VS 2005 Listbox Details In String?

Apr 16, 2009

have the folowing code

rtb_select.Text = rtb_select.Text & "Select " & ListBox1.SelectedItem.ToString() & ", " & " From " & ListBox2.SelectedItem.ToString() & " Where " & ListBox6.SelectedItem.ToString() & " " & ListBox3.SelectedItem.ToString() & " " & ListBox4.SelectedItem.ToString() & ";"
In this it only allows one item to be selected and outputted to the string.

How would i be able to select 2 seperate items from listbox1 and have them displayed next to each other and seperated by a comma??

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Listbox Details Appearing In String In Rtb?

Apr 8, 2009

im trying to get details from a listbox to appear in a string during run time. I have a string called strSQLselect and want it to appear with the details already in the string and have the details selected in the listbox appear with it in a rich text box called rtb_select.

Hear is the code i have so far

Private Function ListOf(ByVal lst As ListBox) As String
Dim strSQLselect As String
strSQLselect = "SELECT " & ListOf(ListBox1) & " FROM " & ListOf(ListBox2) & "


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VS 2005 Getting List Box Details Into String In A Rtb?

Apr 9, 2009

i want basically; words that get put in a listbox from a series of checkboxes i want to appear in a string of text in an rtb called strsqlselect. To form a line of sql code i.e the checkboxes select the fields etc and then are inputted into the string of text.

I have been give the following code;


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VS 2005 - How To Get Listbox Contents To String In RTB

Apr 6, 2009

I have a number of listboxes called (listbox1, listbox2 etc) with various words and data in and I would like words that appear in the listbox to also appear in a string in a rich text box called rtb_Select.
strSQLSelect = "SELECT" & ListOf(lst1) & "FROM" & ListOf(lst2) & "WHERE" & ListOf(lst3) & "SORT BY" & ListOf(lst4) & ;

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Create A Program That Add The Contestant Details To A Listbox?

Jun 3, 2012

I was required to create a program that add the contestant details to a listbox.

to List


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Parent MDI Controls(say Listbox) Is Not Updated If I Enter Details In Child MDI?

May 29, 2012

I have three forms:


Mainwindow(Parent MDI)


Flow: User have login from LOGIN form then the mainwidow ll be loaded. from the main window the CHil MDi wil be accessed.

Problem: Parent MDI controls(say listbox) is not updated if i enter details in child MDI. BUt if i directly open the Parent MDi without login form then the PArent MDI controls have been updated fromt he Child MDi..

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How To Do Programming Master Details Details Details

Jul 26, 2009

I have 4 Tables Master And Three Tables Details

how to programming this Technique

This Picture dispaly what i mean http://img300.imageshack.us/img300/3981/26072009110315.png

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Get Local Ip Details With VB 2008/2005?

Aug 4, 2007

All I want to do is grab the IP details of the local machine in VB 2008 (or previous versions) using actual coding and not relying on output from ipconfig/all. I specifically need the subnet mask and gateway of the local machine.

I have found documents on how to do this in C++ using the networkadapter functions which is of no use to me because im using VB. Ive managed to find how to get the local ip address (using winsock or third party control) but nothing more and a few pages on using WMI but all examples are using vbscript rather than the full blown visual basic.

how to do this in vb and have any sample code?

As a network server administrator im confused on why this is so difficult, even in VB.

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VS 2005 Master And Details Saving?

Jun 4, 2009

i have invoice form separated into 2 parts the upper part is master (header) and detail (body) in invoices where header contains date,name,invoice number,etc ..and the lower part is the body contains the datagridview with its details like the item name or code,qty,price,discount,etc the problem is i want to save the invoice headers in a table and the body in another different table but with a realtion between the 2 of them by the invoice id i think i put it in the invoices' form load. but i cant get it right so if any one have an example by code 2 solve this prob ,

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VS 2005 Printing The Details From The Form

Jul 30, 2009

I am new to vb. I have developed a project which interacts with sql server and vb.net. Now i am wondering how to print the selected fields from that form.

