VB6 Control - .NET No Longer Supports DDE

Jan 26, 2010

I know .NET no longer supports DDE however unfortunately most "Finance" related programs (ie, charting and data vendors) use DDE to tie into their data. (Ie, esignal, Marktfeed etc). I've been toying around with NDDE however I'm having a hard time implementing it...unless I'm just making 1 request then it's fine. My question is would it be possible to take VB6 Label Control since it has the "Linkmode, LinkTopic, LinkItem, Label_Change" Properties/Methods and events in it....and create something like DDELabel.dll via Activex control project then use that as part of VB.net?

I tried doing it via the Control Wizard then using it in .NET however I know for a fact I'm not doing it right. Perhaps if someone much more competent could attempt it see if it does give the DDE functionality when used in .NET they can point me in the right direction...

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Using Reflection To Determine If A Control Supports An Event?

Mar 7, 2011

To avoid the TRY Catch Block, is there a way to determine if the control supports the specified event without having a try catch block?


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Sub No Longer Assocated With Control

Apr 28, 2012

I have run into a small little annoyance while writing a program. I have a bunch of controls on the form and while trying to figure something else out they all got parented to another control, using undo I unparented them from that control however now when the control is clicked the code that is in the sub for them does not run at all. If I double click the control it generated an entirely new sub with a number i.e. what was "Private Sub NumericUpDown1_Value Changed" becomes "Private Sub NumericUpDown1_ValueChanged_1".Near as I can figure the subs with the code are no longer associated with the controls.Is there a quick way of fixing this or am I stuck copy and pasting the code from each sub into a newly generated one?

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VS 2005 : Old ActiveX Control No Longer Supported?

Jun 10, 2011

I have these robots. The maker of the robots (Sankyo) wrote some ActiveX controls. Some work, some don't. There is absolutely no support on the ActiveX from Sankyo or anybody else. I think except for parts and service Sankyo is out of the robotics business in the US.The examples are in VB6. Here is one example of one that does not work:

GetPosition(taskSpec As Long, coordType As Long, posArray As Variant)
Dim vPoints(3) As Single
SRSync.GetPosition 1, 1, vPoints

The error I get is a cryptic hex code that I can't find anything on. If I try the exact code above in VB6 I get a message that says that the vPoints variable is not the right kind of array. I have tried all kinds of data structures in both vb6 and vb.net including just a simple object. I suspect that the data is coming back in some kind of structure that makes vb puke.I have read about marshaling but an still confused. In this case I don't understand the underlying mechanics of how the returned stream of data gets converted into the variable "posArray".I am thinking that if I could just get a look at what is being returned then I could create some kind of code that could chop it up and make it usable.

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Making An App That Supports Tags?

Feb 6, 2009

Tags as in <Html> and such (ie. <center> and </center>) but ive come to a problem, I cant seem how to check the TAG to change the text's color.

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Any Object That Supports Column Grouping

May 25, 2010

Is there any object that supports column grouping in VB.Net. Because I've been trying datagridview with no success.

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Create An Application That Supports Addins?

Jan 13, 2009

I have 5 different applications that I have written for my business, they are all interfaces for a point of sale system. I TCP/IP interface handling part of the application is rock solid, problem is that occationally I will come across a small issue, such as a memory leak that I came across a few weeks ago. After I fixed it, I had to then fix said leak in 5 different projects as they all use the same interface base code.Now, if things were different, say a function that all my applications used I would just write it into a class in a dll and have all my applications use the function from that class. Problem is however, using a parent/child explanation unlike my example here where I have interface 1 - 5 as my parents using common.dll as a common child. I need to have InterfaceParent using 5 different children with different attributes.That being said, there are a few stipulations, depending on the customer I may only need to install interface 1 and 3, or 2 and 5, or 1,3 and 4.

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Eclipse IDE, C# And Plugins That Supports .Net Framework4.0?

Sep 4, 2011

I want to use C# and VB.Net in Eclipse 3.7 Indigo.VB.netI could not find the plugin about VB.net in Eclipse.So I want to know is there a plugin for Eclipse that allows you to write C# or VB.net code using the .Net Framework 4.0 or 3.5?

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Tell If An Object Supports Scalar Comparisons?

Mar 6, 2010

how i would check to see if a given class supports the >, = and < operators?

