VS 2008 Keeping A Form In The Screen

Dec 27, 2009

I'm just doing a quick little application and was wondering how I can keep the user from moving the window outside of the working area I tried this


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Fit A Large Image On Screen Keeping Its Ratio?

May 4, 2012

The title asks it all, if i have a form with a picturebox (dock = fill), and it loads a bigger picture than the screen bounds, and i want that form to resize so it fits the screen but having the same ratio as the picture size. How shall i do this?

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Closing A Form But Keeping The Information In The Form?

Apr 28, 2010

I am working on a project that has the user building scrapbook pages through several different forms. When the user selects something a presses a button I have the information about the selection load to a list box which is on a CheckoutForm. One of the options I have is for the user to save what they have made (this includes the information in the list boxes) and return to a previous form to build another page. I have been trying to use the Me.Close() but it does not save the information and using Me.Hide() displays the wrong elements on the forms.

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Keeping Counts Win Form App. Has Run?

Apr 23, 2010

using Vb net (2005) Wandering if it is possible to use AppSettings in this case: Keeping counts how many time my Win Form app. has run, could someone show me if this can be done

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Keeping Form Above Fullscreen?

Nov 9, 2011

Basically i'm coding a application that can be used as a crosshair.How do I keep this above the game which runs in fullscreen. I've tried

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Keeping Form Visible While Switching To Another Program?

Apr 14, 2009

I have a program that shows a small form appearing at the top of the right hand corner of the screen. When I switch to another opened program, the form disappears. How can I keep this form visible when I switch to another program? I set the TopMost property to true but it doesn't work.

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Keeping Multiple Form Instances Separate?

Sep 16, 2009

When I create more than one instance of the same form and I call a method on any of these instances, the code only fires on the most recently created instance. Even when I click a button on that form, it executes on the other form. How can I call these and keep them as distinct objects?

For example: if I build Form1 with a public method called ChangeMyColor and a button to call that method. Then in the main app I set MyForm1 = New Form1
and MyForm2 = New Form1, then call MyForm1.ChangeMyColor, the color changes on the second instance. Even if I click that button on the first instance, the color still changes on the second.

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Transferring Data From Second To First Keeping The State Of First Form?

Dec 19, 2010

I m working with a appliction in VB.net

I have a three forms .Menu form which i have set IsMdiContainer as true

Through this form I m opening a new form named " Query"

This form has two drop down and one textbox and some other controls

When user selects ths first dropdown (States)second gets filled with City

When use selects a city I wat to open a New form named as parameter.parameter

form has two textbox and user will enter the paramater and click the submit button.

I want the text of these two textboxes in My "Query" forms 's text box and I want the drop down as it is(filled with city and states)

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2008 - Print Entire Form On The Screen

Jan 15, 2009

I have a user who wants to print the form that is on the screen(the entire form not just the data) on the click of a button, is there a quick and easy way to capture it and print it. Kind of like a screen shot? I suggested that they could just do alt/printscreen and capture the form that way and print it but they want it all to be done from a print button for them.

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VS 2008 : Moving A Form To The Center Of The Screen?

Feb 7, 2011

Is there any way I can move a form in the center of the screen ? I am talking about run time for a form that is already shown . I need this because some times this form may become larger or smaller during run time and I'd like it to be moved in the center of the screen in order to look better . Back in VB6 I used to show again the form (despite being already shown) by MyForm.Show , which resulted i the form being moved to the center , but now it seems this doesn't work anymore ...

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VS 2008 Stretch The Form According By The Users Screen?

Apr 22, 2009

I need to stretch the form according by the users screen. My application has to run maximized, but other users may have different resolutions sat and they won't see the whole program or will see it smaller than their screen.

This may affect the resolution, what code would do that?

maybe something like: get resolution (x:y) and set size width and height but I would still need to stretch all the other controls within the form as well.

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Resize Form & Controls To Screen Size VB 2008

Jun 10, 2011

Anyone knows how to change the Forms and controls of the project as the Screen resolution of the computer changes?

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VS 2008 : Creating A Form Bigger Than Screen Resolution?

Feb 28, 2010

Is it possible to create a form bigger than my screen resolution ?. My screen is 1680 x 1050 but i need to create a form of 1920 x 1080.

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Create A Code VS 2008 Print Screen Part Of The Form

Jul 24, 2009

Is it possible to create a code that when a button is clicked it Print Screens part of the form (For example, location 3,4 to location 30,40) and then saves the image?

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IDE :: VISUAL BASIC 2008 - Hide Program Form (alt+tab) Screen?