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VS 2005 - How To Access Details View Item

Apr 21, 2009

I have the following code in a template field in a details view:

Protected Sub txtLocations_DataBinding(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim output As String = ""
Dim sqlConnection As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ConnectionString").ConnectionString
Dim connection As New SqlConnection(sqlConnection)
[Code] .....

I need to set the output field to be the data that is bound in this field. How do I do that. I know you cannot access them like normal form fields.

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VS 2005 : Avoid Packet Sniffer To Pick Up The Outcoming Connection Details?

Aug 17, 2010

I am thinking of creating a code to allows my project to pass through the port forward without the outcoming connection details being pass on the third party software such as packet sniffer.Is it possible to avoid packet sniffer to pick up the outcoming connection details?

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Get A Details View In ASP.NET To Display The Details Of The Logged-in User Only?

Dec 9, 2011

I'm trying to get a details view in ASP.NET to display the details of the logged-in user only. I have been told to use:

select * from STAFF where USERNAME = user.identity.name

I thought this was too simple to be true and I was correct as it shows no data when I attempt to run.

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VS 2008 Calling A Dll That Returns SQL Details To A Buffered String

Dec 12, 2010

my app is calling a dll that returns SQL details to a bufferred string, here is what i did 6 Dim server As New String(" ", 256) when i use this in sql connection string i get this error: Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 22.

View 10 Replies

Reading Only Selected Details Based On Header From A String Or File

Jul 3, 2011

I have a weird requirement to parse a file which is a comma separated string with repeating header..i have a file which i load into database and this gets populated as a single column string with header and details data:something like this (This is single COLUMN String in a table). SSIS is not able to handle this so i am trying to know..If it is possible using writhing VB.Net custom component.[code]Also, if i can pass the values of header (i.e. header3, header5, header7 and header10) as a variable would be ideal.

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VS 2005 ListBox - Remove The First 9 Lines Remain In Listbox

Dec 17, 2009

Next listbox value:


I want to remove the first 9 lines remain in listbox:


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Search Listbox If String Found Copy To Another Listbox?

Nov 29, 2008

I have a listbox which on form load generates correctly from a text file like so in a listbox...ex"John Doe, 1""Bob Brown,2"I now would like to search the listbox if it contains either a "1" or a "2" which is does in this case and copy the item to another listbox. The 1 and 2 indicate positions I have a position listbox for each position. So 3 listbos, first one contains the names on form load, 2 other empty listboxes one for position 1 other for position 2...I have tried the following

If xReservationListBox.SelectedIndex = xReservationListBox.FindString("1") Then
'MessageBox.Show("Found It")


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VS 2005 Error {"An Error Occurred Creating The Form. See Exception.InnerException For Details"

Dec 12, 2009

{"An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)"} i got the following error...what is this error??can't figure it out.

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VS 2005 - Error Value Of Type 'String' Cannot Be Converted To '1-dimensional Array Of String'

Jan 17, 2010

I don't understand why the line final.join etc pops up with these errors!! Value of type 'String' cannot be converted to '1-dimensional array of String' And Access of shared member, constant member, enum member or nested type through an instance; qualifying expression will not be evaluated This is my code.


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[2005] String.Concat Generates A String A Format Not Supported Exception?

Feb 19, 2009

The following is ment to generate the path to a text file and stream the data found there into an array.

Dim y1 As String
Dim y2 As String
Dim y3 As String


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VS 2005 How Many Times A String Appears In Another String

Jun 4, 2009

codes like(x is variable)
dim k as string="5b5" & x & "85"

I want to know how many times "5" appears in k,

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Listbox Control In VB 2005?

Oct 19, 2009

i have been connected listbox with data set contains 1 table (view) by binding source i need to view 1 field as menu by this listboxbut i need to retrieve other field value when i click on the listbox control bto be able to make query for another table also i tried sucessfully with listboxcontrol.selectedvalue properety and i was sucessfull but when i click on the listbox the selection of raw going to the first item filled in the listbox control how can i set the selection on item as normaly happened when i click on the list box?

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VS 2005 Add Items To Listbox Using Backgroundworker?

Feb 16, 2011

am adding about 500k item data to a listbox using for loop, but i need the app to be responsive. AM loading the data from a textfilewhat is the bestway to do this, indicating progress with a progress bar as well?