Given an object passed in, I am looking for code that implements the following logic:

If GetType(someObj).SupportsScalarComparisons() Then ...

I don't know if this is a case for Reflection, or ?

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File I/O And Registry :: Making An App That Supports Tags

Feb 5, 2009

If the tittle isn't detailed i need help on making a program that is color Coded for example (if someone types <center> hello </center>) both <center.> and </center.> will be blue. the only way I can do it (the only way i know.)


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Windows And Web Application - Code Written In VB 2005 Supports In VB 2008 ?

Mar 29, 2009

I have been developing windows and web application using Visual Basic 2005 for a long time. Now i want to change from Visual Basic 2005 to Visual Basic 2008. I would like to know what ever projects i have done in visual basic 2005 will works in Visual Basic 2008. Will the existing code in visual basic 2005 supports Visual Basic 2008 or do i need lot of modification. I haven't used VB 2008 but i hear that most of the code which written in visual basic 2005 supports visual basic 2008. What are the things i need to take care when working the existing projects in visual basic 2008.

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VS 2010 Application Supports The Creation Of System Files From A Windows Mobile PC - Subject?

Jan 28, 2010

I would like to fine-tune their work tool.The basic idea is to load different libraries etc CppThere in my working environment, such as files - *. dsm.Read the information from them is no mean feat.

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Is "dataset.table.rows.find()" Func. Supports Sql Date Type Primary Key

Jul 18, 2012

i'm trying to do some appointment book so i decided to use MonthCalendar control and date changed event for choose the date i tried dataset.table.rows.find() function on other tables which have int primary key and it works its finds my row/s i need but when i tried this func. on date type primary key it cannot find i tried to search with date type ==> fail search with string type like 03.07.2012 ==> failed etc.

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AxOWC11 No Longer Being Recognized

Apr 14, 2010

I haven't touched a project in about 8 months. It's ongoing for work, but hasn't really been published fully so it gets worked on in my spare time. I went to recompile and the build failed. It had previously worked. I can't figure out why. Part seems to be due to AxOWC11 being recognized, but it shows up in the namespaces. I'm looking for the .dll that shows up as AxOWC11.dll, but I'm not seeing any. I do have one that shows up as AxInterop.OWC11.dll and I do have just a OWC11.dll in my list. I've posted some of the errors below.

Warning 1 There are updated custom wrappers available for the following referenced components: Graph ,MSComctlLib.

Warning 2 Interface 'IOleCommandTargetArgument' is marked as [dual], but does not derive from IDispatch. It will be converted as an IUnknown-derived interface. PE Files

Warning 3 Interface 'IAddinClient' is marked as [dual], but does not derive from IDispatch. It will be converted as an IUnknown-derived interface. PE Files

Warning 4 Interface 'TextFormat' is marked as [dual], but does not derive from IDispatch. It will be converted as an IUnknown-derived interface. PE Files

Warning 5 Interface 'ViewSurface' is marked as [dual], but does not derive from IDispatch. It will be converted as an IUnknown-derived interface. PE Files

Warning 6 Interface 'IPivotCopy' is marked as [dual], but does not derive from IDispatch. It will be converted as an IUnknown-derived interface. PE Files

Warning 7 Namespace or type specified in the project-level Imports 'AxOWC11' doesn't contain any public member or cannot be found. Make sure the namespace or the type is defined and contains at least one public member. Make sure the imported element name doesn't use any aliases. PE Files

I'm on a machine with Windows XP using Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition

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Form No Longer Editable?

Aug 10, 2010

I have an application with several forms. The form Main.vb has always been editable in the designer. However, this has changed. The icon in front of the name has changed to a module icon, and the designer and code are no longer found. When I run the application, it still functions as expected.

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Object Invalid Or No Longer Set?

Sep 18, 2009

I am trying to add records from an Access Database into another Access Database using DAO recordset.The VB.NET program would add the records until it hits random stop and error says "Object invalid or no longer set". what would cause this? The recordset contains 7 million records, but it only added approx 6000. Next time i run the program, it would add different number of records again.

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Project Will No Longer Load

Aug 19, 2011

I think I have accidentally changed something in the properties of a form, but I am receiving this error now, and none of the 4 forms will load.

