Handling Data Between Multiple Forms

Nov 12, 2010

i am coding in vb2008 express.Can u suggest me any tutorial or sample code for "Handling Data between multiple forms".

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Handling Multiple Data Entry Forms Which Can Conflict With One Another?

Aug 6, 2009

How do you handle the screnario wherein multiple data entry forms are open and modifying one could potentially affect the record being modified in other forms?

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Forms :: Handling Multiple Textboxes, As Per 'old' VB6 TxtBox(Index)?

Mar 13, 2009

In old VB6, I could set all txtBox controls when members of the same index eg.txtBox(0),txtBox(1) etc., to all do certain things in a couple of lines of code, eg.

Private Sub txtBox_GotFocus(Index As Integer)
txtBox(Index).SelStart = 0
txtBox(Index).SelLength = Len(txtBox(Index))


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Handling Data Between Different Forms?

Apr 29, 2010

I'm writing a simple application - address book. User enters new addresses and they are added as an entry to a list visible on the main form (frmStart). I use one form to add and edit (AddContForm). Add button on the frmStart works fine, however I experience some problems with the edit button as when I press it and enter new data they are added as new entry however the previous entry is still there. Logic is handled by Contact.vb class.

Public Class Contact
Public Contact As String
Public Title As String


Update:I really don't care much for whether the data on the AddForm is the old data or the new data. I think the problem now is that when I click edit previous entry on the list is not deleted (what I believe I have indicated in my question) - I tried to delete it (by using the if condition and checking what button was pressed) however it seems it is not working properly for some reason.

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Forms :: Error Handling - No Row At Position 0 - Need Code To Ignore Row When No Data Is Found?

Oct 6, 2011

I have a delete button in a datagridview. The button works fine however when there is nothing to delete it throws an index out of range exception. Now I know for a fact people are going to click that button even though there is nothing the I am presuming the best course of action is going to be a try/catch but I am not sure how to do it. My code is as follows,

Private Sub DataGridView1_CellContentClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.CellContentClick
If e.ColumnIndex <> 7 Then


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Forms :: Retaining Data Across Multiple Forms

Sep 8, 2010

VB.NET newbie here... I have an vb.net windows application set up. It has multiple forms, about 6 in all. There's a main menu form, and then 5 other forms to collect data. The user will collect data on each form and bounce back and forth between forms. How do I get the forms to retain the data that has been entered into the text boxes and/or other controls on the forms? For example, they might fill out a few textboxes on a form, but then need to go to a different form and fill something out... and then back to the previous form. Right now, when they come back to the form, all the data previously entered in to the text boxes is gone.

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How To Retain Data Across Multiple Forms

Sep 8, 2010

I have an vb.net windows application set up. It has multiple forms, about 6 in all. There's a main menu form, and then 5 other forms to collect data. The user will collect data on each form and bounce back and forth between forms. How do I get the forms to retain the data that has been entered into the text boxes and/or other controls on the forms? For example, they might fill out a few textboxes on a form, but then need to go to a different form and fill something out and then back to the previous form. Right now, when they come back to the form, all the data previously entered in to the text boxes is gone.

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Use Data To Fill In Multiple Forms

Mar 11, 2010

I have a database set up in Access. Currently I have 12 exact copies so individuals can enter data. We use the data to fill in multiple forms.I know that VB can be used to allow everyone to access one database. Does anyone have this as a runtime module since I have never written in VB and don't know where to start. My last code writing was on a AS400.

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Linq To SQL Using Data Across Multiple Windows Forms

Mar 10, 2010

I have to forms, form1 and form 2. On form1 I have datagridview with all the fields in it. If I double click on it I would like a new form to open where I can add a new record.

Then I have a edit button on the form, If I click the edit button I would like another form to open where I can edit the data in.

In this post it explains it, I need the same but for linq to sql.


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Multiple Forms - Using Data In List From Another Class

Jan 13, 2010

I am trying to develop a vb program where i am using List to store data. I want to use all datas saved in that list from another class. In Class 1, i am trying to include a method that will return my list. And form class 2, i will call that method and get that list. But code isn't working. [Code]

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Multiple Full-Screen Forms Sharing Data?

Sep 13, 2011

My question is in two parts:

1) I am writing an application for a touchscreen which will have several different Forms - each of which will be full-screen. What is the best way to achieve this? Hide/show each Form as the user navigates between screens? MDI Parent with multiple Child Forms becoming visible 'on top'? Or is there a more elegant solution?

2) I would also like a 'banner' on the top of each Form (or always visible on the top of the MDI Parent, etc) similar to a 'navigation frame' on a website. This banner will display a clock with the current time, and the current GPS location (meaning that a Timer will be used to get/set these values every 1000 milliseconds). I thought of using a UserControl for the banner - but if this is used on multiple Forms then I will end-up with multiple Timers all waiting 1000 milliseconds to update essentially the same information.

Is there a best practice for this type of scenario? - my thoughts so far are using the "Main" Form for Global Timers, etc - but then how do I update all Form clocks each second? (without iterating through all visible Forms... which seems messy).

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VS 2008 CSV Or XML - Make Data Available To Multiple Forms At The Same Time?

