VS 2008 Test Data For An IP Subnet Calculator?

Feb 5, 2010

I need test data for a IP Subnet calculator I have developed. I have tested some obvious scenarios, and all seems good, but the person developing can often be the wrong person to test.

The calculator can do one of two things:

1 - given an existing network and CIDR(mask), and a new CIDR it will create a number of networks with the appropriate number of hosts.

2 - given an existing network and CIDR(mask), and a list of c,h, (c = count, h=number of hosts) it will create the networks.

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Test Data For A IP Subnet Calculator?

Feb 5, 2010

I need test data for a IP Subnet calculator I have developed. I have tested some obvious scenarios, and all seems good, but the person developing can often be the wrong person to test. The calculator can do one of two things:

1 - given an existing network and CIDR(mask), and a new CIDR it will create a number of networks with the appropriate number of hosts.

2 - given an existing network and CIDR(mask), and a list of c,h, (c = count, h=number of hosts) it will create the networks.

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IP Subnet Calculator - Networks And CIDR (Mask)

Feb 5, 2010

I need test data for a IP Subnet calculator I have developed. I have tested some obvious scenarios, and all seems good, but the person developing can often be the wrong person to test.

The calculator can do one of two things:
1 - Given an existing network and CIDR (mask), and a new CIDR it will create a number of networks with the appropriate number of hosts.
2 - Given an existing network and CIDR (mask), and a list of c,h, (c = count, h=number of hosts) it will create the networks.

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Accumulated Test Score Calculator?

Oct 8, 2010

i just got another assignment with no instruction on how to do it. I have no prior programming skill so these assignment are really hard for me, [URL]..

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Find All IP On Same Subnet?

Mar 6, 2009

my ip is my subnet mask is want to get all other computers ip address?

View 13 Replies

Code To Autodiscovery PCs On An Ethernet Subnet?

Jan 6, 2011

I am working on an application that collects data from PCs on the network using WMI queries. Is there any sample code that knowing the subnet would autodiscover PCs nearby?

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How To Copy A Folder To Computers On A Subnet

Jun 8, 2011

I have a folder on my server(windows 2003) that I would like to copy to all computers running Windows XP on a particular subnet.

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Carbon Emission Calculator With Proxy Data?

Jan 21, 2010

I am doing a Management Science project at Uni. I have to programme a carbon emission calculator using proxy values and some input variables.Basically, 4 inputs: seize of ship in container capacity (categorized in 9 classes), distance, Fuel type used (2 types), speed (if known).How can I match the input variables with the proxy data values? Lets say someone inputs 2300 as container ship seize, the programme needs to know which proxy value to use from all the different seize categories (as it could have been 5300 or 7450). A certain ship seize class has a number of proxies (atributes). For example power installed, design speed, av. container capacity. (Classes are ranges, i.e. from 1000 to 2000 containers = class 1, 2001-3000 = class 2 etc.)The same principle applies with the other input variables except for distance. Speed only should be considered if it is known, otherwise the programme has to use proxy data as well.

In short, it is a calculator which, depending on some input variables, estimates carbon emissions based on proxy data. The problem I have: How do I let the programme know, if a certain ship category/speed is selected (inputted), which proxies the programme has to use. The rest is just a matter of adding/subtracting/multiplying/dividing the proxies and the input data to calculate the emissions.

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Revenue Calculator Won't Display Data In Labels

Jun 11, 2011

I can't get it to display the computed values in the label fields when I run the form. I've been through the example code provide to me, my textbook, google (how I found DaniWeb), and I've been over the code probably 50 times and the problem just isn't jumping out at me and it doesn't generate any errors or trigger the try catch, so I'm asking for fresh eye.[code]

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Convert A Subnet Mask Into Binary (octets)

Oct 26, 2009

How can I convert a subnetmask into binary, so I'll end up with 32 digits? I can convert it into Binary, using Convert.ToString(Long-to-convert, 2). But a subnetmask of returns(it returns it without the spaces though):

1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 0
When I want it to be:
1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 0000 0000

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Convert A Subnet Mask Into Binary (octets)?

