VS 2008 - Wildcards - Have X.text Change To A Predetermined Value (hardcoded)

Sep 18, 2009


If CompLang.Text = "ru***" Then
CompLang2.Text = "working"
End If

This is just a simple example. I'm trying to make it so that if one x.text = ru*** (for instance, ru---, or ruuuu, or rux2x, etc.) to have x.text change to a predetermined value (hardcoded).

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VS 2008 Copy A File To A Predetermined Location?

Apr 18, 2009

What I am trying to figure out is a way to copy a file and paste it in another location. So that there will be the original file in the user set location, and then a duplicate of that file in, say, the "Program Files" folder. I would also need some way to check if the file exists to, so that it doesn't keep creating a new file each time the program starts up.

to sum it up: I need to be able to copy a file to a predetermined location and check if the file exists, and if it doesn't, it will copy the file over to the location.

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VS 2008 Show An Image Strip On A Form From A Predetermined Dir?

Jan 23, 2010

i have been looking all over for a tutorial or code snip that will show an image strip on a form from a predetermined dir?

all the ones i see is one pic but there is a browse button.. i need it fix.with all predetermined directories..

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VS 2008 How To Search By Using Wildcards

Sep 11, 2009

I have to provide the app users, a way to search by both regex and wildcards.I've already implemented the regex option, but how to provide a search by wildcards?

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Localizing For Hardcoded Strings?

Sep 23, 2010

I am wondering on the complexity and advisability of translating hard-coded string values in my VB apps. I have used the GNU gettext library for C apps, but going through creating a custom wrapper to interop for my VB libraries seems redundant. I know that there is the option (which I have used) of doing satellite assemblies for localizing the form, but for the strings that I have coded this does not seem to work. how to use the power of .NET to extra the strings from my code, put them in a string table and have separate string tables be called based on culture selected?

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Open .exe From A Predetermined Location?

Apr 30, 2010

I Am very new at this, for the past week I have been trying to figure out how to open an .exe file from a certain file, what i am trying to do is create a program that will be portable-via jump drive or cd drive, the reason i feel stupid is that I did not realize that visual basic and vb.net are two different animals- I was trying to use app.path for days- then came across a post that set me straight that I can not use it-


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Changing Value Of Hardcoded Double Constants

Feb 15, 2011

after working with some VB.net files in a project, I find that somehow the values of hard coded numeric double values have changed,that is:[code]This has happened in a lot of the source files of the project.When does this replacement take place? While I can understand that the original numbers cannot be exactly represented as double, I do not want this substitution, is there some way to prevent them? Initially I thought that was some behavior of the source control system (TFS)

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Matching Information With A Predetermined List?

Feb 7, 2012

Public Class Form1
Dim strname As String
Dim intage As Integer


i am trying to make this program that asks for your name, age and a password the user already has and returns a id number that is generated randomly. my question is how would i match a word to a predetermined list of words then it would get deleted off that said list so it could not be reused.

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Open .exe From A Predetermined Location On Any Drive?

May 1, 2010

I have been trying to figure out how to open an .exe file from a that is in a certain file, what i am trying to do is create a program that will be portable-via jump drive or cd drive, the reason i feel stupid is that I did not realize that visual basic and vb.net are two different animals- I was trying to use app.path for days- then came across a post that set me straight that I can not use ituch for what I need

as long as nod.exe is in my c: -then it works


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Create Own Binding Navigation Along With Other Components Hardcoded?

Jun 24, 2010

Im new to VB.net programming and I was wondering on how can I hardcode all of this components. What I'm trying to accomplish is that I want to create my own Binding Navigation along with other components hardcoded so that I can navigate through the DatagridView with my own buttons.. Here is a screenshot


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How To Change Label Text Using Textbox Text From Another Form In VB 2008 Express

Sep 17, 2010

I cant seem to find any link or topic regarding my problem. I have 2 forms in a project, form one has labels and adjacent combobox while the other form (form 2)has textboxes with adjacent combobox. I am supposed to change the text property of the labels using textbox entry from form 2 and add/delete/change combobox contents in fom 1 using entries combobox at form 2.

