How To Use Image Created As Button

Jan 16, 2009

I want to use an image I created as a button. I tried setting the the image as a background for the button but that didn't work well. So what would be another way?

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Add Image To Dynamically Created Button?

Feb 16, 2012

I am trying to add an image to button but it errors out on line marked with [code]...

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Move Button Over A Panel From The Form In Which The Button Is Created Dynamically At Run-time?

Jun 22, 2010

how to move button over a panel from the form in which the button is created dynamically at run-time ?

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Can't Save An Image To A Newly Created Folder

May 24, 2012

I am getting this error trying to save an Image to a newly created Folder.

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Error: A Graphics Object Cannot Be Created From An Image

Jun 6, 2011

I have a scanned document in my system. It's a tiff file. You will see below the code i have written. The problem is that i get an error message. The message is like this "A Graphics object cannot be created from an image that has an indexed pixel format." [Code]

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IDE :: Button Image From Resource File Or On Load Image Which Is Faster Way?

Dec 20, 2009

i want to know, which way program runs faster1- add image to button through its property -> assign image from project resource file2- on form load event, assign images to buttons, from project resource file

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Loading An Image That Is Located In A Folder Created On Another Form?

May 23, 2012

show me how to Load an Image that is located in a Folder created on a nother Form. Public Class CroppingForm Private Sub CroppingForm_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load PictureCropper.Picture = Image.FromFile(MainForm.CurrentFilePath, "PreView Photo.bmp")
End Sub The Image that is sepose to be loaded into PictureCropper is named "PreView Photo.bmp"

By using: PictureCropper.Picture = Image.FromFile(MainForm.NewImage)the Image is being loaded correctly.

Unfortunately this is going to be a problem later on, for a Image with a diferent name will allso have to be saved to the before mentiond Folder. That is the reson for var."CurrentFilePath" it mast hold te Folder Path only "D:DIY.ID Photos"


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Created My Button And Added The Code?

Feb 18, 2010

I have never programmed anything in my life -- and I'm learning VB from a tutorial which I found here:[URL]...So I've created my button and added the code. Then it says:

"Now run your first application!"I have no idea how to do that!

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Events For A Dynamically Created Button?

Aug 17, 2010

I have made an click event for a button which creates buttons dynamically and I added events to the dynamic buttons by using addhandler but it says it the button is not declared. Here is the code for dynamic buttons:

Private Sub MenuBtnNew_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MenuBtnNew.Click


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How To Delete Created Button In Code

Feb 29, 2012

I create many buttons in code like :
Public Sub GenereTextBox(ByVal rep As String)
Dim txt As New TextBox
Dim fnt As Font
fnt = Me.Font
txt.Location = New Drawing.Point(26 + NbreCacher * (68), txtOrdonnee)
[Code] .....
And I want delete some buttons create when I click on my button, but I don't how I can do, because these buttons are create in code??

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.net - Displaying An Image In A Gridview From An ObjectData Source Created By A List In Using Vb

Aug 20, 2011

I'm having a problem displaying an image from an ObjectData Source created by function which adds iems to a list(of T) class. The ObjectData Source then becomes the gridviews Data Soource. All the other fields are displaying, except the image.


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Save Created Thumnail Image In A Folder In Windows Application?

Jun 11, 2011

I am using windows application. in that form i place picturebox, openfiledialogue, loadimage, saveimage buttons.using loadimage button to load image into picture box.using saveimage button to save image into one folder(save image into harddisk)at the time of save image first we crop the image like height:100 and width:100 and next it saved to folder.

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Create A Button So When User Hovers Over The Button It Will Change Its Image

May 22, 2010

I am trying to create a button so when a user hovers over the button it will change its image.

I used this code but it did not work.

Private Sub Button1_MouseHover(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim Image0 As Bitmap = My.Resources.Image2


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Change Color Of A Button Created From An Array?

Mar 4, 2009

I have created 3 arrays of buttons for a form which manipulates the value in a combo box or 2 by the name of the button ( buttons named 2 through to about 70 )

This works great but the problem is, now that the buttons are in, I want to be able to change the color of the buttons when another button is clicked

ie. The first bunch of buttons is a list of locations all with unique text.the second bunch of buttons is events that happen, sign on, sign off, beach open and beach closed.

What i want to be able to do is change the color of the button clicked "before" i click sign on, sign off, beach open or beach closed.

I do not know how to reference these buttons in my code as for starters, they are numbers, which is a big no no apparently. Also, even if i change the name from just a number to something like cmdBeach(i) when creating them, i still can't refer back to cmdBeach5 in my code as the button doesn't exist yet

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Click A Button In A Webbrowser Which Is Created In A Loop?

Apr 26, 2011

In my application, i want to have 10 webbrowsers, which go to google like this.

For i = 0 To 9
Dim Browser As New WebBrowser
Browser.Name = "Browser" & [i]


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Created A Form With 2 Labels 2 Textboxes And A Button?

Feb 10, 2009

I created a form with 2 labels 2 textboxes and a button. Basically it is a login from. When I launch the form it shows the blinking cursor in the 1st textbox(this is ok) but when i try to type nothing happens. Once i click the form(not the textbox-textbox works too but wanted to note it was the form) it works. I have tried doing textbox1.focus(). I have tried doing the form.focus(). Neither were successful. It may have nothing to do with focus but it seems to be that to me.