Nov 4, 2010

I have used CSV files before for a simple database of about 12,000 items - this was a simple one page form... Now I want to have the same database but with the data available to multiple forms at the same time.. eg.. Form 1 displaying persons 1,2,3,5,7 name, addy, phone etc and form 2 pulling info for persons 2,3,4,8... Is this possible with CSV files?? or even XML?... The only other thing is that I do it all in .NET 2.0....

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VS 2005 Accessing The Controls Of Multiple Data Window(mdw) Forms

Oct 21, 2009

I have to make some automatization on a web server, I use Visual Studio 2005 Visual Basic Windows Console Application. I want to make a load/performance test of the web server, so I open several Internet Explorer instances, and I login the application, that is not a problem. But after that I have a mess on the page and I cannot make any more automatization...The composition of the page after the login is like this: I have the default form, another form and a multiple data window(mdw) controller, which dinamically can switches the forms on this part.

The problem is that I don't know how to access the controls of this mdw forms. I couldn't find much about this mdw controller and I am not an expert.

My code is here:

Imports System
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Web.Ui.Webcontrols


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Handling Multiple Clients With TcpListener?

Jun 25, 2009

I have been programming a TcpListener Program and I have everything working right! So far... Except that when I have multiple clients connecting to my Server... I used a try catch statement to catch the error and it says that tcplistener doesn't allow multi connections... think creating a new thread for each connection sounds like the most reasonible answer but I can't grasp the concept of it...

Here is my frmMain:
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Net


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Handling Multiple Columns With The Errorprovider?

Nov 13, 2009

I have put my business logic in a partial class as suggested in best practices. One of the conditions is that one of four fields of a row has have a value. Setting the errorprovider has no problems when creating a new row in the new row event. All the textboxes in the form show the error condition.

Dim ErrorString As String = "A value is needed for at least one of the " & vbCrLf & "Gallon, Fuel, Oil, or Misc fields"

e.Row.SetColumnError("Gallons", ErrorString)[code]....

The logic that sets them back to a no error condition though only sets the currently focused control in the form to no error. When the error is corrected.

MyFuelRow.SetColumnError("Gallons", "")
MyFuelRow.SetColumnError("FuelCost", "")[code]....

How can you reset multiple column errors at once?

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Multiple Client Handling Using Winsock

Sep 13, 2010

i write a server program using vb.net but i can not accept multiple client at same time.


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VS 2010 Handling Multiple Events At Once?

Nov 23, 2011

I took a VB class a couple semesters ago and I did really well. Unfortunately, it seems as though we only covered the very basics within the class, as I feel rather clueless right now.

Here's my issue. I'm trying to write a program that will encode notes (like music notes, A-G#) which are entered by the user, into digits, 0-9. Now I have the system laid out, in that 1-8 will represent A-A, while a 0 or 9 preceding a digit will represent a flat or sharp respectively.

Now my question is actually rather basic, but I just can't seem to figure out how to do this. The user will enter the note sequence by clicking on buttons (12 of them). What I'd like to do is create one sub that will handle all possible button clicks. I suppose it's possible that I could have separate subs for each and every button; but it just seems more efficient and cleaner to have one sub that manages them all.

The part I have completed and working properly will display a message (the same message) in a messagebox each time any of the buttons are clicked. So I have the "Handles" part working for all 12 buttons. But what I'd like to do is write code, perhaps "If" statements such that If "btnA" is clicked, then say "You clicked Button A," and If "btnASharp" is clicked, then "You clicked Button A Sharp," and so on. Is it possible to do this somehow by recognizing which event was actually triggered?

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Forms :: Way To Return Multiple Rows Of Data To Calling Method Via Class Property?

Jan 28, 2009

I have this application which has one class. I need to return a recordset of data to the calling form. If i use Properties to return, it can only return only a single value at a time. Right now i'm returning a datareader object with one of the properties.Can anyone suggest a better way to return multiple rows of data to the calling method via Class Property?

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Show A Large Amount Of Data That Spans Across Multiple Forms And Text Boxes?

Jan 15, 2011

I am trying to find a way to show a large amount of data that spans across multiple forms and text boxes. I am making a somewhat summery of the input strings.

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.net - Get Event Type In A Sub Handling Multiple Events?

Apr 14, 2011

I am creating a program using Visual Basic 2010 Express.

I want to make a Sub handling both MouseHover and MouseLeave events. Is this possible? And if possible, how do I differ between MouseHover event and MouseLeave event?

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Event Handles - Handling Multiple Events In A Sub

Dec 3, 2010

I had a question about handling multiple events in a sub, like this:

Private Sub Form1_MouseUpOrDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseUp, Me.MouseDown

'do something

End Sub

Once the sub is called, is there any way to tell which event called it? (Whether it was a MouseDown or a MouseUp event?) Right now, I am doing a work-around as follows... having each event call the same sub and pass the info in. But it would be nice to not have that overhead.

Private Sub Form1_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseDown
ExecuteMouseUpOrDown(EventTypes.MouseDown, sender, e)
End Sub


Don't use ACCESS, EXCEL, or a TEXT FILE as a database. If you want your program to use a "local database", without any of the hassle of setting up a MS SQL or MySQL server, just click this link: >>> SQLite <<<.

