VS 2008 - CheckGroup Code - Regular Groupbox Overlapped The Checkbox Control

Dec 4, 2010

I'm using a CheckGroup in a project found here. There were several things in the code that needed fixing to really be useful to me:The fact that the panel in the regular groupbox overlapped the checkbox control so that the bottom of some letters were being cut off. When changing the back color of the groupbox, it didn't change the back color of the checkbox. Fixing these two problems was easy, but fixing the second one led to a new problem. When changing the backcolor of the groupbox to Transparent, it also changes the backcolor of the checkbox to Transparent, thus displaying the text for both the checkbox and the groupbox's header.

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VS 2008 : Creating New Checkbox In Groupbox + Saving Changes?

Apr 3, 2011

I would like to use code to create a checkbox with default properties and place it at a certain position in a groupbox. For example, i would like to do this by pressing a button and that i can give in the name and tag by use of an imputbox. Also, i have noticed that if something like this is done, these changes aren't permanent and don't apply to the designer nor the code in VB. Is there a way to let the newly created checkboxes appear in the designer? And what about permanently deleting checkboxes by pressing a button. With "Dispose()" it isn't deleted from the designer...

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VS 2008 Appearance Of A GroupBox Control

Aug 23, 2011

I'd like to make a GroupBox have a black line as its boarders , just in the old VB6 , but it seems there isn't any such a property . Look , for example in the picture below : First there is GroupBox control but it can only have a line around it without color . Next , there is a Panel control , but the problem with that is that it can't have a caption set . At the far right side there is Panel control with a Label control placed over it . That's the best way I can think of in order to make something that at least will look like with what I have in mind . However , is there any other way I could do that ?

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Dynamic Groupbox And Checkbox

Jul 1, 2010

i am creating dynamic Groupbox and at a time i am creating checkbox in the groupbox. it`s working properly.How can "refer" or "call" the Dynamic Groupbox and Dynamic Checkbox.Clearly , If i am creating 10 GB`s and within GB`s for each GB i am creating two checkboxes OK.Now i want to use the checkboxes some other purpose. so how can i write syntax for that...?

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Find Checkbox In Groupbox?

Oct 5, 2011

I has some checkbox created in a window form groupbox. May i know how can i find all the checkbox whether they are checked in the groupbox?

For Each ctrl As Control In Me.Controls
If ctrl.Name <> checkBox.Name And (TypeOf ctrl Is CheckBox) Then
If ctrl.Name.Substring(0, 3) = "ADJ" Then


I am using the above codes to find the checkbox, but it seems like not able to find the checkbox that are created in the groupbox.

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Make A Groupbox With Many Checkbox?

Mar 29, 2012

i am using vb2010, i am trying to make a groupbox with many checkbox inside i wane builds a function that will go throw all the checkboxs and return a string with the text of the chechbox(for ex: a pizza add-on where the user check what he wants)i dont wane start writing an if statment for each cheackbox becuse if ill have 1000 of them then it is stuped...

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Checking The State Of A Checkbox In A Groupbox?

Jan 31, 2012

I am trying to detect whether a checkbox is checked and display a message for the ones that are.I am running Visual basic 2010 and The code is as follows: Dim message As String If CheckBox1.Checked = 1 Then 'MsgBox("Checked") message = message & CheckBox1.Checked & vbNewLine MsgBox("You Have Choosen" & vbNewLine & message) question is what is wrong with this code? I get an error that message value has not been declared.

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VS 2008 Play Around With NickThissen's Expandable GroupBox Control

Nov 17, 2009

I decided to play around with NickThissen's Expandable GroupBox control.Expandable GroupBox//When I add a control to my form and debug or build the project, the Text of the GroupBox changes to the default. The Name and anything I put inside of the GroupBox stays the same, however.I also noticed that the control resizes to it's default size when I build and/or debug.

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VS 2008 - Last Column Of The Listview Being Overlapped By The Vertical Scroller?

Dec 18, 2010

Why is last column of the listview being overlapped by the vertical scroller? How can i fix it?

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VS 2008 - Create A Custom Control That Has A Cursor Like A Regular Text Box

Nov 19, 2009

I want to create a custom control that has a cursor like a regular text box, I tried using a line and a timer that makes the line 'Blink', but that wasn't too reliable because I had to change the location and background in the timer... I guess I could do it, but I wanted to ask my question here.