Sep 12, 2009

i'm designing a program ........ i just wanted to know how to hide my program form (alt+tab) screen .........and how to hide my program from (task manager)..... and also how can i delete my program after its "FIRST OPEN" and after that it copies itself to the desktop folder.

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VS 2008 - Setting Form Sizes According To User Screen Resolution

Mar 17, 2011

I'm setting form sizes according to user screen resolution and I think I need design no smaller than 1024 x 768 these days. Using the following code I set my first form and use Anchor settings to resize and maintain controls. Does resize affect StartupPosition in other forms and what do you think is the best StartupPosition to Show the next (smaller) forms? I have a feeling I should have created child forms but simply added forms to the project as I needed them. For example, the first code example does not take account of the WIN7 Task Bar.

Dim x As Integer = My.Computer.Screen.Bounds.Width, y = My.Computer.Screen.Bounds.Height
Me.Size = New Size(x, y)

A smaller form loads with the same code slightly varied, but the reduction is not taking account of the screen resolution. Is there a way of reducing by percentage?

Dim x As Integer = My.Computer.Screen.Bounds.Width, y = My.Computer.Screen.Bounds.Height
X = X -100
y = y - 100
Me.Size = New Size(x, y)

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VS 2008 Keeping Track Of Ellipses?

Mar 8, 2010

Suppose i want to draw semi-random ellipses on my form.Is there any way i can check if they get clicked at a later stage?Is there any way of storing the location of individual ellipses and then comparing the mouse-click to my list of locations to see if one was clicked?

I can imagine how it could be done with squares or rectangles, but i dont know how to approach it with ellipses.

Im sure this has been asked before, but i've spent a good while searching around for something i can use and came up emptyhanded.

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VS 2008 - The Program Keeping A Running Total?

Dec 9, 2010

I'm about to pull my hair out with this program. I need the following program to keep a running total of the total amount due by a customer for books bought. The exercise required the use of a BookSale class with 3 attributes(a quantity,price,and total due) and 2 behaviors(a default constructor and method that keeps a running total). Here is the code for the class:


My problem lies in the program keeping a running total. The total due is displayed fine for each quantity and price but not the whole running total. For example,if I enter 1 as quantity and 2 as price and click the Add to Sale button,the Total Due value,which is $2.00,is displayed. However,if I change the quantity to 2 and price to 4,which comes out to $8.00,the $8.00 is not added to the existing $2.00. I feel like I'm missing something elementary and it's driving me crazy. I would work on it some more but it's already after 4 AM here and I need to get some sleep.BTW,this exercise is from a college textbook. However,this isn't an assignment that is due. I just got bored and decided to work on a chapter we didn't have time to get to.

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VS 2008 Draw Directly On The Screen (not On A Specific Window) Just On The Screen?

Jul 1, 2009

I send a message a while ago and no one answerd, how can I draw directly on the screen (not on a specific window) just on the screen, neither if it's on the desktop or anything else.Is there is any option to bring up the switch between applications window (Alt + Tab), I don't want to use sendkeys because the user need to keep the key down and I just want the user to select the application with his mouse.

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VS 2008 Editing Word Documents While Keeping The Original Text?

Jul 13, 2009

Public objword As New Word.Application

^ Showing the declaration of the word document that i wish to edit.

Dim oDoc As Word.Document
objword.Visible = True
oDoc = objword.ActiveDocument
oDoc.Range.Text = codes(j, 1) & " " & codes(j, 2)

This gets the document and adds text into it, exactly what i want it to do. But it replaces the whole document. I just want it to add text at the start of the document. Not replace the whole document.

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VS 2008 Screen.GetWorkingArea And PointToScreen - Dual Screen ?

Mar 28, 2009

I have a button btnRegEx that when pressed shows a ContextMenuStrip, similar to the '>' button in the Find/Replace dialog in Visual Studio when you are using Regular Expressions. I have a ContextMenuStrip cms which I show using its Show(x,y) method.

At first I was simply setting x and y (the location of the ContextMenuStrip) to some point next to the button, but I noticed that when the button is close to the edge of the screen it goes off screen. I wanted to prevent that so I built some logic into the x-y calculation. When the ContextMenuStrip width is larger than the 'remaining space left' I simply show it more to the left. Same for its Height of course. I am using the Screen.GetWorkingArea(point) method to determine the 'remaining space left'. As I understand it, it returns the working area closest to the point you specify (to which I pass the button's location).

As long as I stay on my first monitor, it is all working perfectly fine. The problem occurs when I move the form to my second monitor. The contextmenustrip is still showing on the first monitor for some reason...

