VS 2008 Separating Text In Groups Of 5?

Mar 12, 2011

I am currently trying to separate my text into groups of 5.For example.Original text is ABCDEFGHIJKI am trying to make the output to something like this ABCDE FGHIJ K

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VS 2008 Separating Text In A Textbox?

Oct 17, 2010

Let's say I paste this text in textbox1

"firstname" : john, "lastname" : smith, "country" : usa, "firstname" : billy, "lastname" : brown, "country" : canada, "firstname" : richard, "lastname" : wong, "country" : usa

How could I split up each "firstname, lastname, and country" up? And like add them to 3 listboxes?

I'm pretty much self taught visual basic, using a lot of forums and all, andwas wondering if this is possible. I normally google too but i really have no idea what query I would search (the term). Atm, I'm having troubles making a find replace replaceall thing, so I really can't see myself making something like find '"firstname" : ' and get the text after that till the coma.

View 21 Replies

Separating Text From File?

Jan 1, 2010

i got a text file where each line is build like this:

00:00 - string
time - a string
simple right?

but now i want to seperate them so a timer checks the klock and load each line when the time is correct. i�ve got this

Dim objReader As New System.IO.StreamReader(FILE_NAME)
Dim s As String
For Each s In objReader.ReadToEnd


i know that the file extist. but the problem is i get error saying "length cant be less the 0" in the "dim s1 = s.substring(0,i) ( the code is in timer_tick)

View 14 Replies

Separating Text From .txt Into Colums In Listview ?

Apr 15, 2012

I want to separate each text into their own Column in VB.net.How do I achieve this?

Each entree is seperated with "|" . My Code:

Private Sub MenuItem3_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MenuItem3.Click Dim folder As String = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment. SpecialFolder.Personal)Using sw As StreamWriter = File.AppendText("My Expenses.txt")[code].....

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Separating Text Into Columns In ListView

Apr 15, 2012

I want to separate each text into their own Column in VB.net. How do I achieve this?
Each entry is separated with "|" .

My Code:
Private Sub MenuItem3_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MenuItem3.Click
Dim folder As String = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal)
Using sw As StreamWriter = File.AppendText("My Expenses.txt")
sw.WriteLine(DateTimePicker.Text + Space(1) & "|" & Subject.Text + Space(4) & "|" & Category.Text + Space(5) & "|" & Amount.Text + Space(4) & "|" & Peyment.Text)
End Using
End Sub

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Separating Text From .txt Into Colums In Listview (.net Mobile)?

Apr 15, 2012

I want to separate each text into their own Column in VB.net.How do I achieve this?

Private Sub MenuItem3_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MenuItem3.Click
Dim folder As String = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal)
Using sw As StreamWriter = File.AppendText("\My Expenses.txt")


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Regex - Separating Text From Numbers Using Regular Expressions?

Nov 7, 2010

I'm having trouble parsing some text. Here's an example of the text:

201 BBQ 0.000 9.000 0.099 0.891 9.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
705 W 1 PC 0.000 135.000 0.295 39.825 0.000 0.000 135.000 0.000
2106 ONL 9.99 41.141 3.000 4.110 12.330 3.000 0.000 0.000 29.970

Here's the latest incarnation of the code I've been trying:

objInfo = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(

I'm having trouble because I'm avoiding getting many blank spaces in the array after splitting. I'm trying to avoid using the optional | character but I get no results when I set it up without it!

I've spent much of the evening reviewing regular expressions and I've downloaded the following programs:

RegEx Designer.NET
Antix RegEx Tester

I'm having trouble because the description contains a decimal point SOMETIMES and sometimes it doesn't. The description sometimes contains a whole number sometimes it doesn't.My friend recommended I use awk to divide it into columns. The thing is...I teach a Community Education class with Visual Basic .Net and I need to improve my RegEx skills.

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VS 2008 Separating Code Out Into A .dll ?

Apr 21, 2012

I'm trying to wrap my head around creating dll, and since I've been using a variation of the code below, i was wondering if someone could comment on if it would be possible to separate the code from the form and create a dll with it, I've been using this in my application successfully and since I'm familiar with it, I thought it would be a good project to learn on.

