VS 2008 Save Putting Information In Form At Run Time?

Jun 30, 2010

How Do i save my informaion i put in form at run time i think i need a data base but im not sure..

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Save Information To Another Form?

May 2, 2012

Form 1 code

Me. CustomersBindingSource.EndEdit()


Therefore that code above works perfectly as both of them saves information to the Customers table and waitingforApproval.The problem is here:When I open form2 which recieves information from WaitinforApproval database table(and I see it getting it from there as tableadapter works), I want to save the received information to the customers.So I have two data sets in here. Just like above So here I have created a button called confirm/save the data to customers. Hence I put this code in confirm button:
Form 2 code

Me. CustomersBindingSource.EndEdit()

And the current dataset set for this form is �waitingforApproval.So it doesn�t save the received information from waitingforApproval into the customers�

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Taking Information From One Window And Putting Into Another

Mar 31, 2009

I am developing a game and I want an options window to be used so that the user enters data into this and it carries to the main window instead of being lost. I tried it with my recent program , guess the color , but it did not work the way I thought. I thought that I could assign it to a string in a textbox to a variable and it would carry into the main window...

I want this to happen:
The user begins the program by clicking shortcut
User clicks options in the toolbar
A new window comes onto the screen

In this window the user will select a map size then click ok the verify , radiobuttons used in this example...
Back to the main screen after clicking ok
User clicks new on toolbar to begin game
Game is then playing...

Form1 <<< Form 2
game screen 3x3 button
end turn

Form 1
New game is begun
form 2 appears
3x3 button is pressed*
variable is used to change map (there is only one map for now)*
form2 closes and form1 shows
End turn is clicked

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BindingSource. To Save Information For Different Form?

May 3, 2012

i have two forms and two database tables in sql. my problem is that, in one form(form1) i can save information to another form (form2) but in form2 can't able to resend data back to form1.

Am using dataAdapters and dataSet to load the data into application.

Having been thinking about this issue but doesn't solve it. i mean shall i use select query or what?

In form2, i don't want to insert new information rather all i want is to resend the loaded data from form1 back to it.

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.net - Grabbing Information From Textbox And Putting It In Label?

Nov 19, 2011

I'm trying to grab information entered in textboxes. I'm trying to grab a name, an age, and a movie title from three separate textboxes, and put them into a single label like this:

"Name" is "age," her favourite film is "movie title."

after clicking the "Show" button.

I know it's a click event for the show button, but I can't quite figure out how to make the concatenated message.

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Putting One .txt File Information Into Multiple Different Arrays

Apr 28, 2011

how to take a text file that was provided for my homework assignment, and put the information within it into 3 different arrays.[code]

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Putting One .txt File Information Into Multiple Different Arrays?

Jun 10, 2011

i'm having issues where I can't figure out how to take a text file that was provided for my homework assignment, and put the information within it into 3 different arrays.The .txt file looks like so:tc.Amanda/Ashley have to be in the same array as well as 4/2, 166/20.This is what I've come up with for the snippet of code, and so far, it hasn't really been working right.

Dim namearray(MaxItems), rankarray1990(MaxItems), rankarray2009(MaxItems) As String
Dim Numitems As Integer
Dim sr As System.IO.StreamReader


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Putting A Blurred Background On Form VB 2008?

Mar 7, 2011

putting a blurred background on my form in Visual Basic 2008. I know how to make a transparrent one, but i needed to make it blurry. I have searched for: "making background blurry visual basic 2008" but nothing useful came up.

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Create A List That Will Add Information Each Time Someone Submits Form

Jun 7, 2011

I am trying to create a list that will add information each time someone submits the form. I keep getting the error:Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index..I know I am getting the values passed from the Class since I can output it to a message box. But when I try to create the index it crashes every time.[code]

View 1 Replies

VS 2008 - Getting TextBox Data On Form On Putting In Web Browser

Oct 4, 2009

How would I get Text from a TextBox on my form and put it in a TextBox in the WebBrowser?

View 9 Replies

DB/Reporting :: Taking Information Out Of A Database And Putting It A Textbox Or A Label?

Sep 24, 2010

I have an online database, and I have a program to insert information into database and to login using the information in the database, now I am wondering how to take something from a database and display it in a label, lets say if I log in with my username and password I want it to display my e-mail address from the database in a label, this is the code that I have for the register:

Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Form2


View 4 Replies

VS 2008 : Save Information In Forum To A Text File?

May 21, 2009

I need to be able to know how to save information in my forum to a text file.

View 6 Replies

Putting Self Destructing Code In Application That Deletes Itself After A Given Period Of Time?

Nov 27, 2009

ive been wanting to put some kind of self destructing code in my application that deletes itself after a given period of time. (like 2 weeks)

View 3 Replies

Form To Save To The Database Every Time A Control Lose Focus?

Jun 5, 2009

i want my form to save to the database every time a control lose focus. can i make it global or do i have to code it for each and every control i have?

