Create A List That Will Add Information Each Time Someone Submits Form

Jun 7, 2011

I am trying to create a list that will add information each time someone submits the form. I keep getting the error:Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index..I know I am getting the values passed from the Class since I can output it to a message box. But when I try to create the index it crashes every time.[code]

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Form Submits Data To Database Instead Of Cancelling

Oct 2, 2011

I'm working on this form, and I got 1 text field I am using for validation. If the user doesn't put text inside the box and he clicks the save button it throws a messagebox saying that he didn't put text inside the box, but it still saves the data to the database anyways.

If txtUsername.Text = vbNullString Then
MsgBox("All Fields are Required!!")
Me.btnSave.Enabled = False


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VS 2010 Connect To Several URLS At The Same Time And Add Information To A Listview List?

Feb 8, 2011

I'm pretty new to visual basic .net (have been a hobby VB6 developer for a few years) but now i have moved on to and i must just say it, what a difference in the language!So im trying to make a program that connects to several websites and parses some information out and then add the information to a listview list. The listview have 2 columns: Site and Nuts. So i load a bunch with urls in the site columns (that isnt a problem) but the problem is to take 5 websites at the same time and connect to them and then write "OK" in the Nuts columns.

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Create A List Of List In That Would Like To Work On Multiple Accounts At Same Time

Oct 24, 2011

i am trying to create a list of list in that i would like to work on multiple accounts at the same time. lets say i have 5 accounts. every account has a seperate name. each account has a few fields. so i though of having a list of bookkeeping (with 5 accounts) and a list of accounts (with expense, income, tax, status, etc as fields). [code] and if the idea of using list of list works how do i loop through both lists.

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VS 2008 Save Putting Information In Form At Run Time?

Jun 30, 2010

How Do i save my informaion i put in form at run time i think i need a data base but im not sure..

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Create A Hot Key Set Up That Pulls Up Another Form So That A Supervisor Can Pull Up Information

Jun 21, 2010

I am building a program using VS 2010.It needs to be a set of forms that allows a manager to log in so that data entry people can enter in data based on another form.I also need to create a hot key set up that pulls up another form so that a supervisor can pull up the information that employees have entered.I have my solution file that I can put up for a download if needs be to see what I'm talking about. I don't think it should be that hard to make this program work.

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VS 2010 Create A Program That Can Access Information Held In An Excel Database And Show It In A Simple Form

Feb 27, 2012

how to create a program that can access information held in an excel database and show it in a simple form.

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Create The Children Form Within A Same MDI Form Every Time?

Feb 20, 2009

i MDI form there, i was create the children form within a same MDI form every time i click on the button to show the form, which means i create a new form, how i do for ensure that each time i click on the button there will not create a new form is the form is really exist? how to avoid duplicate of the form will not exist twice?another 1 more question is also about the MDI form, everytime i create i new form, the new form is covered by old form, how i do that the new form i created will always show infront, other 1 will show at behide

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Using The List Class - Displaying Information From A List Into A Listbox

Mar 6, 2012

I am trying to understand classes in VB 2010. I am a bit confused with displaying information from a list into a listbox.When I run the following code, the word collection appears in my list box. How do I drill down into 'hostnames' to display the info I want.

Public Class computer
Private _HostName As String

Public Property HostName As String


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.net - Creating A Program That Runs As A Service And Submits A State To A Database (over The Internet)?

Dec 2, 2011

What I am looking to do is write a VB.NET program, as a service that reports anything on client1 that I want (say the fact it is online) to a database on the internet, so I can look on management1 and see the online status of the machine (assuming management1 has a connection to the online database).

What is being reported doesn't matter, what I am looking at is a starting point to create a system like that. I have googled obviously and come up with nothing, I'd just like a "starting point" or some documentation to look at for creating something like this. The service doesn't look too difficult but the periodic reporting of online status or ANYTHING to any kind of database is not something I am sure how to deal with.

I already have setup a VBS that reports information to an ASP script that then places it in a database but I don't know how I would create say a "keep alive" connection for a service.

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Create Link To Open User Control In Program Form To Use At Design Time?

Feb 1, 2010

I've got a VB.Net form application that dynamically loads user controls based on which navigation link the user clicks on. I'd like to make it easier to use at Design time by putting a link of some sort to open the User Control at design time. The link would go onto the form in the space where the User Control will be going. This just saves a little time from having to browse through the files to open the correct file.

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Create A Form That Accepts Names (or Any Strings) As Input And Stores Them In A List Object?

