VS 2008 SelectNodes Order By Attributes?

Nov 24, 2010

[code]I need to select the one ID only which have high priority.I am using below code but it just can bring the data only matching with group and i need order by priority to just bring only ID which priority is high.[code]

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Attributes - Use XmlElementAttribute To Order The Fields For XML Serialization

Dec 7, 2010

We need to specify a certain sort order for the fields of a class which is serialized to XML. sort order when dealing with XML elements but in our case there's a reason to do so.

So ... this answer for C# advises using XmlElementAttribute and I've translated the C# to VB as:

<System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute(Order = 1)> _
Public Property Foo() As String

But it complains that Name 'Order 'is not declared. Have I mistranslated from C# or is there some other issue here?

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SelectNodes Want All Nodes But / Party

Jun 18, 2009

I use SelectNodes("//Party") to extract all the Party nodes. Then I have seperate processing for all the nodes that are not Party and are not children of Party (HostName, HostVersion, etc).

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Use The SelectNodes Method To Get ANY Node/tag Containing A Keyword

Sep 15, 2010

I have a Xml file, ( actually HTML tags ) , I want to use the SelectNodes method to get ANY node/tag containing a keyword. The node name can be anything <td> , <div> <p>. What is the XPath to get any node which contains a keyword?

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VS 2008 ORDER BY That Does Not Order Correctly?

Jan 14, 2010

I have to order a table following a logical order but I cannot find the appropriate ORDER BY clause.To simplify I have 2 fields field1 and field2

1 record : field1 contains �2� and field2 contains �1�
2 record : field1 contains �1� and field2 contains �2�
3 record : field1 contains �2� and field2 contains �2�


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VS 2008 : Access A List Of Attributes?

Apr 8, 2009

I need to access a list of attributes as follows.I'm drawing a curve named "CurveName". With Curvename I need to access the curve color, the data symbol etc.I tried this:

Dim cllCurveAtt as new cllCurveAtt
sub SetAtt
cllCurveAtt.Add(CurveName, "Color.Red")
end sub

If I then want to refer to the curve color through cllCurveAtt(CurveName) I get an error because "Color.Red" is not a system color, it should be Color.Red without the quotes. But if I remove the quotes in the assignment THAT causes an error because since CurveName is a string, that color thing should also be convertable to a string. Catch 22.

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VS 2008 : Evaluate Grandchildren With Multiple Attributes?

Oct 27, 2010

I can't figure out how to get my code to evaluate the grandchildren of a specified node, where the grandchildren have two attributes which need to be evaluated to determine if the combination exists in the xml file. The function should return true if the two attributes of the grandchild node exist.

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VS 2008 Changing Attributes In Active Directory?

May 29, 2010

Alright so heres the issue when this code runs nothing happens! This is all I could find on the internet on how to disable an account and then remove it from the GAL.

Dim Val As Integer = CInt(AdObject.GetDirectoryEntry.Properties("userAccountControl").Value)
AdObject.GetDirectoryEntry.Properties("userAccountControl").Value = Val Or &H2
AdObject.GetDirectoryEntry.Properties("msExchHideFromAddressLists").Value = "TRUE"

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VS 2008 Changing File Attributes (BitWise)?

Jul 3, 2010

m_ArchiveBoolean, m_HiddenBoolean, m_ReadOnlyBoolean, m_IndexedBoolean, m_CompressedBoolean are all form level booleans that's set from their appropriate Checkboxes on the form before this code runs in a BackgroundWorker.

Why is it that this code works:
Dim fi As New FileInfo(element)


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VS 2008 Load Config / Use Custom Attributes

Jun 5, 2009

I have some custom user controls (asp.net) that is loaded via a configuration file this works great..

Problem - Some of these user controls I made you set some parameters.

Example - oUCtrl = page.LoadControl("UserControls/" & oCtrlNode.Attributes("name").Value & ".ascx")

This loads the control.. now that node has more attributes.. example url="www.google.com" in the config file

<control name="RSSFeed" url="www.google.com"> To set the url on the control it would be oUCtrl.url = "www.google.com"

is there a way to enumerate the properties of a user control or a way to use something to eval a string like eval("oUctrl." & currentAttributeName & "=" currentAttributeValue)

Not sure the best way.. i would assume the best way would enumerate the public properties of the user control and compare against it.

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Xml - Populating Treeview With XSD Elements And Attributes In VB 2008?

