Publishing VB Projects - Files Required To Run The Executable

Feb 19, 2009

When a project is built in VB, the executable file is created in the \bin\Release folder. Apart from the executable there are other files that get created:


Are these files required to run the executable? Is having just the MyProject.exe file in the setup enough? And what are these files for?

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Prevent Studio From "publishing" XML Documentation Files In Web Projects?

Feb 16, 2012

Note: This question is similar to How to prevent the copy of XML documentation files in a release mode build?, but it's not the same and the answers there don't apply. Read on to find out why. (Please ask in the comments or in chat if you disagree, I'll be glad to elabroate).

I have a library project (myLibrary) and an ASP.NET web application project referencing this library (both are in the same solution). "Generate XML documentation file" is checked for the library project, because I want to have those nice IntelliSense features while developing.

When I publish the web application (Context Menu on the project/Publish...), it copies only the files required for running the application (no source code, etc.) to some publish directory. That's good. Unfortunately, it also copies the XML documentation file of the library. Since I consider our library's documentation to be a trade secret, I wouldn't want it to end up on a customer's server. Thus, we have to remember to manually remove this file from the publish directory before deploying it.

Is there a way to prevent Visual Studio from copying this file when publishing the ASP.NET project, but still retain the benefit of XML documentation IntelliSense when developing?

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Include MS Access Database When Publishing Projects Vb 2008?

Feb 24, 2010

I have a database that works fine when not yet published, I connect this way: "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|Network_Info.mdb" But when I publish my project my application can't find my database and I always get an error. Any solution to this matter?

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C# - Changing Connection String In DLL That Is Included In Executable Projects?

Nov 10, 2010

I have a project that is executable and I created a dll, which includes commonly used datasets among projects (DLLforApp and App). [DLLforApp]a separate project from App but in the same solution.this is a class library project which creates a dll file this has aconnection string which is LforApp.Properties.Settings.Default.ConnectionString[App]another project in the same solution.this project includes a reference for a set of datasets.. which is DLLforAppThis project also has a connection string which is the same as DLLforApp

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VS 2010 Publishing Multiple Projects - Get The Error : Application Validation Did Not Succeed. Unable To Continue?

Jul 28, 2010

I have a solution with two projects. The main project connects to the second project via a reference, and the reference path is local to my machine. It looks like it references the .exe file.So when I publish the main project (ClickOnce), i get the following error:
Application validation did not succeed. Unable to continue.In the log file, under Error Details, it says

System.Deployment.Application.InvalidDeploymentException (RefDefValidation)
- Reference in the manifest does not match the identity of the download assembly Project2.exe
- Source: System.Deployment

How can I include this second project? Should I publish it, then reference the published files? What do i reference? The .application file?Is there a way to just include this second project, so when I do publish the main project, the second one just goes along with it?

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VS 2008 Published Projects - Get Hold Of The Actual Executable File

Jul 31, 2009

When a project has been published the file that is put in my start menu is an application reference. How do i get hold of the actual executable file so i can post a demo?

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How The Required System Files And Dll Files Shall Be Included Into Setup.exe

Jul 31, 2010

if I use a third party distribution application like Setup2Go etc. to make my setup files, will my application run properly on user's computer?I mean how the required system files and dll files shall be included into my setup.exe?Does user need anything install, prior to my application's installation?

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VS 2010 : Where Does The .xml Files Go After Publishing

Mar 10, 2012

an application that stores data in xml files,after publishing where can i access those files?

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Publishing The App Flash Files Are Not Running?

Mar 12, 2010

i made an application 2008 express edition when i am debugging flash files r working fine when i am publishing the app flash files are not running?

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Publishing Vb Application With StreamReader/StreamWriter .txt Files

Mar 4, 2012

In my code I've allowed used to create their own mazes and save them, under whatever name they like. I've also included a few pre-created mazes. The mazes themselves are saves in .txt files in the bin/debug folder of the project, along with a .txt file containing the maze names.

I really need to publish this program to send it to my teacher, but when I publish it it doesn't include any of the .txt files in my bin/debug folder.

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How To Access Files In Data Folder When Publishing Application

Apr 8, 2011

I have added some files that I need to be downloaded to the Application start up path. So I set Build Action as content now the files have been copied some where
C:Documents and SettingsTestUser.ANNAMLocal SettingsApps2.0DataHVDRBMY5.8AA858AT9VM.TNP est..tion_2d7cfc137d9c2c74_0001.0013_432bd4561850d290Data
How can access file from the application. My problem since it is a dynamic path will it be same folder count so that we can use like ....Data Some think like this

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Publishing Application Files (MySql.Data.dll.deploy)?