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VS 2010 Declare Byte Array, Hardcoded Content?

Jun 6, 2012

Im trying to query a game server, and have been looking up what to send and so on...This is what they say:Quote:Request formatServer info can be requested by sending the following byte values in a UDP packet to the server.

FF FF FF FF 54 53 6F 75 72 63 65 20 45 6E 67 69 TSource Engi
6E 65 20 51 75 65 72 79 00 ne Query


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C# - List All Invocations And Hardcoded String Parameters Of A Method From A .Net Assembly?

Nov 24, 2010

For example, assume that in my assembly, in Namespace A, Class B, there is an instance method with the following signature: void Test(string someString, int someOtherParm, string someOtherString ); This method is called multiple times, from multiple places in the assembly. I would like to be able build a list of all invocations of this method and the value of the someString/someOtherString (assuming they are hardcoded). In other words, I like to extract a list of calls like the example one below, if they happen in the assembly somewhere: Test("some text", 8, "some other text");

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VS 2008 - Rich Text Box - Cannot Change Only Text

Aug 5, 2009

I have a rich text box and a fontDialog control. I am using it for the obvious purpose of changing the font of the text in the rtb, which I can do. What I would like to know is how, if there is no text selected inside the rtb, to make it only change the text that is typed after the change. I have already made it so that a selection can be changed independently but cannot make it change only text that is going to be typed if there is nothing selected.

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Copy Files Using Wildcards

Jul 24, 2010

i want to copy all the files in a directory with an extension e.g .exe or maybe all them files *.*I searched on google and found this on MSDN But it doesn't work when i type *. or *.* or *.exe into the textbox and there is files in that folder.[code]

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Match A Two Strings While Using Wildcards In Them?

Jul 16, 2009

i am pulling data line by line from a PPML what i need to do is: If "current line" matches my string then write that line to a new file

that part I have down my only issue is, is that the "current line" has filenames with in it that change constently i would like to be able to do something like a string with wildcards in it : "<currentline>src=""*""/>" but this does not seem to work Do i need to do an index with conditions or is there a different way if i do need to do an index how would i go about doing that in vb .net for studio 2008

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Use SQL Queries With LIKE, @parameters, And % Wildcards?

Feb 22, 2012

I am using a database in Visual Basic 2010 displayed through a DataGridView. Through the DataGridView's "add query" option, I am writing these queries. My goal is to have partial search entries show up (ie if the entry is "Lewis" then it should be among the entries returned if "Le" is in the textbox.)

SELECT * FROM Table WHERE Surname LIKE '%' + @Surname + '%'

I am using the above query and it only returns exact matches despite the LIKE operator. Partial entries never show up despite the presence of the wildcard % symbol. It's as if the whole thing is being treated as an equal sign.What should I do? Is it a problem with the SQL itself or does VB's "add query" maker simply have such limited capabilities?

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Using Wildcards Or Specifying Multiple Objects?

Nov 15, 2011

i have a bunch of radio buttons which can have different text displayed depending on whats retrieved from the database.however i want to add code that hides any radio button that would have a 'zero' retrieved from the database.so far this is the code i was coming up with, without getting into the nitty gritty of the actual database queries

If RadioButton1.Text = Me.HWExamsDataSet.DSExamTextA.Rows.Item.tostring = 0 Then
RadioButton1.Visible = False
End Ifabase entries or queries.

it looks like it may work...but is there a way to automate it so that i can put in a reference to ANY radiobutton like radiobutton(*).text? or a bunch of buttons if need be.i know theres a way to specify additional items to a given command...just can't remember if its curly brakets etc.

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Wildcards In Filename Searches

May 8, 2009

I am trying to return a filename without the extention, to keep things simple, lets just say I want it to go to a MsgBox.[code]The only thing I am getting is a * in the msgbox. I though that strings supported wildcards?