Basically what I am doing is creating a custom control to allow inputs as in fractions, sub/superscripts, etc.... The TextBox Control doesn't support text in that many locations.

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Handling Control Attributes Within A GroupBox Control?

May 16, 2012

I have a form in which their is a GroupBox control. I set the Font's Bold property to TRUE. I know that by default any other control put inside a gorupbox will inherit the Font's property settings. I have textboxes and labels in which I manually reset the Font Bold property to FALSE, however, I have a DataGridView that I did the same thing with but whenever I run the app in test mode, it reverts back to the Fonts' Bold property as TRUE rather than FALSE.

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VS 2008 Bound DataRepeater With Unbound CheckBox Control?

Mar 28, 2011

I'm seriously about to abandon this DataRepeater. I don't want to. I want greater design control than the DataGridView. I've played with various Events for days and have settled on the CheckBox.CheckChanged Event.

What I'm trying to accomplish: My Bound DataRepeater has an UnBound CheckBox in each DataRepeaterItem.When the user 'Checks' the CheckBox, I want to change the value of a NumericUpDown Control to the value of a hidden, Bound Label.


This causes other, seemingly random, DataRepeaterItems (Rows) to also become Checked and thus it's NumericUpDown value to change.Am I going about this from the wrong angle? Can't see the forest for the trees?

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Focus To A Control In Groupbox?

Jun 19, 2009

from my main form i'm giving focus to a control dynamically to calling form for example i have 3 child form, child1, child2, child3 form main form before i call the form i give the focus to a control which is set on some condition


and when i call child1.controls(cntrlname).focus() it throws the error. any idea how i can give focus using above code to one of my control in groupbox.

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Form Control Within Groupbox Control?

May 9, 2012

I have multiple form application in vb.netNow i rose to a condition where i want to display one Form in the Groupbox/Panel control of other form.

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.net - How GroupBox Control Size Can Be Managed

Jun 12, 2012

I have event Button that creates text box in run time.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim textbox1 As New TextBox
static Dim shiftDown As Integer
static Dim counter As Integer


All the text boxes that has been created displayed in GroupBox control dynamically. how GroupBox control size can be managed according to quantity controls inside it.

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Change GroupBox Control's Container?

Feb 26, 2011

I have two group boxes M Commands and C Commands on the same Dev tab page. I have P Control group box that is located in the M Commands group box that I want to move to the C Commands group box at load time.

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Enables Any Control On A Disable GroupBox?

Jun 6, 2011

How To Enables any Control on a disable GroupBox

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Radio Buttons In GroupBox Control

May 8, 2010

I have five groupbox control. each groupbox contain two radiobutton.
In groupbox1 if I select
radiobutton1 then I need to insert value as "Y"
radiobutton2 then I need to insert value as "N"
Likewise I need to do in all groupbox...........

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Can Not Access To The Code Of An Instance Of A Button That Is In A Groupbox?

Mar 25, 2012

In visual foxpro i can access to the code of the events inside of a INSTANCE of a that is in a group box but this is not the case in vb.net how can i do it? Here the images in vfp and vb.net

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Clearing CheckBox With CheckBox Control

Dec 13, 2010

I am refreshing a form, and I want to assure the checkboxes are cleared when refreshing. I can clear the textboxes and masked textboxes, but cannot figure out to revert the checkbox back to the UnChecked state.


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Cloning WinForm Control Possible - GroupBox Layout?

Feb 4, 2010

I have a groupox in a VB.NET winform app. The groupbox contains a few Labels, Textboxes and Checkboxes. This was created by simply dragging the controls out of VS toolbox. What I need to do is take the 1 Groupbox and at runtime create multiple Groupboxes to display based on user selection. Instead of dynamically creating the Groupboxes and other controls nested inside, is there a way to clone or copy the original one. Then I'd just change the properties. Label text, Textbox text, etc. And the location of the Groupbox in the layout.

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Custom GroupBox - Drawing Text On Control?

Sep 2, 2010

I have a Custom Groupbox that overrides the OnPaint event to do some custom drawing, backgrounds, etc. The problem I have is that when I use it in an application and want to draw text on the control, it gets drawn first, then immediately afterwards the OnPaint from the control gets called and draws on top of the text. Is there any way to get the text drawn after the control's OnPaint?

