VS 2010 Graphics Being Overwritten?

May 16, 2012

I've rendered a simple rectangle for the background and a bunch of star polygons randomly placed across the form. On the form is a picturebox component which I can move around, but for some reason it overwrites the background and stars when it passes over them. Could someone please explain what is going on there? I've tried performing searches, but have been unsuccessful in finding anything useful.

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VS 2010 - Data Always Being Overwritten

Feb 15, 2011

What's happening is that the data is always being overwrited. I mean there is only one row which is constantly being overwrited

Public Class Form1
Private Sub UpdateTable(ByVal Details As String())
Dim DataSet As New LoginServerDataSet
Dim Adapter As New LoginServerDataSetTableAdapters.DetailsTableAdapter
Dim Manager As New LoginServerDataSetTableAdapters.TableAdapterManager
[Code] .....

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InitializeComponent Keeps Getting Overwritten

Feb 7, 2011

I have some conditionals in my InitializeComponent which affect the layout based on some variables. Unfortunately, it seems like whenever I rebuild my application, this code is reverted back to its previous state. Is this code being regenerated based on the Designer interface? Is there a way to prevent it from doing this?

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How To Check If File Can Be Overwritten

Sep 14, 2009

How to check if a file can be overwritten? Currently I have a problem with files that are
1. In use
2. In a folder where I don't have permissions to edit them
3. Read Only
How to check (check, not overwrite) if a file can be overwritten?

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Settings Overwritten During Upgrade Installations?

Feb 12, 2007

is there a way to keep the settings stored in My.Settings from being "reset" during an upgrade installation? Every time I put out a new build of any application using My.Settings the settings in My.Settings are reset to whatever they are in the visual studio designer.

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Table In Access2007 DB Gets Overwritten When Updated?

Nov 6, 2011

I'm trying to access 2 tables within the same DB in Access 2007, but I have a problem when saving information to one of the tables, I can do it with one table but when I try to save the information to the second table the data gets overwritten, not sure why, because I use the same procedure for both of them, just changing the variables to avoid mixed data, this is the code that I use to connect with the DB and fill the DataSet:

dbProvider = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;"
dbSource = "Data Source=.\Almacen.accdb;Jet OleDB:Database Password=Slackware"


Again, it works fine when saving info to one table, but using the exact same procedure (with different variables) saves the new data but overwrites the previous information

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VS 2008 WebBrowser - Title Of Tabs Overwritten

Jul 3, 2010

I have make a Tabbed webbrowser. Browser is working fine. but when ever I navigate a page titles of tabs does not changed but overwritten as shown in picture there is on second Tab Text is overwritten. I am using this code for tab title

tabs_bowsers.SelectedTab.Text = CType

And this for window title
Me.Text = CType(tabs_bowsers.SelectedTab.Controls.Item(0), ExtendedWebBrowser).DocumentTitle & " - My Browser"
I want to make my tabs to change title as in firefox titles changed, no overwritten.

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VB 2010 Move The Game Peaces (graphics) Over Another Graphics Which Is The Game Board

Apr 7, 2011

I am trying to do a game application similar to chess, where i need to move the game peaces(graphics) over another graphics which is the game board. using the mouse. How can I do multiple layers of graphics and control their movement(without using direct x, i know nothing about it)? Note: I have visual basic 2010 express, windows xp home

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Server Will Report Tapes Require To Go Offsite And Which Tapes Came Be Returned Which Can Be Overwritten With Data Again

Feb 10, 2009

I need to create an application, which it connects to a IBM AS400 ATL to query LTO3 tapes that have expired and to be returned back to the datacentre. Tapes that have data written on them and not expired will need to be sent to an offsite location. Even if not an application, possible a script to do so.A email from the server will report the tapes require to go offsite and which tapes came be returned which can be overwritten with data again.

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VS 2010 : Get Raw Data Of Graphics Image?

Feb 6, 2012

get the raw data of zoomed image in a picture box. But I am zooming the image using,e.Graphics.DrawImage(Picturebox.Image, New Rectangle(ZoomXCordinate, ZoomYCordinate, ZoomWidth, ZoomHeight)).Now I am not getting how to get the raw data of zoomed graphics image displayed on the Picturebox.I am actually trying to get the image data into a byte array.

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VS 2010 Graphics.DrawCurve Length?

