Keep Interop Form To Top Of Application

Apr 4, 2012

I'm using the InteropFormsToolkit version 2.1. I'm trying to make sure that when a .NET form loads from an event being thrown on the VB6 form, that the .NET form can stay on top. I've tried many things and can't get anything to work. I've tried everything from z-index, to adding a managed call into User32.dll to push it to the forefront, etc.

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Where To Get An Interop.wia.dll - Can Dll Embed In Application Or Are There Any Royalty?

Jun 9, 2011

where I can get an interop.wia.dll? can this dll embed in my application or are there any royalty?

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Application' Is Ambiguous In The Namespace 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel

Mar 9, 2010

Application' is ambiguous in the namespace 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel

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ClickOnce: Unable To Install Or Run The Application, Requires Microsoft.Vbe.Interop 14.0 To Be Installed

Apr 15, 2011

Just got this message today on user machines when pushing out an update to a ClickOnce VB.NET application.No new references have been added, just some bug fixes.

System Update Required Unable to install or run the application. The application requires that assembly Microsoft.Vbe.Interop Version be installed in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) first.Note that this is only happening in XP machines, not Win 7.

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Create Setup File With Inno Including Interop.MessengerAPI.dll Of Any Application?

Jul 4, 2011

how to create a setup file with inno software including interop.MessengerAPI.dll of any application.I have created a setup file with inno.but it is work in only my pc it is not work in anather pc after creating a setup file.In my application is chatting it is work interop.MessengerAPI.dll in anather pc?

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Error6 'Application' Is Ambiguous In The Namespace 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word'

Dec 9, 2009

It says .Application ambiguous Error6'Application' is ambiguous in the namespace 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word'.

Imports Word = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word
oWord = CType(CreateObject("Word.Application"), Word.Application)
oDoc = oWord.Documents.Add()

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C# - .NET Interop Passing VB6 Form ByRef

Oct 11, 2011

I am trying to develop a .NET class that updates a VB6 Form and its controls with various new captions (It is in an assembly that is COM visible).

I pass a VB6 form ByRef as an object to the .NET class and then update the caption etc on the form as follows:

Public Sub AddFormRefLegacy(ByRef objForm As Object)
objForm.Caption = "some new caption"


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VB2008 Express 'Cannot Create Activex Component' Using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.Application

Apr 30, 2010

I am working on a VB2008 Express application that makes used of the office interop access. The exact code is:


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.net - Form Load Event Fires Twice Using Interop Forms Toolkit?

Sep 18, 2009

I've been following a codeproject article on using the interop forms toolkit (basically a way for developers to slowly upgrade their VB6 projects to .net by allowing .net components run in VB6)


While the .NET form is working fine in all other testing projects and environments, I've found that the Form_load event is actually firing twice once it's in executing in the VB6 runtime.Not only annoying, its forcing my initialization code to execute twice (causing all kind of problems on the second run).

If (runBefore = True) Then

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C# - Excel Interop Quitting The Excel Application Instance Makes Tests Fail?

Feb 23, 2011

I want to encapsulate the use of Excel Interop to make it easier to use somehow in a reuseable library.So far, I have written some tests that work good altogether, except that between each test, I force Excel to quite so that it does have handle on the test file no more in order to be able to delete.Once I quit the application instance between after each of my tests, Excel seems to be no longer responding, causing Windows to display "Excel has stopped working and is looking for a solution"

message. This message lasts a few seconds, meanwhile Excel is closing, causing the hang on the file to occur and my tests to throw an exception like "Cannot access file because it is being used by another process..."


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Getting The Error "Application" Is Ambiguous In The Namespace ''?

Sep 1, 2010

I have a project which opens a simple Excel file and populates it. It was working fine until this morning, when it has suddenly started giving me the error above: 'Application' is ambiguous in the namespace 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel'.I haven't changed any project references, or anything within the file itself. The references include Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel. The imports statement is there: importsMicrosoft.Office.InteropThe object declaration is also complete: Dim xl AsMicrosoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application which is the line that's giving me the error!

