Images In WebBrowser Control?

Oct 12, 2011

file that requires images as part of technical explanations, so I have a form that opens that contains only a webbrowser control. I have designed my html document that views correctly in IE9 (images and all) and imported that as a resource. I then set that resource as the DocumentText of the webbrowser control. However, when the form opens the text is fine but no images - just placeholders! I am not trying to do anything fancy - the webbrowser control doesn't navigate away from the displayed doc at all and being distributed i don't really want to have to distribute the images seperately (hence using resource)

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Disable Images In Webbrowser Control?

May 1, 2009

in 2003 , how to disable images loading in webbrowser control

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Download Images From Webbrowser Control To A File?

Dec 1, 2009

However, urldownloadfile will use proxy that internet explorer use. That part is what I want. The thing is the proxy used authentication. The proxy in internet explorer is authenticated. Using urldownloadfile will faile with error. It works without proxy.Anotehr is to copy the image to clipboard. That method is not reliable when user switch to another.

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WebBrowser Control - Saving HTML And Images

Jan 14, 2009

Ok you know how our web browsers like Internet Explorer or FireFox has the option to "Save Page As". Is there a way to do this using the Web Browser Control? I wish to save the HTML + Images that are displayed in my Web Browser Within my application. Or say if I go to a website and they have a dynamic image that keeps Changing is there a way to save that image that is displayed on the Web Browser control?

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Webbrowser Control Image Offline Images Does Not Show?

Jul 18, 2009

i'm making an app which uses a webbrowser control to show some offline (not cache) html pages like a slide show. let's say pages in a folder on the desktop etc when it came to testing the whole thing, i figured out that the images in the html are not visible on the webbrowser control. instead there is a space where the image should be, corresponding the actual image dimensions.and when i right click on this empty space where images should be, and click on properties, i see the image size given as -1 byte (minus 1 byte) and there is no image type.

however given any online url's to the same webbrowser control or opening the same html pages with the real internet explorer i got no problem and see the images.i've been googling for almost 10 hours for a solution without success, so any hints are welcome. used vb 2008, .net framework 3.5, ie 7.

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Disabling Images In Webbrowser?

May 9, 2009

I am attempting to make a web browser But I want it so it will not download any images And just show text and forms to save time on loading. I have found some things on how to do this but its all in C#

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VB WebBrowser Auto Click Images?

Jul 30, 2011

I expected the code below to have the following behaviour:

1) Login in to website
2) Perform the following 10 times

A) Navigate to website homepage

B) Search webpage for images (There are always images)

If image with alt text "spaghetti" exists then click it and return to homepage (Step 2A)


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VS 2010 :: Showing Only Images In WebBrowser?

Aug 13, 2010

Is it possible to search for images ONLY in WebBrowser? For example, my keyword in textbox1 is 'clouds' and when the button is clicked WebBrowser must show only images of that keyword.

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Controlling WebBrowser Display If Webbrowser Control Is Used As File Explorer

Apr 18, 2011

I use webbrowser as File Explorer.

If you click folder it opens new folder contents in WB window but if you click html document it opens in EXTERNAL viewer.

How do you get html document to open in WB while exploring ?

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Different Webbrowser Control - Web Based Apps Which Will Require A Webbrowser Extension

Aug 10, 2010

I am writing a few web based apps which will require a webbrowser extension. I have already used the IE webbrowser control that uses the trident web rendering engine. I believe this is MSHTML.DLL? Anyway, some of the users of my programs have complained of a few things. Particularily,

1. It seems to be a slow browser, at least compared to other rendering engines out there (webkit and gecko are 2 known ones).

2. On the developer side, it seems to be low in features. The features are sufficient in most cases, but there are some "special" things that I need.

3. It has VERY low HTML (and especially HTML5) compliance.

My question is, how much work would it take to use a different engine (such as webkit .net, which I HAVE heard of) and be able to distribute it easily. Or, if you guys feel ambitious, we could try writing a brand new engine ourselves. I know how big of a job it is, and frankly, I have no clue where to begin. I would just like your thoughts and opinions on the matter.

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Webbrowser Control - Memory Leak - HTTP Web Request Instead Of A Webbrowser?