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Why Do Controls Inherit GroupBox Control Properties

Feb 11, 2010

How do I turn off the ability for controls within a groupbox to inherit the groupbox properties. For example, my groupbox text has a fontsize of 9 and bold. Every Label control that I put into the groupbox defaults to the same. How can I change that?

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Resizing A GroupBox / How To Make That Line Of Code Work

Jul 1, 2012

i need to make a code that ,if a radio button is check,the size of a groupbox will change to 200,58 i have this for now: GroupBox1.Size =i only need to know how to make that line of code work

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Groupbox Items - Store Minimum 20 Linklabels In A Groupbox?

Jul 28, 2010

i have a sort of problem when i try to add some linklabels in my groupbox. I used this


I can only add 4 linklabels no matter how big is the groupbox, i tried autoscroll but nothing. How can i do to store minimum 20 linklabels in a groupbox? Here is the whole code i used:

Imports System.Net
Imports DevComponents.DotNetBar.Controls
Imports System.Windows.Forms[code]....

Is there any way, maybe with a specific reference to put a control that records what plays wmp activex and to save somewhere on your computer?

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VS 2008 Writing Some VB2008 Code To Control Four 7-seg LED's / Serial Port Control?

Nov 10, 2010

I'm writing some VB2008 code to control four 7-seg LEDs I bought from Velleman. They came with some example code in VB 5.0, and with instructions telling me to input 5 bytes at a time in the format Chr$() & Chr$() & etc. for the rest of the 5 bytes. When I try to do this using VB2008, it rejects the $ sign, so I've tried it using the Chr() format, which VB2008 allows. However, it doesn't work. Is Chr() the new version of Chr$() or are they different entities? In sending data to the LEDs, I'm using LiveComPort.WriteLine() as my command. (My serial port is called LiveComPort) I also tried it with LiveComPort.Write() asthe command. I know that my serial port and the LEDs are working, because they respond to the demo program provided by Velleman.

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How To Check All The Text Boxes Inside The GroupBox Control

Sep 8, 2011

Im working on a lay-away form application, this particular part is part of the even where the user adds a new customer, and has come to the section for adding personal references to the customers account. What Im trying to do is to check all the text boxes inside the GroupBox control, and then add all the tags of the text boxes that are empty to the list. If the list holds any records it will be put into a message box to let the user know he missed this value. But I want them to list in one text box. Here is what I've tried:[code...]

I get a conversion error, Cannot convert Prompt to String.

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.net - Avoiding Overlapped Bookings In Booking System Application?

Aug 22, 2011

If a booking is present in database on 12/27/2011 at 5:00 pm for 2 hours and i try to make a new booking on 12/27/2011 between 5 to 7 pm then my code generates an error message. Even if i try to book at 4:00 pm for 2 hours it generates an error message as the 2nd hour will be overlapped here with already made booking from 5:00 to 7:00.

Now here comes the problem part. When day changes it doesn't generate error message i.e. IF a booking is there on 12/27/2011 at 11:00 pm for 3 hours then it should not allow new booking till 12/28/2011 2:00 am but when i try to book 12/28/2011 at 1:00 am it saves it in the database and doesn't generate an error message. I want an error message generated in such a case.

I am using two separate fields in database one for time and one for date. Both of them have DateTime datatype.

newtime refers to time on which i'm trying to make new booking addednewtime refers to time after adding the duration to time on which i'm trying to make new booking


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Control Arrays - Application Where Several Textboxes And Buttons Will Be Added To A Groupbox

Mar 19, 2012

I am trying to do an application where several textboxes and buttons will be added to a groupbox.

for example..


I might have anywhere between 1 and 20 rows of these textboxes and buttons. I can add buttons on from.. but how would i add the textboxes or buttons to the say Procedure for MyButton_Click... Handles MyButton_1.click, MyButton_2.click

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Build A Regular Expression To Validate Code

Mar 20, 2011

i need to build a regular expression to validate an code. The code has 10 charaters

- the First charaters can only one the following B,F,E,S,M,P,Z

- From Second to Seventh are alfanumeric (0-9 and A-Z)

- the Eighth is the letter U

- the ninth is a number (0-9)

-the tenth is alfanumeric (0-9 and A-Z)

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