VS 2010 - Do/Until - Always Locks The Application So Can't Click On Anything Until The Loop Is Finished

Jul 19, 2011

I have a do until loop. But whenever my program get's to it, it always locks the application so I can't click on anything until the loop is finished. How do I fix this? I want to be able to stop the loop with a stop button.

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VS 2010 An Extra Click To Get Out Of A While Loop Using .DoEvents() ?

Mar 15, 2012

I wrote a small API gui to communicate over foundation fieldbus.I've used a While loop that constantly reads some parameter values from the bus. At the end of the While loop, I put Application.DoEvents()so that I can use another button to stop the reading process. It all seems good and easy.. but there's one problem: when I get the While loop running and wish to stop the process, I have to first click somewhere on the form, anywhere, before I could click any buttons(either 'stop reading' or 'reset' button mostly). That extra click makes my form seem unresponsive and lame.I wonder whether this is a problem pertaining to DoEvents() or my use of Foundation fieldbus.

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C# - Application Locks Up When It Should Get A Runtime Error During Debug?

Dec 18, 2009

I develop windows applications in VB.NET using Visual Studio 2008. Recently I reloaded my pc and moved from XP to Windows 7 64 bit. Now when I am debugging, when I should get a runtime error, the executable instead locks up when it should bring up the code with the line that it crashed on like you'd expect in debug.

This doesn't happen all the time, only when I get a runtime error in a separate assembly that is not in the assembly I'm debugging. It used to work fine, but now it locks up. If I run the executable outside of Visual Studio (without debug) I at least get a runtime error like you'd hope for. I don't even get that when debugging.

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Application Locks Up When Running In Terminal Server Session?

Sep 23, 2010

I have a Windows Forms application created in VS2005 which runs fine on the user desktop but when running in Terminal Server session it frequently locks up when the remote desktop window is minimised and the user is working locally.There is plenty of RAM on the server so this is not an issue, the only solution so far has been to force the user session to log off on the Terminal Server and then reconnect.

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FileName As String - Application Installed Randomly Locks Up

Dec 23, 2010

I have a quite simple application that is having some random locks up. It's just a few text fields that the user fill it up, 3 sets of Radio buttons, one of them with flags to chose the language and click the PDF button. The application uses iTextsharp to load a PDf template, insert the text into it, depending on the language loads some extra text from a .xml file, and depending on the radio button removes the images from the PDF, closes the pdfstamper and uses [Code] to open the file with whatever PDF application the user have installed and closes itself.

Sounds simple, but after the application is installed in the machine (never in debugging mode) it randomly locks up the application. I tried re-publish the application commenting out the Start(filename) line and the thing stopped locking. And I double checked it, re-publish with the line again and it locked after just a few attempts. [Code]

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Forms :: Experiencing Some Random Locks While The Application Is Running?

Oct 27, 2010

I'm have a quite big application which have 2 serial ports and access 1 DB (running on Background workers). I'm experiencing some random locks while the application is running and I started looking for something that could cause it. One of the obvious possibilities would be if I had in the GUI thread some While_End that would never return.I have one While_End in my GUI thread but IMHO it does not look like it would lock, so I want your opinion: Does the code below looks like will lock?? If 'yes', Why ?


Does anyone can imagine a scenario where this While_End would not return ?

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Pause Application Until Process Finished?

Sep 16, 2009

When a button is clicked,my program gets the list of all Drives on a current computer.Then I use String.Concat to merge the drive letter and the rest of the path.So I get something like: "C:" + "somefoldersomefile.some_extension"That creates a full path to a file I am looking for.Then I check if that file exists.If it doesn't exist,I use Process.Start to run the setup file(to install the program I need).It works well and installs the program I need.I want my application,after the installation is finished,to check again if the program is installed and ofcourse confirm that it is.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim DriveList As String() = Directory.GetLogicalDrives()
Dim Drive, FullPath, Path1 As String
Dim EmptyDrives As Integer


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VS 2010 TCPClient - Program Locks Up For A Few Seconds?

Dec 21, 2011

I am making a program to test whether or not a host is online, assuming that host has blocked methods such as ping and netstat -t etc....

