Tell If An Object Supports Scalar Comparisons?

Mar 6, 2010

how i would check to see if a given class supports the >, = and < operators?

Given an object passed in, I am looking for code that implements the following logic:

If GetType(someObj).SupportsScalarComparisons() Then ...

I don't know if this is a case for Reflection, or ?

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Any Object That Supports Column Grouping

May 25, 2010

Is there any object that supports column grouping in VB.Net. Because I've been trying datagridview with no success.

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VS 2008 Comparisons Of Strings

Aug 30, 2010

I have a database of tables that I needed to do some comparison work on and sql server is limited to the means of doing string comparisons. I put all the data into lists and thought of using [URL] or string.contains but does not seem like it is working right. It is large amount of data and I need to be able to make some matches in order to avoid the manual checking of each string. Here is sample data and code;


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Perform Element Comparisons Between Arrays?

May 7, 2012

I ran into a situation where I have to compare an element in one array to the corresponding element in a separate array of the same size. I've tried using Google and search for the answer though all searches came up nothing I could use.


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VS 2008 - Any Shortcut To Directory Comparisons?

Jan 5, 2010

I'm developing a relatively quick-and-dirty approach to copying some files over. The situation is that I have a point on the network where a master directory is located. This directory includes the official directory structure as well as all official files. The user's local machine should have a place in their C:Program Files directory that has the exact same directory structure.

If it doesn't, the application should create it and copy files over based on the network master. If the user's local machine does have the appropriate folders in place, then any newer files found in the network master directory should be copied over to update the user's local files. It seems to me that this would require knowledge of the root directories up to the point of the network master and the same for the local directory.

At first glance, this looks to be a bit more complicated to accomplish than I was thinking it should be. Are there any shortcuts to using say the Directory/DirectoryInfo, File/FileInfo classes, etc that would allow this to be accomplished? I'm trying not to overcomplicate it as I need to get something out pretty quick. But the answer just doesn't seem to be showing itself.

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C# - Conversion Tool Comparisons For Visual Basic 6.0?

Apr 5, 2009

Has anyone here used either of the following (or any other tool) to convert your vb6 code to a .net language?Artinsoft's upgrade companion (converts to c# and

vbmigration partner(converts to effective were they and what size project did you convert?

How much work was left to do afterwards?How happy are you with the resultant .net project.What was the support like?Is there a support forum anywhere for users of tools like these, neither vendor seems to offer one.What did they charge, their prices are not published and I have heard wildly differing prices from different sources for both the above examples

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Comparisons For A LINQ Except Query Using Primitive Datatypes?

Jan 13, 2012

Anyone have any insight on the Big O notation for comparisons for a LINQ Except query using primitive datatypes? I couldn't find anything on google.

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What Am I Missing About Numeric Comparisons In This Simple Delegate Example?

Jul 26, 2011

I am looking specifically at the ShowInOrder method which has been passed the delegate function CompareNumbers. I am trying to figure out exactly what is going on here:

If compare(_num1, _num2) Then ...Here is the full sample.

Module Module1[code]....

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Making An App That Supports Tags?

Feb 6, 2009

Tags as in <Html> and such (ie. <center> and </center>) but ive come to a problem, I cant seem how to check the TAG to change the text's color.

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VB6 Control - .NET No Longer Supports DDE

Jan 26, 2010

I know .NET no longer supports DDE however unfortunately most "Finance" related programs (ie, charting and data vendors) use DDE to tie into their data. (Ie, esignal, Marktfeed etc). I've been toying around with NDDE however I'm having a hard time implementing it...unless I'm just making 1 request then it's fine. My question is would it be possible to take VB6 Label Control since it has the "Linkmode, LinkTopic, LinkItem, Label_Change" Properties/Methods and events in it....and create something like DDELabel.dll via Activex control project then use that as part of

I tried doing it via the Control Wizard then using it in .NET however I know for a fact I'm not doing it right. Perhaps if someone much more competent could attempt it see if it does give the DDE functionality when used in .NET they can point me in the right direction...