Jun 26, 2011

Using: VB 2008 Express?I created an application that connects to my MySQL, and everything works fine, but...

1. On my development computer, Windows 7, 64bit, I add the file as a reference. I publish the program, run the setup.exe, and sucess.

2. I then copy my published folder to my test computer, Windows Vista 32 bit, and upon running the setup, the program fails to work because it cannot find the Mysql reference.

3. I then transfer my entire project over to my Vista computer, publish the program, run the setup.exe, and sucess.

4. I finally found out what was happening. My Windows 7 comptuer was not including MySql.Data.dll.deploy file in the Application Files published directory; but when I compiled it on the Vista machine this MySql.Data.dll.deploy was included.

So, in the end, I cannot compile the program on Windows 7, because it fails to create the .deploy file, and use it on Vista or XP (for some reason Win7 doesn't need this .deploy file?); but I can publish it on the Vista machine and install it fine on Windows 7, Vista, or XP. My targe CPU setting is Any computer.

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Install .rtf Files In Folders When Building/publishing/installing Program?

Oct 18, 2010

I could not figure out the key to installing folders/subfolders/.rtf files during deployment/installation. The key here is to 'add' folders and subfolders to the project in solution explorer, then adding existing item (.text (.rtf files in my case) files) then selecting the .rtf file in solution explorer.go to its properties and under 'Build Action' select 'Content' (very Important!). Then under 'Copy to Output' select 'Copy if newer'!Then in code to access these files you use the following code:

Me.RichTextBoxDisplay.LoadFile(Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "KJV BibleOTExodusExodus KJV.rtf"))

Finally after 3 days of research and 2 days at the msdn forum picking peoples minds (smarter than mine) and lots of prayer, I got it!

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VS 2008 Publishing - Make Just One Exe File In Vb9 - Install The Program After Publishing?

May 22, 2009

About publishing my program. there's a lot of files made after publishing unlike in vb6 when i converted it to exe file theres only one file. hmm how can i make just one exe file in vb9 is it possible? another question do i have to install the program after publishing?

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Cannot Create An Executable That Uses Batch Files

Jan 27, 2012

I've been developing an application that is basically a GUI for several batch files. You click on a button, and the corresponding batch file will run. I got it working in debug using this code:

Private Sub btnOpenFS_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOpenFS.Click
End Sub

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Add New Ocx Files So They Can Be Used In Projects?

Sep 13, 2010

How do you add new ocx files so they can be used in your projects? I download some free ocx files and cant use them right now cause I can't get them in the side bar thing.

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VS 2008 Merge Two Executable Files , File Binding?

Sep 7, 2009

What i need exactly is to make a program that have a button called "browse" , when the user clicks it , it prompts the explorer and let the user choose a .exe file, then theres another button called "merge", when the user clicks it, i want the file that was already selected to be merged with one that will be already on my project, and the result would be a single executable file, that will open the 2 .exe files when running it. Obviously i could do all the steps, but im stuck on the file merging part.

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Use Two Projects And Share Files?

Sep 11, 2010

I got two projects. GUI/Console and I want to have them in the same project directory with two different projects so:


The problem is simple: It will overwrite the My Project directory, how to change this?

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Distribute Required Dll Files With Your Application?

Apr 30, 2011

How to distribute required *.dll files with your application ?

I want to include System.Data.SQLite.DLL file

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Get Cursors From Executable Files, And Then Convert To System.Drawing.Icon?

Dec 3, 2010

How do you get the cursors in an executable file? Like how to extract all cursors from a .exe, .dll, .ocx, .cpl or .src file, and then convert to an System.Drawing.Icon...

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Sharing Files Between Projects Within Solution

Jul 22, 2009

I am working on a solution that contains 2 projects one to be built as an exe and the other as a service. Both projects will share a class for certian functions and properties. I would like to have both projects use the same physical file so when I make a change in one of the projects it is also made in the other.

This was simple to do in VB6 but as of yet I see no way to do it under dot net. It seems to want to make a copy of the file and place it into the project folder for the second project resulting in the need to either copy after every change or manually make the changes twice.

