VS 2005 Datagridview Column Formatting

Jul 7, 2009

Im trying to format datagridview column to a checkbox as its column is assigned to msaccess YES/NO data type.[code]

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DataGridView Cell / Column Formatting

Jul 28, 2011

I have set a column (which is a phone number) in the designer with the following: DataGridViewCellStyle { Format="(###)###-####" }
This seems to have no affect upon the results when it is displayed. It simply displays ########## every time. Where should I set the formatting?

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DataGridView Date Column Formatting?

Aug 12, 2011

I loading data into datagridview from xml file. And I have a one problem: date formatting.

Datagridview shows a date like this: 2011-01-01T00:00:00+02:00

How to force him to show the date in short date format (only 01.01.2011) without a time

I've tried this code:

ds = New DataSet
Dim dv As DataView = New DataView(ds.Tables(0))


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DataGridView - Formatting One Column Differently On Form

Feb 25, 2011

I have a datagridview I am displaying on a form and would like to format one of the columns differently then the available formats. I have a column that is a decimal(18,2) (in the table) named "MyDecimalField". In asp.net I could do this, in the "template field" of a datagrid.
math.round(MyDecimalField / 60 , 2)

In VB.net forms I cant figure out how to do that. Basically I need to divide the cell by 60 and round that to 2 decimal places.
the Cell contains this: 1283.93
I want the user to see this: 21.40
1283.93 / 60 = 21.3988333 then round it to 21.40

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DataGridView Column Formatting - Date Values

May 8, 2009

I have a datagridview in a form in windows application in which I have a column which accepts date values. In this column I want user to enter numeric values alone and when the user moves to next cell the value should get formatted to date type value(ex: 05/09/09). Similarly I have another column which must accept alphabets alone.

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Datagridview Column Formatting To Financial Type Format

Jul 7, 2009

I have a column in a datagridview which is populated with a string. Can I format it to financial type format? Here is what I am trying, but not getting it.[code]This is not working so how should I go about doing this? All I am getting is right justified values.

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DataGridView Conditional Formatting - Date Column Type

Dec 25, 2011

I have to Visual Basic 2008. DataGridView I want to make Conditional formatting. Date Column type based on the rows that meet condion want to paint.

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VS 2010 Formatting A DataGridView Column To Show Seconds?

Jun 14, 2012

I'm filling a DGV by setting it's datasource property to a datatable, but for a DateTime columns it doesn't show seconds.

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[2008] Datagridview Password Column Cell-formatting?

Jan 22, 2009

I have a password column in my datagridview, and I'd like to display the characters as a * while editing and even displaying. I have the following code but when saving to the database the password gets saved as for example.:

Private Sub dgvUsers_CellFormatting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellFormattingEventArgs) Handles dgvUsers.CellFormatting
If dgvUsers.Columns(e.ColumnIndex).Name.Equals("Password") Then


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DataGridView Cell Formatting To Display Image Based On Another Column Value?

May 7, 2012

I have a SQL database, with some "status" strings. For every status I need to display a .bmp image .

I'm displaying the data from the database via DataGridView with LINQ. In order to display the DGV I have this code:


I was thinking to add another column named "Symbol" and based on the "Status" column to format the cells of the "Symbol" column to display an image.

I edited the DGV, and add a new image column.

I created a directory in my solution called "references" where I put all the .bmp files

I don't know how to do this. My first thought was to put an expression in the DataTable Properties, but I didn't manage to make that work. Another way is to format the cells in the "Symbol" column, and again I don't know how to do that. I tried with "Select Case ... Case ... End Select" with no success.

LE: Should I Insert the .bmp files into SQL database (varbinary(MAX)) If yes, how?

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DB/Reporting :: DataGridView Formatting - Set Row(d) To Sum Row(a:c) For Each Column (for Multiple Years Of Financials)

Apr 15, 2008

Two quick questions about datagridviews... I have an unbound dgv and I'm trying to do some simple formatting but sadly my .net knowledge is limited at best. I'm trying to make a balance sheet and I need to do two things:

1. How can I set row(d) to sum row(a:c) for each column (for multiple years of financials)

2. Is there anyway to not only make a row readonly, but make in unselectable (to skip totaled rows)?

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VS 2005 - DataGridView Identifying Column Name

Sep 22, 2009

In the dgv_CellEndEdit event I know I can find which cell I'm in by the "CurrentCell.ColumnIndex" property. I'd like to be able to check the current column name. If I use "columnIndex" and a column is added or deleted this could cause errors.

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VS 2005 Datagridview Column To Rows

Aug 27, 2009

Is it possible to show columns as rows and rows as columns in DGV? If yes, how it can be done?

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[2005] How To Add An Image To DataGridView Column

Feb 22, 2009

How to add an image to DataGridView column?

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VS 2005 Put ListBox Over Top Cell In DataGridView Column?

May 26, 2011

I've got this working but there's something I don't understand about it. I have a DataGridView and a listbox. I want to position the listbox to be the same location as the topmost visible cell in the column the mouse is in. The end result will be that a context menu will be provided to show the user the distinct values in that column which is why I want the listbox to show over the column that it's displaying data for, just below the header cell. I'm testing right now using the CellMouseEnter event and the following code is working:

Private Sub dgvItems_CellMouseEnter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles dgvItems.CellMouseEnter
If e.ColumnIndex >= 0 Then


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[2005] Sorting Datagridview Column In Numeric Order?

Feb 7, 2009

I have an unbound datagridview that has 2 columns. Both columns contain numeric data only and will only go to 55 in count. How do you sort a Datagridview Column in collating sequence? I basically want to sort from 55 down to 1 and 1 to 55 in their respective numerical order.

