IsNumeric Returns True For Strings Containing A D Character

Nov 25, 2011

I had a strange error in a VB6 app this morning and it all stems from the fact that IsNumeric is not working as I expected. To me this seems like a bug.

This code displays 4.15877E+62 in a message box:

Dim strMessage As String
strMessage = "0415877D57"
If IsNumeric(strMessage) Then


I am guessing that the runtime engine is incorrectly thinking that the D is in fact an E? I think this is a bug though as the exact same code in VB.NET outputs not numeric Is this a known issue with IsNumeric?

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VS 2005 IsNumeric() Use With An Array Of Strings?

Jun 7, 2011

I have VS2005 and I'm trying to use a function like isNumeric, except it accepts an array of strings.


I keep getting errors, anybody know why? Might just be a stupid mistake, haha its been a long day today.

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Returns Value As True And False?

Sep 18, 2010

I am writing the code in the class to create the strings. I want the value to returns as true if the strings in the class are matched with two numbers or more, but if the if the strings in the class are not matched with first two numbers or not then returns the value as false.[code]....

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List.Contains Returns False, Even Though It Seems It Should Return True?

Feb 17, 2010

Sub pageload() Handles Me.Load
Dim bom As New List(Of Car)
Dim car1 As New Car With {.Name = "Pea", .Year = 2}[cod

WHY??? I mean the object has the exactly same data, so why does itee]..... say it is not contained?

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Casting A Boolean To An Integer Returns -1 For True?

Sep 1, 2010

I am working with some VB.Net code that seems to be casting a boolean value to an integer using CInt(myBoolean). The odd thing that is happening is that it returns -1 if the value is true. For example:

CInt(True) // returns -1
CInt(False) // returns 0

Is this common in other languages? I thought that a boolean would be 1 if true and 0 if false. Also, is there a way to make VB assign 1 to true instead of assigning -1?

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Function Returns True But Then It Becomes False Upon Assignment

Dec 7, 2010

I call a function (SaveChanges) to access my business / data layer and save any changes to fields that are marked as an Add or Update and are marked to be processed. This function used to work fine up until 60+ minutes ago. What is happening is that suddenly the function is returning false. After debugging through the code, when it hits Return the local boolean is set as True but when it gets back to the calling method (and uses the return value) it is now False. As I said I went through line by line and debugged it, then I added a watch to it. The funny part is that there is one spot that sets the Boolean to false, and when I put a breakpoint on that spot it is never reached.

Here is the function:
Private Function SaveChanges() As Boolean
Dim blnSaved As Boolean = True
Dim saveableRows As List(Of DataRow) = (From d As DataRow In _listData.Tables(0).Rows _
Where Not d("Marking") = "Duplicate" _
And d("Process") = True _
[Code] ....

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Assembly DebuggableAttribute Property IsJITTrackingEnabled Always Returns True?

Oct 18, 2011

I want to check whether application is in debug mode/release mode to distinguish development & production application setting. I used custom attribute 'DebuggableAttribute' of currently executing assembly & its property IsJITTrackingEnabled to check application running mode.But this property always returns 'true' in both debug/release mode.

Can anybody let me know where is mistake or any alternative to achieve this?

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Public Function Returns Boolean True Or False

Jul 28, 2011

I have a math program that I am working on. One of the exercises has a random word and 6 radiobuttons. The user has to select the radiobutton that displays the exact number of letters in the random word. What I am having trouble with is creating a Public Function to check if the answer selected is the correct one. The radio buttons are within a groupbox. The Public Function returns a boolean True or False.

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VS 2010 - How To Get True Height Of Character

Oct 29, 2011

I need to use the character height of a lowercase character. I have tried using MeasureString, but that gives me the same number for both uppercase and lowercase characters. That is not acceptable. How do I get the true height of a character?

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C++ DLL Returns Only First Character To An Application?

May 2, 2012

One of our technicians asked my to write a small library file in which he would pass a filename and an integer. The library would load the text file and find the integer in the text file referenced by the file name and return a string back to his program. He is working in a third party application that uses VB as its scripting language.So, not wanting to worry about the .net install on some of the older machines that he has his equipment installed on I decided to take a crack at C++ (VS 2010). I am doing applications development in C# and the last time I compiled any C++ code was in VS 6, but I though how hard can it be? Well I am typing here so things have taken a decidedly wrong turn. I started out with the C++ Side.