Anyone know if there is a way to have common files area for a solution so that any project within the solution has access to the actual file rather than a copy of it?

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VS2010 Projects With Common Files?

Jun 6, 2012

I have a project that has 2 exe's that get built as well as the installer. The two exe's share a bunch of common files. I do not want to have two copies of the common files or mess around with having build events that copy things around (if possible).My method was to create two projects in the same folder and have them point to the files they needed.This appeared to work until I tried to compile both apps at which point I get an error in a file called Application.Designer.vb. It seems that project files create this file in their folder and when I have two solutions in the same folder they conflict.

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Cannot Download - Application Missing Required Files

Sep 7, 2011

I recently had to format my PC, So I moved my project files and build files to my External Hard Drive, and continued to work on my project.. I started to receive emails saying that the application is saying "Cannot download the application. The application is missing required files. Contact application vendor for assistance." After clicked view details, I found this:

+ Downloading file:///C:/Users/myuser/Downloads/Browser.application
did not succeed.

The .application file is not in Downloads, its supposed to download it from my website. And if I were to open my project on a computer with it already installed, it won't check for updates - it opens really quick without the "Viewing Application Requirements" window.

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VS 2005 Required On Getting Multiple Files Size

Jun 5, 2010

I need to get file size of some files, which i can get very easily by using FileInfo class.. As of now, I'm looping through all files in My Directory and then taking their file sized into a notepad.But the real problem for me is,Like this, I'm having around 100 Root directories, each contains ~ 1000 subdirectories and each sub directory contains ~ 80 files..Yes, I know, that, I can use a recursive function and loop through all dirs and sub dirs and thus the files.. which was taking huge efforts in terms of time.I want to know, If there was any other alternative, which will make my task more easier and efficient.

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Progammatically Generate Executable Files After Taking Custom Parameters From The User?

Apr 22, 2009

I would need samples/hints on how to progammatically generate executable files after taking custom parameters from the user.I have looked into codedom and I almost got it to work except for the little fact that my application launches the console too and it's meant to be a simple windows form.

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Include Code Or Files From Other Projects WITHOUT Referencing Them

Nov 16, 2011

Is there a way that I can include code or other files from other projects WITHOUT referencing them? I am trying to combine our projects into 1 EXE without DLLs. I do not want to use a self extracting EXE either. Let me know if there is a way to do it similar to the C++ #Include.

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Multiple .NET Version Projects Pointing To Same Files?

Jun 29, 2009

I have some assemblies that were developed using .NET 1.1. These are business layer assemblies that are required for other .NET 1.1 applications to work. I have been developing our new applications using .NET 2.0/3.5. I would just convert the business layer projects over to 2.0 and be done with it, but those old 1.1 applications just won't die.As such, has anyone ever had two different .vbproj files (one a .NET 1.1 project file and the other a .NET 2.0/3.5 project file) that pointed to the same set of files so they could be compiled appropriately?

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Click-once Deployment - Additional Files Required In Package?

Jan 9, 2009

Hi, can anyone help me with a click once deployment query?I have packaged an application, using Click Once - it all works absolutely fine, with the exception of some files I need on the C: drive. For example: My application populates an Excel.xlt template with data, using an export function. The path of the template is c:program filesaem

If the application is packaged, there is no option that I can see where you can include this template and the path to the file. The only way around it is to manually copy the template (and half a dozen other files in the same folder), after the click-once deployment - but this kind of defeats the object.

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VB 2008 Won't Load Previous Projects - Files Have Been Moved?

Sep 28, 2010

I created a visual basic express edition project and when completed pressed Save All. Then proceded to work on another version and saved that one as well, Now the project cannot find the original version which is the only working one. I have all of the projects backec up but they will not load. Where do I have to move the files so Visual basic can find them?

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Deployment :: Can An Executable Program Create An Executable File

May 17, 2012

I have a program that outputs a file. I want the user to be able to just double-click the output file and launch the program, just like Word and Excel. In Word for instance, one doesn't necessarily have to open WORD then click on File--> Open and locate another Word doc. He can just go to the folder and open the Word doc. I want to implement the exact scenario in my program.

So far I have tried creating TextFile and added it to the Resources. On FormLoading, I simply I stream-read the Resouce file, but I can't write to the Resource on FormClosing, since the Resource is ReadOnly. Also, the Resource is built & compiled so I suppose you can't add anything to it at run time.How you lunch an output file without launching the Executable program that created it?

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