May 3, 2010

I am pretty sure that my questions will soon get so annoying you won't answer them, but before it happens.I am using DrawCurve (with density set to default) to draw on my picturebox. I need to know the exact length (well, not *exact* but knowing it is around +/- 1px from exact length would be nice) of the curve drawn.

Is there any function in API I could use to get what I want? If not, could you point me to the algorithm (preferably implemented in any language) that I could use with array of points as an input and length as an output value?

View 13 Replies

VS 2010 Vector Graphics Code?

May 5, 2011

I need to write a simple program that imports tab delimited x,y coordinates into a simple form, by clicking an "Import" button and navigating to the particular .txt file. On the button press I want to read the text file and display these in the shape of anything from a simple square to a slightly more complex closed polygon (maybe using a path function) in the main picture box to view the shape.

Then I would like to press an "Export" button and save the displayed shape coordinates/vertices back to a file location of my choice as a .txt file.

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Make Graphics In Visual Basic 2010?

Apr 23, 2012

I want to know if anyone here can teach me how to make graphics in visual basic 2010. For example, you have a form where you put everything about a graphic (type, data for x, data for y), you press a button and it appears.

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VS 2010 : When And Where To Create Brushes (and There Graphics Tools)

Jan 18, 2012

For some reason I could never get over the look of my application, and the Microsoft controls together. Just never looked right. Nor were the controls exactly what I needed. By creating controls I can pretty much custom fit them for my application, and I love it.My question is with drawing these controls. I have 12 of them now in my current project, so I would like to make them all as efficient as possible. The biggest set back to most of them is the drawing can be a little extensive, or at least to a point where they could be more efficient. At the moment, under each paint event I have the brushes created by using blocks and then the drawing happens within them(I create all brushes first, then do the drawing, vice versa with disposing them). My question however came up when I was creating my most recent control, a SimpleList.

I experimented to see(though I'm not sure how exactly to track performance) but instead of recreating the brushes and pens etc in the paint event, I put them at the top so they're only made once, and destroyed once, rather being made and destroyed every time my control paints. My common sense tells me this is a better way of going about this but my experience can't back that up. is this the way I should be going about user drawn controls?, is there any limitations to this?(like would it be okay if I only had a limited number of brushes etc) and is the performance even that greatly impacted by making these changes that it's worth my while?

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VS 2010 Graphics Removing After Drawn/updated?

Dec 15, 2010

Currently I'm working on a retro-pong game using graphics. The problem is, my code keeps drawing new ellipses every time, and doesn't discard the old ones.

Private Sub timeEngine_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles tmeEngine.Tick


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VS 2010 Merging Graphics With Image From PictureBox?

Jan 10, 2011

I created an app which loads specified image to the picturebox and allows to draw on it:

PictureBox.ImageLocation = "dummy.jpg"
Dim g As System.Drawing.Graphics
Dim pen1 As New System.Drawing.Pen(System.Drawing.Color.Green, 4)


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VS 2010 Using Array Of Points With E.Graphics.DrawLines

Apr 30, 2010

I've rewritten my program so it would be more .net friendly (meaning I try to draw in picturebox.Paint event).

I try to use DrawLines using array of points, which are added by user one by one, but I can't figure out how to force my program to only use points that have been set by user and not the whole array.

When I call DrawLines pointing at my array of eg. 10 points and only 5 had been set, I end up with a nice set of lines with the last going to the upper left corner (0,0) and supposedly staying there for 4 more points, which is unacceptable.

I think of using ReDim Preserve each time, but I am not sure if it is the most efficient way to do this.

Anyone can think of something more elegant before I implement this redim monstrosity?

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Rendering Graphics Efficiently - DirectX - Graphics Card And Use Of DirectDraw Or OpenGL

Sep 23, 2011

We have a GIS application that has some performance issues. It creates and sends an image to a web browser. We start with a Bing Maps imager, add complex polygons (complete with transparent fill), save the finished image as a PNG, and send it to the browser.

The idea has come up that we could possibly install a graphics card and use DirectX or OpenGL to improve performance. I believe this would be the case even though we ultimately generate an image instead of sending the data the the screen. I believe our processes could still make use of the API and the hardware acceleration it provides. Our process is not unlike what CGI film makers do to render individuals frames of a film, though we simply render a single image and send it, as opposed to the hundreds of thousands of images needed for a single CGI film.

So my question is: would a powerful graphics card and use of DirectDraw or OpenGL provide us a worthwhile performance boost? It can take us 20-30 seconds to render a more complex map. Which is a long time to wait on a web page...

