VS 2008 Display Table In Datagrid?

Apr 16, 2010

i have this code to display table in datagrid

Private Sub ComboBox2_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox2.SelectedIndexChanged


so the problem is when i change the combobox3 index the datagridview dosnt change unless i reselect from the combobox2 so what can i do to make the datagridview display the Sql1 when i change the combobox3 index without the need to keep changeing the combobox2 index

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Display Data From Table Into Datagrid?

Apr 6, 2012

i have started learning wpf and now i am up to datagrid.bit i am stuck here. coz the code which i used for wfa datagrid doesnt work with wpf. it gives many error.including for connection string.

1) connect to ms access 2007 database.

2) configure datagrid

3) display data from table into datagrid?

table - name = test, field = ID, Name.

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Get Datagrid To Display Data From A Child Table?

May 3, 2009

I have a dataset that is being generated from an XML file.

This dataset has two tables (User and UserSecurity) - that is related because they both have the same primary key. [i know, the tables should probably be combined, but this is the data that I have to work with][code]...

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Database - Load Data From Table And Display In Datagrid?

Feb 2, 2012

How to load data from database table and display in datagrid in VB.NET? I know how it is in C#. I am not familiar with vb.net.

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Code A Button To Get Data From Table In Database And Display In Datagrid View?

May 13, 2009

I'm trying to code a button which has a SELECT statement to get information from one table but I want the information displayed in a data grid view.From the data grid view, this data will be stored in a different table within the same database.Previously i had used a list box to display the information but i could not save it in the data base.[code]Is there any way you can display this on a data grid view like i did on the listbox?Im using a datagrid view textboxcolumn column.

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VS 2008 Display Changes On The Datagrid?

Feb 16, 2010

I have a question about a datagrid filled by a SqlDataAdapter. How to display changes on the datagrid as they happen in the database?

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Print Out A Table From A DataBase Without Having A Datagrid VB .net 2008 Express?

Apr 13, 2009

The application I'm working on requires that I print out some tables without having a datagrid present.Is there a way to print the tables to a printer using the PrintDocument object or does have to be done another way?

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VS 2008 Importing Excel Sheet Into Sql Table Via Datagrid

Jul 21, 2010

importing excel sheet data into a sql table(MS SQL 2008) via a datagrid and would like receive as much advise as possible, in order to learn more on this...

Dim DtSet As System.Data.DataSet
Dim MyCommand As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
MyConnection = New


I am using this to connect my datagrid to the excel sheet and able to view the data sheet, but from here on.. I am not very sure on how to go about to transferring the excelsheet into a sql table.

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VS 2008 Display Datagrid Cell Value In Rich Text Box?

Feb 7, 2010

i'm using this code to display datagrid cell value in rich text box


Dim rowtoselect = DataGridView1.CurrentRow
rowtoselect.Selected = True
rowtoselect.Cells(1).Selected = True


but i want to the richtexbox to display the cells 0 , 1 not only cell 1 i want the rich text box to display the whole cells of the row not just one cell of it

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VB 2008 - Retrieve Records From A SQL Database And Display Them In A Datagrid View

Mar 21, 2012

So I've been playing around with SQL strings in VB 2008, and trying to retrieve records from a database and display them in a data grid view. This is the part of the code that gets the fields and displays them in the data grid view:


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VB 2008 - Updating Bound Table/datagrid From Text Boxes And Combo Box Data?

Sep 27, 2010

None of the Microsoft videos I have watched, or the other posts I have seen, have given me the pieces I need to understand this process. This is the one key piece of understanding that I need to finish about 4 different programs I have started in the last 2 years. All of them key on understanding the following processes:

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Display An Excel 2007 Table In VB 2008?

Jan 22, 2009

I created a table in Excel using excel 2007's Table feature, with the numbers 1 - 5 in one column, and a number of food products in the second column, easy enough, but now i have to display that table with it's gridlines, in VB2008, how do i do this? 2nd question I created a textbox in Visual basics, how do i tell it to display the value of, lets say Cell B5 from my excel file?