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Wildcards In Replace Function?

Nov 5, 2010

i created a DatagridViewNumericUpDownColumn but i got error message Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: 'NumericUpDown'when i closed and reopen the form. It shown You are not authorized to perform this action.how can i get access to view this thread?

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VS 2008 Cant Change Text?

Feb 25, 2010

How do i make it so the user cant change a text in a textbox with out disabling/read only?

The reason I dont want to use the disable function/read only is because it puts the gray background on.

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Finding Single File Using Wildcards?

Mar 3, 2012

I'm using Visual Basic Professional 2010, I have two directories of XML files. The naming convention in directory one is a user's name, a six digit date and ending in ".xml_CREATE.xml". So, I perform some work on a file in directory two. During the course of that processing I discover that a file exists in directory one called "Mike" an unknown six digit date and ending with ".xml_CREATE.xml", so while I have no way to know the date, I know it exists and would look something like Mike030312.xml_CREATE.xml. So, now I want to load that file as an XElement that I will eventually incorporate into an XDocument, so I need to perform a Load similar to:
myXMLFile = XElement.Load(My.Settings.XMLDir & "" & Mike030312.xml_CREATE.xml),
However, since I don't know the date, I need to insert wildcards at that spot. How do I make that happen?

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Searching And Deleting Files (using Wildcards)

Jun 29, 2009

how to even start a code project of this sort but here it goes... I have an external Hard Drive with some music. My itunes makes duplicates of all my songs so this is what i have.

Dance 1.mp3
Dance 2.mp3
Dance 3.mp3
Party 1.mp3

What I want to do is have the program search the files and delete all files that have a duplicate with a number behind it... Now I would use windows search but some of the songs are like 1001.mp3 or 1001 1.mp3... I want it to look like this when i get done (from the above):


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VS 2010 Using Wildcards To Copy Files?

Jul 13, 2010

Ok i want to copy all the files in a directory with an extension e.g .exe or maybe all them files *.* how do i do this?I searched on google and found this on MSDN But it doesn't work when i type *. or *.* or *.exe into the textbox and there is files in that folder

VB.NET For Each foundFile As String In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(Application.StartupPath,Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.SearchOption.SearchTopLevelOnly, TextBox8.Text)My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(foundFile, IO.Path.Combine(FullPath, foundFile))Next

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VS 2008 Change Text In A ListView?

Oct 11, 2011

Here's my working

For i = 1 To 32
Dim objLvItem As New ListViewItem(sumAward(i))
objLvItem.SubItems.Add(CStr(intWorked(i)) & " / " & intConfirmed(i))

When intWorked(i) and intConfirmed(i) are both = 50, I'd like to change the font to a bold red, otherwise leave it as is (not bold, black). How do I do this?

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Wildcards In Obj.ActiveDocument.Content.Find.Execute

Mar 3, 2009

I find and replace text in a .doc file using MS Access visual basic. Here is my Sub:***************************************************************Public Sub


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VS 2008 - Change Text Of An Item In Listbox?

Jul 21, 2009

In the event of SelectedIndexChanged() I need to updated text of an item that is highlighted. If I remove it and .SetSelected again, this event will be entered repeatly. So how to update the text of this item in this event without deselecting and re-selecting it?

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VS 2008 Change Text In Last Column In Listview

Apr 7, 2011

How would I change the text in the last column in the listview. I was thinking of looping around the lsitview but that would just change ever item. Anyways this is what I have.[code]

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Executing Shell Commands/file Deletion With Wildcards?

Oct 10, 2011

I need to execute the following commands from my application:

Echo Y | DEL C:Folder1cache*.*
DEL C:Folder1file.abc
DEL C:Folder1file.xyz


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VB 2008 Change The Colour Of Text In A Textbox Through A Button?

Jun 12, 2011

change the colour of text in a textbox through a button in a simple text editor that i am working on?

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