Bing Maps imager, add complex polygons (complete with transparent fill), save the finished image as a PNG, and send it to the browser.

The idea has come up that we could possibly install a graphics card and use DirectX or OpenGL to improve performance. I believe this would be the case even though we ultimately generate an image instead of sending the data the the screen. I believe our processes could still make use of the API and the hardware acceleration it provides. Our process is not unlike what CGI film makers do to render individuals frames of a film, though we simply render a single image and send it, as opposed to the hundreds of thousands of images needed for a single CGI film.

So my question is: would a powerful graphics card and use of DirectDraw or OpenGL provide us a worthwhile performance boost? It can take us 20-30 seconds to render a more complex map. Which is a long time to wait on a web page...

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Interface And Graphics :: E.Graphics.Drawstring Length Overflow Page?

Nov 19, 2010

Im working on a project that needs to print a report of one client.Everything went smooth untill i came across my multiline input text data.When i display it in the PrintPagePreview the text go's outside my page. Even when im printing it only the halve of my text is displayed. I googled and looked everywhere but i can't get a clear fix for it.


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