Jul 26, 2009

I'm trying to create a treeview in a VB 2008 project that shows all the elements and attributes of an XML Schema.The MSDN documentation for XML schemas seems to imply that by loading the schema into an XMLSchemaSet and compiling it I should get access to all the elements and attributes with their values but this doesn't seem to work in practice.

Using a for loop such as:For Each elem As XmlSchemaElement In compiledSchema.Elements.Values

I can use elem.Name to get the element name (and attribute name with a similar nested loop) for a simple type but this doesn't work for a complex type.Whenever (and however) I try to get values for complex types I hit a brick wall.


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VS 2008 VB Basic Window Attributes - Display A Digital Clock

May 14, 2011

I have created a simple app to display a digital clock, it can create child windows (dialog boxes) to do various chores, one of those chores involves a lengthy background task, so I create it in a modeless manner, so it doesn't block the main program. It all works well... kind of took me awhile to figure it all out, but there is one little cosmetic issue.


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C# - Using SelectNodes With Attribute Having Single Quotes And Double Quotes?

Nov 9, 2011

Is there any way to use selectnode with the attribute having both single and double quotes? If we are having single quote in the attribute we can use like below,

nodeList = root.SelectNodes("//book[contains(title,""'attribute'"")]")

If we are having double quotes we can use,

nodeList = root.SelectNodes("//book[contains(title,'"""attribute"""')]")

how can I use an attribute ['attribute"] having both single and quotes in SelectNodes.

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XML Shorten A "SelectNodes" List?

Nov 16, 2011

how I can shorten this and still get the same result (Wildcards maybe?)?

Dim NodeList As XmlNodeList
NodeList = NodeItem.SelectNodes("/Resultset/Group/Group/Group/Group/Group/Group/Group/Group/Group/Group/Group/Group/Group/Group/Group/Group/Group[@name=""GroupPos""]/Field[@name=""S_TotalValue""]")

View 4 Replies

Need To Change One Combo Box (of Many) To Order Items In Descending Order

Nov 1, 2009

I have a combo box bound to a datasource. I need to change one combo box (of many) to order the items in descending order.I'm guessing I could order the collection in the dataset, but that will mean all my combo boxes will be reordered?

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Re Order Column Order In A Data Bound DataGridView?

Apr 17, 2010

I have a databound Datagridview. The DGV is bound to a datatable of a strongly typed DataSet created using the wizard. Is there any way to re order the columns before displaying them eg: the Columns are displayed in the DGV in this other Col4, Col6, Col3, Col1,Col5, Col2

But I want to it to show as Col1, Col2, col3, Col4, Col5, Col6?

I realise that the display order followed the Column order in the database table and by extension, the datatable. I have re-arranged the columns in the Database but the Datatable still retains the old order.

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VS 2010 : Access ORDER BY To Get DESCENDING Order

Oct 8, 2011

This might not be so 'VB' as it is 'SQL using VB' I have an application with a built in MS Access DB. I have a table that has a column full of integers, I shoot the DB a SQL "order by 'column name' " string and it returns the table ordered by my column of integers.BUT it returns them like this, and I want them like this

0 6
1 5
2 4


How do I get the OrderBY to do a descending list starting with the highest number?

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VS 2010 Tab Index Order And Control Order

Aug 18, 2011

I'm working on the exercise page 73 (VB 2010 in 24 hours). It's basically a form with 2 text boxes, 2 text labels and a command button. It's really simple and uses this loop to cycle through the items, and tell me the name of them in a Messagebox


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Reset The Tab Order In VB 2008?

Dec 11, 2009

When I view the Tab Order in VB 2008, everthing has a tab order number and it is in decimal form. If I click on each item, it appears that I can set the Tab Index but it is hard to see a correlation between the Tab Index and the Tab Order on the form. Most of the items on the form are not going to be tabbed to by the user.

1. Is there a way to clear the tab order and only tab to the items that the user would use and in the order that they would do it?

2. What number should the tab order start with and do you start over with the numbering on each form?

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VS 2008 Code Not Executing In Right Order?

May 13, 2009

i seem to be having issues with my simple count down project. The count down work how I want it, there is also a pic of a rocket that move up when the count down button (Button4 - the form was set up in class as a quick example, so there was no need to name the buttons) is pressed. The problem is that the count down "10....1...Blast Off" shows after the rocket has moved up, I want the countdown text to show, then the rocket to move.The countdown is outputted to a ListBox.Here is my code thus far: (I have re-worked is a bit, starting to look messy)


I am not sure if I should be doing it as a function, that was just one of my attempts to get it to output everything in the right order.