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"Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application.ActiveDocument" Visual Basic 2010?

Jan 26, 2011

I am fairly new to programming and I am trying to create a MS Word add-in to add an xml file into the WordprocessingML package of docx files.I am currently having trouble with Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application.ActiveDocument", used:Dim currentDoc As Document = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application.ActiveDocumentbut I keep getting the error: "Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference" there.

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Where To Get The IMAPI2.Interop.dll Or The Equivalent IMAPI2.Interop.vb Class

Aug 29, 2011

i want to write a small app which enables the user to burn some files on cd/dvd. Something like:

- Make an export from related DB Tables with informations

- Collect customers informations

- zip everything

-burn on cd (its a settlement related tool)

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Converting My Windows Form Application In VS 2010 Into A Run In The Background Application

Jan 17, 2012

Final step in my application. I finally got all the requirements working, but now I need to have the application run in the background.

The application was written in Visual Studio 2010 VB, Win form app.

The requirements are as follows:

1.) run the application at start up

2.) no icon

3.) always in focas

4.) always runs in the background.

Here's the full code I have right now (working! whahoooo)

Public Class Form1

Private Property count As Integer
Private s As New Stopwatch


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Forms :: Transfer Console Application To Window Form Application

Dec 22, 2011

modify console application below to window form application for me.I've tried by myself for million times, but i couldn't console application.rar?

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Call External Windows Application Form From Application?

Aug 17, 2011

I Have one Windows Application in which i have one MDI Form (Say App1). And I too have another Windows Application in which I have a Child Form (Say App2). So now i want to Call App2 from App1 .. And want to Display App2 form As MDIChild in App1 MDI Form . I am Able to open the Form of App2 , But how to set It As App1' Child .

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Convert A Console Application To A Windows Form Application?

Apr 13, 2012

I have a console application code below. I am trying to convert this to a windows based form application but I don't know where to start. This code asks you to input a website and then it gives you the IP address for that particular website the user enters. All the code works fine but I want this in a windows form application.

using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
class GTest


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Inject A Windows Form Application Into Another Application As An MDI Child In .NET?

Aug 29, 2010

I am creating a program that interacts with another program and I would like to "inject" my program into this program as an MDI Child window. Is this even possible, and if so can it be done in VB.NET? What kind of pitfalls are associated with doing this?

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Accessing An Application With A GUI (windows Form Application)

Jul 28, 2010

I have a software called Portal sold by Synapse Inc. It is basically software which interacts with microcontrollers.I need only some of the features of that software for my use. So i am thinking of developing a GUI which can emulate those feature and interact with the microcontroller. Am i going in the right direction in starting to develop the GUI?

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Difference Between Window Form Application And WPF Application?

Feb 15, 2012

What is the difference between window form application and WPF application?Also i want to know about WPF application.

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Mdi Application - Open The Form But Focus Remain On Tree View Until Click On The The Form

Jun 11, 2009

I have mdi application, on main form which is mdi container and has a tree view. i open the child form on afterselect even of treeview. the issue i'm facing that i open the form but focus remain on tree view until i click on the the form. my question is how i can give focus to form rather it stays on treeview. i tried frm.focus also activatemdichild(frm) no sucess.

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'abort' (terminate Immediately) A Form Screen In A Windows Form Application Running Under 'local' Environment?

May 30, 2012

FormA calls DialogB where user cancels DialogB which exits via ForceTermination(), see insert.Caller FormA check for DialogResult not = OK, which it isn't, and I can see this in debug as Abort(3).However, the code continues merrily along its way until I get a 'null reference' error which I'm trying to avoid via Force Termination().This is caused by the user cancelling DialogB, a selection process to get a database (SQL) instance.[code]

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Vb6 LEGACY Application And New Functionality (Form) Written In C# - Closing The .net Form From Vb6

Feb 8, 2012

Alright, I have a vb6 LEGACY application and new Functionality (Form) written in c#. I have a VB.NET COM Class as a wrapper. I can launch the .NET Form just fine. THe problem I am having is closing the .net form from vb6.


