Maximum Buffer Length Is Exceeded?

Jul 26, 2011

I see this error page appears in some client access but some client didn't see this.

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HttpRequest Maximum Length Exceeded In

May 18, 2010

I'm trying to fix an issue with an application I'm supporting (I didn't write the code). The code takes an SSRS report and renders it in pdf format. Users are sporadically getting the error indicated in the title. There is no rhyme or reason to when the error is generated (a particular report will run one time and throw the error the next).[code]

I read that the default length limit is 4MB. None of the reports by themselves are even over 350K. I'm wondering if this could be caused by a caching issue. I'm not an expert, so I need some guidance as to how best to solve the problem. I also want to understand why the issue is happening. Please note that only 2 reports are shown in the snippet - there are about 30+ reports in the full sub. I tried the proposed solution, but it didn't help (I also tried the Fiddler route, but did not see anything glaring). I thought it might be best to clarify. The reports will run fine for a while, but the execution time gradually gets slower and slower until the application eventually displays the error.

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IDE :: Maximum Number Of Warnings Has Been Exceeded?

Jan 23, 2006

I'm using VS 2005, after VB6 to VB.NET conversion we have fixed all the errors but still have unidentified number of warnings. Is there any way to increase this limit of 101 warning you can see after compiling? I want to actually see the total number of warnings to get an idea how much work is there.

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BC30041: Maximum Number Of Errors Has Been Exceeded

Oct 27, 2010

one of our programmers is having an issue with a app. i had him rebuild and recompile the app to the network share on the staging server and received the same. i even deleted the files in this folder(C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727Temporary ASP.NET Files). to make sure that the server was not the issue i installed it on another server and received the same error.i found a article on msdn that states that its a source code issue.

Compiler Error Message: BC30041: Maximum number of errors has been exceeded.
Source Error:
[No relevant source lines]
Source File: vbc : Line: 0

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Error List Displays Only One Error - Maximum Number Of Errors Has Been Exceeded

May 13, 2009

I recently upgraded a project from 2003 to 2005, and there were errors in them, but I am unable to view any in the error list. Only one error displays in the list


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Form Maximum Length

May 16, 2011

My form length is currently 1040 which when run displays as 870 and I use the vertical scroll bar to access the the boxes not displayed. I need more however, let's just say 1140 in length, but when I type that number into the 'size height' it only goes to 1044. Is there a way for my form to be the length that I need?

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Automatically Tab When Maximum Length Has Been Reached ?

Dec 6, 2010

Okay so I have 2 textbox's.

I made the first textbox to have a maxlength of 4 characters. Now after the user has entered 4 characters I want the program to automaticly tab to the second textbox.

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C# - Setting Maximum Length In A Gridview?

Aug 31, 2010

Below is my gridview sample that retrieve a formatted html in my database..All i want to achieve is to limit the maximum length of characters i.e "50" then automatically create a pagination for the succeeding be posted in the gridview

<div id="GridScroll" class="grid_scroll">
<asp:GridView ID="GridView2" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" BorderStyle="None"


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Floating Point - Displaying A Decimal With A Given Maximum Length?

Apr 28, 2010

I am writing a custom totaling method for a grid view. I am totaling fairly large numbers so I'd like to use a decimal to get the total. The problem is I need to control the maximum length of the total number. To solve this problem I started using float but it doesn't seem to support large enough numbers, I get this in the totals column(1.551538E+07). So is there some formating string I can use in .ToString() to guarentee that I never get more then X characters in the total field? Keep in mind I'm totaling integers and decimals.

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Finding A String Between 2 Other Strings That Has A Minimum Length Of 5 A Maximum Of 7 And Contains 2 Dots

Oct 5, 2011

What I need to do is find a string that can be any value, and is placed between ">" and "</" with a minimun length of 5 and a maximum length of 7 and contains exactly 2 dots.

So if I have a text file like this:

<a href="">a site</a>
text<br />
More test<br />


I want it to find only the 5.0.77. And no, the number isn't always between h2 tags, and the number isn't even always the same. The only thing that is static about it is that is is between ">" and "</" and that it is between 5 and 7 characters and contains 2 dots.

