VS 2008 Custom Draw A Border Around Form?

May 24, 2010

I set my FormBorderStyle of my form to none.This is exactly what i want, except I ran into a problem.When the background is gray (background of other applications running in the background), my form tends to fade in with the background (Still active, but i cant see where my form starts or ends).

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VS 2008 : Custom Form Border Movement?

Apr 6, 2010

I'm currently working on an application that I'd really like to be able to have a custom form border. I have it set up right now that the close, minimise and maximise buttons work, as well as moving it around. The issue however is that, although the movement is working, once it starts, it does not stop. So I can drag it around and it works perfectly, but if I want to stop dragging it around and click elsewhere, the form moves to the position from which it was being dragged.

Public Class Form1
Dim clickhold As Boolean
Dim doonce As Boolean
Dim mousebase As Point


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Adding Icon On Custom Form Border Through Code?

Apr 15, 2012

I have below code that set customised form border color and title. the form is missing icon though.how to add icon to the form as well.

Code blocks are created by indenting at least 4 spaces... and can span multiple lines 'A form with custom border and title bar.'Some functions, such as resize the window via mouse, are not implemented yet.

Public Class CustomBorderColorForm
'The color and the width of the border.
Private borderColor As Color = Color.GreenYellow
Private borderWidth As Integer = 3


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VS 2008 Making Custom Border Style?

Mar 21, 2009

How would I make my own custom border style? I want to make my own so that the program looks better and havign its own close/minimize button would be awesome also. Here is what I mean by it:[URL] notice it doesnt use the normal xp or vista bar it is its own? How would I go about doing that?

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Draw A Perfect Border?

Aug 5, 2010

Drawing a 3-D border should be easy enough, right? Nope. Does anyone know how to draw a border that looks exactly like TextBox's? Right now, I'm just drawing black lines at the top + left and white at the bottom + right but the bevel isn't nice and when the background color is white, the bottom + right don't show up.

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Draw Border Around New Bitmap?

Apr 11, 2010

I need to draw a border of a certain width around a new bitmap.

I want to use Graphics.DrawLines, because i may want to draw the Horizontal or Vertical borders only.

For Example:

'Add this to a button on a blank form
Dim Canvas As New Bitmap(100, 100)
Dim G As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(Canvas)


Ive fiddled around with this, but i cant get the math right. What must i do to get the border of the correct width around my bitmap?

Also do i need the first "G.Dispose()"?

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Draw A Black Border Around A ToolStripButton?

Oct 3, 2011

I am trying to draw a black border around a ToolStripButton. This is the code I am using and it only draws the border on 2 sides. Dim clrMenuBorder As Color = Color.Black Dim borderPen As New Pen(clrMenuBorder)

Dim rect1 As New Rectangle(0, 0, e.ToolStrip.Width, e.ToolStrip.Height)

e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(borderPen, rect1)

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Draw Border Button On The Toolbar?

Feb 23, 2010

I'm on page 243 of "Sam's Teach Yourself Visual Basic 2008" and it says: * Display the ViewerForm form in the Form Designer * Double-click on the Draw Border button on the toolbar. Only -- I don't see a Draw Border button on the toolbar.

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Unselect A Cell Using CellPainting To Draw Border?

Apr 7, 2011

Basically, the problem is that I haven't found a way to unselect a cell using CellPainting to draw a border

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VS 2008 Changing Form Border Color?

Nov 21, 2010

How do I change the Form's Border color?

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VS 2008 Check Form Border Location

Apr 23, 2009

I need a check that will see the location of the edge of the form. An example would be (for what I am trying to do) is, when a form is moved, the main form will get bigger depending which border and which way the second form is going.So basically I need some way to make Form1 get bigger if Form2 is near the left border or near the bottom border.

*I have a mini system for making it grow(LocationChanged) on the form I want it to work for.

*I also know about ".left" and ".top",

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.net - Custom Border In A WPF Label

Mar 7, 2012

I need to build a custom WPF Control something like this

As I am new in WPF, I used the following code (sorry for VB.NET)



1) Is it the best way to do it, considering that I will inherit that control and need the same border on the inherited controls

2) Is it good to specify the default value for the BorderBrush (to be non-transparent), like I did?

3) Why my corners are moved with a pixel (not really right linked)?

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Custom Border To A Picture Box?

Jan 21, 2010

There are two available in BorderStyle(namely, FinxeSingle and Fixed3D). I wanted to apply a custom dashed border to a picture box.

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Custom Button Is Showing Border When Not Supposed To?

Aug 25, 2008

I was playing around with designing a custom interface for a test application and I am using a custom image for a close button. I am using the FlatStyle properties to define it's look'n'feel. I've set the border to 0 but when the application loses focus, the border of the button shows up.I have tried to force the property to go 0 again when the application's "LostFocus" event is captured but doesn't work.I am also using a "rollover" method using MouseHover and MouseLeave events to change the image of the button.Using Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition.

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VS 2008 - Allow The User To Draw On The Form?

Nov 2, 2009

How would I be able, with the click of a button, allow the user to draw on the form? Maybe as if, taking a screen shot of the whole form, and then drawing on top of it? Dose not have to be a lot of colors, just a simple way to draw a line.

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VS 2008 Draw Lines In VB Form?

Apr 5, 2010

I need to draw lines, in one VB form. Like paint, I need the tool brush, and design some lines and curves in a Vb form. How can I do this? I don't know where to start.

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VS 2008 Draw On A Control On Form Load?