This is the code for the form docViewerForm.vb


Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.IO


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Separating Date And Time Values From SQL Server 2008 To Display In Asp.net?

Sep 12, 2011

I have a database table that stores a datetime value.I want to display that value on my asp.net textboxes, except I need to show date value in TextBox A and Time in TextBox B.How can I split those values in VB.NET?

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Forms :: Make A Program That Reads Text Entered Into A Textbox And Creates A List Of Items By Separating Entries By Commas?

Aug 18, 2010

Hi, I'm working on a program that reads text entered into a textbox and creates a list of items by separating entries by commas. Everything is working fine, except, because I am using an array to store the items in the list, I have a limited number of entries. This is only a problem because, as it is written currently, each comma counts as an individual entry. Therefore, users can enter ",,," for example, and it would use up 3 places in the array.

I'm looking for a way to check to make sure there is text after the comma before adding an entry. I've attempted to use the .substring command to check the character after, which works until it gets to the last character. Because there is no character after that, it will give an error.

Here is my code for extra clarity:

Public Class frmMain
Dim intCounter As Integer 'Stores the # of commas in the string
Dim Messages(49) As MessageProperties


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Separate Text In Groups Of 5?

Jul 20, 2010

I am currently trying to separate my text into groups of 5.For example.

Original text is ABCDEFGHIJK.I am trying to make the output to something like this ABCDE FGHIJ K.Using textbox for it

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Analyzing Text And Change Into Whole New Groups Of Words

Jan 4, 2012

So, I've started to work on a big project that involves analysing text and changing that text into a whole new group of words that relate to it and say pretty much the same thing but through different text, I'm just looking to see if there is a thesaurus or dictionary I can access through visual basic... instead of having to right every single word in the english dictionary out.. or if there is any shorter way I could do this.

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Multiple Radio Button Groups - Text Box To Display A Value

Nov 14, 2009

I have a question regarding radio buttons. I am creating a little prog that has three separate radio button groups. After selecting one button in each group, I would like a text box to display a value. The text box value will be a number between 50 and 350 or so.

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Reading Multiple Batches (groups) In Text File?

Aug 15, 2009

how i can read multiple lines from a text file to a variable that i can process individually later. Each batch needs to be stored so that i can modify them and then recombine them into a file later.So each "group" starts with the line that begins with 5 and ends with the line that begins with 8, no if we can store the line great, if not then output to a tmp file and merge after completion is ok too.. not sure how to best handle it (hence why i am posting here)I was looking at doing with Regex but this is way over my head right now. So here is what i need to do, and below is the code that processes the groups... not sure how to read the batches in first:So from this input:

101 129984776 12239022378970495730475347 NATIONAL BANK clark county cred
5200HEAVENLY A133016 1880467884PPDPAYROLL 080309090807 1122016060000001
6221224007799238298775 0000201175A13399 $TAX COMPANY 0122016060000001


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VS 2008 - Button To Change The Groups?

Feb 22, 2010

i have this code and i want a check box to make changes example when i check the button to work only the group {a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8, c4, c5, c6, c7} and when i uncheck the button to work the other group {c8, a37, b37, c37, d37, a36, b36, c36, d36}


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VS 2008 - Buttons Like On / Off For Different Groups Of Textboxes

Jan 27, 2010

I have 5 columns of text boxes 5*5=25 textboxes and I want to put buttons that will stop every column like on off.

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VS 2008 - How To Show All Groups In ListView

Jan 30, 2010

I hava a Listview1 component. I want show all group exits in listview, because if not exits item in listview then group not show.

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VS 2008 - Multiply 6 Groups Of Numbers?

Apr 12, 2010

i have 6 groups of 5 textboxes each one with numbers 12345 i want to know how i can multiply them and how to see the 15625 numbers

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VB 2008 - Dynamically Filling The Listview With Groups And Items

Mar 26, 2009

I am currently using VB 2008 and there is a form I'm using which contains a listview control. I am dynamically filling the listview with groups and items. After I fill it up, it is supposed to look like this:


Each item is specific for each group. The problem I have is that when I maximize the form to full size, and everything expands, the items change positions into something like this:


How can I make the listview keep the items in the "row" view always, instead of the "column" view whether I maximize or not?