Private Sub TextBox10_LostFocus(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox10.LostFocus


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Save Textbox Information - Save The Stuff Written In 3 Text Boxes

Jul 17, 2011

tell me a way that i can save the stuff written in 3 text box (Name,Address,Bday) by using a command btn. And then finding all of their information by just entering Name using another button.

any help would be grateful.

please and thank u

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VS 2008 Open Form With Specific Information?

Jan 9, 2010

I want to know how you can open a form with specific information as if you are just calling a sub, kinda like how a message box is. Example:

MyForm.Show("The form title")I also want to know how I could apply this to forms that are being created from pre existing forms. Exaple:

vb Dim NewMyForm as New MyForm("Title Text")'Now I want to know for each of these next 2 lines of code, think of them as being different codes all together.NewMyForm.Show() ' orNewMyForm.MdiParent = Form1NewMyForm.Show

View 30 Replies

VS 2008 Store Information From A Form Before It Is Cleared?

May 18, 2010

I am looking for information on how to store information that has been entered into an application form before it is cleared for new information. I would like to store it with a date and time stamp if possible.

View 2 Replies

VS 2008 Listbox Items - Information Parsed To Another Form

Oct 23, 2009

I have some info in a listbox on another form. I want that information parsed to another form, and I would like to, for how ever many items there are in a listbox, create a button for every item and obviously parse the name to another label. I guess I would do this via an array.

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Modify Code To Insert The Data To MS SQL And Save Changes When Click Save Button For The Second Time?

May 29, 2011

modify code to insert the data to MS SQL and save changes when click save button for the second time?

View 14 Replies

Game Programming :: Putting Labels (on My Form) In An Array?

Jun 7, 2010

How do I put all my labels in my form in an array???

I have labels on my board game squares and I need them to be in an array.

View 3 Replies

[2008] Getting Texboxes To Save To Form When "save" Is Clicked

Jan 13, 2009

how to get the form to save some data, but the problem is I only know how to get it to save as the body. since the main parts of the program are third party, but here is the code I'm using to save data.

Private Sub Initialize()
' cmbLabel shows group(student) level
cmbLabel.DataSource = _schedule.DataStorage.LabelStorage.Labels


Since I have them all saving to the "body", whatever the last box is in the code is what shows for all three once I click save.

View 16 Replies

How To Save Text Date And Time At The Same Time

Jan 24, 2011

I am doing my school on project on rs 232. it involoves VB. I have found out how to save text in .txt file in the code. But i have no idea when i save this particular text for instance with time and date oso..

For example my i can do this.I want to save " Hi i am VIJAY "

when i open the text file i can see " Hi i am VIJAY"

But what i want is When i open the text file i want to see " Hi i am VIJAY 10:35 24/01/2010 "

is there any help i can find ?

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Form In VB 2008 - Use A Button To Save The Form

Jul 5, 2010

I have a form in visual basic 2008 in design view. how do i use a button to save the form i am working on, and then open a new form, I think the code is something like this!

Sub Button2_Click(ByVal
sender As System.Object,
ByVal e
As System.EventArgs)


But how do i open form2 and close form1 Using the same button. the code Below does not work (Why?)

Sub Button2_Click(ByVal
sender As System.Object,
ByVal e


View 10 Replies

VS 2008 Putting SQL Into Function?

Jun 19, 2009

I have this

Function GetSerial() As Boolean
Dim myConnection As New SqlConnection
Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand


When I put the code into the onbutton click it seems to work fine. But when i put it in the above fuction and start the function i get this error:

Error:System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Serials
at System.Data.ProviderBase.FieldNameLookup.GetOrdinal(String fieldName)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetOrdinal(String name)


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How To Save Information In A Database

Jul 22, 2009

I need save some informations, in a table (date, hour, number of points...) I use Vb .NET 2008.

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Save The Information To A XML File?

Sep 25, 2009

ok so i made it so i could save the information to a XML file but i want it to have multiple entries insted of having loads of files with so little information in them also i want it so if i click edit it would edit the file and one of the entries and load them in the form fields

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VS 2008 Putting Quotes In A String?

Aug 20, 2009

How do i put "" quotes in a string because the string is defined with " and " i want it to be something like Dim TempString As String = "Test="Test"" but how do i get the "" inside the "" if you know what i mean.

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VS 2008 Putting Variables To Txt File?

Jul 18, 2010

I have 10 variables, how do I save it into a txt file with each variable a line?

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Make Keylogger - Save The Information In A .txt On The Usb?

Dec 13, 2009

I have made a KeyLogger that send the information to an e-mail but I want it to save as a .txt to the USB drive in a folder called logs. But for example all USB drives are on different names like G, E, and F, they all vary so how do I make my keylogger save the information in a .txt on the usb.

1. How do I save a .txt file to a folder named "logs" on the USB?

2. How do I register the F1 and other keys that are not registered.

3. How can I get the program to close when the USB is pulled out?

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Save Information From A Datagridview Without Using A Database?

Aug 31, 2009

I need to be able to save data from a datagrid for recall later. The next day for instance. I dont want to use a database. I dont thing that using the user.config system is the right way.davidbell

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