I found and example for listview here, but that thread is old and does not seem to answer my question specifically.

Can i use the same backgroundworker for more than one operation ie after adding the items to the listbox, i need to process each data using background worker so that my app will be responsive, and it wil show progress in the progressbar, or i have to use one for each operation?

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VS 2005 Listbox Item Colors?

Jun 28, 2009

How do I make it so that each item in the same listbox can have a different font color?

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VS 2005 ListBox Multiple Selections?

Oct 20, 2010

Working with a couple of listboxes to display userid and emailaddress. I am writing an application for viewing SSRS reports instead of using the Report Manager. I am able to select the report and also send an email to users with a web link to SSRS report so that ReportViewer comes up for them to view, export or print the report. Currently I am only able to send to one recipient and I'd like to be able to send to multiple recipients. However I am having difficulty with the multi-select from a listbox. I have set the SelectionMethod to MultiExtended and so I can select multiple items from the listbox. Here is my code -


and I also add a messagebox.show to display my values, in EmailAddressTo variable, it displays "System.Data.DataRowView" so it was not able to capture the email address at all. Then if I debug further I eventually get the error msg - "The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address." because of the empty variable. Using SelectedValue, I was able to get at least the first email address but not the second one.

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VS 2005 Remove Focus From Listbox?

Apr 25, 2009

I have 4 Listbox's on a form.

I can click in all 4 and they maintain focus.

How can i remove focus from all the Listbox's except the one i have just selected when i select a Listbox?

I have tried

Me.lstExternalDoors.SelectedIndex = -1
Me.lstInternalDoors.SelectedIndex = -1
Me.lstInternalWindows.SelectedIndex = -1


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VS 2005 Treeview Moving Tag To Listbox?

Mar 18, 2009

so here is what I got so far. I have a treeview with multiple states as parent nodes. then as child nodes I have certain cities. as for my code - I have it set up that if I check the parent node, all children nodes will be checked. I also have code that moves the tags to listbox. the only items that have tags are the children. the code that I have works if I have tags set for the states, but I dont want to have parent tags move to the listbox. how can I change the code I have or rewrite my code to get ONLY children tags in the listbox even if the parents are checked??? hope this makes sense. here is my code


Private Sub TreeView1_BeforeCheck(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewCancelEventArgs) Handles TreeView1.BeforeCheck


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VS 2005 - Different Font Color For Each Item In ListBox?

Mar 21, 2009

How do I make it so that each item in a listbox can have a different font color? This is the only basic code i know that can change the font color of the listbox items. When I go to add a 2nd item and set the color, the first item in the listbox also changes to that color, I don't want that.
ListBox1.ForeColor = ColorDialog1.Color

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VS 2005 - Display SQL Databases In ListBox Without Connection?

Jun 7, 2009

How do I display may sql databases in listbox without connection? Is it possible? Right now I have this:

Dim connString As String = "Data Source=.sqlExpress; Integrated Security=True;"
Using sqlConn As New SqlConnection(connString)
Dim tblDatabases As DataTable = sqlConn.GetSchema("Databases")
For Each row As DataRow In tblDatabases.Rows
End Using

I am doing this because I wanted the user to create the connection for the main application to use. Right now, i have a combobox with items, MyServ/SQLexpress and ./SQLExpress. I have a textbox and a listbox where the user will choose from the items from the listbox which will then display in the textbox.... I dont like to explicitly put in my code this

In one of my button I have this code
builder("Data Source") = Me.cboDataSource.Text.Trim
builder("Integrated Security") = True
builder("Initial Catalog") = Me.txtDBName.Text.Trim
builder.ConnectTimeout = 30

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VS 2005 - Drag And Drop From One List Box To Another Listbox

May 2, 2012

I want to select some user from list of user(listbox1) to another listbox(listbox2). The listbox1 contains the userids which is from a access table. If i move from listbox1 to listbox2 with the default values it is working fine, but when i try to do the same which is loaded from access table i am getting error. "Items collection cannot be modified when the DataSource property is set." [Code]

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