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Create An Application That Supports Addins?

Jan 13, 2009

I have 5 different applications that I have written for my business, they are all interfaces for a point of sale system. I TCP/IP interface handling part of the application is rock solid, problem is that occationally I will come across a small issue, such as a memory leak that I came across a few weeks ago. After I fixed it, I had to then fix said leak in 5 different projects as they all use the same interface base code.Now, if things were different, say a function that all my applications used I would just write it into a class in a dll and have all my applications use the function from that class. Problem is however, using a parent/child explanation unlike my example here where I have interface 1 - 5 as my parents using common.dll as a common child. I need to have InterfaceParent using 5 different children with different attributes.That being said, there are a few stipulations, depending on the customer I may only need to install interface 1 and 3, or 2 and 5, or 1,3 and 4.

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Eclipse IDE, C# And Plugins That Supports .Net Framework4.0?

Sep 4, 2011

I want to use C# and VB.Net in Eclipse 3.7 Indigo.VB.netI could not find the plugin about in Eclipse.So I want to know is there a plugin for Eclipse that allows you to write C# or code using the .Net Framework 4.0 or 3.5?

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Make A Program Calculate The Number Of Comparisons An Insertion Sort Makes?

Jul 15, 2009

I got a list of 16 items and I have sorted them and I want to show the number of comparisons the program had to make using the insertion sort?(in a textbox for example)I mean is there a formula?

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File I/O And Registry :: Making An App That Supports Tags

Feb 5, 2009

If the tittle isn't detailed i need help on making a program that is color Coded for example (if someone types <center> hello </center>) both <center.> and </center.> will be blue. the only way I can do it (the only way i know.)


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Using Reflection To Determine If A Control Supports An Event?

Mar 7, 2011

To avoid the TRY Catch Block, is there a way to determine if the control supports the specified event without having a try catch block?


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Windows And Web Application - Code Written In VB 2005 Supports In VB 2008 ?

Mar 29, 2009

I have been developing windows and web application using Visual Basic 2005 for a long time. Now i want to change from Visual Basic 2005 to Visual Basic 2008. I would like to know what ever projects i have done in visual basic 2005 will works in Visual Basic 2008. Will the existing code in visual basic 2005 supports Visual Basic 2008 or do i need lot of modification. I haven't used VB 2008 but i hear that most of the code which written in visual basic 2005 supports visual basic 2008. What are the things i need to take care when working the existing projects in visual basic 2008.

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VS 2010 Application Supports The Creation Of System Files From A Windows Mobile PC - Subject?

Jan 28, 2010

I would like to fine-tune their work tool.The basic idea is to load different libraries etc CppThere in my working environment, such as files - *. dsm.Read the information from them is no mean feat.

View 2 Replies - Must Declare Scalar Variable?

Oct 21, 2011

I have been debugging my code for a while and looking at posts in other forums, but it seems to be that everyone has a different problem than mine and what works for them will not work for me.My dropdown list is supposed to filter a gridview by choosing all the Companies that are associated to a certain product. The solution I have found online is that most people did not have DataKeyNames set in their gridview. I do have this set, but not to CompanyID. It wouldn't make any sense. So I have no idea what I am supposed to do since this is the only answer I have found.

<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlCompany" runat="server" DataSourceID="dsCompanyFilter"
DataTextField="CompanyName" DataValueField="CompanyID" AppendDataBoundItems="true"


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How To Call Scalar Value Function

Apr 20, 2011

I have one scalar value function defined in sql database.It accespts 2 parameters and return an integer.Can anyone please help how to call UDF from using oledeb?

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Must Declare Scalar Variable @ID?

Jan 9, 2012

Must Declare Scalar Variable @ID?

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Must Declare Scalar Variable?