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Buffer Cannot Be Null - Parameter Name: Buffer

Dec 15, 2011


This is my code for retrieving pictures, it was working before but then i accidentally deleted the table and i created it again with the same name and same fields. and now whenever i open the form with the picture, there was a message box error. it says Buffer cannot be null. Parameter name: buffer I don't know what i did wrong.

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File Sharing Lock Count Exceeded

Mar 30, 2009

i'm getting this error: "File sharing lock count exceeded. Increase MaxLocksPerFile registry entry." i know i can manually go into the registry and edit this, but is there a way to do this in code?

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MS CRM 2011 + FetchXML - Aggregate Query Limit Exceeded?

Apr 12, 2012

I've got a 2 part question: First question: I know that there is a query limit of 5,000 records when querying records, for performance reasons, but is there a limit when doing an aggregate query? If so, what is it? I need only to query the number of records and for one entity I can get a result of 39,000+ records, but for another entity I see an error message like:


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Substring - Error: Index And Length Must Refer To A Location Within The String. Parameter Name: Length

Apr 17, 2009

this is not working?


End WhileI am trying to read from the ": " to the end of the line. I keep getting this error: Index and length must refer to a location within the string. Parameter name: length

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Index And Length Must Refer To A Location Within The String. Parameter Name: Length Exception

Feb 17, 2011

am getting the above exception while swaping Items in the list(lstRoutePriority).PFB my code

if (lstRoutePriority.SelectedIndex > 0)
//Swap the two items


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Convert Character Length To Pixel Length?

Jan 6, 2010

I have a field displaying on a datagrid that the user has asked to be variable length based on the data that is returned. Is there an easy way to determine how many characters are returned for a field and then converting that to a pixel length so that I can change the length of the field in the code.

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Output Error "Index And Length Must Refer To A Location Within The String. Parameter Name: Length" With Substring

Mar 23, 2009

"Index and length must refer to a location within the string. Parameter name: length" whenever I run this code


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Substring Size - "Index And Length Must Refer To A Location Within The String. Parameter Name: Length"

Jul 21, 2010

If using the following in an if statement I get an error: If trg.Name.Substring(4, 6).ToUpper <> ("ABCDEF") Then I get the error: "Index and length must refer to a location within the string. Parameter name: length"

I assume this is because the string ( is too small for the 4, 6 substring. What would be the correct method of working around this problem? Studio 2008.

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"Application Pool Exceeded Its Job Limit Settings"?

Apr 27, 2009

my code caused "Application pool exceeded its job limit settings"when doing bulk update.My hosting provider told me that my code caused memory exceeded its limit.


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Length Cannot Be Less Than Zero. Parameter Name: Length

Jan 31, 2012

When I load in the file to my program.

GPRS: 232154,456464,546
IP Addr: 123.456.2.789,9001
Interval: 12.5422

It appear Length cannot be less than zero. Parameter name: length.

My program is...

Private Sub Loadbtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Loadbtn.Click
'Dim strFileName As String


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Double Buffer Or Not To Double Buffer?

Apr 17, 2010

To Double Buffer or not to Double Buffer this is the Question!I have a form with Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint that sets forms background to a gradient fill ,on top of that is a transparent richtext box.
Ok. now here`s the problem ,If i enable forms double buffering the transparent Rtb doesn't flicker when forms resized. but the forms drop shadow does flicker! ,its a boarderless form using CS_DROPSHADOW to draw the drop shadow Now if i disable double buffering the forms drop shadow doesn`t flicker but the transparent Rtb does ,any one have a clue how to get both to work in harmony !

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When I Hit The "Save" Button, It Crashes And Says That The Column "Serial Number" Has Exceeded The MaxLength?

Oct 10, 2011

I've made a program that basically keeps track of all your CD Serial Keys. I've made the database and I'm at the point where I can type it all in and hit a "Add New" button to add it to the database, but when I hit the "Save" button, it crashes and says that the column "Serial Number" has exceeded the MaxLength....I don't get it...the numbers you put in the "serial number" is something like this "X5J3-2K4L5-2P4OK-23VMN-903NC" that's 24 numbers and letters long...I have changed the MaxLength property for the column to 30,000. How is 24 numbers and letters exceeded the MaxLength of 30,000? I think my "Serial Number" is setup for text. How do I fix this?