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VS 2008 WebClient How To Set Order Headers Are Sent

Aug 12, 2009

i'm using WebClient in VB.NET to make requests. I add the headers using WebClient.Headers.Add() in the order I want the headers sent. However when I packet sniff the requests it makes I can see that the headers are sent in totally the wrong order. Does anyone know if there's a way of setting the order the headers are sent?

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VS 2008 BackgroundWorkers - Does Not List Files In Order

Nov 26, 2010

The code uses dynamically backgroundworkers which all workers great, but with one problem. If you were to look at line:
For Each folderPath In File.ReadAllLines("file path here")
You would see that it loops the text file, and starts background work.
The problem is that it does not list the files in order.
For example were you see "file path here" that were you put the file path.
The text file itself would look something like this:
C: est
The program starts listing file from the C:est then goes back to C:VB then back to C:est.

I know the reason why, but I can't stop it. I tried pausing that code inside the loop, but with no luck. How would be able to list the files in order?
Private filePaths As New List(Of String)
Private workers As New List(Of BackgroundWorker)
Private Sub GetAllFiles()
For Each folderPath In File.ReadAllLines("file path here")
Dim worker As New BackgroundWorker
[Code] .....

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VS 2008 Change The Order Of Checkbox.checked

May 17, 2009

I'm making a program where the order of which check box is checked matters. At the moment theres a loop (as shown below.) but in which order it adds things to my list box... is... iffy. Is there a way to change the order? I tried 'Tab order' but that didn't seem to work.


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VS 2008 Perform Order By TCount In This Query?

Jan 2, 2010

How can i perform order by tCount in this Query?

Public sub StatReport()
Dim Transaction = xmlDataset.Tables("ebus_transactions")
Dim TranCounts = From T In Transaction Take 2 _


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VS 2008 Sorting Listbox In Numeric Order

Apr 2, 2010


How do i sort the listbox in numeric order , I wanted them to be sorted like the way i did below :


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VS 2008 Textfile Readline Alphabetical Order

Apr 17, 2009

Im reading a textfile and outputting the values to a listbox. Now my problem is that i need to do it in alphabetical order and i have to read the file line by line because i have to split each line into 3 array-items and insert each array-item into a separate listbox.


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Controlling The Order Of Controls Being Populated On A Form In VB 2008?

Jul 29, 2011

My form contains a datagrid and a checked listbox. The listbox is populated on the form_load event. There's a function called when the datagrid's SelectionChanged event is triggered that modifies the checkmarks in the listbox. It all works fine when I manually click on any item in the datagrid.

However, the very first time the form runs, the checkmarks are not affected, even though the first item in the datagrid appears selected. I discovered that this is because the actual listbox is not yet populated on the form at the time the very first SelectionChanged event is triggered. So when the function tries setting the checkboxes, it doesn't get anywhere, since it doesn't see any items in the listbox.

Somehow the datagrid is getting populated, even before the form_load event is triggered. I need the listbox to be populated before the datagrid is populated, but I have no idea how to control this.

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VB 2008 Express Edition - How To Attach My Query In Order For It To Run

Dec 3, 2010

I'm using visual basic 2008 express edition and I'm not sure how to attach my query in order for it to run? I've been using trying to use visual basic to create a form which retrieves data from a Microsoft access database and filters the data to find the record starting with the letter retrieved from the user. When it is run without the query the data grid shows all the records. However when my original query is put in the application changes it and the value shown is null in all fields.

This is what i had before:

SELECT Allergies, Breakfast, Lunch, Supper, FirstName, LastName, MealDate, StudentId

FROM [Student Checklist]

WHERE (LastName LIKE @LastName + '%')

This is what was returned:

SELECT Allergies, Breakfast, Lunch, Supper, FirstName, LastName, MealDate, StudentId

FROM [Student Checklist]

WHERE (LastName LIKE '@LastName' + '%')

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VS 2008 DataGridView - Refresh Without Changing Sort Order

Nov 15, 2009

Asset Database, with DataGridView that is populated with desktop and laptop PC's by 'Office' and 'PC Type' (Combos). You can double-click a row to open an editing screen to edit the PC details eg: assigned user, purchase date, serial number and so on. The problem


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VS 2008 Sorting Items In A TxtBx By Alphabetical Order?

Oct 28, 2009

I have created a program that when a user selects a button, an input box is displayed to type in, for instance a name, when clicked ''OK'' the name goes into a textbox, how can i program it so that the contents of that textbox is automatically sorted into Alphabetical order according to the first to the first letter ?

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