VS 2005 Openfile Dialogue Directory & File Path?

May 8, 2011

I in my project i have two text box and 1 button and 1 openfile dialogue Event on Command Button in textbox1 i want a file directory with the file name & extension,which i have done well (like C:files eadme.txt)butin textbox2 i want only the directory of the same file, means under which directory it stored (like C:files)

Here's my example code

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub


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Openfile Dialogue Directory & File Path

May 8, 2011

I in my project i have two text box and 1 button and 1 openfile dialogue Event on Command Button in textbox1 i want a file directory with the file name & extension, which i have done well (like C:\files\readme.txt) but in textbox2 i want only the directory of the same file, means under which directory it stored (like C:\files\)

Here's my example code

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Openfile Dialogue Directory & File Path?

May 8, 2011

I in my project i have two text box and 1 button and 1 openfile dialogue

Event on Command Button in textbox1 i want a file directory with the file name & extension,which i have done well (like C:files eadme.txt) but in textbox2 i want only the directory of the same file, means under which directory it stored (like C:files)

Here's my example code

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Finding The Path Of A File That Was Opened With The Open File Dialogue?

Jun 5, 2009

Is there a better way of finding the path of a file that was opened with the open file dialogue? This is what I did. It works, but it seems like there should be a way to get the path through one of the open dialogue options.

'm_PicSource = OpenFileDialog1.FileName
'm_PicSource is a global var
Dim strCnt As Integer = m_PicSource.Length - 1


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Save File Dialogue Error - Could Not Find Special Directory 'Desktop'

May 21, 2009

I have a fairly straight forward peice of code that just tries to set the default saved directory for a standard .net save dialogue to a specific folder. If that folder doesn't exist, it sets it to the desktop. This works fine for everyone but one user who is getting the following error: Could not find special directory 'Desktop' How is that even possible?


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OpenFile Dialog Messing With Path

Jun 8, 2010

I am using vb.net 2003 and an Access database connected via Jet 4.0 OleDb. I have identified the location of my database using a relative path with [code]My program was working fine and I began making some cosmetic changes.I thought it would be a nice touch to add a PictureBox on the first form and allow the user to select the image that he would like to see when running the program.I added a menu item to "change the picture" and on a form added an OpenFile Dialog. I added code to capture the location of the selected file and used it to identify the image to be shown.I included a table in my database to store the file name and path which is loaded when the program starts.This all worked fine. I could change from picture to picture and the image would be updated each time in the picture box and in the database. I could access the database and perform all of the functions of the program.

That is as long as the image files that I selected were located in program startup directory. If I selected an image with the openfile dialog which was located else where then I could no longer contect to the database. I receive an "unhandled exceptions error". Below is the openfle code:[code]Can anyone help me with the proper way to get set up the open file dialog so that the results do not conflict with my database connection, or re-establish the connection?[code]

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Reset To Startup Path After Openfile Dialog

Jun 8, 2010

I am using vb.net 2003. In my program, the user can use an openfile dialog box to locate the address of a image and use it to change the display. The name and path of the image is saved in a database. This image is then loaded upon startup. If the image is located in the start-up directory the image change and saving to the database works great. But if the image is located some where else the image change occurs, but the path of the database has changed to the location of the image. Since the database is not located there, I get an unhandle exception error. What is the code to redirect the program to my startup path?

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Removing Directory In Open Dialogue?

Jun 10, 2011

Im using a Open Dialogue to capture the NAME rather than the path of a file.

How can i remove the path directory of opendialoge1.filename and just present the name of the selected file?

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Copy File / Directory To New Path?

Jul 6, 2011

How can i insert a pause/Resume command when copying files/directories?

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Create File Or Directory On Network Path?

Feb 21, 2011

I have a VB 6.0 code that creates file/directory on given path. If the path is local or a mapped drive then it's working fine but if I am having a network path like \netpathputfileshere" then it is not working. If I mapped "\netpathputfileshere" to some x: drive on local then it will work fine BUT I need not mapped this path. So is there any way to do this directly on network path. I get error for ChDrive "\netpathpullfileshere"

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Getting Physical Path Of File In Project Directory?

Dec 15, 2011

I am using Environment.CurrentDirectory to get the current directory, i.e. "D:ChuttuProjectsLICinDebug"

But, I want to remove "inDebug"

How can I do that? Or is there any way so that I can get the directory up to "LIC"?

Actually this is my connection string:

Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|LIC.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True

But when I use this and try to insert data into the DB, the data is not inserted. When I use the connection string with a physical path it starts working:

Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=D:Chuttu VBProjectsLICLIC.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True

I am trying to get the physical path of the mdf file and use it in the connection string.


This piece of code works fine:
Private Sub save()
Dim con As New SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=D:Chuttu VBProjectsLICLIC.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True")


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Set Destination Directory Path To Save File?

Mar 11, 2010

how to set destination directory path to save file

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Find A File In A Directory With A Specified File Path?

Dec 6, 2009

im trying to find a file in a directory with a specified file path

filePath(j) = B:\Movies\Action\Transformers 2

im searching for front cover, when i find it im loading it into my picture box

If path.Contains(trimFilmTitle) = True Then
'find Front Cover
file_names = My.Computer.FileSystem.FindInFiles(filePath(j), "folder-front", True,


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VS 2008 : Dialogue For Active Directory "Select Users, Contacts, Computers, Or Groups"?

Apr 23, 2010

how to call this Active Directory dialogue in .net?

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Save File The Same Name As Openfile Name?

