VS 2008 DataGridView: How To Show Row #'s

Feb 16, 2010

This is a simple one, but I haven't seen a way to do it. I have a DataGridView that is bound to a Sql-Server database, and it works fine. The only thing I'd like to add is the row # at the beginning of every row. Yes, I COULD set the first column as "RowNUm" and maintain it that way, but it seems that having the row # on each row should be a feature already provided to us. So, is there a way to have the DataGridView display a row number for each row?

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Fill Combobox Using SQL Show Tables - Datagridview Does Show Table Names In Db Using The SHOW TABLES Sql Statment

Jun 6, 2011

SQL statements:



The remarked area works fine when I'm accessing a specific table. I've successfully inserted the products_model field into the combobox too. The datagridview does show the table names in the db using the SHOW TABLES sql statment, but I'm not understanding how to get this info into the combobox instead.

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VS 2008 - Show Vertical Columns Lines For Datagridview

Jan 4, 2012

Is it possible to show vertical columns lines for datagridview, also for empty area, as VFP grid,as in image?

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Datagridview Does Not Show Data At Runtime In VB Express 2008 In Windows 7

Dec 11, 2009

I'm using Visual Basic Express 2008 in Windows 7(64-Bit). I've added a datasource to my project and dragged a table from Data Sources onto my form. It automatically created a DataViewGrid and placed this statement in my form load event:


The DataGridView shows all the correct fields/columns. The .DataSource property for the DataGridView is set to the automatically created BillsBindingSource. When I preview the BillsTableAdapter, the data appears. But data does not appear when I run the app. The datagridview is empty. When I build the app and run the executable, I get a Microsoft .NET Framework error message that says: "Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the applicaiton will close immediately. The 'Microsoft .ACE.OELDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine." If I click "Continue" I get my form with an empty DataGridView. What am I missing to get the data to display in the grid at run time? Oh, and I've also tried using the DataGridView in C# and I get the same problem.

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Rich Text In Access Doesn't Show In DataGridView 2008?

Jan 19, 2012

I have a dictionary (literally) database file in Access: its Fields are Headword (string) and Definition (Memo, it's in Rich Text). The Rich text looks fine in Access, but when I connect a Visual Basic (2008) Datagridview control to the database, the text looks like HTML, not RTF, and when I try to copy a specified "definition" into a RichtextBox, I get the same weird symbols, not RTF. One attached snapshot is how a record looks in Access, the other in a VB 2008 form with a datagridview control and an attempt to paste contents into a RichTextBox.

How can I get that same "look" from the RTF in the original Access file? I'm only recently moving from VB6; not a professional

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Refresh A Datagridview In Code To Show To Show New Data In DB?

Nov 7, 2010

How do you refresh a datagridview in code to show to show new data in the DB?

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DataGridView - Show Value For Each Cell In Row

Apr 6, 2012

How to get the data I want from a datagridview box. Simply Put, What I need to do is get every value from each cell in a row. So if row one is highlighted I need the Name, addy, and so on....from that row.

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DataGridView Does Not Show All Rows At First

Mar 9, 2010

I fill the DGV by looping through a dataset and adding a DGV row for each datarow. After this the DGV.RowCount = DataSet.Rows.Count. Funny thing is that the DGV shows only a part of it (19 of 2448 in my example). After some testing I figured out that the rows show up if I change the Window size a bit.So now I use a work-around by including the following code after I've filled the DGV:[code]

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Records Do Not Show Using DataGridView?

Jul 13, 2010

Why do I cannot show my records using datagridview? The database I use is sql server 2005 with the extension of ".mdf". Also if I use the wizard to add the data source. I can add,delete records and show but when I change the startup form and run the form that connection is code to display. It doesn't show the records.

Below here is my code :
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Form2
Dim con As New SqlConnection
Private Sub Form2_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
[Code] .....

View 19 Replies

Show Double Value In Datagridview?

Feb 2, 2012

don't know why it shows double value in datagridview.

da.Fill(ds, "New")
bsource.DataSource = ds.Tables("New")
'Set default value


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Show Image In DataGridView?

Jul 18, 2012

I am using mssql server 2008 , i have a table with three fields , 1- ProdID 2-ProdName 3-ProdPic , now i want to show the all records of the table in the datagridview by using vb.net , how can i show my image field in datagridview , even i create three columns , and the third column has column type image. now i dont know how to bound my datagrid with my datatable . i am using code like this dim con as new sqlconnection("connection string")()[code]...

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Show The First Name In Datagridview For Some Date?

Jan 6, 2012

I have two linked tables in my database <the first is Patient include (number,first name and last name) and the other is Appointment include (number,date,time)I want to show the first name in datagridview for some date.I tried this code,but It won't work,I think something missing

Dim query = From pat In Me.ClinicDBDataSet.Patient, app In Me.ClinicDBDataSet.Appointment _
Where pat.Patient_No = app.Patient_No AndAlso app.App_Date > DateTimePicker1.Value AndAlso app.App_Date < DateTimePicker2.Value _
Select pat
PatientDataGridView.DataSource = query.AsDataView

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Create A Datagridview To Show Up The Results?

Jun 18, 2012

Im a beginner in visual basic 2010 im making my first project i created form3 for the search function so i created 2 checkbox to give the user the choice to choose to search by name or by date or by both of them and i created a button search then i created a datagridview to show up the results so im confused now how to start my project. should I start it with if checkbox1 checked then.... or what?

View 11 Replies

Datagridview: Not To Show The Very First Blank Column

May 16, 2008

Is there a way not to show the very first blank column of the datagrid?