In VB6, I have something like this:


But it does not work becuase frmViewer is Nothing for some reason. how I should close the .NET form that was launched from VB6?

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Forms :: VB - MDI - Application That Consists Of Mainly One Main Form - Ranging Form Graphs, Tables, Dropdown Boxes, Print Preview

Apr 7, 2010

I have to write an application that consists of mainly one main form, but several different things I wanna display. Pretty standard I guess. So there is a menu, some controls, and the main stuff below (ranging form graphs, tables, dropdown boxes, print preview, etc). I would like to use it like one would use frames in html, design an object that is limited to a box or panel that I define. The literature I have does not give me a clear idea of how to do this (yet). The most obvious seem to be the use of MDI, open a predefined form with no borders, maximize it before showing and remove all minimize/maximize options. But that does not work so well. The form inside the MDI parent does not fit the size that is given for it when it is loaded. e.g.


So my main question is: Is MDI the way to go here at all or are there better/easyer ways to achieve this? If MDI is the way to go, how do I sucessfully restrict a child form inside another object, without giving the user any opportunity to resize (i noticed that I have minnimize/maximize/close buttons, even if I disable them on the child forms themselves)

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Missing Form After Minimize - Windows Form Application

Oct 12, 2010

I try to minimize my form to system tray but when I do, the form disappears and the notification icon doesnt work [code]...

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Use Main Form Like MDI Parent Form In Window Application?

Sep 10, 2010

how can I use main form like MDI parent form in window application?

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VB Form Not Recognized As A Form In Properties - Application Page

May 13, 2011

I want to enable application framework using Form2 as the startup form. The Startup form: combo box lists Form2 when enable application framework is unchecked, but when checked, I get the message that the startup object must be a form, the project then compiles and shows another form as startup. Declarations for Form2 are as follows:


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.net - Put Interop Dll Into GAC?

Apr 7, 2011

This might be a bit of stupid question but I need some clarification. I'm somewhat new to .NET and have created a EXE that had to reference an existing COM DLL. In doing so, Visual Studio 2010 automatically created an "Interop" DLL that it needs/uses to work with the legacy COM DLL.

I have deployed my project and included this Interop DLL with it (in the same folder) and everything is working fine. However, I have other applications that will need to use this same legacy COM DLL. Is it okay to reference it they same way in each application and keep deploying the "Interop" DLL with each application? Unfortuantely, all of these small applications go in the same folder and each use the same Interop DLL (so it will already exist there if it's used by another app.) I'm forced to having them in the same folder because these applications are being called as a way of customizing a parent application. As such it only looks in it's local folder when it wants to run a "custom" app. I'm just concerned if one the EXE's is ever removed and they take out the Interop DLL, then the others that still depend on it will fail.

So, I was wondering if it is possible or a good idea to put that Interop DLL in the GAC? I went ahead and installed the Interop DLL into the GAC and then removed the Interop DLL from the folder where my EXE runs and it failed to work. I get an error that says "Could not load file or assembly". I'm stuck on getting this working.

Do I need to reference the Interop DLL in my project differently such that it's now from the GAC? or Do I need to add something to my .NET code like Assembly.Load to make it work? Do I need to create that Interop DLL myself using TLBIMP?

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What Is COM Interop

Apr 11, 2009

What is COM Interop? Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.Welcome to the All-In-One Code Framework!

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VB2008 Reload A Form Of The Running Application From One Computer When Executed A Function From Other Computer With The Same Application?

Mar 15, 2012

Is it possible to reload a form of the running application from one computer when I executed a function from my other computer with the same application? co'z I want to see the changes of data on my datagrid view?

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