Oct 6, 2010

I'm trying to create a form that accepts names (or any strings) as input and stores them in a object. See attached form sample.Form Image:

Operations: ï Initially the NumericUpDown object on the form should be disabled.The user enters a value (string) in the textbox and clicks the Add button or presses the Enter key to activate that button.The application then stores that name in a List object, and displays the last entry in the Label underneath.The NumericUpDown should become enable after the first entry. The user should be able to move between all the values entered using NumericUpDown.

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List To Update Every Time And Show The Values Each Time To Which The Previous Value Is Added To The New Calculation?

Jun 22, 2010

The idea with this form is to add the futures which is calculated when the button is pushed but I need the list to update every time and show the values each time to which the previous value is added to the new calculation, e.g. of what it should look like in listbox:

Year 1: $1,290.93
Year 2: $2,724.32
Year 3: $4,350.76

I have been working on this a while and I am at a standstill, I was given a function to clear the form everytime it calculates but I don't know how to implement it, I am new to VB. Here is what I have so far:

Public Class frmFutureValue
Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click


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Real Time Printer Status Information?

Jul 2, 2010

I need to get real time printer status information I need to the following information about a local printer

(1) Powered On/OFF

(2) status: warming, ready, paused, printing, error,

(3) paper / Roller status

(4) Ink / Toner status

(5) Errors of any

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Communications :: Connect To Several URLS At The Same Time And Add Information To A Listview?

Feb 8, 2011

im trying to make a program that connects to several websites and parses some information out and then add the information to a listview list.The listview have 2 columns: Site and Nuts. So i load a bunch with urls in the site columns (that isnt a problem) but the problem is to take 5 websites at the same time and connect to them and then write "OK" in the Nuts columns.

In VB6 i could easily make 5 sockets, and then move down five items in the listview, save each of the listview text to a variable and connect to each variable with different socket, but how i add the information to the column "Nuts" is also a challenge in vb6. In the other hand, in i haven't yet got the skills to do so.

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How Does One Send Dataset Information To A List Box

Jan 3, 2010

This is my code where I send a query to the console; how do I change this to be sent to a list box ?


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Matching Information With A Predetermined List?

Feb 7, 2012

Public Class Form1
Dim strname As String
Dim intage As Integer


i am trying to make this program that asks for your name, age and a password the user already has and returns a id number that is generated randomly. my question is how would i match a word to a predetermined list of words then it would get deleted off that said list so it could not be reused.

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Retrieving Information From Access To List Box?

Nov 7, 2010

Am using MS Access as my back end and I am having a table called "Dept" with 2 columns (dename & cname). In Vb.Net when I click a command button, all the data's of the first column should be displayed in ListBox1 and the Second column in ListBox2. I do not know how to proceed

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Saving Information So Program Remembers Next Time User Signs In

Feb 25, 2010

i want the user to login, and the first thing is, having the text document for that(if theres a safer way to do it, let me know) then it goes to the weekly sales page, but theres also the goals for the sales, which rarely change, but if they do i would like them to be able to change them, then next page is the list of the workers, and if they need to i would like them to be able to add workers. so my question is: is there anyway that maybe i could save both the goals, and the workers in the text document, and when they need to change it/add workers it will save it in the text document and the next time they sign in the changes will be permanent? also is there a way to delete the user once they have been created, other than going into the txt document and deleting it.

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VS 2005 List(of T) - Create A List To Hold More Than One Control Type Or Create A List For Each Control Type?

Jan 20, 2011

If I create a list for a TextBox:


I am able to only add controls that are of type TextBox. My question to you is, can I create a List to hold more than one control type or do I have to create a list for each control type?

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Added Information From A File To Be Displayed In A List Box

Mar 13, 2012

I have added information from a file to be displayed in a list box. I am displaying two pieces of information per line (reward and reward cost)They are being displayed correctly, but they are not aligned properly, for example:[code]I have used a fixed string length when saving the names to the file (.dat)I am just wondering if there is a function that would sort the alignment out?

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Place A Datagridview's Row Information (each Cell) Into A List?

May 5, 2010

I am trying to place a datagridview's row information (each cell) into a list.

I've tried this:

Dim dgvRow As DataGridViewRow=myFrm.myDGV.Rows(index)

and it returns the count of my cells in the row, so I know it's getting the right row but how would I get the info from each of those cells and place them in a list?

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VS 2010 How To Ignore Information From 1 Drop Down List

May 7, 2012

I am trying to create a form to filter information from 3 different tables with 3 drop down lists.

Is there anyway i can select the information from 2 lists and ignore the 3rd?

FilterExpression="First_Name like '{0}%' and Award_Title like '{2}%' and CONVERT(Year, 'System.String') like '{1}'">

But I can only filter with the First name and Year - it seems to ignore the Award.