#include <WTypes.h>
#include <comutil.h>
#include <string.h>the BSTR. Tried SysAlloc, didnt work.


If I pass a String to a BSTR as a parameter then pass it back again (like the file name) then the VB side reads in the entire string.

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Array Of Strings Contains Carriage Returns That Can't Be Found

May 9, 2012

I have used StreamReader to read the contents of a file to its end, and parsed each line into an array entry for an array of strings. That part works, and I have verified that each array entry does contain the proper line entry from the file. However, if I were to go and print out (say, in a MsgBox) each line, every line after the first one would look like (Carriage Return)(proper thing), yet searching for the CRs using InStr yields that there is no CR or ControlChars.NewLine etc. character in the string. I'll show you my code:

Dim FileParse(255) as string
Public Function FileRead(ByVal FILENAME As String)
Dim sr As New System.IO.StreamReader(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory & FILENAME)
Dim FileData As String = sr.ReadToEnd


I just set the For Loop from 0 to 10 because I am unsure how to tell the loop to end when it has finished with the last entry of the Lines() array, and since the program will later be writing to the source file, it is likely that the number of lines will change (which is why I just arbitrarily set the FileParse array to have 256 spots).

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VS 2005 Listview - Convert The Strings Of Checked From True To Enabled And From False To Disabled?

May 8, 2012

I need to work on my listview. Do you know how I can convert the strings of checked from true to enabled and from false to disabled?


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Character Replacement In Strings?

Nov 30, 2010

How fast can I replace characters in a string?

So the background on this question is this. We have a couple of applications that communicate with each other and with client's applications through sockets. These socket messages contain non printable characters (e.g. chr(0)) which need to get replaced with a predetermined string (e.g "{Nul}"} because the socket messages are kept in a log file. On a side note, not every log message will need to have characters replaced.

Now I started off on this little adventure reading from This MSDN link which I found from a different post from this site.

The current method we the beginning of the day...was using string builder to check for all the possible replacements such as...

Public Function ReplaceSB(ByVal p_Message As String) As String
Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder(p_Message)
sb.Replace(Chr(0), "{NUL}")


This so far has been the fastest way I have found to process these messages. I have tried various other ways of going about this as well like converting the incoming string into a character array and comparing along with also trying to loop through the string rather than the chrArray.

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Calling Fortran DLL From VB (Character Strings)

Jul 14, 2011

I am trying to call a fortran DLL from VB.NET. Fortran function requires two character strings to be passed from VB to fortran. I am able to run the code with a change after receiveing a AccessViolationException error. I dont understand why it worked can
some one whose professional explain me the difference. Here I am attaching the codes for reference


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How To Replace A Character In A Strings From Textbox

Feb 13, 2012

So I have software to replace string with string, it's cool but I need code which would replace any given character (for example a) with all strings from textbox.

Here is example:

Character to change: a-> X

List of words which should not be touched: "car"


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Generate A Lot Of Random 2 Character Strings For Application

Aug 28, 2010

I need to generate a lot of random 2 character strings for my application. it's a VB console application. basically what I have tried for random strings is this:

Private Function GenerateRandomString(ByVal intLenghtOfString As Integer) As String
'Create a new StrinBuilder that would hold the random string.
Dim randomString As New StringBuilder


What is going on? I thought that I used to, a long time ago, be able to just do random.Next.

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Communications :: Send 8-10 Character Strings From The PC Serial Port?

Dec 1, 2011

I have quite a bit of VB6 experience but now am trying to create my first VB.Net project. The project is very simple - it just needs to send 8-10 character strings from the PC serial port. The problem I'm seeing is that VB.Net is always sending out a 0x0A character after each 'WriteLine' call. Using VB6 it was necessary to manually send out any End Of Line characters. My application requires that no extra EOL characters be sent after the string.

View 2 Replies - Escaping Html Character Strings From Dropdown List Box With Datasource

Aug 15, 2011

I have inherited a database that is moving to the web. Problem is that some of the string fields have html characters....

One example is....

"" without the quotes, IT WON'T SHOW UP IN HERE EITHER, trying something else. At any rate it has < and the > signs with text in the middle.

How can I escape any possible combination of html references.