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ASCII To HEX Buffer Converting?

Sep 16, 2009

The reply buffer is in ASCII value...but I need is HEX value.Is there any way that the reply buffer is in hex?

Public Function read_write_string(ByVal devicehandle, ByVal command, ByVal commandlenght) As String
Dim inputReportBuffer(100) As Byte
unManagedBuffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(inputReportBuffer.Length)


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Buffer 28 Bytes From The Com Port?

Apr 21, 2010

I have a problem that i cant solve i am trying to buffer 28 bytes from the com port into the array actual_packet_VPS1(30). It works with the counter set to 0 - 15 but doesnt work when we increase the counter size to 0 -28.

Private Sub MSComm5_OnComm(ByVal eventSender As System.Object, ByVal eventArgs As System.EventArgs) Handles MSComm5.OnComm
Dim buffer As Object


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How To Double Buffer A Flowlayoutpanel

Jan 12, 2012

I have a need to double buffer a flowlayoutpanel. I have the form set to doublebuffered which is half the story but their is no property in the list to make the flowlayoutpanel do this (although MSDN states that it has this property) how i can set it to true for the panel?

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Playing Video From Buffer?

Apr 29, 2012

Im trying to do a video player but i have to play this video from the buffer, is this possible.. Let me explain you much more complicated,a got a CryptoStream and im decryting the video

While lngBytesProcessed < lngFileLength
'Read file with the input filestream.
intBytesInCurrentBlock = fsInput.Read(bytBuffer, 0, 4096)
'Write output file with the cryptostream.


This code writes my decryted or crypted video to a new file. However, i need to play the video file from the buffer(without copying to a new file), in other way it would be meaningless if i create a decryted file. in other words it would unsecure for me cuz if anyone can locate my temp directorey they can copy my decrypted video files.

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Process The Buffer - EOF Expected

Jul 9, 2011

Dim Fs as FileSystemObject
Dim TS as TextStream
Set Fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set Ts = fs.OpenTextFile(textFilePath, ForReading, False,
While not Ts.AtEndOfStream
' Process the buffer
I tried to convert into c# but am getting ERROR like EOF expected, what I have to do?

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Streaming To A Buffer And Then Using Data?

Jul 31, 2010

I am using sockets to send a music file from one instance to another. It currently saves the file, but I do not want to be caught up in file-sharing, so I want to "save" it to a buffer, and when it gets to a particular percentage transferred, I want another thread to play the music file, deleting it from the buffer as it plays. I have the code to send it over the network, but I need to know how to keep it in a buffer and not save it as a file.

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VB To .net Conversion Buffer String?

Sep 3, 2011

I've looked and looked + tryed debugging but I'm not getting anywhere fast I'm trying to import a usb radio driver and I'm 99% there. I can turn it on / off and get / set the freq.. but I'm struggling to get the rds name from it. The VB code for the function is


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.net - High Speed Circular Buffer?

Jun 8, 2012

I have been asked to improve the memory efficiency of an application that is used for high speed data acquisition. After running the VS memory profiler several times and scanning the projects for obvious issues I came to the following conclusion: despite using a fixed size circular buffer for storing acquired sample points, the RAM usage increases relative to the polling period. For example: polling data for one signal at 2 microseconds can use 5 times more memory (private bytes) than when running at 50 microseconds ... even though the buffer size is the same.

The circular buffer is an array of SamplePoint objects. Each of these objects contains an array of Shorts (16 bit) for corresponding data per signal and one date object (8 bytes) for the time stamp. For efficiency, the circular buffer is Redimmed only once every time it begins polling and filled with empty sample points which are then "assigned".

Also, it seems that when we stop and run the application it hogs even more memory each time as though the Redim is not releasing the previous array. My questions boil down to the following: What is most memory efficient way of implementing a circular buffer containing managed objects which have arrays?Also, how and why is memory usage increasing with a fixed size array with different polling speeds? Does the garbage collector not have time? Do local variables get disposed of IMMEDIATELY when a sub or function exits?These are some of the doubts and concerns that I would like to rule out before proceeding.


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