System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled
Message="An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: InvalidArgument=Value of '52' is not valid for 'index'.\r\nParameter name: index"

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Can No Longer Use Environment Variables In Some Places

Aug 16, 2010

I wrote a DLL a year or two ago on my old computer that worked well for a long time. I moved on to other things, then came back to it recently and discovered that the code doesn't run on my new computer. The problem seems to be with this line: [code]

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Free Add-Ins VSIP DVD / Url No Longer Valid

Feb 4, 2007

add as a separate annoucement at the top of each forum area.]>> You might like to get the FREE Add-Ins VSIP DVD, i've just got mine.[URL]

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How To Keep Splash Screen Opened For Longer

May 18, 2009

I have this:
My.Application.MinimumSplashScreenDisplayTime = 10000
Which I reckon should keep the splashcreen open for 10 secs but it doesn't - infact nothing does. So my question is how do you keep the splashcreen open for longer? The above code is in the splashcreen form loading events and I think that that is the issue but where elses can I put it?

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Make Splash Screen Last Longer?

Jul 20, 2009

I used the thing where u go to properties and select a splash screen but how do i make it longer?

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Program No Longer Sending Mail?

May 26, 2011

Myself and a colleague have a program called SwiftScreen, its been out for a month now but since May 25th our program is returning an error when they fill out a form that sends us an email (through our application). My best guess is windows recently had an update of somesort but i don't know. Does anyone know a way to send mail, perferably to a gmail account, that still works using Vb.net?

Here is the email code i'm using"

Dim message As System.Net.Mail.MailMessage
Dim smtp As New System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient("smtp.gmail.com")
Dim fromMailAddress As System.Net.Mail.MailAddress


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Reducing Strings To A Certain Length If They Are Longer?

Apr 27, 2009

I'm generating a list of names from my database, but I need to validate them so they are no longer than 15 characters.

Dim Name As String
Dim txtFirst = "../../Names/first.txt"
Dim txtLast = "../../Names/last.txt"


I need Name to be no longer than 15 characters, and it doesnt matter if the name stays in tact, it just needs to cut off characters from the end of the string until its 15 or less.

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Referenced Controls No Longer Declared

Jun 2, 2011

Everything worked great this morning on my ASP project. Suddenly, I have 48 errors. Similar to the following:
Name 'pnlVars' is not declared
'txtPolicyNo' is not a member of 'LetterWriterASP.UW'
Seems every control I reference is now no longer declared or not a member of my project. I checked the page, the controls are all there with the same names & IDs.

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Trigger An Even When A Form Is No Longer Top Most Window?

Apr 25, 2012

I would like to be able to fire/trigger an event when the form is no longer the top most window (ie the window that is on top of all other windows), and then close the form with me.close()

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Visual Studio Add-in No Longer Allows Me To Debug It

Dec 15, 2010

My visual studio addin project will not longer build and run in the debugger. I get the following error message when I try to run it:A project with an Output Type of CLass Library cannot be stared directly.It was working about 5 months ago just fine but I opened it and and ran it for the first time since then and get this message. It used to startup another instance of Visual Studio with the addin installed via a proxy addin file. How do I configure the project or solution to make it behave this way again? Do I need to manually tweak the project of solution file?

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VS 2010 - String Length No Longer Available

Jul 17, 2011

I have an API that loads into memory from a button click. It can then either load an approx 10MB txt file (ASCII comma delimited characters/decimal list as a string) or live timed data from the internet. The idea is to be able to view the data in a text box. From there I can see what I am doing as far as spitting that info into a datagridview or database. The data is completely out of order in the txt file but has various Getinfo Functions / DLL's accessed via button clicks that split the data into its correct format to display in the text box. The problem I am having is not having fixed length strings in VB 2010. I don't know enough to work out if there is a simple work around or something more complicated required. Everything I have tried has left the textbox empty.

VB 2005 code that works:
Option Strict Off - I want to solve with this ON
Option Explicit On - I want to solve with this ON
Imports VB = Microsoft.VisualBasic
Private Sub Command3_Click(ByVal eventSender As System.Object, ByVal eventArgs As
[Code] ....

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Added Tabcontrol, Now Application No Longer Working

Jan 17, 2010

I fixed it, I the Event Handler got deleted somehow and that was causing the problem.

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Make A Tooltip Display The Info Longer?

Apr 15, 2009

How do I make a tooltip display the info longer?

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Make String Longer To View In Listbox?

Jun 22, 2010

I would like to list items from a database into a list but like to make it look clean

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