So I decided to try and connect to it, but the thing is every limitation I have set doesn't work. The program locks up for a few seconds (which I don't want in the first place) and I cannot terminate the client after say, 100ms of trying to connect.


I have tried client.ReceiveTimeout but that didn't speed up the process, still takes the same amount of time for the program to respond.How should I go about testing if the server is up now? Or is there a way where the program wont lock for a few seconds as it does with the TCP method.

View 6 Replies

Application Stalls Until Finished Running Code

Dec 17, 2009

i'm working on a internet cache cleaner.. i load the cache files in a listbox and send them to the recycle bin. in this process, the app stalls until completion and the stall depends on how many files are in the cache.how can i do this and keep my app active, not stall?

View 14 Replies

Internal Database Inside Finished Application?

Feb 21, 2010

I am currently using vb2008 express, I want to have a database inside the finished application. Not one that connects to an external database or any outside connections but one so all the data is readable, writable, deletable from within the application itself.

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Stop Application Closing Until Backgroundworker Finished?

Jul 25, 2010

How can I stop my application quitting until a backgroundworker has finished? Its an updater, so basically I want the form to hide until the download is finished, and then exit.I've tried to make a setting to tell the app when it is still downloading, and on form closing check this variable, but it won't work. For some reason it still quits!The update window is in a separate form to the main form, so the user clicks 'Finish', the update form closes and the main form stays open.[code]

View 5 Replies

Add Undo / Redo Feature To A Finished Database Application?

Mar 30, 2012

Just finished a database for stock management system in local terms and language. All according to their request and agreement. Now they need me to add undo/redo functionality to the application and I just dont know where to start. I am looking first for a general tip on where to begin:

I have one form, for e.g., that manages their stores. Then another for catagories...now they need the undo for all this things and am not sure if it is even possible cos datas are related.

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Finished A Console Application And Deployed It To Several Computers On Our Network For Testing

Dec 17, 2011

I have recently finished a console application and deployed it to several computers on our network for testing. As it is just an EXE a copied to the hard drives of selected computers for now. When the app is launched it writes info to an sql DB so I always know which computers it is on.

During the past few weeks I have modified this app at least 6 times (improvements, adjustments, etc)

It is a paint to keep going back to the computers to update it with the new version, and getting mixed up which version i am on - LOL I am looking for advice on how I would go about doing this automatically, for example, it would be cool if I just had to put an updated file in a repositry and clients would use this to update.

In Visual Studio, when I view the properties of my application>assembly information - I can set a file version. Is it possible to extract this info and store it in a variable? I would like to dump the in my DB. Also I could then possibly compare the file version of the launched app against an updated file in a network share folder.

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VS 2010 Get Error When Open Finished Project / Executable

Aug 30, 2011

[code]When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer rather than be handled by this dialog box.

View 9 Replies

VS 2010 - Creating Non Click Once Application

Jan 22, 2011

I want to create a simple Hello World or whatever kind of application I want but I don't want it to be a ClickOnce app and I'm using Visual Studio 2010. How would I do this. I'm interested in this because I'd like to have a custom add/remove program icon for my application and not the standard ClickOnce icon that you see. I'd also like to create a custom updater that wouldn't use ClickOnce, and I'd like to bypass all the "Are you sure you trust this publisher" messages that you get when using ClickOnce.

View 8 Replies

VS 2010 - Is Dataset Memory Release Automatic When Function Finished

Sep 17, 2011

I have a function which return the Dataset and my question is that, is dataset memory release automatic when function work finished if not please suggest me how i release memory in below sample question?

public function givemedataset()
dim keepme as new dataset
'grabbing record into dataset
return keepme
end function

Private Sub forumbrowsebtn_Click
dim getme as dataset=givemedataset
end sub

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SAPI Text To Speech "locks Up" Application While Speaking A Message

May 20, 2010

I'm using VB 2010, and am trying to add a simple TTS function to my program. I'm able to create a voice object, and get it to speak (Voice.Speak("whatever") with no difficulty.