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Events - Handling Multiple Textboxes Upon Click

Aug 10, 2010

I have multiple textboxes which I want them to perform the same thing upon clicking them. By default I can use the handles textbox1.click for 1 single textbox as shown below but I am not sure how to do handle multiples of them. Of course I can write a handler for every single textbox but I have about 50 of them. I am sure there must be a more efficient way. [Code]

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Handling Multiple Keypress Events In VB 2008

Oct 21, 2009

I am new to VB but I want to find this out. For example there are two objects in my form and when I press W,A,S,D then Object1 should move Up, Left, Down and Right respectively. Object2 moves when I press the arrow keys. How do I make them move together and also separately depending on whether the key is pressed.

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VS 2005 Approach To Handling Multiple Tables?

Dec 7, 2010

I started out with just one table called products but I had problems with doing an update; it said sql to complex which was because the product table had nearly 100 columns in. The products table consists of header information like product quality, colour etc. Then there are 3 blocks of columns which mainly consist of a size as being the column name and a quantity as being the value. I have put these in three seperate tables to get around the SQL update problem. My problem is what is the best way to code this. The tables link to the header table using an autonumber primary key.


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2010 Error Handling - Multiple Line E.message

Sep 22, 2011

In the Catch of Try-Catch there are the following two properties:


Does the .Count mean there are multiple lines in .Message? If not, what is the .Count used for?

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Handling Multiple Events From An Activex Component In A .NET Console Application?

Apr 26, 2010

come years ago I bought an activex component to read some basic smartcard data. I created a simple form application and it has worked fine ever since. However, instate of a form application I now want to create a console application for the same purpose (the forms are unrequired and it just takes too long with multiple smartcards).

But I have been working on this for days now and somehow can't seem to get my events working. When I use 1 event, everything works fine, but as soon as I add my second event I get this error:

Unhandled Exception: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80040202): E
xception from HRESULT: 0x80040202
at System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IConnectionPoint.Advise(Object pUn
kSink, Int32& pdwCookie)


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Forms :: Event Handling For Dynamic Objects?

Feb 3, 2010

I am trying to create a form where depending on what the user selects, they are shown a collection of images from the web. Depending on what they select there will be a different amount of images so each picture will need to be added dynamically.

I am able to create PictureBoxes dynamically however I'm stumped how to create event handling in order for each control to give a unique response.This is what I originally tried but I got an error..

Private Sub Form1_Load
For i=0 To 10
Dim picBox As PictureBox


The error I got was

'AddressOf' operand must be the name of a method (without parentheses)

How ridiculous that you can't include arguments in your AddressOf! Can anyone shed some light on my situation (or knows a better way of carrying out my goal)?

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Forms :: Handling More Than One WebBrowser Tool In Same Form?

Apr 6, 2011

I am trying to pull some report details from a website. my home page is having a list of Report IDs, by clicking them i will be navigated to the detailed reports.. Similarly i have so many report IDs in my home page... i have loaded my page in webBrowser1 and capture the link of the first report id by looping through the page. After capturing the link of first report id i am trying to navigate to the link using webBrwoser2 which is placed in the same form. the page loaded sucessfully and i can extract the report to the textbox.

Here is the problem : before complete the navigation action in webbrowser2 the first loop used to get the links of report IDs got completed. So i am not able to loop all the report ID's Link to get all details.

I am not sure i am doing the right way of extracting a data from a web page..

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VB 2003 - Handling Data - Transmitting Data From A Comm Device Via Serial Port

Nov 10, 2009

I'm currently working on a project where I am transmitting data from a comm device via the serial port and resorting the raw data (in binary) to its respective ascii values. The problem I'm facing is determining the most efficient method to accomplish my goal. Essentially, I have 68 bytes coming in, the first and second bytes represent the page and packet number and the data itself ranges from 3 to 64, the remaining for my checksum.

What I am needing to do is, grab 50 consecutive bytes per variable in my array, and that is where I'm confused. I have easily pulled my 3-64 bytes and stored that data to a string. I just don't know the most efficient method to accomplish my goal. Should I write directly to file all my data, as there are like 8 pages, of 128 packet data. [Code] I can capture the the first 50 by using a for-loop easily, but what would be the preferred method to track what data chunk I've taken? The more I think about it, I think I may just want to write to file, all my data, and then just take them back to back in 50 byte chunks. Is that the most efficient method?

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Handling The Paint Event In The Base And Inherited Forms?

Sep 21, 2010

I have a form called BaseReportForm that handles drawing some stuff to in a panel to create a template for a bunch of reports. The drawing all takes place in the Panel's Paint event and this form will always be inherited. In the inherited forms, I draw the specific details of the report in the inherited form's Panel Paint event. So I am drawing to the same panel from the base form and from the inherited form. It all works fine, but when I try to open the design view for the inherited forms, I get the following error..


The event Paint is read-only and cannot be changed.

I'm not sure I am handling my paint events correctly. Is there a different way I should be handling the drawing of these reports?

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