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CPU Graphics Charts Addon Vb 2005, 2008 ,2010

Aug 17, 2011

doses microsoft hav graphic charts to add on tools

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VS 2010 E.Graphics.DrawImage Is Fading Stretched Image

Dec 13, 2010

This is in a class, the class inherits Panel. VB.net


The goal is to have this image stretched to 300x50 Whenever I do it, it works, but it fades the image from left to right, so that at Left = 0, the image is solid, but at Left = 300, the image is transparent.

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VS 2010 Graphics - Line Draw - Colour Change

Apr 22, 2012

I am currently drawing a line with Graphics. Drawline. Once this is drawn, under certain circumstances I want to change the colour of it. When the line is drawn, does it become an object that I can then refer, or do I simply draw a new line over the original in a different colour

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VS 2010 System.Drawing.Drawing2d.Graphics Refreshing

Apr 28, 2010

So basically I created Dim gr As System.Drawing.Graphics on my picturebox and I am drawing on it.

Each time I cover my window with anything or move it away from the screen whatever was covered/invisible becomes missing.

As I understand I can do:


But I just can't figure out when should I call restore().

Tried on:


When should I restore?

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Interface And Graphics :: E.Graphics.Drawstring Length Overflow Page?

Nov 19, 2010

Im working on a project that needs to print a report of one client.Everything went smooth untill i came across my multiline input text data.When i display it in the PrintPagePreview the text go's outside my page. Even when im printing it only the halve of my text is displayed. I googled and looked everywhere but i can't get a clear fix for it.


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Interface And Graphics :: Passing Bitmaps & Graphics To Subroutines As Arguments

Jan 22, 2011

I used to program with Visual Basic 6, so I have alot of old programs that I'm updating, plus I'm learning the new VB2008 methods. I'm writing a program that replaces the old "BitBlit" function which is no longer supported by Visual Basic 2008. It involves three picture boxes, one holds the sprite bitmap, a second holds the mask (silhouette) of the sprite bitmap, and a third has a background image.


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Interface And Graphics :: System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawString On Other Window?

Aug 14, 2009

drawing text on a window which is not the current form's window.I remember doing this in Win32 api with getwindowdc(handle) to obtain a DC for the Window, then textout() on the DC.

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Interface And Graphics :: Creating A Class Holding Some Graphics?

Jan 12, 2011

Ok, I want to create a class that will handle a special rectangle graphic.In my form, I want to have two of these special rectangles. So, basically, I need two instances of that class in my form, right?I manage to initialize two, alright. But, how exactly am I supposed tomanage drawing/graphics etc in a class, and the results to be displayed in my form?

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Interface And Graphics :: Error - Graphics Paths For Designing

Oct 29, 2008

Using graphics paths for designing...but am getting an error when trying to add a shape to : _shapelist.add(createshape())

It says : Value of type 'system.drawing.drawing2d.graphicspath' cannot be converted to '1-dimensional array of system.drawing.drawing2d.graphicspath'

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VS 2010 - Graphics - Code Into The Form Loading Event It Wouldn't Show ?

May 11, 2012

I tried to make a menu for my game, but when I placed the code into the form loading event, it wouldn't show. Then I placed a button and moved the code into the button click event and it worked. Thus, I know the code shouldn't be wrong. How can you make the graphics( as in lines, rectangle,etc) show up when it starts up?

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Graphics & RedrawWindow API, Clearing Graphics On The Desktop?

Sep 27, 2010


ok, i know the code is a little rough, but it should be good to give you an idea of what im trying to do, if not i will still explain.simply draw 2 lines one from left to right, another from top to bottom, intersecting through the tip of the mouse.ok, theres no problem there the lines draw perfectally the way i want them.... BUT! now heres the issue im having.i cant get rid the previous lines.i did a bit of good old "Google'ing" and ran across a few links that all pointed me to the ReDrawWindow API, so i tried (as you can see in the above code) but i just cant seem to get it worked out.

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Interface And Graphics :: Draw On Tabpage's Graphics?

Jan 19, 2011

So I decided to make my famous tile selector project, but instead of drawing in a form's graphics, do it inside a tabpage.Well, I managed to get it working, but it seems to... flicker.Normally, setting the form's DoubleBuffered property to True would help a lot there, but apparently, the tabpage has no such property.

When I invalidate the tabpage, I draw two images and fill one rectangle.Following past advice, those two images were created before, just once, and are stored in a variable so I don't create them every time I invalidate the tabpage.

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