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Viewing Child Table With Parent Table In Datagrid?

Jun 17, 2009

I have a SQL Data Base. I have created a relation between these tables. Problem is when i drag and drop it on Data grid i get only Parent table columns but i want to sea them both like this.

- Parent Table Row
- Child Row 1
- Child Row 2


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VS 2008 : Display A Value From Data Table To A Listbox According To A Condition?

Jul 28, 2010

My aim is to choose a value from Listbox1 and on Listbox2 I would like to display the corresponding value from a table in my database. I mean, when I select Product A from Listbox1 (which is getting its values from row "Model" in my database table), I should see its price on Listbox2 which is available in the "Price" row of the same table (and also manipulate this price in different places for calculation etc.) . I am not sure if the best way is using "databinding.filter".

Here is the code I have but I cannot making it work:

Dim dtCOP As New AmetailorDataSet.COPDataTable
Dim adapterCOP As New AmetailorDataSetTableAdapters.COPTableAdapter


A small note: my aim was using a Richtextbox instead of Listbox but I am told that Richtextbox is not suitable for using with datasources.

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VS 2008 Display A Text From Database Table In Richtextbox?

Jul 28, 2010

I am trying to display in my richtextbox1 a text from a table in my database according to some conditions that I decide by filtering. I worte a code for this but I think I am making a mistake because it gives errors all the time with Richtextbox (it does not accept datasource). Could you please help me on this?

Here is the code I have:

Dim dtCOP As New AmetailorDataSet.COPDataTable
Dim adapterCOP As New AmetailorDataSetTableAdapters.COPTableAdapter


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Dynamic DataGrid - Dynamically "transform" DataGrid To Display The Selected Search Template

May 23, 2011

I have a search form on that will be pulling search template queries from a table in the underlying (an Access db on a share). The search form has a calendar control for filtering by date range, a listbox containing the names of the search templates, a second listbox which lists the fields in the selected template, and then some controls which show/hide themselves depending on which field is selected so that the user can pick a field and enter it's unique criteria in the appropriate control for filtering. Below these controls is a DataGrid, which will obviously display the results.

The problem is how to dynamically "transform" this DataGrid to display the selected search template. These templates do not represent tables in the underlying; rather they represent preconstructed SQL queries (stored in a table) which are essentially SELECT queries with joins and no WHERE clause (so they are the results of multiple tables joined together by their keys).

To be honest, I'm having trouble even generating the LINQ queries to represent these template dynamically, but that's not as important, since I can manually translate the SQL queries into LINQ. This is definitely not the preferred method, as the whole point of putting these templates in a table, rather than code, was to allow for future additions without rebuilding/redistributing the application interface.

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Display Data Stored In A Sql Sever DB Table, The Table Has A Field With 6 Values?

Jul 8, 2009

I currently have this working already for one of my combo box's, but when i try to use the same code i get this error ''There is no row at position 6.'' . The are 2 fields in the table asset_type_id, asset_type_name', im trying to dispaly the values in a combo box for the field 'asset_type_name.

the code for ' Friend Sub RetrieveCustomerInformation2()' works but the other friend sub throws the error.
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data
Imports System
Imports System.Data.OleDb


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Display An Amortization Table To Display The List After Doing The Calculation?

Oct 19, 2009

i have to create a mortgage calculator (I know we have killed this mortgage calculator). Has to display an amortization table to display the list after doing the calculation. Here is the actual assignment:

Write the program in VB.Net (not Web based) and have it accept user input of the amount, term and interest rate. Display the mortgage payment amount. Then, list the loan balance and interest paid for each payment over the term of the loan. The list will be longer than the screen, so use loops to display a partial list, hesitate, and then display more of the list. Insert comments to document the program.

I have created 4 buttons. Calculate, Clear, List, and Exit. The buttons all work, but the list does not. Not sure what i am doing wrong.


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Get Two Table In One Datagrid?

Apr 3, 2009

Dim connetionString As String Dim connection As OleDbConnection Dim command As OleDbCommand Dim adapter As New OleDbDataAdapter Dim ds As


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Tow Table In DataGrid?