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Created A Form With Two Check Boxs And One Button?

May 28, 2012

I've created a form with two check boxs and one button. I added this code Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim Bg1.txt As String = "C:UsersJoshDocumentsBg1.txt"
Dim objReader As New System.IO.StreamReader(Bg1.txt)
TextBox1.Text = objReader.ReadToEnd
End Sub
End Class

to the button thinking it would open Bg1.txt when clicked but it's not working?

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Created A Listbox And Button In Application Using Code

Feb 1, 2009

I created a listbox and button in my application using vb code.When the user select an item in the listbox and click on the remove button, the item will be removed from the listbox. I know how to remove the item in the listbox, but I don't know what coding to add to activate the click event on the button.

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Created A New Windows Form And Put A Button On Taskbar

Jan 25, 2009

I want to have multipul fourms on my webbrowser and i've never done it before so I created a new windows form and put a button on my taskbar that would show the form this is my script Show(Form2) but when I click the button my whole project closes. it also did this with an about box.

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Created A Program Which Has A Zoom Split Button?

Mar 3, 2011

i have created a program which has a zoom split button. for single click zooming and percentage zooming, basically when i click the single zoom(can click forever to zoom) and clear the image, the picturebox size goes to a very small size, where as the default setting of the picture box is 590,649. is there anyway of writing abit of code so that when i clear the image after clicking the zoom button the picture box does not change when image is erased. i am working with please help its completly thrown me. just to add i have a panel and picture box because on some zooming percentages i have scroll bars so you can pan the image by clicking and dragging mouse.

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Created Button In DataGrid - Event Handlers?

Nov 15, 2011

I created a button in DatarGrid. Now I want to click that button and only when I click the button should the event be fired. Actually I want to Delete that particular row once the button is clicked. However, when I click the button, the Event: CellContentClick of the DataGrid gets fired. And that means if you click anywhere on the Datagrid, that even will be fired, and that makes no sense to put a Delete button. So I want to keep the Delete button and once the Delete button event gets fired, the record gets deleted.

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How To Click Button In WebBrowser Created In Loop

Apr 26, 2011

In my application, I want to have 10 webbrowsers, which go to google like this.
For i = 0 To 9
Dim Browser As New WebBrowser
Browser.Name = "Browser" & [i]
Browser.Visible = True

So now I will have 10 webbrowsers aimed for google, right? So how do I make a loop that clicks the search button 10 times? I know I need to use member_invoke like this
But I have no clue how to code the loop.

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Use Own Created Icons As A Button In Windows Application?

Jul 10, 2009

How can i use my own created icons as a button in my windows application instead of using the windows application button?

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Change Their Image Ie Image Button On DIsable?

May 5, 2011

I am using two button in WPF i want to change their image ie image button on DIsable how to do it.

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Call The Click Event From The Button That Was Created At Runtime?

Jan 6, 2009

I'm writting a program that will output the column headings of the database onto a form in a label along with a text box for the user to input their own information and a button to add a new record in the database. My problem is I do not know how to refer to the text boxes or how to call the click event from the button that was created at runtime.

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Create A Button Or Label That Is On A Form That Has Also Been Created Programmatically

Sep 11, 2009

I have code that refers to controls like buttons and labels and textboxes (obviously), but i want to create them programatically, how can i create a button or label that is on a form that has also been created programatically. Here is what i have:

Dim frmIndashone As Windows.Forms.Form
Dim vscPage As Windows.Forms.ScrollBar
Dim lblPageNum As Windows.Forms.Label
Dim txtVector As Windows.Forms.TextBox
Dim txtPageCode As Windows.Forms.TextBox

I am asking because i have a With statement that assigns different values to the different things that looks like this below:

RaiseEvent Load(frmIndashone)
With frmIndashone
.vscPage.min = 1


But i am told on everyline of the second snippet that vdcPage, lblPageNum, txtVector and txtPageCode are not members of windows.Forms.Form, How can i make them members?

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Dynamically Created Excel Button Disappears On Restart

Apr 8, 2012

I have code for a user created button that gets placed on a custom ribbon control, within a custom drop-down menu.[code]...

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Private Vs Protected - Button Click Event Is Created In ASP.NET ?

Feb 22, 2012

In ASP.NET using VB.NET, you can define the wired up button click event (to an ASP.NET server control) in 2 different ways (for the purpose of this conversation - manually wiring up via button property not in question here):

Double click on the button in the designer which produces an event in the code behind with a Protected method.In the code behind, select the button from the list of controls, and then select it's 'Click' event. This produces a Private method.I understand the difference between Private and Protected; why based on how the wired up event is autocreated it generates a different Access Level on the method?

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VS 2008 Change Event Of Button Created Through Code

Jan 30, 2010

I have this code to create a new button

Dim NewButton As New Button
frmDownload.Controls.Add(NewButton )

This works. But I want to change what happens upon clicking NewButton. It should start an application. I tried NewButton.Click but that event doesn't exist.

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Changing The Properties Of Dynamically Created Labels With A Press Of A Button?

May 15, 2009

I have made a program wherein you the labels are dynamically created with a press of a button. if you press on the label, the label would then change color from white to blue. my problem is that how will you make the backcolor of the label change when the button3 is pressed.

here are the codes. placed the whole thing since I dunno if you guys would understand what I mean.


PS here is the link to what my program looks like. link to my program . the button3 in the image is Reserve Seat.

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