Using Reflection To Determine If A Control Supports An Event?

Mar 7, 2011

To avoid the TRY Catch Block, is there a way to determine if the control supports the specified event without having a try catch block?


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VB6 Control - .NET No Longer Supports DDE

Jan 26, 2010

I know .NET no longer supports DDE however unfortunately most "Finance" related programs (ie, charting and data vendors) use DDE to tie into their data. (Ie, esignal, Marktfeed etc). I've been toying around with NDDE however I'm having a hard time implementing it...unless I'm just making 1 request then it's fine. My question is would it be possible to take VB6 Label Control since it has the "Linkmode, LinkTopic, LinkItem, Label_Change" Properties/Methods and events in it....and create something like DDELabel.dll via Activex control project then use that as part of

I tried doing it via the Control Wizard then using it in .NET however I know for a fact I'm not doing it right. Perhaps if someone much more competent could attempt it see if it does give the DDE functionality when used in .NET they can point me in the right direction...

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Using System.Reflection To Determine ALL References?

Mar 4, 2010

I am trying to determine every single reference inside a dll with System.Reflection. However, GetReferencedAssemblies only lists the ones in the "References" (visible in solution explorer).

I would like to determine references from within the code itself, such as an imports statement. Even things like if/then statements, try/catch, absolutely everything.

Is this possible to do using System.Reflection? If so, how?

I would definitely prefer to do this without p/invoke.

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Determine If Property Is Generic List<of T> Via Reflection And Loop List Items

Oct 1, 2009

I'm looping all the properties in an object via reflection:

For Each p As PropertyInfo In values.[GetType]().GetProperties()
If p.CanRead Then
'Do stuff
End If

how to determine whether the property in question is a generic List(Of T)? If it is I need to loop the list itself.

I've experimented with GetType and TypeOf but have not managed to get anything working.

To clarify, I want to keep this generic. I do not want to specify the type of T, I need to loop the list items and call the ToString method on each item. T could be one of a number of different types (application specific reference types). Is it possible to do this without specifying types?

(VB.NET 2005 with .Net 2.0)

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Get Event Parameters Via Reflection

Apr 15, 2009

I can't work out how to get the parameter types for an event.For instance, I can only see using a MethodInfo to get parameters, but I have either an EventInfo or a FieldInfo.What I want is to be able to get 'Boolean' from this:Public Event EventName(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal value As Boolean)I could theoretically try something like GetRaiseMethod() but that won't work (because that method returns null as per this link) and even if it did it would require a method binding first and this is meant to be for a test suite just confirming that the event has a certain typed parameter at initialisation.

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Using Reflection To Attach / Detach Handler Of Base Event In Derived Class

Dec 13, 2009

I am just curious, if there is some way to attach handler to my derived classes base event, if I know EventInfo and I have Delegate to handler function. I have tried MyEvent.AddHandler(CType(Me, BaseClassType), MyDelegate) already, but no positive result at all. Consider being in need of attaching handler to custom event at runtime, while derived class possibly shadows this event.

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Display A User Control Through Reflection?

Jun 22, 2009

I would like the main UI to load the custom UI Control which is specific to a particular client. Since every client may have different requirements, I have decided to create snap-ins since the rest of the application remains the same. However, the UI may require specific information for that particular client.

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.net - Highlight Control In A Disabled Form Using Reflection?

Dec 23, 2011

I am using Reflection with VB.Net to get all the forms in a list box and all controls in another list box for the selected form in the first list box for any selected Assembly from any location.

On selection of any form and clicking the 'Open Form' button it opens that particular form in disable state.

But it throws exception as connection could not established(seems the load event of the form still fires which is not desired).

So now i want that the form should load in disable state without firing any event of it and also if any of the control will be selected then it will be highlighted in the form with a red border.

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Control Array - Add New Event - Click Event Code And Calling It A Doubleclick Event

Jul 31, 2010

I've read thru Iceplug's tutorial on control arrays and got it working. I tried to add a new event by basically copying his click event code and calling it a doubleclick event. I used the proper addhandler and assigned the correct name to my sub. I have the click event changing the background color to blue and the doubleclick event changing the background color to green. The background color does not change to green. Why?

Heres the tutorial with my new code encased in asterisks ...


Imports System
Imports System.Windows.Forms

Public Class form1


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Determine If An Event Has Been Attached To Yet?

