VS 2010 Faster Per Pixel Bitmap Reading?

Mar 17, 2012

I am trying to make an application that can do effects to images but the problem is when I use large photos its takes a very very long time. I am reading it per pixel with bitmap's GetPixel and SetPixel methods. Is there anyway to make this process faster without using C# or C++?

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Something Faster Than Bitmap.getpixel?

Apr 24, 2010

What I'm trying to do is iterate through each pixel in a bitmap, and get the color value of each pixel.I've tried using .getpixel, but it's fairly slow. On a 640x480 image, it takes roughly .35 seconds to go through it. Which can add up if doing many pictures.


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Change Pixel Offset Of Source Bitmap?

Aug 18, 2009

I've got a function that's supposed to extract and return a 32x32px bitmap from a larger bitmap which has a set of 32x32 tiles inside it.

Here's the code I have now, but it's wrong since the Tile.GFX_Pos properties are telling it where in the destination image to draw, not where in the source image to draw from.

Overloads Shared Function TileGFX(ByVal SrcGFX As Bitmap, ByVal Tile As TileDef) As System.Drawing.Bitmap


So since this doesn't work, what I'm wondering is if anyone knows a good way to select where in the SrcGFX bitmap to blit from, instead of (as currently and incorrectly) selecting where in the destination bitmap to blit to.

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VS 2005 Tell If Pixel In Bitmap At Position Is Transparent?

Dec 19, 2009

I have a bunch of PNG images in my project's resources. I need to find out whether the pixel at any X,Y is transparent or not. Testing the alpha of the color returned by GetPixel doesn't work, and I can't test it against the transparency key because Bitmap objects only have a MakeTransparent method, for some strange reason. Is there a way to tell?

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VS 2008 Filling Array With Pixel Data And Turning It Into A Bitmap?

Jul 22, 2009

I have a small 10px by 10px image, and I want to use VB.NET to find out if that image is (an exact) part of a larger image.I thought a method of doing this would be to lock the bits of the larger image into memory and then loop through each pixel in the image and for each pixel, I could take the 10px by 10px section which is down and to the right of that pixel.. and then compare it to my smaller image.

This is the code I have so far:

'Lockbits of larger image to memory
Dim bmp As New Bitmap(Image.FromFile(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory() & "picture.bmp"))
Dim pxF As PixelFormat = PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb


when I'm looping through the 10 by 10 section and I find the R G B bytes for each pixel, how do I store this in my rawImage array so I can convert it to a back bitmap and compare it with my original small 10by10 image?

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Bmp File Reading Faster After First Time?

Jan 19, 2012

im making a program to "test darwinism" in C++ and im showing the results in a VB 2010 express app, the results consist of .800x800 bmp files displaying creatures eating , reproducing and evolving. the VB app only has a picture box and it changes the .image param in a timer so that it looks like a video : for example it reads : frame0.bmp then frame1.bmp etc. I get about 30frames seconds with this method (and alot of GB of .bmp files..)the .bmp files are read slower if they never have been read.. for example I get about 5frames/sec when im using new .bmp files while I get 30fps if the files have been read once.. only opening and closing the files doesnt make them load faster, I have to load the bitmap image. I noticed that opening the directory where the .bmp files are and letting windows make preview icons make them load faster too.. that looks weird to me.. something with indexing ?also , my c++ program which creates the .bmp files goes really fast for the 500first but then it becomes slower (even if It just writes black .bmp files in a closed loop). could it be that the hard disc gets overwhelmed by all the writing ?

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Reading Pixel Color From A Image In Picturebox?

Mar 9, 2003

how to get color form a certain pixel from a bitmap image, but i cant find function getPixel in the picturebox object.

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VS 2010 Faster Way To Load A Listview In .NET?