Nov 27, 2009

How can I convert a subnetmask into binary, so I'll end up with 32 digits?I can convert it into Binary, using Convert.ToString(Long-to-convert, 2)But a subnetmask of returns(it returns it without the spaces though):

1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 0
When I want it to be:
1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 0000 0000


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VS 2005 Verify Good Subnet Mask

Aug 24, 2011

I am trying to verify that I have a valid subnet mask. I have already verified that the string format or whatever converts to a UInt32 but now I need to make sure its actually a subnet mask.

The bits should be split between 1's for the network part and 0's for the host part. It should start with all 1's and end in all 0's if it goes from 1's to 0's then finds any more 1's its an invalid subnet mask.

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Programme A Carbon Emission Calculator With Proxy Data?

Mar 31, 2012

I am doing a Management Science project at Uni. I have to programme a carbon emission calculator using proxy values and some input variables.

Basically, 4 inputs: seize of ship in container capacity (categorized in 9 classes), distance, Fuel type used (2 types), speed (if known).

How can I match the input variables with the proxy data values? Lets say someone inputs 2300 as container ship seize, the programme needs to know which proxy value to use from all the different seize categories (as it could have been 5300 or 7450). A certain ship seize class has a number of proxies (atributes). For example power installed, design speed, av. container capacity. (Classes are ranges, i.e. from 1000 to 2000 containers = class 1, 2001-3000 = class 2 etc.)

The same principle applies with the other input variables except for distance. Speed only should be considered if it is known, otherwise the programme has to use proxy data as well.

In short, it is a calculator which, depending on some input variables, estimates carbon emissions based on proxy data. The problem I have: How do I let the programme know, if a certain ship category/speed is selected (inputted), which proxies the programme has to use. The rest is just a matter of adding/subtracting/multiplying/dividing the proxies and the input data to calculate the emissions.

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Argument Not Specified For Parameter 'test' Of 'Public Shared Function TestThis(test As String)'?

Sep 25, 2010

I don't understand the error, Argument not specified for parameter 'test' of 'Public Shared Function TestThis(test As String)'.

Partial Public Class Form1
Shared Sub ReceiveCallback(ByVal ar As IAsyncResult)
Form1.Invoke(TestThis, New Object(){"test"}) 'error


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Test Data In A Datagridview?

Feb 20, 2012

I am learning to use the datagrid in VB 2010. I pulled down some data from an SQL server. My aim is to display a red or green orb in column 0 depending on the value of the date field. if it is at least 7 days old (from date.now) display a red orb else display a green orb.[code]...

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Enumerating Host Addresses From IP Address And Subnet Mask

Sep 24, 2011

As part of my application I am hoping to be able to get the user to enter their IP address and subnet mask which will then enumerate all of the hosts in between which can then be scanned for various open ports/applications installed.

For instance, With a network of hosts are valid - .2

How can this be done in vb.net? I would assume also some error checking would need to be put in place to confirm as to whether the subnet mask was valid as well?

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Accumulate Test Score Data?

Oct 17, 2010

I have been working on a class project for sometime now. Currently stuck and need some help. Project is due today, so I'm desperate for some help. Please see attached project file.


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Test Data To Determine If The Application Is Calculating Properly?

Oct 5, 2010

The Question sound like this.Assume the theater keep 20% of its box office receipts. Use the Following test data to determine if the Application is calculating properly :


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Installment Calculator In VB 2008

Aug 21, 2009

Installment Calculator In VB 2008


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Make A Calculator In VB 2008?

May 30, 2010

I have 3 buttons

+ is one button
- is one button
* is one button

I have three text boxes

firstnumber- is 1 box
secondnumber-is 2box
solution is- third box

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Making A Calculator In VB 2008?

Jan 20, 2010

I have to write a program that allows users to specify two numbers and then adds, subtracts or multiplies them when the user clicks on the appropriate button. The out put should give the aritmatic performed and the result. I inserted an attachment on what it should look like also Public Sub btnCompute_Click() Handles btnCompute.Click " here at this one I am getting an error message Error 1 Statement is not valid in a namespace. C:\Users\Tiffney\Desktop\School projects\WindowsApplication1\Form1.vb 1 1 WindowsApplication1"


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VS 2008 Calculator Pi Function?