SelectCommand="usp_getSingleStringData" SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure"
<asp:SessionParameter Name="shrtText" SessionField="shrtText" Type="String" />


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Way To Concatenate List Of Strings Into A Comma-separated Strings, Where Strings Are Members Of An Object?

Oct 16, 2009

Say I have a List(Of Tag) with Tag being an object. One member of Tag, Tag.Description, is a string, and I want to make a comma-separated concatenation of the Description members.Is there an easier way to do this than to read the Description members into a List(Of String) and then use the Join function?

View 2 Replies - Why IsNumeric() Fails On A Number

Aug 2, 2009

I currently have this line of code which has been working for the past 6 months:

If IsNumeric(txtProductID.Text) Then stuff
Dim msg As String = "Error!"
End If

All of the sudden, no matter what kind of entry is put in txtProductID (including plain numbers), it fails! Is there reason for me to be going crazy over this?

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What Is The C# Equivalent Function Of IsNumeric() In VB

Nov 17, 2009

What is the C# equivalent function of IsNumeric() in VB.. If possible include an example.

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Wrong Result From IsNumeric() In .NET?

Jul 21, 2011

I have a function in VB.NET that loops through values and attempts to convert it to a decimal if IsNumeric is True,

Dim Value As String
If IsNumeric(Value) = True Then
Rate = CType(Value, Decimal) <--- bombing here
End If

I've found that when the function receives the value 603E43 IsNumeric evaluates to True for some reason and then bombs on the conversion. Why would IsNumeric be true in this case?

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Change The IsNumeric To String In The Code

Aug 4, 2010

I want to change the IsNumeric to string in the code below but IsString gives an error how can i go round it Private Sub txtprojtypenw_Validating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As


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VS 2010 IsNumeric - Program Crashes?

Oct 14, 2011

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1cmdRun_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1cmdRun.Click
Dim hour As Integer
Dim minute As Integer
Dim second As Integer


Whenever I run the program and I enter text into the label the program crashes. When I type in a negative number the message box works. A number like -45 worked and a message show appeared, whilst a string like 'bob made the program crashed.

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When Was Isnumeric Considered Legacy Code

Jan 3, 2012

When was isnumeric considered legacy code? I guess all that i have learned from my college class last semister is legacy.

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.net - IsNumeric Throw FormatException While Evaluating An Object?

Apr 5, 2012

I'm working with visual studio 2008 developing software for windows CE 6.0, compact framework.I'm having this "strange?" trouble with isNumeric method. Is there another better way to do this job? Why is getting me an exception? (two in facts...both of type FormatException)

dim tmpStr as object = "Hello"
if isNumeric(tmpStr) then // EXCEPTIONs on this line
// It's a number
// it's a string
end if

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Can't Find The Equivalent Of IsNumeric Or IsDate Functions In .NET

Nov 5, 2010

Following a recomendation from an expert, I removed the Microsoft.VisualBasic Reference from my project in order to "clean" the code and use only .NET. Almost anything I have been able to fix except I cant find the equivalent of IsNumeric or IsDate functions.

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Isnumeric Cannot Recognize Percentage String As Number?

Feb 16, 2012

I have some customized string formats of double values. I need to convert these strings to double values at some point (Note that these strings may contain error messages other than numbers). So I first check if these strings are numbers, and if yes, then convert them to double. Isnumeric works for my first customized string format. But I found that is numeric cannot recognize percentage strings. I wonder why isnumeric understands () but cannot understand %. And what is the better way to convert "(100.00)" and "50%" to doubles other than Cdbl?


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IsNumeric Vs TryParse - Make Sure The Data Is Valid

Oct 11, 2009

On all my assignments I am asked to make sure the data is valid - only numeric, no empty strings. And I keep wondering which is the best to use IsNumeric or TryParse. When I try both on coding they seem to do the same thing, and I don't seem to find my answer online. Any ideas of why to use one over the other.

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Textbox IsNumeric And SupressKeyPress Quick Query

Jun 11, 2012

Private Sub Bearing_Textbox_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Bearing_Textbox.KeyDown
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then
e.SuppressKeyPress = True
Call Plot()
[Code] .....

Which is used to plot bearings. The user inputs a bearing of 0-360 degrees. It works fine if a user say types in "abc" or "/" i.e. anything that isn't numeric. But if a user types in "90/" then it allows it. When the bearing is plotted the keypress is surpressed so the user cant then go back an edit. Is there a quick way to amend the code to allow for this?

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