Nov 4, 2010

OK, I've been searching for hours trying to find the best way to fill a listview from a comma delimited file but have come up empty handed so far. Currently I am using code I found on the NET, which works, but it is EXTREMELY slow. As a test, I created a file with 5,000 rows, and 10 columns. The column layout is as follows:123,NAME,NAME,NAME,NAME,0.00,NAME,YEAR,NAME,1

Dim ofd As New StreamReader(".dataCardData.bct")
Using reader As New Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser(".dataCardData.bct")
reader.TextFieldType = FileIO.FieldType.Delimited


The code I am currently using appears to be loading the file and somewhat simultaneously filling the listview at the same time. I feel that I should load the entire file into an array or arraylist and the send the array or arraylist to the listview. However, if this is the best way to do it, I have not been able to find any examples of how to do this.

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VS 2010 Is LINQ Faster Than For-loops

Jul 4, 2010

I have an array of approximately 1000 classes. All of these classes must have one of their properties changed to the same value. I need this to be as optimized and fast as possible.

Would LINQ be faster than a for-loop? Any other ideas for faster execution?

View 11 Replies

VS 2010 Mysql Faster Input?

Sep 11, 2011

So I'm creating this little app to generate words from A-Za-z0-9 and then save that on my local database.Here is my code to do this:


PS. Fell free to help me modify my code. It's quite simple and horrible since if I start generating words more then 5 characters long, it will crash

View 15 Replies

Load A GIF File, And Start With The First Pixel And Check To See If That Pixel Color Is Closer To Black, Red, Green Or Yellow?

Jan 30, 2009

I would like to load a GIF file, and start with the first pixel and check to see if that pixel color is closer to Black, Red, Green or Yellow, then take what ever color it closest matched to and output that color as a number, 0, 1, 2 or 3. So just for a small example a 5x4 GIF would be converted to something like this: 0112223322220111332?

View 13 Replies

Determine The Pixel Width And Pixel Height Of The Largest Image?

Jul 4, 2010

How do i determine the pixel width and pixel height of the largest image i can paint onto the graphics object of a printer while inside a printpage event?



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VS 2010 - Sequential For Each Being Executed Faster Than Parallel

Feb 6, 2011

Suppose you have an array with 10.000.000 elements filled with values between 1 and 10, and you need to count how many fives it contains, something like:

Dim RandList As New List(Of Integer)
Dim r As New Random
Dim Counter As Integer = 0
For i As Integer = 1 To 10000000
RandList.Add(r.Next(1, 10))
[Code] .....

Here I got 2 problems, both versions are returning different values at each call with the same array, and the sequential ForEach is being executed much more faster than the parallel.

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VS 2010 : Make A Timer Control Faster?

May 26, 2010

I am working on a small program to teach myself how to use timers, and I would like to know if there is a way to make the timer control faster.I set the Interval property to 1 and it is to slow for what I am trying to do.(All I am trying to do is loop a button left to right, right to leftand so on in a Panel)

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Interface And Graphics :: Get Pixel Color Of A Pixel On Screen

Sep 13, 2007

Is there a quick way to check the color of a pixel on the screen?

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Changing The Position Of A Form, Pixel By Pixel?

Jul 20, 2009

during the development of my project, i've fall in the need to change the position of some forms, pixel by pixel using a timer.Now, i've checked that the movement is very fluid when form is not very heavy, when it contains few elements, but when it has a lot of elements inside, the movement becames nervous and not fluid, the movement becomes jerky.

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VS 2010 Backgroundworker Thread Running Faster Than The UI Can Update Progress?

Nov 15, 2011

I have a VB.NET 2010 app that uses a backgroundworker to process MS Word docs. All of the code does what it is supposed to do, except when my code calls ReportProgress(). The UI cannot process the ProgressChanged event fast enough before the values in the class that are passed are changed. I know this because I inserted a System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100) line after each ReportProgress() call which allows time for the UI to make the updates properly. I guess I am looking for a better solution thanThread.Sleep(100) since this adds to the amount of time it takes to process all of the files. Here are some snippets of code that I am using:


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VS 2010 Make Each Read Operation Faster Than Using My.Computer.Registry?

Nov 13, 2009

I need to perform a huge amount of registry read operations, and I'm trying to figure out a way to make each read operation faster than using My.Computer.Registry.

If I used APIs directly to do it, it should be faster, right?

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VS 2010 Set A Pixel A Particular Color?

Mar 6, 2011

I am trying to set a pixel a particular color. The code below does not work and don't know why.