Nov 8, 2009

in my calculator script I'm trying to build I have a putton for pi, named Pi. The text on the button is pi. This is where the problem is. Up until now I've just been adding the value of the button to what I call the DisplayScreen (The textbox that outputs your answers), but Pi is not a number. And I want the value of the button to be Pi, not 3.14 whatever. This is what I have for the Pi


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VS 2008 Making A Calculator?

Mar 18, 2012

I have a small project from my university they have asked us to make a calculator , well everything is easy so far except the 3 last functions that I need help with.

as we all know vb has already some math functions implemented in its libraries the problem here those functions giving me wrong results I am trying to get math.tan(lblnum.text) math.sin(lblnum.text) and math.cos(lblnum.text)

they don't output the correct numbers any idea why?

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Forms :: Basic Calculator In VB 2008?

Dec 14, 2009

I am new to visual basic 2008, and i started with simple project-calculator. I made it to the point where "+" sign works, and "=" sign execute the command of "+" sign.Now i try to make "-" sign work: the problem is, idk how to bind it with "=". Here is the

Public Class Form1
Dim total1 As Integer
Dim total2 As Integer


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VS 2008 About Variable Help Me. In My Calculator Project

Feb 27, 2011

just Addition only at this time each number 0 to 9 have this code[code].....here what he says..Write the code for the equals button. There's only three lines in total, and here's a little help.

You need to use the other variable that was set up at the top of the coding window, total2. The variable total1 will be added to whatever is total2.The first line of code will be this

total2 = total1 + (something missing here)

Your job is to supply the missing code. In other words, replace "(something missing here)"

Remember that total1 contains the first number to be added. And you know where that came from. The only thing left to do is to add the second number.For the second line of code, you need to transfer the total2 variable to the textbox.For the third line of code, all you are doing is resetting the variable total1 to zero. That's because after the equals button has been pressed, we have finished adding up. If you wanted to do some more adding up, that total1 will still hold the value from the last time. If you reset it to zero, you can start adding some new numbers.

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VS 2008 Cost Calculator Errors

Apr 17, 2010

I was trying to make a calculator which takes the amont of copies you want to make and it tells you the cost. Then you type in the amount you want to enter and if its less a message box comes up saying "please enter more money". I've had a few problems

1. when i use formatcurrency the program crashes for no apparent reason

2. if i calculate cost without entering any copies then it crashes (ive tried putting a msgbox in but it crashes anyway)

3. if i get the msgbox to come up saying "Please enter more money" i had to remove the formatcorrency tag.

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Creating A VB 2008 Change Calculator As An Assignment?

Sep 24, 2010

I am creating a VB 2008 change calculator as an assignment. The program is to use the amount paid - the amount due to calculate the total.(this is working fine). After that, it is to break that amount down into dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies. The problem I am having is that sometimes the quantity of pennies, nickels or dimes will be a negative number. For example $2.99 = 3 Dollars and -1 Pennies.

Option Explicit On
Option Strict Off
Option Infer Off


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VS 2008 Making A Calculator Using Arguments And Functions?

May 6, 2009

Ok. I just took my final for VB and the last chapter we did was on procedures and functions. Functions was the only thing out of this whole semester that I was just completely lost. I'm trying to work on this cause I'm taking Advanced VB next so I wanna know what I'm doing. So I'm trying another tutorial in the book and I'm really lost. Here is what the it wants you to do.

Retail Price Calculator

Write an application that accepts from the user the wholesale cost of an item and its markup percentage. (For example, if an item's wholesale cost is $5 and its retail price is $10, then the markup is 100%)

The program should contain a function named CalculateRetail that receives the wholesale cost and markup percentage as arguments, and returns the retail price of the item.

When the user clicks the Get Retail button, the program should do the following:Verify that the values entered by the user for the wholesale cost and the markup percent are numeric and not negative. Call the CalculateRetail function Display the retail cost as returned from the function.

Here's what the calculator looks like and my code so far.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub btnRetail_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnRetail.Click


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VS 2008 Variables That Don't Work On A Minus Calculator

Nov 4, 2009

I am making a calculator at the moment and the plus works and so does the minus well the minus does the FIRST time but not the time after that.you would normaly get 2, but instead it says that the answer is -3.I have attached the calculator so that you can have a look.

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Ask Code In Visual Basic 2008 For Calculator Programming?

Oct 18, 2011

Build calculator using visual basic 2008

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