Mar 18, 2011

i have created an app to load an access database into a datagridview, which contains web urls. When button is clicked it webbrowser1 navigates to each url and each webpages document.inertext is put into textbox. This all work fine but after a while the webbrowser navigation becomes increasingly slower.

For Each RW As DataGridViewRow In Me.DataGridView1.SelectedRows
'''''''''''#######cell values into strings ########''''''''''''''
If RW.Selected = True Then
Dim domain As String


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VS 2010 Associate A Listview Control With An Imageview Control To Display Images?

Feb 15, 2010

I have been able to associate a listview control with an imageview control to display images. There are a couple of things, I would like to do.

1> How do I display the image in the second column? 2> How do I increase the size of the image getting displayed? My images are all 48 x 48 (pixels), but they keep shrinking.

Option Explicit On
Imports System.IO


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Get A WebBrowser Object Not To Download Flash And Images?

May 17, 2009

I am currently trying to get a WebBrowser object not to download flash and images. This is just to make a lightweight browser. I know this can be done within the IE settings, but i would prefer it on an application level.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
WebBrowser1.Navigate(New Uri(""))
End Sub
End Class

I have found some C# code, but i dont know how to change it to VB.Net and the convertors make some bugs, which i do not know how to fix

Software i am using:

Windows XP SP3
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

getting the webbrowser to stop downloading them?

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VS 2008 Save Webbrowser's Images To File

Apr 7, 2009

Is there a method like ebBrowser1.Document.Image(0).SaveImageToFile("C:Image.jpg") ?

I'm trying to make an application that downloads all the images from a photo album on the web. The user will navigate to the first image in the gallery and the program should download all images in full resolution automatically.

I have a working version now, but it is not satisfactory. Here is a simplified version of the code I use now for saving the images:

Private Sub startDownloading Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted
My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile(WebBrowser1.Document.Images(0).GetAttribute("src"), "C:image.jpg")
End Sub

This way, after the page with the image has fully loaded, it downloads the image using the Network.DownloadFile-method. So, it download the same file twice. But these files are big and websites are slow. Which makes the whole operation take about twice as long as it has to.

Is there a way to directly save the image-file that has already loaded in the WebBrowser-control, without having to download the image again?

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Way To Do A 'webbrowser' Without Using WEbbrowser Control That Is Based On Internetexplorer?

Jan 1, 2011

Ive tried to edit option on the webbrowser control, example javascript enable/disable. but found out that it uses IE's option and cannot be changed.So my question is: Is there a way to do a "webbrowser" without using the WEbbrowser control that is based on internetexplorer? If it is, can i change option example flash and so on?

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VS 2010 : Click Image / Webbrowser / HtmlElement Class / Multiple Identical Images?

Jan 7, 2011

I need to click an image in a webbrowser from a Windows Form in VS 2010.I can click ordinary links using code such as this one:

Private Sub Button14_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button14.Click
Dim lnk As HtmlElement
For Each lnk In Form2.WebBrowser1.Document.Links
If lnk.InnerText = "the_text_of_the_link" Then


When it comes to the second variation of the code I often get the following error message (exception):NullReferenceException was unhandled Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Basically - how do I tell it to click on it only if there are two separate and unique strings of html code in a html tag?

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From HTML Content In A WebBrowser Control, Call Another Control?

Feb 20, 2010

I have a regular application form with a WebBrowser control.I have strung together a .htm file (from a regular text file) which I then assign to the WebBrowser control. In the html file, I have filenames mentioned.I am trying to string together the html in such a way as to give a clickable link or button that will parse into html and open the corresponding file in another WebBrowser control in VB.I have tried using VBScript and JavaScript to put a button in the html.As long as the function or sub I call is also in the same html document, it works, but I really need to transfer the control back into visual basic where I can do the heavy lifting I need to.can I just not do this as a regular VB application? Any way to do it without adding the complication of requiring ActiveX?