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Capture Console Real Time Output And Store The Information In A Log File?

Jul 16, 2011

How can i capture my console real time output and store the information in a log file?

i know that i can write in the file when i write in the console window, there's got to be a better way... how can i capture the console's output stream?

I found that Console.OpenStandardOutput is a stream, but i can't read from it

Dim r As New StreamReader(Console.OpenStandardOutput)
r = Nothing

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Create A Toggle Button That Switches A List To A Range And Then Back To A List If Needed?

May 14, 2009

II am trying to create a toggle button that switches a list to a range and then back to a list if needed. I am able to get it to do both but when I add an item to the list, convert to a range and then convert back to a list it leaves off the last items I entered.I tried to work in a code to select all cells but I must not be putting it in the right place.This is what I have so far:

ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, Range("$A$3:$AE$7"), , xlYes).Name = _

I realize the problem is the $AE$7 (the $A$3 is correct)

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Create List Of Child Objects From List Of Parent Object?

Jun 2, 2011

I would like to create list of child objects from list of parent object. Like If i have list of bookingroom which has one member room then i would like to create list of room from it.

eg. code:

Dim BookingRoomList As List(Of BookingRoom) = New List(Of BookingRoom)
Dim RoomList As List(Of Room) = New List(Of Room)
BookingRoomList = BookingRooms.FillGrid()


Is there any short cut method instead of iterating over for earch?

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Create Local Copy Of A List To Be Able To Change Elements Only In New List?

Oct 26, 2011

This is probably a really basic question - but I have a list of items (custom objects) being passed from one winform (.net 3.5) to another. I want to create a local list to store changes that only get persisted if the user clicks save. Currently if the user clicks cancel - the changes are still applied in the first form because I assume the objects are reference type.I have the save working as it calls a service layer to do the save and then refreshes the other form - but not the cancel.

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Filling A List Box After Clicking A Combo Box, Using Relevant Information

Mar 12, 2009

I'll start off with a brief explanation of my situation. I'm doing my A-Level coursework project at the moment and am having some difficulty trying to figure something out. My project is a VB.NET Program that connects to a Database to display/add/delete/update records. At the moment I am having trouble with one particular thing which must be solved before I can move on (and the deadline is fast approaching).

I have a combo box which contains a list of different item types (Which match up to the item types used in the database, but it is not filled from the database). When the user selects one of these options, the list box below must fill with all items of that type that are in the database.

Unfortunately I'm at home so I can't get access to my coding, but I can try to explain what I've tried. I've tried so many things after trawling though what seems like endless amounts of tutorials to find an answer.

One thing that is used in pretty much all of them is the SQL string to select the needed records;

"SELECT ItemName FROM Stock WHERE ItemType = Anime"

Now, this has been used many different ways. I think the way that I'm trying at the moment is to create a new data set that contains the records that are needed for the search. There is already a data set that contains the whole table that is needed for this particular form. I think my most recent attempt was trying to copy the relevant information from the original data set to the new one, but I can't get any coding that isn't incorrect.

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ListView Update : Refresh The List Information Without Clearing First?

Nov 1, 2010

My listview clears and updates every 2seconds. Is there an easy to refresh the list information without clearing first? Like taskmanager

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Place Various Lines Of Text Into Textbox1 From A List Of Information?

Dec 12, 2010

I have a forum with three text boxes and one button. I need to place various lines of text into textbox1 from a list of information.The list contains hash codes and user ID and various ofter pieces of information without spaces or punctuation. Most of the information I don't need. However, I do need the first 25-30 characters and last 25-30 characters from each text.

Lets say this is the text:

Simmon_unit32=sub4g36ff&product= shipment29664KL49Loc% 6679KM94

I need to place the above line of text into textbox1 (this I'm doing through cut and past, so not a problem). Then, click button1 and have everything before "&product=" display in textbox2 and everything after "Loc%" display in textbox3. The line of text will usually not be the same number of characters. There may be 10 characters before and after those words of 50 characters before and after those two words. So, how do I create a substring or loop (or something) that will read the line of text and display what I need in textbox1 and textbox2, regardless of the amount of characters in the line of text?

[edit]Unfortunately there are multiple & and % signs in the texts. In fact, there will most likely be an & sign somewhere before "&product=". However, "&product=" only shows up once. As far as the % sign goes. There will be 3 or 4 of them in the text. To make matters more difficult, "Loc%" also shows up multiple times in the text. But, I only need the information that displays after the very last % sign to appear in textbox3, if that helps.I'm using visual basic 2008, in a Windows forms Application.

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