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How To Show Excel File In DataGridView

Nov 3, 2009

I tried to view an excel file from datagridview in vb.net. Here is my code :

Dim con As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _
& "Data Source='c: es.xls';" _
& "Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=YES"";")
Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter("Select * from [sheet1$]", con)
ds = New DataSet
gridinput.DataSource = ds.Tables(0)

The problem is almost all cells value from excel are displayed in my datagridview, but several are missing.

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How To Show The Row Index In Row Header In Datagridview

Mar 9, 2012

I am wondering in row in the datagridview, How can i show the row index in the row header?

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IDE :: DataGridView In VB Dot Net Does Not Show Properties Panel?

Oct 20, 2009

I have a DataGridView control in a form, and as of a day ago, when I click on the control, I get *no* properties listed in the Properties pane of the IDE. The properties pane is totally blank. Neither properties nor events are visible. I have tried everything. Prior to this, the properties and events displayed normally.Other controls' properties are displayed when I click on them, but not the DataGridView control. If, after clicking on my DataGridView control, I use the combo-box on the Properties pane to look at any other control's properties, they come right up. If I then select my control's name (DataGridView1) in the Properties pane combo-box, the IDE crashes completely and I have to restart.

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MS DataGridView.show Fails To Work?

Jun 23, 2010

I used to have a single DataGridView (DGV) on a form. I formatted and populated this, then used DGV.Show to make it appear on my form. This worked fine.I upgraded my form, to included 2 DGVs. Within a sub I dim a new DGV, populate and format it as before then set this equal to whichever DGV on the form it's meant to be. For example:

Dim pDGV as new DataGridView
with pDGV
.ColumnHeadersVisible = True


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Show All The Columns From A Datagridview In A Listbox?

Feb 23, 2012

Is it possible to show all the Columns from a datagridview in a listbox?

When i selected a row , it shows all tht Colloms in the listbox.

i fill the datagridview with code from a Excel file.

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Show Data From My Database In Datagridview?

Mar 30, 2010

How to show data from my database in datagridview and i can add,edit and delete in datagridview

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Show Data In DataGridview Columnwise?

Nov 15, 2011

IS it possible to show data in DataGridview columnwise?????"

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Show Datagridview Empty Message

May 20, 2010

I have the following code and I want to say that if the datagridview - dgvImportData is empty then say this message otherwise say the other message.

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Specific Columns To Show Up In DataGridView?

Oct 6, 2009

I only want specific columns to show up in my DataGridView, so I run a dynamic sql query to select specific columns from a table on a sql server(I know its slow, but its only used once a day). However, every column from the table shows up in the datagrid, and I can't figure out what i'm doing wrong.

Public Class Assign_Priorities
Dim connect As New SqlConnection("Data Source=IRNTS4SQL;Initial Catalog=Materials;Integrated Security=True")
Dim ds As New DataSet
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT [Priority], [Tool Type], [Lot Number], [Process], [Priority Notes], [Quantity], [Time Job Entry] from [FPAD Process Log]", connect)


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ComboBoxCell Won't Show Immediately In Bound DataGridView?

Nov 20, 2009

As part of a user interface I'm designing, I'd like the user to encounter the following: when the user wants to edit a value in a cell, the cell in the DataGridView is replaced by a DataGridViewComboBoxCell. This is working now, however, when the user enters the cell (edit cell) the edit cursor stays there, and the combobox won't show. When the user leaves the cell, the Combobox shows, and after again entering the cell and clicking on the combobox, the dropdown finally shows. So 6 clicks are necessary, and I'd like to reduce this to a maximum of two clicks.

Using VB.Net on Visual Studio 2008, with .net 3.5

This is my code:

Public Class Functions:
Public Sub ComboBox(ByVal source As System.Windows.Forms.BindingSource, ByVal MainView As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView, ByVal valuemember As String, ByVal displaymember As String, ByVal row As Integer, ByVal column As Integer)


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DataGridView Doesn't Show ShortTime Record

Jun 16, 2012

I'm using a DataGridView that gets its data from table in Microsoft Access, one of the fields is a Short Time type record (e.g 16:00) but when the DataGridView is loaded it shows the record as "16:00 12/31/1899" and never shows only the ShortTime.

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DB/Reporting :: DataGridView - Datasource Does Not Show New Column

Oct 27, 2008

I had a DataGridView that was bound to a Table in my typed DataSet. I recentyl added a new column to the table in the database and updated the table in the DataSet accordingly.Now, when I go to the DataGridView to update it, the new column does not appear under the "Databound column" list. I tried setting the data source to "None", then reselecting it. Still, it does not show the new column. I then deleted the DataGridView and re-added it to the form. Again, same result. However, when I select the data source, then click "Preview Data", it show the added column.

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FAQ Item: Why Does The DataGridView Not Show Up The RowHeader On The Second Tab Of A TabControl

Jun 20, 2010

Why does the DataGridView not show up the RowHeader on the second tab of a TabControl?

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Filter Column In Datagridview Then Show At Combobox?

Oct 24, 2011

I had a datagridview which connect to oracle database. I want to filter one of the column of the datagridview.

Then the filter value will show it in the combobox.

Any suggestion to filter it and show at combobox?

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Populate Data From Dataset And Show In Datagridview

Aug 11, 2009

I am working in vb.net and i have a simple requirement. I have added a MDB file to a dataset and it contains 21 tables. I have a datagridview and a combobox on my form. I was able to get the combobox populated with the table names available in the dataset by iterating through dataset.tables. Now i want to add the feature where the user can select the table name from the combo and then it should populate the contents of that table. I tried the following Code


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Show All Numbers In DataGridView That Are Smaller Than The One I Gave?

Jan 16, 2012

When put in ComboBox a number,and click on button Find, I want the DataGridView to show all the numbers that are smaller than the one I put in Combobox

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