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VS 2008 - LINQ Query - Groups And Counts On A Single Dgv Cell ?

Aug 11, 2010

I have a LINQ query that groups and counts on a single dgv cell. What I want to do is group and count on 2 dgv cells. So I modified my existing query by adding a SELECT statement highlighted :


But I am getting an error on the second select variable stating: Range variable 'Value' is already declared

What I have read shows that I can select more than one variable.

What I am trying to achieve is this:





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VS 2008 Properties In 'groups' (class) In Designer (property Grid)?

Jul 29, 2009

I'm creating a UserControl that draws a simple radial gauge. I need it to be very customizable; the user should be able to customize everything such as the colors, fonts, sizes. So, I just made a property for every customizable detail. For example, I had ScaleFont, ScaleColor, ScaleStart, ScaleEnd, ScaleInnerRadius, ScaleOuterRadius, ScaleTickmarkFrequenty, etc.. etc.. etc...

Because there are so many properties about the same subject, I wanted to 'group' these properties into one "property". I've seen this done loads of times in third party controls, but I've never done it before myself.The idea is that the properties can be accessed like

Me.Gauge1.ScaleSettings.Start = 10
Me.Gauge1.ScaleSettings.End = 80

So far, I tried creating a class for each group, for example a clsScaleSettings class, containing properties like Font, Color, Start, End, InnerRadius, OuterRadius, TickmarkFrequenty, etc (corresponding to the same properties as above).

Then, for every 'group' or class, I create a Property. For example, I have the ScaleSettings property, which simply returns an instance of the clsScaleSettings class (I initialize the instance only once of course):

Private _ScaleSettings As New clsScaleSettings
Public Property ScaleSettings() As clsScaleSettings


Now, this works in the code editor. I can now use

Gauge1.ScaleSettings.Font = Me.Font

for example, and it sets the font correctly.But, I does not work in the designer, in the Property Grid. The whole reason I made the effort to move and rename nearly all properties (about 70!), and all references to those properties, to separate classes, was so that the user could design the gauge more easily using the Property Grid!Instead of having 15 settings related to the scale, scattered all over the Property Grid, he can now have one ScaleSettings property, which he can expand, and then he can edit the properties of that group easily.The ScaleSettings property is greyed out in the property grid... So I cannot expand it and view it's underlying properties.

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Separating Sentences In Dialog Box

May 23, 2010

want to know if anyone knows how to seperate sentences in a dialog box? what I mean is this.I have a rather long warning attached to my closing dialog box that really needs to be there. The problem is that it appears all in one long string and I would like it to in a seperate string.Are you sure you want to exit without saving changes? If you close this window, you will close the program and lose all unsaved data!this is all coming out in one long sentence..what I would like it to look like is this:Are you sure you want to exit without saving changes?If you exit this Window the program will close any unsaved data will be lost!

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Taking A Name And Separating It In Input Box

Oct 26, 2010

im trying to get a name entry from an input box to show up in two separate places on my project, ie first and last name, but i either get nothing or the same text for both labels.[code]

View 6 Replies

Random Numbers And Separating The Results?

Jul 30, 2009

What I am trying to figure out is a simple dice rolling program (I'm assuming it's simple anyway) that lets the user specify how many dice they want to roll and then after they click the roll button it separates the dice by what was rolled so they can see how many 1's was rolled, or how many 2's were rolled, so on and so forth for 6 sided dice.

Say the user wants to roll 6 dice, when the user clicks the roll button the results are 4,3,3,5,1,6. Obviously meaning they rolled two 4's two 3's one 5 and one 6. Now from that result I want to have separate labels that show how many of each number was rolled, so it would look something like this on the form (Except it would be horizontal instead of vertical, but it doesn't work on the forums)

1's: 1
2's: 0
3's: 2
4's: 1
5's: 1
6's: 1

That's just a basic example, of course if the user added more dice there would possibly be up to say 7 4's and 10 5's or whatever. There isn't really a limit to the results you can get.Now I found some code to do let the user specify how many dice to roll and have it roll that amount of dice, but I don't know how to separate the results like I want them above. Right now it just displays the results all in one line on a label.Here is the code that I am using

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim diceCount As Integer = TextBox1.Text
If diceCount = 0 Then MessageBox.Show("Please insert number of dice needed")[code]....