May 16, 2012

This seems so basic but I've been struggling to find a solution! I have a web page that take user data from aspx textboxes. Upon hitting a button, the click event submits the responses to a SQL table. Seems easy.I'm using VS10, dev express and VB code. I have established my datacontext class using LinqToSql...In a nutshell, the code is as follows...within the click eventNote that "database" was earlier defined as my datacontext sql connection, "Request" tablee

Dim vname As String = AspxTextbox1.Text
database.executecommand("INSERT INTO [Requests] (ContactName) Values (@vname)")


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Must Declare The Scalar Variable?

Apr 6, 2010

im having this prob, when deleting a line from my gridview, this error shows out.Must declare the scalar variable "@productid".Well, i dont know whats wrong with the coding. As i have already declared the productid.

<table style="width:100%;">
<td class="style24" colspan="2">
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"


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Using Statement With A Scalar Query?

May 30, 2012

Can you show a coding example that has the "Using" statement with a scalar query?

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VS 2008 Scalar With SQL Variable?

Jun 10, 2010

I've done some research and I'm not sure what to look for or what my problem is.My error is: "Must declare the scalar variable '@client_id'"


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[2005] Must Use Scalar Value = @Username?

Feb 7, 2009

I am getting the following screen shot error when I am testing my code.

Private Sub cmdLogin_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdLogin.Click
'get todays date and assign it to a variable
Dim TodaysDate As Date = Now


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.net - Update Non-scalar Entity Properties In EF 4.0?

Apr 27, 2010

At first I was using this as an extension method to update my detached entities...

Public Sub AttachUpdated(ByVal obj As ObjectContext, ByVal objectDetached As EntityObject)
If objectDetached.EntityState = EntityState.Detached Then
Dim original As Object = Nothing


Everything has been working great until I had to update non-scalar properties. Correct me if I am wrong but that is because "ApplyCurrentValues" only supports scalars. To get around this I was just saving the FK_ID field instead of the entity object relation. Now I am faced with a many to many relationship so its not that simple. I would like to do something like this...

Dim Resource = RelatedResource.GetByID(item.Value)

But when I call SaveChanges the added Resources aren't saved. I started to play around with self-tracking entities but it seems they cannot be serialized to ViewState and this is a requirement for to either save my many to many relationships or serialize self-tracking entities?

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How To Write A Scalar Query In .NET From A SQL Database

Jul 11, 2011

I am trying to write VB.NET query without writing SQL stored procs. I have already gotten many dataset text queries to work. But I am having trouble with getting this scalar query to work. All I want to do is to get the result of this T-SQL query. How can I code this successfully? select (DateDiff(w, '1/1/' + '2011', getdate())) / 7 AS SELECTED_WEEK (What this code does is it returns the current week of the year). And will this query above return the value as an integer datatype or string?

I tried your answers but it gave me this exception error:

System.InvalidOperationException: ExecuteReader requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is Closed.

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Must Declare Scalar Variable - Error

Oct 11, 2011

I double check the query and it is still throwing the error..
sql = "INSERT INTO " & tbl & " (userName,userPassword,userAccessLevel, "
sql = sql & "userDateCreated,userFirstName,userMiddleName,userLastName, "
sql = sql & "lastUpdateDate,lastUpdateBy) "
sql = sql & "VALUES (@u,@p,@lvl,@dateC,@Fname,@MName,@LName,@lud,@lub)"
Dim p As SqlParameter() = New SqlParameter() _
[Code] .....

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Never Used OLEDB Scalar Variable Error

Mar 6, 2012

I'm trying to get a connection established for an OLEDB connection, but since I've never used it, I don't really know what I am doing wrong. I managed to get a connection in the web.config file, I think, but now I get the 'must declare scalar variable' error. I thought I declared it, but it. [code]

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Provide Db Scalar Methods In All Classes?

Mar 5, 2009

We build a class (i.e. Server) and create a LOAD method that loads a dataset with all the details of that object.We need all that information sometimes... but what about when we only need one piece of data from that object (i.e. webserviceUrl).Should we build classes with a bunch of scalar methods that get back single pieces of data as opposed to only getting ALL the data and then only taking what we need?It's a waste to get all the data when we dont always need all of it but it also will take longer to write the extra methods..

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