Dim myimage As New Bitmap(PictureBox1.Image)
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To 59


I also checked the Microsoft's sample code for setpixel which is below, does not work either. At least, I could not make it to work. I have used it within picturebox1_paint subroutine but got nothing.

Private Sub SetPixel_Example(ByVal e As PaintEventArgs)
' Create a Bitmap object from a file.
Dim myBitmap As New Bitmap("Grapes.jpg")


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VS 2010 Finding Darkest Pixel?

Aug 16, 2010

I am downloading a JPEG image from a site and then I need to find the darkest pixel of that image. It also needs to be very fast since speed DOES count here, majorly. (probably has to use an API)

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VS 2010 Getting The Colour Of Each Pixel In A Picture

Nov 19, 2011

I am looking for some information on getting the colour of each pixel in a picture. The ide is to get the colour and then have my program draw a line along that colour itself. For example. If i have a black square on a white background, I want the software to be able the draw lines on the four edges of the black square, Is this possible?

View 9 Replies

VS 2010 How To Obtain Every Pixel From PicturebBx

Apr 14, 2012

This program using Visual Studio 2010, WIndows Form App I want to create a program which need RGB value from an picture in PictureBox But it has an error, NullReferenceException was not unhandled

The code Private Sub PictureBox1_MouseDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


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VS 2010 Picturebox Pixel Width?

Apr 24, 2012

I'm loading a picture into a picturebox. How can I set the pixel width to a fixed number, ex 300?
The whole picture must fit the picturebox, even if the original resolution is higher.

Dim bmp As New Bitmap("c:Test.bmp")
bmp.SetResolution(300, 50)
PictureBox2.Image = bmp

View 22 Replies

VS 2010 Checking Pixel Color Under Pointer

Dec 3, 2010

I've set up a transparent user control (used for drawing tools) over a page, and I'm trying to set up some code that will allow you to click through the control if the pixel underneath the pointer is transparent, but will NOT let you click through if the pixel is colored. Basically, if they've drawn a line there, I don't want them clicking through it.

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Get RGB Pixel Color Of A Pixel On The Screen?

Jul 29, 2010

How can I find out the pixel colour of a certain point on a web browser. For instance,WebBrowser1.getPixelColor(0,0) would get the rgb colour value of pixel 0, 0.It doesn't have to be rgb it might be hsl or whatever.The web browser is showing a local web page that is hosted on a network. If there is an error then the screen goes all grey. What I want to do is, if this does happen, display an alert message like - "An error has occurred

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Get The Pixel Colour Of A Pixel On The Screen?

Apr 16, 2011

I have an empty picture box with the background colour set to the transparancy colour. How can i get the colour of the pixels within the transparant picture box so that i can create a bitmap of the transparant section of the form?

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System Memory In Bitmap - Using Bitmap To Show Picture Box Like Slideshow Using Timer

Jul 3, 2011

I'm using Bitmap to show picture box like slideshow using Timer. For each timer interval, I've to go for new instance of Bitmap, there System memory increases to 1MB, How to resolve this, 'BG is picture box

Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tic Dim img As Bitmap

img = New Bitmap(System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromFile(FileIO.FileSystem.GetFiles


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Use A ToolTip Directly To A Bitmap Object (System.Drawing.Bitmap)?

Dec 15, 2010

I'm trying to use a ToolTip directly to a Bitmap Object (System.Drawing.Bitmap), aparently I can't do this because Bitmap isnt a Windows Control.

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VS 2010 - Private Types In VB - Store X And Y Position Of A Pixel

Jan 20, 2011

In Vb6 you could make a private type by doing the following:

Private Type PointAPI
X As Integer
y As Integer
End Type

Vb.Net doesn't support this. I need it to store the x and y position of a certain pixel. I know i could just declare an x and y variable but i would rather use something like:

xyCentre.X = 5
xyCentre.Y = 10

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VS 2010 Move Mouse To A Pixel Location Of A Program?

Mar 10, 2012

How can I move the mouse to a pixel location of a program?[code]I know it doesn't work, but I'm trying to make it easier to understand what I'm trying to do.

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