Jun 18, 2009

I have two objects - one that contains some code with will fire an event, and one that contains the handler for that event. I can't "AddHandler" in the Load of the first object,because an instance of the second object doesn't exist yet. When I raise my event, I want to check to see if a copy of object2 has been instantiated (easy to do), and if a handler has been attached to the event yet (not sure how to do this).I'm also open to another recommendation about how to do this instead. If I do my AddHandler in Object1.Load, and Object2 doesn't exist yet, then it will never handle my event, even if I create it later.Right now, in the code that fires the event, I've just resorted to doing a RemoveHandler and then an AddHandler every single time the event is raised, and then I know I'll attach when the object finally exists, but I know this is a crappy method.

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Determine An Event From An External Application

Jun 6, 2011

I am developing a program where I will save the information from a "Log file" from an external application..I have a biometrics system that reads and saves the log file to disk,once the user logs to the system, the system will save the file to a log file after that the system that i will develop will read the data from the "log file"(probably a text file) and send it to sql server.

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Determine An Event From An External Application?

Oct 21, 2009

I am developing a program where I will save the information from a "Log file" from an external application..example: I have a biometrics system that reads and saves the log file to disk,once the user logs to the system, the system will save the file to a log file after that the system that i will develop will read the data from the "log file"(probably a text file) and send it to sql server what event should I use?

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Determine URL About To Be Opened By NewWindow Event?

Feb 4, 2011

I'm trying to build a simple desktop application to keep users on a certain website. It's very simple, just a webbrowser control with right click disabled. However certain applications on our website require popup windows and those windows always open up a full browser window. [code]....

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Shared Leave Event - Determine The Name And Value?

Nov 24, 2011

I am working on a new assignment. Our instructor wants us to code a shared leave event for three textboxes (txtBox1, txtBox2, txtBox3).I understand how to code the shared event and how to make a generic tbox for it:

Private Sub txtDescription_Leave(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtBox1.Leave, txtBox2.Leave, txtBox3.Leave

'generic textbox
Dim txtText As TextBox
txtText = CType(sender, TextBox)

We are told that if the generic textbox contains data and the data has been modified (against the database record), we need to : Determine the name (name property) of the textbox that casued the evend and Determine the value (text property) of that textbox.I know to check to see if anything is in the generic box by the length property, and if it is modified by the modified method, but how do you determine the name and value? Is it a case statement?

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Determine What Type Of Object Is The Sender Of An Event?

Nov 25, 2011

Heres my sub:

Dim onThisTable as String ="Name"
Private Sub skill_mouseHover(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles button1.MouseHover, button2.MouseHover, panel1.MouseHover, panel2.MouseHover, pbox1.MouseHover


Now I wish to give onThisTable a different value depending what the user pass over (panel or a pbox or a button) but I cant find what is the correct way to compare what type it is ...

Private Sub skill_mouseHover(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles button1.MouseHover, button2.MouseHover, panel1.MouseHover, panel2.MouseHover, pbox1.MouseHover


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Determine Whether A Form Has Raised Its Shown Event?

Aug 5, 2011

I have an MDI application that can either run in TABBED or WINDOWED mode. When a user selects something from the menu a form is shown. All menuItem clicks pretty much look the same:

Dim frm As New <SomeForm>
frm.MdiParent = MDIParentForm


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VS 2008 Generic Event Determine Sender In Sub

Jul 8, 2009

Is it possible to have a sub that is triggered when any control of a specified type is clicked (or some other interaction), and then within the code of that sub, determine the sender and depending on the sender perform an action?For example, you create buttons dynamically, and assign them a name based on a counter that tells the number of buttons on the form. Now you click on a button, but there was no code written for 'button123.mouseclick' specifically. Instead, you get the name of the sender (button123) and you do something specific to that button.[code]

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Determine Which Datagridview Visible On Button Click Event?

Aug 3, 2009

I have a tabcontrol which contain 4 tabpages. Each tabpage have a datagridview.

When i select any tabpage the datagridview of it will show.

I want to check what datagridview is showwing(visible) in button1 click event.

I dont want to loop through controls thenafter check visible propety of control.

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Make A Idle Event That Sets A Timer To Determine If System Idles For A Minute

Dec 5, 2011

I wanna know how to make a Idle event that sets a timer to determine if my system idles for a minute and pop outs a form and stop the timer if that form loads?