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Move To Next Column By Pressing ENTER KEY Instead Of TAB In In Datagridview Control In .NET 2005?

Oct 15, 2009

I have to move to next column in datagridview control in vb.net 2005.i got one code that goes next row and the working fine and if the last column and if you press enter then it next rows last column.

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Show A Multi-column Combobox In A DataGridView Cell Using Vb 2005?

Sep 26, 2011

coding multi column combobox in a DataGridView cell. When I click the combobox cell from datagridview, It shows the multiple column such as Name, address and telephone. When I choose the item, it will return the value.

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VS 2005 - DataGridView Select Column - Getting Boolean Value Of Checked Rows

Oct 29, 2009

I have added an unbound checkbox column to my DGV. I have two questions on handling it:

1. How to have a checkbox on this Column header, which on checking must check all the rows in the DGV and vice versa?

2. How do i get the Boolean value of the checked rows in DGV on event handling? In other words, how do i know what rows are selected?

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Count Total Of Column From Datagridview And Show Results In Textbox Using VB 2005?

May 17, 2012

How can I count Total of column from datagridview and show results in textbox Using VB 2005!

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Visual Studio 2005 Offers 2 Of Each Column-type Control In DataGridView?

Dec 10, 2011

I'm using Visual Studio 2005 on Windows XP.When I drop a new DataGridView into my Windows Forms, and try to make 1 of the columns a checkBox, VS2005 gives me TWO of each columnType choice:



Is that normal? Should I use "CheckBox type 1" or "type 2"?Also,When I make 1 of my columns a "checkBox", and then try to use it, the checkBox seems keep turning itself back ON.I turn it ON, and then click on a different column or row, and the checkbox stays ON, like it should.But if I turn the checkBox OFF, and then click on a different column or row, the checkbox magically turns itself back ON. I can't find anything in my code that says "turn it back on". And I've never connected it directly to any data source.

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Column-like Text Formatting?

Aug 4, 2011

I am writing a new app that has some special text formatting requirements, but I'm finding it difficult to get the text to line up properly. I am currently using the following code:


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Formatting A Datagrid Column?

Oct 23, 2009

I'm having some trouble to formatt a datagrid column. At the present time the data column is displaying "o1-13-2009" I would like it to display JAN-13-2009" Here is my code

[code] Dim notecolumn3 As DataGridViewColumn = Me.CustomerNoteGrid.Columns(3)
notecolumn3.Width = 65
notecolumn3.DefaultCellStyle.Format = "MMM-dd-yy"

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Formatting Entire Column To Have Leading Zero?

Sep 3, 2010

I need to format an entire column via Visual basic .net for VBA excel spreadsheets. I need to format the column to the following custom size ("00000").

I am using the following to select the range: ws.Range("AC:AD").Select()

Not sure how to specify the format though..

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Add A Checkbox Column At First Column Of Datagridview Including Column Header?

Apr 9, 2010

How to add a checkbox column at first column of datagridview including column header?After adding, how to code to "check all" or "uncheck all"?

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[2005] Make A DataGridView's Column A Combo ONLY In The "new Row" And A Read Only Textbox In All Other Rows?

Jan 21, 2009

Is there a way to make a DataGridView's column a combo ONLY in the "new row", and a read only textbox in all other rows? I want the user to be able to make a selection from the combo box, and when the row is finished and the "new row" moves down one, I want the column to become a textbox containing the what the user selected. My grid will be bound to a table witch contains a "category" column, that is drawn from a seccond table that i want the combo box bound to.

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Databound Datagridview Formatting?

Dec 6, 2010

I have a datagridview which is bound to a table in a database. In said table, I have a field called Date and a field called Time, among other various fields. By default, I see that VB.NET attempts to help me by formatting the Date and Time columns for me, however I would like to do it my own way. I checked the columns' DefaultCellStyle fields and found them blank. Apparently, its current behavior is defined elsewhere. How would I go about removing the default formatting that VB.NET put in place to make room for my own?

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Datagridview Formatting Not Applying?

Feb 11, 2012

In my form load event I am setting the defaultcellstyle formats. They are not taking hold anyone know why? None of the formatting that is expected in the code after I bind the datatable to the grid is getting done even though the code steps through it

Private Sub frmADRORD_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
'wire the delegate function for incoming updates
AddHandler m_helper.DataUpdate, AddressOf UpdateGridInvoker
'bind the visual grid with the binding source


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Formatting Columns Datagridview

Jan 8, 2010

I have formated a column : "N2" but when it is : 1,2 or 1,3 or 2,3 .... then it OK BUT IF IT IS 0,1 OR 0,2 OR 0,.... THEN MY PROGRAM DETERMINE IT IS LETTER BEHIND ZERO , NAMELY THEY ARE 1 OR 2 OR 3.... I want it should be exactly 0,1 or 0,2...

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Proper Formatting For Datagridview?

May 18, 2010

I am fixing up a visual basic program using visual studio 2005, specifically in visual basic. I am currently attempting to format the datagridview used to display data from a database. The values from the database being displayed are a mix of integers (used for displaying information such as number of units sold) and floating point values (used to display revenue, etc). I need to format all the values to display as integers (by simply truncating the decimal places, not rounding) as all (including the values that should already be integers which are appearing with two 0s following the decimal place). I have used the round function as follows round(value, 0, 1) which as I understand should get rid of all decimal places by simply truncating them, however I am still left with two 0s after the decimal place. Next, I went to the designer view and edited the columns property of the datagridview so that they are all set to be numeric with zero decimal places, yet the decimal still remains. I followed that by going back into the code and change any CType() that were decimal to Integer and still no change.

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