The problem I'm having is that while the "whatever" is actually being spoken, the program doesn't seem to respond to input. The input does show up once the audio is through, but I really need to be able to detect some input (say, a mouse or button click) during a message and respond immediately, perhaps even stopping the audio.

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VS 2010 OpenDialogBox - Writing Application Where When You Click The "load Database" Button?

Apr 13, 2012

I'm writing an application where when you click the "load database" button, it opens up a dialogbox where you have to go and open the database.txt which has a bunch of questions/answers.I want to make it so that after the user does that, the button disappears. But I can't get it to work at all. Here's what I have:


Also, if I hit "cancel" then the whole program freaks out. What am I doing wrong?

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End A Loop Through A Click On An Object

Jul 30, 2009

I am developing a small procedure for Xcel. I want to exit a loop through a click on an object in the worksheet. Any ideas?

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Click Button1 On 20th Loop?

Sep 23, 2010

On my form I have one button (button1). When I click this button it starts my app. My app is meant to loop forever. Is there a way for my app to click button1 on the 20th loop?Here is an example of my app:

**Click button1**
'some code
'some code
goto looping:

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Detect A PictureBox Click Within A While Loop?

May 8, 2009

I know this may seen a simple request, but if you start a timer, and jump into a while loop, how come the timer stops working unless you use DoEvents?

However, using DoEvents, if you have a picturebox to click to stop the timer, you have to click it twice to stop the timer?[code]...

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Get A Do While Loop To Repeat With Each Button Click

Oct 17, 2009

I have a simple project that calculates the grade avg of male, female, and both using a listbox and radio buttoms for male and female. The program needs to update each time I use my btnCalculate button by adding one student and updating the avg.MY question is how to I get my do/while loop to work each time by just hitting my calc button? [code]

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Loop To Be Ended By Button Click?

Feb 17, 2009

I am writing a simulator program that gets its I/O from external sources with results displayed on a form. I heve composed a form, with graphics that look great, but when I call a loop to actually start the simulation, all my labels on the form go transparent and the 'stop' button I have created does not function.I have tried placing this continuous loop in the form code box and in a separate module but to no avail. Even just putting a clock on the form does not work - it prints to screen initially, but only refreshes when I run the cursor over the stop button.This leads me to believe (remember I am a VB novice)that a form is full of Subs that only run once on form load.So where is the main body of code placed that will run continuously; from where I can check the button status and update the form?

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Stopping Loop With Button Click?

Mar 9, 2011

How would a person stop a try loop once it has started a button click on the same "Form1'? Let's say in this example p = 100. If I wanted to stop it using a button how would I, I have searched Internet and found nothing that is working.


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Click A Button In A Webbrowser Which Is Created In A Loop?

Apr 26, 2011

In my application, i want to have 10 webbrowsers, which go to google like this.

For i = 0 To 9
Dim Browser As New WebBrowser
Browser.Name = "Browser" & [i]


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How To Click Button In WebBrowser Created In Loop

Apr 26, 2011

In my application, I want to have 10 webbrowsers, which go to google like this.
For i = 0 To 9
Dim Browser As New WebBrowser
Browser.Name = "Browser" & [i]
Browser.Visible = True

So now I will have 10 webbrowsers aimed for google, right? So how do I make a loop that clicks the search button 10 times? I know I need to use member_invoke like this
But I have no clue how to code the loop.

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Loop Through An Image List On Button Click In VB?

Mar 24, 2012

I have 1 picture box, and 1 image list with 11 pictures in it. I also have 1 button.

Heres what I want to happen:

I click on the button and the first image in my image list goes into the picture box.

I click the button again and the second image in my image list replaces the first image in the picture box.

I click the button again and the third image in my image list replaces the second image in the picture box.

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Loop Untol Button Click Event?

Nov 11, 2009

how exactly could I make something loop until a button click event?

Do Until
NumericUpdown.value = (numericupdownvalue + 1)


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Make A Loop Wait Until A Button Is Click?

Mar 15, 2012

How to make a loop wait until a button is click?

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Create A For Loop To Cause Display To Show With Button Click

Sep 21, 2010

As the image shows i am suposse to create a For loop to cause the display to show with the button click.

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