Here is the code I am using:

vb.net Private Sub btnRegEx_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnRegEx.Click
Dim p As Point = PointToScreen(New Point(btnRegEx.Left, btnRegEx.Top))
Dim x, y As Integer


I have noticed that when I click the button when the form is on the second monitor, the buttons location (p) is calculated with the first monitor's top-left corner as (0,0), even though it is on the second monitor. This way, the GetWorkingArea function returns something like 1280, while the buttons x-location is something like 1700... So, how do I get the buttons coordinate relative to the actual screen it is on, rather than the entire dual monitor screens as a whole?

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VS 2008 Screen Flipping - Invert The Screen

Apr 27, 2009

Is there any way to invert the screen. For example, making upside down or having mirror effect?

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Excel AddIn - Keeping Windows Form Always Visible While Within Excel

Feb 29, 2012

I'm trying to upgrade an Excel VBA workbook to a VSTO Excel Add-in in VB.NET using VS 2010. In the original (i.e.- VBA) version I have a modeless UserForm (called frmMain) that floats on top and is visible at all times while the user is still within the Excel application, but is not visible if the user moves to another window outside of Excel.

For example, within Excel the user can click on any worksheet tab, select any cell, etc. and the UserForm is still visible. This is exactly how I'd like it. The problem is, that in the new VSTO add-in, I can not get the Windows form to mimic this same behavior. I use frmMain.Show() to show the form as a modeless form, but the moment the user clicks an Excel worksheet (i.e.- activates a worksheet) the form becomes hidden behind the worksheet.


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VS 2008 Form Screen Resolution While Using Monitor Size Like 21 Inch And 15 Inch?

Jul 16, 2010

I have to know how to set system resolution of all tools in forms, which i using for my application.

I attached two screen shots. When i work my application with my system, form window and their tools placed correctly with my monitor fit(15 inch monitor).

But when i work my application in 21 inch monitor, all tools re arranged and

not in format. post me the code to set resolution as per system??

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Screen Blanks After 1 Min Of Processing (of Excel File) / Refresh Or Freeze Screen To Avoid Blank Screen?

Jun 29, 2011

BTW this issue occurs in any MS office program when the VB.Net (or even VBA) is processing information.Example: In Excel, a worksheet is displayed on the screen. I start either, a VB.Net or VBA procedure and within 30 seconds the Excel worksheet (previously displayed) blanks out. In both VB.Net and VBA,ScreenUpdating = False. My expectation is that the previously displayed screen would stay static as if I left my desk to get a cup of coffee; came back and the same ole Excel worksheet was still there?Of course, setting VBA Screen Updating = False accomplishes two goals: 1) speeds up processing and 2) saves the user from seeing unnecessary "garbage-processing" steps.Why does VBA or VB.Net ScreenUpdating = False not freeze the screen at the time of its invoking?

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VS 2008 Form Size Compatible On Different Screen Size?

Mar 5, 2010

I developed a form application on my computer, but when it was used in another computer with different screen size, i was told the form didn't fit. Do I have to adjust the form size or any other ways to let the form compatible on different screen size? (could be different screen size or wide screen)

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Irregular Shaped Form With No Borders Moving Across The Screen Until From Within The Loop The Form Closes?

May 26, 2012

I tried it every way I can think off, but nothing can stop it .

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Crop Form Screenshot - Screen Capture Of Twindows Form And Display Only A Certain Specified Area

Aug 2, 2010

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


So I'm trying to take a screen capture of the windows form and display only a certain specified area of that screen capture in a picturebox on a different form. Kind of like this. First, take the screen capture of the form: Then get a specified area of that form through x,y coordinates or something and display it on a picturebox on a separate form.

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Form Height Limit, Make The Form Larger Than The Screen And Allow For Scrolling Down?

Nov 17, 2011

I have read that VB .NET in earlier versions limited the FORM size to that of the development machine screen resolution.I am hoping that there is a way in the current VB 2010 to get around that.However in my attempts to make the form larger, it always resets itself to the screen height on my develoment machine.Is there a way to get around this and have the person be able to use a scroll bar to move down?The data I wish to show actually has two screens worth of information but the stuff in the scroll down section would be used on a limitied basis so scrolling will be useful rather than having to recreat the screen to show less data at one time.

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'abort' (terminate Immediately) A Form Screen In A Windows Form Application Running Under 'local' Environment?

May 30, 2012

FormA calls DialogB where user cancels DialogB which exits via ForceTermination(), see insert.Caller FormA check for DialogResult not = OK, which it isn't, and I can see this in debug as Abort(3).However, the code continues merrily along its way until I get a 'null reference' error which I'm trying to avoid via Force Termination().This is caused by the user cancelling DialogB, a selection process to get a database (SQL) instance.[code]

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