Apr 6, 2010

how can i get the name of a file?i mean,i have open file codes and save file codes. Below my openfile.FileName= ""Means i can select any files .Then i would like to save my file same as openfile.filename. if my filename to be open is "%^&99994556KKHhHH" ; then how could i write my codes at save filename automatically the same as "%^&99994556KKHhHH".....maybe it is okay if i only have a file to be open > edit > and save.but i have a lots of file to be open,edit and save.and i need to save the file the same name as open file name..how can i do this?below are my openfile and savefile codes:


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Copying File From Openfile Dialog Box?

Sep 10, 2010

For some reason I can copy a file from a OFD box from anywhere other than my desktop.Could it be because I'm using the shell command and the file path contains spaces?I've declared the filepath as a variable. I know in a batch file you have to enclose names with spaces in "".

Dim filename As String = "cmd.exe"
Dim p As System.Diagnostics.Process = New Process()


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Get A Save File Dialogue To Overwrite A File With The Same Name - Unhandled Exception Has Occurred In Your Application

Mar 10, 2011

I'm trying to get a save file dialogue to overwrite a file with the same name.

Private Sub Button6_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button6.Click
If RadioButton16.Checked Then


I keep getting an error saying "Unhandled exception has occurred in your application." Then the next paragraph says "The process cannot access the file 'E:Copy of Release+Fontsob.txt' because it is being used by another process."

View 6 Replies

Using FreeFile And OpenFile Functions To Find File-locking User Name Over Network?

Mar 16, 2012

using FreeFile and OpenFile functions to find file-locking user name over network

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VS 2005 : Retrieving File Path And File Name?

Jun 8, 2011

Have following code in a windows application:

Dim Response As DialogResult
Dim fDialog As New OpenFileDialog
fDialog.Filter = "PDF Files(*.pdf)|*.pdf|All Files(*.*)|*.*"


Is there a way to extract file path and document separately based upon what user has selected?

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VS 2005 - Upload File (Image) To New Directory

Feb 24, 2010

What I'm trying to do is upload a file (image) to (possibly) a new directory. My logic is as follows;
If NOT Directory("[URL]" + UserID).Exists
CreateDirectory("[URL]" + UserID)
UploadImage("[URL]" + UserID, Image)
UploadImage("[URL]" + UserID, Image)
End If
Is there a way to do this with WebClient or HttpWebRequest?

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Ultimate Basic Coding - If I Just Clicked On The OpenFile Dialog It Wouldn't Open The File?

Aug 14, 2010

I'm trying to code some programs and i want to use something called " (its in the dialog menu) FileOpen.dialog" i think thats what its called. Anyway i was seeing that if i just clicked on the OpenFile dialog it wouldn't open the file. So i knew i needed a code. I just dont want the OpenFile dialog i was just using that for example.

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VS 2005 How To Grab File Path From Client Pc To Web Service

May 19, 2011

somebody tell me the way to grab the file path from Multiple clients (Forms) to web service (acts as server) in VB.net?

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Disable File Download Dialogue Box?

Oct 18, 2009

I need to login into a secure site and download a zip file.I am using vbscript code and able to login into the target link. But after I log in file download dialogue box appears on the screen asking for open, save or cancel options.Is there a way, some internet settings or any kind of code, to disable this dialogue box.I want to automate the whole process from logging in till file is downloaded. I tried adding the site in trustedlist, disable download prompt in security but nothing worked.

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Forms :: How To Save File Dialogue

May 26, 2010

This save file dialogue works fine except when they click save, the dialogue opens and then they close the dialogue. when they close it, my program crashes, every time. i'm using this to save it

Dim sfd As New SaveFileDialog
With sfd
.Filter = "Text Documents (*.txt)|*.txt|PHP (*php.*)|*php.*"


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VS 2005 Refuses To Write To A Text File If The String Used To Be A Path

Dec 13, 2009

I've searched everywhere to find out why the heck my program is doing this, but couldn't find anything like it...? I'm making a flash card program. Part of my program takes images corresponding to other data from a certain area, chosen by the user, and moves them to another folder, for later use. I want to store the path for the image next to the other data, storing the path as a string. When no image is chosen, the variable for the path is simply "no image".


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Use Folder Browser Dialogue To Copy File?

Jun 4, 2009

I am attempting to copy a file from a destination file source to a target file source using the following code:

Sub ExportRecordToolStripMenuItemClick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile("test.txt", "C:")
End Sub


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Get Query Active Directory With The Pc Name And Return It's Path In The Active Directory Tree

May 9, 2006

I'm a developer for a College we have an active directory.I need to query Active Directory with the Pc name and return it's path in the Active Directory tree.

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Get The File Path Of The Temp Directory (% Temp%)?

Oct 12, 2010

How to get the file path of the Temp directory (% temp%)? I use Visual Basic 2010

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Path Of .zip file Has Spaces In It / It's Not Recognizing Path As Valid Path

Aug 22, 2006

I have a Access program and I'm using VBA code in the background to run Winunzip using shell command. Well, the path of the .zip file has spaces in it and it's not recongizing the path as a valid path. Is there a another way to tackle this problem besides the shell?I can't us pkzip either. Has you can see I had to use progra~1 instead of Program Files.[code]

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Opening And Saving File Without Save / Open Dialogue

Aug 11, 2009

i would like to do FILE I/O without a dialogue. the file always be the same and the location will always be the same, therefore i dont need a dialogue. i would like to know how can i do this? what is the code to open, write, and save to a file without the dialogue.

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