Loop Through A Dataset To Save Edits / Changes?

Jun 2, 2011

I have a dataset that is populating a table adapter that I want to be able to save any edits/changes that are done to the dataset back to the database. I know that I'll have to do a loop similar to this one[code]...

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Form That Edits Rows In A Dataset?

Jul 12, 2009

I have a form with the datagridweiw object. I have connected it to the datasource and it displays the data fine. I also have set the persissions for editing. I am assuming i need a button for accepting changes to table and a button to cancel. My use for the form is to add or delete rows of data and save the changes. The database and application are both in visual basic and sql server express both 2008.

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Determine And Post Edits / Changes Made To A Dataset?

Jun 2, 2011

I have a dataset that is filled by a tableadapter and what I'm trying to do is to figure out how to loop through all of the rows in my dataset and determine when someone has edited/changed the row and then to post those changes back to my database.

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Looping Through The Rows Of A Dataset To Determine Edits/changes?

Jun 2, 2011

I have a dataset that I'm trying to loop through to be able to save any changes made to that dataset and update my database doing so. Can anyone offer any code to do that effectively?

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Loop Through Dataset Updating Data From Results Of Another Dataset

Jun 22, 2010

I have two Datagrids, One grid has all the customers garments on it with style number and contact length. The other grid has the users who have garment issued to them. the style number is in both grids. I need to loop through the users grid and say if the contract number is 1 from the first grid then the contract date on the second grid will be todays date + 365 days (year contract) I have looked at using a stored procedure and also a for each command but I am just getting stuck with it all. [Code]

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Copying Rows From One Dataset To Another With A For Loop?

Apr 16, 2011

I have been looking for some syntax online to help me do this, but i cannot seem to find anything. I am trying to move some rows from a table in an access database to another on a click event handler.

One of the tables names is "Basket", and the other is order.So far i have this.


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For Loop Skipping Rows In DataSet?

Jul 26, 2010

My Application uses For...Next loops to read a spreadsheet into a DataSet and then display information from it based on the results of search conditions (search term and a date range).I'm having a problem with the data where, if I run a search that should return the first 400 rows in the spreadsheet, I'm only getting around 200 results. I know the search should return the 400 rows because I checked it in the spreadsheet before running the search.I think my problem might be caused by my date comparisons. I think the problem might be that I'm comparing String valueHere's my code:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If ListBox1.Items.Count <> 0 Then : ListBox1.Items.Clear() : End If


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Loop Through A Dataset And Populate A DataGridView?

Jan 6, 2012

How do I loop through a dataset and populate a DataGridView - heres my code. Hopefully someone can point out where Im going wrong... Not getting a specific error, just failed message box. when i take out the try/catch function then Im given no error but the DataGridView does not populate.


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.net Insert Record Into Dataset Cell From A Loop?

Jul 20, 2010

For j = 0 To wcData.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1
For i = 900 To 1700
wcData.Tables("db").Rows(j)("range") = i


trying to insert "i" into each column cell of "range"

View 2 Replies

Loop N Numbers Of Record At A Time In A Dataset?

Oct 19, 2011

I am trying to loop through a dataset and process n numbers of records at a time.For example lets say I have around 240 records in my dataset. I need to loop through the dataset and then create a new batch of 50 records. so for the dataset which has 240 records I want to create 6 batches. Out of these 6 batches, 5 would have 50 records and and last batch would have 40 records.

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Loop Through Dataset.Datatable Slow Performance In .Net 1.1?

Mar 16, 2009

I have a program in where I need to loop though the entire dataset.datatable. I takes a long time. What is the alternative I can use to do the some job but faster?

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Notepad With Office Edits

Mar 27, 2009

how to make a program save, open, or create new but now I have some other add-ons I want to add.I am not sure I can do this but how can I set default files like Text documents to open when I double click one without the error message saying that it's not a valid Win32 program? Also how can I make multiple fonts on a document? Same with color so I can bold some parts and not all, and making the program open itself when I click new for another copy without losing work and when you click close and there is unsaved data it asks if you want to save it. [code]

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Dataset Does Not Save Changes

Dec 18, 2009

i have two buttons, button1 changes in datagridview and second button2 saves, but it does not works if i want to change only one cell value , if i change two or more cells value, it saves

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button6.Click
DataGridView1.CurrentCell.Value = "Something"


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Check Box In Form Only Edits One Line?

May 10, 2011

I have a form that has a checkbox value for field 4. What I'd like a user to do is to be able to check that checkbox and when they fire the holidaysavebutton event, that my code will look for any of the checkboxes that are checked and save that line of data to my database. As the code stands now, I am able to get the first line to do this, but none of the lines after will save the data.


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Saving Datagrid Edits To The Database?

Dec 2, 2011

I'm creating an admin application that will allow specific users to manage users login credentials for an application. On a form I have a datagrid that is populated by selecting * from Operator table on the DB. I want the admin users to be able to add, edit and delete records from the datagrid and i have enabled these properties on the grid but any changes need to be confirmed by clicking a 'Saves Changes' button. Here's the code behind this button:


Private Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click
Const cSUBNAME As String = "btnSave_Click"

I have added a new record but when I save these changes I am getting this error: "02/12/2011 11:43:56,frmOperator,btnSave_Click,5,Dynamic SQL generation for the UpdateCommand is not supported against a SelectCommand that does not return any key column information."

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Save Changes To Dataset And Database?

Jun 6, 2008

I'm using the Visual Basic Express edition 2008 and I'm not able to save the changes to the dataset as well as dataset. While the application is running. I can see the changes are made in the table but the moment I close the application and check the data in the Dataset in the right window or the data in the database in the left window, I see no changesI have also tried the Update property of Table Adapter but no use. I have done Endinit, AcceptChanges everything but moment I clode the application no changes are reflected in dataset or databse.