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Making An App That Supports Tags?

Feb 6, 2009

Tags as in <Html> and such (ie. <center> and </center>) but ive come to a problem, I cant seem how to check the TAG to change the text's color.

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Determine If A Control Is A Given Type?

Nov 5, 2011

Public Shared Function IsType(ctrl As Control, ByVal thisType As ??????) As Boolean Return (TypeOf ctrl Is thisType) I need a function that I can call, for example, to determine if a control is type RichTextbox.dim z as Boolean= IsType(txtBox1, RichTextBox) I ned to determine if a control is a given type (i.e., not always RichTextBox). I don't know what Type to make thisType. Can this be done?Actually I simpified the problem but if the above is answered I can write the function

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How To Determine The Type Of A Control

Dec 12, 2009

I need to determine the type of a WinForms control in a collection.


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How To Determine Which Control Has Been Clicked

Apr 11, 2011

I have a program with 32 PictureBoxes (pb1 ... pb32). The user will select one of the picture boxes. All picture boxes will call the same subroutine, passing the variable of the name of the box clicked. Rather than writing a click event for all 32 boxes, and call the same subroutine from each event, is there a way that I can determine which picture box has been clicked?

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Any Object That Supports Column Grouping

May 25, 2010

Is there any object that supports column grouping in VB.Net. Because I've been trying datagridview with no success.

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Create An Application That Supports Addins?

Jan 13, 2009

I have 5 different applications that I have written for my business, they are all interfaces for a point of sale system. I TCP/IP interface handling part of the application is rock solid, problem is that occationally I will come across a small issue, such as a memory leak that I came across a few weeks ago. After I fixed it, I had to then fix said leak in 5 different projects as they all use the same interface base code.Now, if things were different, say a function that all my applications used I would just write it into a class in a dll and have all my applications use the function from that class. Problem is however, using a parent/child explanation unlike my example here where I have interface 1 - 5 as my parents using common.dll as a common child. I need to have InterfaceParent using 5 different children with different attributes.That being said, there are a few stipulations, depending on the customer I may only need to install interface 1 and 3, or 2 and 5, or 1,3 and 4.

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Eclipse IDE, C# And Plugins That Supports .Net Framework4.0?

Sep 4, 2011

I want to use C# and VB.Net in Eclipse 3.7 Indigo.VB.netI could not find the plugin about in Eclipse.So I want to know is there a plugin for Eclipse that allows you to write C# or code using the .Net Framework 4.0 or 3.5?

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Tell If An Object Supports Scalar Comparisons?

Mar 6, 2010

how i would check to see if a given class supports the >, = and < operators?

Given an object passed in, I am looking for code that implements the following logic:

If GetType(someObj).SupportsScalarComparisons() Then ...

I don't know if this is a case for Reflection, or ?

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Determine And Alter The Control With The Greater Value?

Jun 2, 2010

I have two columns of numbers that hold team scores for different events. I am looking for a OO way to Color the textbox of the team with the highest score in each event. I know the following will not do it (without writing a complex set of If Then Statements) but I think it might paint a clearer picture of what I am trying to do.

Private Sub ColorWinner(ByVal crtl01 As Control, ByVal crtl02 As Control)
If CDec(crtl01.Text) > CDec(crtl02.Text) Then
crtl01.BackColor = Color.Gold


The controls are always going to be text boxes. So basicaly I want to determine the text box with the highest value and act on it without having to write a complex series of nested IF Statements.

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Determine If ANY Control On Screen Was Clicked?

Jun 6, 2011

Is there a way to determine is any control at all on a form has gotten focus? I know you can individually determine if a single control has focus or has been clicked, etc. but is there an event that can tell you that some/any control has been clicked?

Private Sub myFrm_Magic(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.SomethingClicked
End Sub

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Determine Number Of Characters That Will Fit In A Control?

Jul 12, 2011

I've written a piece of code that takes 3 fields from a database and writes out the 3 added together, but with the middle field cropped down, so that the total number of characters is always 28, what I thought was the width of my listbox. I realised when I debugged though, that the listbox was docked and grew or shrank depending on the size of the screen.

Is there a way to determine how many fixed width characters will fit in a control, at run time?

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