It works perfectly but how would I go about separating the results like how I was explaining? I'm sorta guessing I would use case statements or something of the sort but I'm not sure how to check the results of dices to be able to separate it.

View 5 Replies

Separating Out A Wcf Service, Server, And Client

Oct 25, 2011

I have a solution in VS 2010: a WCF Service Library project ("NotifyService") and two Windows Forms projects, one for a server ("NotifyServer")and one for a client ("NotifyClient"). My goal is to have a duplex WCF service that will notify any number of connected clients when the server pushes out a notification. The clients do not need to communicate to the server except to subscribe and unsubscribe from the server's updates. However I seem to be running into problems nailing down the InstanceContext.

Here's the code for the WCF service:



Since I'm setting everything up through code, there are no app.config files. The problem I'm having is that my Subscribe method is never called. When debugging, I get an error after stepping through that line (not an exception) that says "Unable to automatically step into the server. The debugger failed to stop in the server process." When I go back to my server form and click the button designed to raise an event on the callback clients, it steps into the NotifyService class but the _callbacks list is empty, meaning the Subscribe method either never ran, or it never ran on that instance.

I have fought with this for almost a week. This is nearly an identical copy, at least on the service-side, to what was described here, and I've compiled that and it works.

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Separating Delimited Variable Into Array Elements In .NET?

Mar 5, 2012

I long variable in vb.net which contains the following information,

Dim g As String = "$C:Program FilesCavaj Java Decompilercavaj.exe$C:UsersYoosufAppDataLocalGoogleChromeApplicationchrome.exe$C:Program FilesDVD Makerdvdmaker.exe$C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS2ImageReady.exe$C:Program FilesJavajre6injavaws.exe$"

The $ symbol is used as a delimiter to separate each item from the other. I need to add the exe file name at the end of each path to a listbox. However the initial process of retrieving the variable to individual array elements is not working properly.

Dim strArr() As String = g.Split("$") 'This variable is empty
For count = 0 To strArr.Length - 1
Dim arr As String = strArr(count).Split("")


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Separating/Deleting/Copying Lines In String?

Apr 2, 2009

Im working on this webbrowser and i have fully integrated a working Proxy (it will use a proxy such as 100.00.00:0000)It will only change the proxy ip if you do the code:RefreshIESettings("100.00.00:0000")(That is a code i made, declared i mean)Anyway so heres what i wanna do:I want to have a richtextbox or something, with lines of proxy ips, such as this:



So i thought maybe if you convert that richtextbox text into a string, it might be easier?

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VB2008 - Linq XML Feed, Separating Data?

Sep 10, 2010

This is a follow on from my previous thread in which .[URL]

in brief i have the following XML string which contains many hundered users, i have shortened it for posting

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<string xmlns="http://tempuri.org/">


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C# - Separating Multi-Page Tiffs Into Separate Pages?

Jan 20, 2012

Currently I am using .NET to break apart multi-page tiffs into separate jpeg/pngs. The process on its own is perfectly fine. But after few weeks, I notice one big flaw in the page sizes. Each page I separate is the same (width/height NOT FILE SIZE) as the whole TIFF document combined. When the TIFF is displayed,this creates a massive black spot on the right/bottom of the image. This is a very big flaw as I can't determine the physical dimensions of each page as I am separating them. If I know ahead of time, I can at least write up some kind of cropping mechanism.

System.IO.Stream s =
new System.IO.MemoryStream(imageData);
System.Drawing.Image i =[code]......

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VS 2008 : Dialogue For Active Directory "Select Users, Contacts, Computers, Or Groups"?

Apr 23, 2010

how to call this Active Directory dialogue in .net?

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