Jan 19, 2010

I have to table





i nead to view it in datagrid As the picture below

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Asp.net - Add New Row To Database Table From Datagrid

Nov 19, 2009

I am trying to update a database table from my datagrid using an event handler and ItemCommand. I manage to call the routine and everything is working fine except the text that is inserted into my database is empty. I managed to track this back to the text not being passed from my datagrids footer to the sql parameters. I tried using a string first and then passing that to the parameters but they were also empty. I am accessing the control using the following line.

sqlcmd.Parameters.Add("@GoodsDesc", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = CType(e.Item.FindControl("txtGoodsDesc"), TextBox).Text

The control itself is defined using

<asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="Goods Descriptions">
<asp:Label runat="server" ID="lblGoodsDesc" Text='<%# Eval("GoodsDesc")


It's like the text in the footer isnt being tied to the control before I call it.

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Bind Datagrid To Sql Table?

Jun 21, 2010

is there a way to caputre the values in a datagrid and bind them to a sql table? I have a datagrid bound to a sql query with some editable cells and I wanted to know if the updates could be sent back to the sql table. is there a way to set the updated datagrid to a new dataset and bind the new data to the existing sql table?

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Fit Database Table In DataGrid?

Mar 10, 2009

How can I fit the database table in a datagrid.. Because it is not fit on the database if it has few columns. For example, I have a size(400, 100) datagridview, I want the database table that will display in the datagridview is exact on the datagridview size..

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Get Two Table Data In One Datagrid?

Mar 26, 2009

i have two table IncomeDetail and ExpenditureDetail i want to get this two table in one set i use the code like belowPrivate Sub BtnIncome_Expen_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object,


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Html Table Into DataGrid?

Nov 5, 2009

I'm using the HtmlAgilityPack to extract data from a html document. I can get the data to display in console.Writeline however I need to get it into a DataGrid/DataTable so I can import it into SQL Server. For the life of me I can't figure out how to get it into the DataGrid.

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim ds As New DataSet


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Update An SQL Table From A DataGrid?

Jan 8, 2009

I am trying to update a table on my SQL server from a program with a Data Grid. My project has the Datagrid setup with the columns that I need and it shows all the data and I can edit it I just need to know how to code a button that when pressed will update the data in the table.

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VS 2005 Two Table In Datagrid?

Dec 28, 2010

i need to fill datagridview with data from two tables .i have two store tables filled with items some of them is common in two table i have datagridview with two columns (itemname, itemquantity)i need to insert first store items to datagarid then insert second store items to the datagrid but if items are already added i need to increase their quantity.

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Display Data In Datagrid?

Jun 6, 2011

I am new to VB.NET.I am creating an database windows application in VS2010 and SQL server 2008 express.In one of my form i have a datagrid.My requirement is that i want to display the sum of an column of a DB table and other related data from other tables in the datagrid which is having 4 fields :1. MatNo , 2.Quantity ,3. Opening Stock , 4. Closing Stock Db table1 hav following fields : MatNo , Qty1 Qty1 is the field for which i hav to find the sum against MatNo entered by user.In Db table2 hav again following fields : MatNo , Qty2 Mapping of data to datagrid : 1. MatNo : will contain the Matno entered by user.User can also enter a range of material like from 1000 to 2000.2. Quantity : For each of the material entered calculate sum of QTY1 from Db table1.3. Opening Stock : value in Quantity field of datagrid - value of QTY2 from Db table2 based on some select query )

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Display Dataset In Datagrid?

Mar 15, 2012

I have tried googling so much that I have given up trying to look. I am trying to display a dataset in a wpf datagrid. After that I am going to need to display the individual column value in textboxes. I can then change the value in those textboxes and pressing, say, a commit button, to commit the changes to a database. Here's the code I have so far.

Dim con As New SqlConnection
Dim dbConnString As String
Dim ds As New DataSet


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Display Image In Datagrid?

Jun 29, 2009

it is possible to display image in data grid?

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