Sep 16, 2010

Dear all, I'm new in the forum. I have a simple but annoying problem: in a ordinary form I added a label (Label1) and a button (Button1) with the followiing handler.Well if I press Button1 my dot dashed line is correctly drawn over Label1, but what I need is that program automatically does it on form loa

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim Graphic As System.Drawing.Graphics


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VS 2008 Getting A Dot To Draw Based Upon X Y Coordinate On Form Load

Nov 16, 2010

I have managed to develop a form which allows me to add a record to an access database using Adonet. The last few fields added are populated when i place the mouse over a floor plan image on the form (provide geographical location) and capture the x y coordinate. Prob im having is how on another form i get the points to automatically re-draw on a form with the same content (floor plan on it. I can obviously retrieve the data set using a data adapter/data table just cant make it draw on top of the graphic automatically.

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Use SVG In .net To Draw Custom Controls?

Nov 3, 2009

Is there a way to use SVG in vb.net to draw custom controls? Or any other way?

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Draw A Custom Icon Into A Tooltip?

Apr 4, 2010

Not a single site anywhere, and I have even tried the MSDN, that details in any specific language how to draw a custom icon into a tooltip.

I have tried using every format of image I can produce, including (but not limited to) ICO, PNG, GIF, BMP, JPG etc... But every time, the app debugger clouts me round the head in defiance.. Windows Vista CAN do it.. and as in the image above.. StarDock figured it out..

I know your policy is to have the askee produce their code first, but the thing for me is

Also, I wonder if it would not be possible to take the code that does do the whole shabang, and compile it into a DLL or something that I can just embed for future projects - again this can be uploaded for others to refer to.

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Draw Custom Column With Images In PDA?

Jun 21, 2010

I am using datagrid to show my products. The products have a image and I should show it. Problem is, datagrid is only text and there was some reference on creating custom columns but I still dont quite understand (Mostly are custom url columns).

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Draw Custom Marquee Progressbar?

Nov 21, 2010

I want to create a custom, good looking, marquee progressbar for my splash screen. I found a good desgin and i am trying to duplicate it, but i am not very good with System.Drawing. I would like to create the following progressbar[url]...

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Draw Text On Custom Control?

Dec 23, 2009

I have made a custom control and the only change to the interface is that its a different color. Whenever the user moves their mouse over the control some white text fades in in the middle of the user control. Then after a few seconds the text fades out. The text is actually the location of the cursor but I have that figured out.

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Custom Treeview Draw Bug On Mouseover Collapse/expand Glyph?

Dec 9, 2011

I'm overiding the node draw event for a treeview in draw all mode such as the code below.

Protected Overrides Sub OnDrawNode(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DrawTreeNodeEventArgs)


Clearing the graphics object on draw before drawing node Setting background rectangle and drawing the node just like when selected

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Draw Custom Buttons On Windows Vista / 7 Aero Titlebar

Nov 7, 2010

I found this question on StackOverflow. Basically, the user wanted to draw custom buttons on the titlebar. I tried the code and realised it works in vista/7 only when Aero is disabled. My question is, is there any way to draw custom buttons on the titlebar while aero is enabled? Any way of reading information from the current theme so I can style my buttons to match the already existing ones.

Here is a screenshot from my computer demonstrating the above concept. I got the additional titlebar buttons after installing DisplayFusion. And I know DisplayFusion is a .NET program because it opens in .NET Reflector. The down side is that the program is obfuscated. Not like I wanted to decompile the program or anything; I just want to add a button to my titlebar to do something else (like minimise to the system tray for instance).
Below is the screenshot, proving the program is a .NET app.

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Custom ToolStripItems Painting - Draw Graphics Without Calling The Refresh Method?

Nov 11, 2011

I have created a custom ToolStripProgressBar. It is basically a class inherited from ToolStripStatusLabel, and i paint the 'progress' bar myself (just a simple rectangle). I have tried creating a custom ToolStripProgressBar using different methods including inheriting from both ProgressBar, ToolStripProgressBar and ToolStripControlHost. I always ran into difficulties doing in this way. Inheriting from ToolStripStatusLabel works well, but with one issue...

In order to have the progress bar update in the statusbar, i have to call StatusStrip.Refresh. Trouble is, adds a huge overhead to the drawing of the progress bar graphics. Simply calling the invalidate method of my ToolStripStatusLabel does not seem to render anything to the screen. how to have my graphics draw without calling the refresh method?

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MDI Parent Form - White Form Border?

Sep 17, 2010

i have a simple VB probject, the main form is an MDI parent.

The form is maximized and the background color is set to black.

control box is turned off, but the form still has a white border around it i want to turn the border off, i just want the form black and maximized

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Border And Border Color Of Textbox And Label

Aug 4, 2009

I am using vb express 2008.How I can have border around a Textbox or Label and change the color of border. Like we have different border styles and colours in MsWord and other applictions. Also how a Lable can be made transparent?

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Creating Forms With Border Like Calendar Border?

Nov 15, 2010

How we can create a form with border like calendar border. I changed ControlBox to False and Text to vbnullstring. but only when FormBorderStyle is Sizable or SizableToolWindow form border apears. This form is sizable. Is there any way to create forms with this border but not sizable? I want to create form like this:[URL]

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Custom Form In VB 2008 Express?

Jun 6, 2009

im creating my own custom form design for some of my programs...i would like to get the basic form down and then save it as a template...before i can do that i need some help designing and creating the form. Im going for a windows office 2007 sorta look with a glowing orb at the top right. I need a few coding elements to implement first.


yes these are all things capable with the traditional windows form but i want something more my style. Also im creating a orb like thing in the top left and a minimize/maximize/close button at the top right. I was going to use just images...is this the best way or can i create better graphics in wpf or something like that? Some more things that i would like but dont nessarly need would be the capablity to make my form with the clear vista aero glass instead of a single static color...i dont know mutch about this but is there an easy way to extend the vista aero glass theme across forms and if so what would that look like on xp machines.

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