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Save Records To A Dataset?

Jul 18, 2010

i have a register form and a dataset called clifs_project21Dataset.xsd

i just want to update

de info from register form to dataset and i use acces 2007

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Registry Edits And Icons / File Extensions

Aug 12, 2010

Inside the program I have a text box in which a user puts in the filepath to a textfile that the program then uses as a series of commands to perform tasks. This works perfectly, however what I would like to to do to make my program faster is associate the file extension .gam with the program, so when a user clicks a .gam file it opens the program and automatically sets said file's location into the text field, as opposed to using the browse button I added and browsing to said file everytime they run the program.

Through this a user could then make a shortcut to said .gam file and run it right from their desktop, as opposed to rummaging around in folders and whatnot. At the moment my method has been thus, I have 2 folders of importance I have archived with the .exe, Gambits Pro.exe, these are: Gambits, and Control, inside of the Gambits folder is the default storage location for .gam files, as when you click the browse button its default directory is that folder. I have also added a few example files in said folder for a user when they download the program.


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Dataset Cannot Save Into Database(No Error:()?

Jun 21, 2010

Dim myConnString As String = _
"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|Userpass.mdb;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=1234567890"


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How To Save Update Delete On Dataset.xsd

Mar 22, 2012

i going to add, update and delete records on xsd file (i got this xsd file through Data Sources Tab, i add new data source my VG.mdb)

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Save The Dataset And The New Rows Into The Database

Jun 20, 2009

I am new to VB.NET I have inserted multiple rows into dataset (ds). Now I want to save the dataset and the new rows into the database.

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VS 2008 - Sort Dataset And Save As Xml?

Feb 23, 2012

I have xml file and try to load into datagridview, how can I save the xml after I sort it by desc?


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What Is A Good Way To Save A Dataset For Another User

Jun 16, 2010

I have a program that takes data out of an excel worksheet and puts it into VB.NET datasets. The user can then manipulate the data using the windows forms application. At this point, I want the user to have the capability to save his/her data to some kind of file, email that file to a friend, and have the friend be able to view the same data with the windows forms application. I'm not looking for syntax, just a suggestion of a good way to go about this. Would the best way be to write to an access database and then use sql queries to get it out again? I've had a hard time figuring out how to write a dataset to access via VB.NET.

1. Start with Excel Data

2. Convert to VB.NET Datasets

3. Manipulate Data in form applicaiton

4. Save manipulated data in some type of file that can be sent to a friend

5. Friend opens manipulated data file in form application and can view and manipulate the data further

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Creating A Program Which Edits And Downloads Specific Links?

Nov 21, 2009

there, I haven't been using Visual basic for long and was wondering how I would go about solving a problem I have. Basically I have a list of link in notepad which look similar to this (just a lot more of them):


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Trap/check For Any Edits In A DataRowVersion.Proposed Method?

Nov 23, 2010

I am attempting to trap/check for any edits in a DataRowVersion.Proposed method

Why am I not able to see the changes from a bound field (to a textbox) from a DataSet? When I load the WindowsForm, I bind the TextBox:

If Not m_dsFIRE.Location(0).IsMHNull Then
Me.txtMH.Text = m_dsFIRE.Location(0).MH
orig_MH = m_dsFIRE.Location(0).MH


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Save Altered Dataset Back To The Database?

Apr 4, 2009

In my project,I used the wizard in VB.NET2008 Express to connect to my database. I have a data connector, adapter, and dataset controls on my form. I have been able to load the information into the dataset, and used the datCustomers.Customers.AddCustomersRow to add a new row to the dataset with information.

I now want to save the updated dataset to the database. I have tried using the adapterCustomers.Update(datCustomers) command to no avail. how to save the dataset to the database?

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Save Data Permanently To Database Or Dataset?

Jan 5, 2011

When I put information into my database form, the data is not permanently saved to my database?

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VS 2008 Dataset Wont Save To Database

Dec 26, 2010

I have created a program where I need to add, delete and update, I used a datasource and bound the items to a list. No errors occur and the data set updates, adds and deletes but the database doesn't. I have uploaded my program to a filehosting website as it is larger than 500kb and made the Main Menu the default form, please navigate to the first button or to the AddUpdate form and please help me to see where I have gone wrong. [code]

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VS 2010 DataGridView - Event When User Edits Checkbox Cell?

Jun 6, 2010

I'm afraid this is a very simple question, but I can't figure it out... I hardly ever use the DataGridView (usually use a third party grid) so I never needed to do this before.Anyway, I have a DataGridView that is data-bound to a List(Of SomeClass). The grid is not ReadOnly, but I made every column ReadOnly except the very first, which is a boolean column so it displays a checkbox. This way, the user cannot edit any cell value, but he can check/uncheck the checkbox in the first column.

What I need now basically is an event that is raised when the user (not programmatically) changes the value of this checkbox. I also need to be able to retrieve the bound item from that event (from the row number I think?) but that should be no problem, I hope.Anyway, there's a bunch of events that looked promising but all have something I don't want:

1. CellBeginEdit - Fires before the checkbox value has changed, so can't use this.

2. CellEndEdit - Only fires after the edited row loses focus. I want to save it back to the database as soon as the user changes the checkbox value!

3. CellValueChanged - Same problem as nr 2.

I'm sure it must be possible for me to react as soon as the user changes the value of the checkbox? How can I do this?

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Save Value Of A Selectlist Item When Used In A For Each Loop In A View?

Oct 14, 2011

Part of my MVC 3 VB.NET has a view that uses a list(of model) and a for each on that model to list all the contents.. The problem is that a selectlist is part of each item.. When the value is selected for each item it is not being posted back to the controller with the rest of the items.[code]....

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