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WebBrowser Control: How To Send Text To TEXTAREA Control

Dec 8, 2009

I have a WebBrowser control that have a webpage loaded in it. On the webpage I have a textarea control, like this:

<textarea name="text" id="textarea_obj">

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Control Images Using Accelerometer Together With Using Buttons

Aug 4, 2009

I'm doing a project using VB 2005 Images of the application simulates using an accelermoet. However, right now, i need to create 4 buttons to simulate the diagonal position of the image.Right now, the accelerometer can move the image in 4 directions (mainly left, right , Up, Down).The 4 buttons mention, is in diagonal position( 45 degree Leftup, 45 degree Leftdown, 45 degreeRightu, 45 degree RightUp, 45 degree RightDown).I need to do it the way in which when my image is moved using the accelerometer, and once when i hit any of the 4 buttons, the image move accordingly. And when i use the accelerometer again to simulate, it also move.[code]

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Display Images In Web Browser Control?

Dec 14, 2010

I am Developing a POS System in with VB.Net .On that i m using Web browser control to display the item images, because it can support both the flash and images I am am using Webbrowser.DocumentText to push the document source of the browser control But if i change the code with another image the browser is not refreshing.the following are the code snippets I am using a method for changing the document text ' Method to add html source to the web browser

Public Function set_image(ByVal img As String) As Boolean
Dim src As String = "<html><head></head><body style='padding:2px;margin:0'>"
src &= img


then i m calling the method as follows

set_image("<img src='C:one.jpg' width='246' height='246' style='margin:0;padding:0' />")

but if i use set_image again for blank the browser it will work


after that if i call the set_image again its not getting updated

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Images For A Toolbar Control For Vb 2008

Aug 8, 2010

I need help with images for a toolbar control for vb 2008. I think I remember there was a way of creating them with VS6 in the C++ department. Maybe not. I would be happy to use them off the web but I can't find a link. Or maybe we have some in Visual Studio in some uncommon folder?

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Listview Control - Disappearing Images

Feb 2, 2012

With .Net 3.5 / VB 2008 / WinXP...I'm using a Listview control in Details view. Two columns with an image on the left and text on the right. FullRowSelect is set to true. All works fine except that in the selected item the image is not visible. It's replaced by a white background. I need the image to be visible within the selected ListViewItem's blue background. Do I need to switch to OwnerDraw or is there another way to keep the image visible?

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Picturebox Images Control By Textbox?

Mar 5, 2009

by default this is working when the form load but when i change the data in the txtProjID which is representing the name of the folder where the images to be view in the picturebox... it's change but still the images in the previous folder is displaying, the new images did not is he codes..

Public Class Form4
'\ph-filesp01 eamscommonPROJECTSProjectImages
Private getProjcodeNum As String = "17039974"[code].....

change the name in the txtprojID the images change..

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Add Images To Listbox Control Of Windows Forms?

Jan 3, 2011

is it possible to add images to listbox control of windows forms..

if I do it anyhow using items.add method one item at a time then how to add items valuemember to items ..

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Control Speed Of Gif Images Layers / Frams Using VB?

Feb 19, 2010

Can We control Speed of Gif Images layers / Frams using VB

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Get File Type Images For Listview Control?

May 21, 2009

I want to make a simple file re-naming utility and do not know how to get the images for the known file types.

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Pasting Images Onto A Control And Saving It As Bitmap

Oct 2, 2009

pasting images onto a control and saving it as bitmap

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Using A FileUpload Control In A Website Which Should Only Be Able To Upload Images?

Jun 18, 2012

I'm using a FileUpload control in a website which should only be able to upload images. To that end, I'm checking its MIME type before accepting the upload.Does anyone know whether the FileUpload.PostedFile.ContentType property comes from the file itself or the request? The latter is insecure, since the request can be spoofed. If that's the case, does anyone know a good way to validate a file securely?

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Add A Control To A WebBrowser Control Page?

Apr 16, 2009

I have a webbrowser control, where I show images (bmp files, that the program creates), and I want to add some UserControls to setup the images (as showing layers, or choosing colors to display). Is easy to do appropiate UserControls on VB.NET, and I know almost nothing about HTML, so, I would like to add standard VB.NET UserControls near the images.

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Use Trackbar To Control Brightness And Darkness Of Images In Picture Box?

Feb 20, 2011

Know how to use the track bar to control the brightness or darkness of an image in a picture box,use track bar to sharpen an image and to use trackbar to emboss an image.

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