VS 2010 Save Over Existing File (Notepad)?

May 14, 2011

I'm creating a notepad application with richtextbox as the editor. I have pretty much all of the funtions I want for the application itself, but I want a code that will help me understand whether it has been saved to the computer already.For example, just like in notepad, where you can open a .txt file, and if you don't modify it, it won't prompt you to save on application.exit(), but if you do modify the file in any way, it will ask you if you want to save, and it will automatically save over the opened file without popping up a savefiledialog.

I want my application to do the same thing, and also with any files that I save. For example, when I save a new file, after it prompts me with the savefiledialog, and I save the file to a directory, on my next "save" not "save as" I want it to recognize where it previously saved the file to overwrite it without prompting me with a savefiledialog like "Save As" does.There must be a code to recognize where it was last saved, or opened, but right now my default directory ("Initial directory") for both the open and savefiledialogs are set to the C:/ direcotry.

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VS 2010 Save Text File Then Immediately Open It In Notepad

Feb 3, 2012

I have searched, but failed to find a suitable answer to this. My small app saves a text file using a savefiledialog and stream writer. Then if successful, displays a messagebox confirming sucess and asks if the user wants to open the text file now. and this is the problem... How do I determine if the user has changed the filename and or path in the savefiledialog when saving? I'd prefer not to hard code a path and file name if possible.... but that seems like the only option? and therefore I can't show the file straight after saving reliably??


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Save A File As Wordpad Or Notepad?

Apr 15, 2010

i need to start my project in vb by open a file in wordpad(named aaa).after do some operation onto the file,i have to save my file as text doc (named bbb).When i open my saved file in wordpad,it will show the pattern of data in circle pattern.but when i open in notepad,the file doesnt show the circle patten as i desired.how can i write the codes in vb so that the opened file(bbb) will shows data in circle pattern in both wordpad and notepad?Do i need to edit the part of savefile.filter in my codes?

Dim savefile As New SaveFileDialog
savefile.FileName = ""
savefile.Filter = "Text files(*.txt)|*.txt|File(*)|*|All Files(*.*)|*.*)"
savefile.Title = "SAVE FILE."


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Open / Save EXE File In Notepad Makes It Corrupted

Dec 27, 2010

I just published this simple console application that is supposed to show a textbox with the value of a setting called "userID" with value 1001. This works like a charm. Now what I need is to change this value outside the editor, from notepad etc. When I open the application a lot in there is non-sence etc. but with a quick (ctrl + F) I found the value 1001, and changed this to some other integer.

I ran the application again, and it failed, didn't even give any userful error-message. At a point I tried just opening a newly published non-corrupted version of the application, didn't change anything, then saved from notepad, and it were also corrupted. It seems like notepad can't open some characters or something. Do I need to publish the application in some specific text-unicode language or something? I use vb.net for this

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What Is The Codes For Open And Save A Notepad Text File

Aug 20, 2009

what is the codes for open and save a notepad text file

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IDE :: Save Datat From Textbox1 To A Notepad Format Test File?

Mar 16, 2010

I have to save the text from my textbox to a new text(notepad) file?

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When Try To Save A File With Same Name As Existing File The Message Box Pops Up

Dec 30, 2008

When i try to save a file with the same name as the existing file the message box pops up asking me if i want to replace the existing file. When i click yes the program crashes and this message come up An unhandled exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred in system.drawing.dll.[code]

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User Chooses To Save Over An Existing File

Jul 20, 2010

If the user chooses to save over an existing file, I want to essentially delete the file first, then re-create it and save to it. Basically, I don't want to append to the file. I want to completely overwrite. However, I am just running into all these snags. It basially deletes the file as soon as the savefiledialog box opens. before, it would simply append. [code]

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Save Changes Before Quitting Notepad?

Feb 13, 2010

I've been building a notepad following some tuts and stuff.. and well, I would like my notepad to show a msgbox or something when it closes and something hasn't been saved.. like "Would you like to save changes before quitting Notepad? and three buttons saying, Save, Don't Save, and Cancel.. how can i do that?


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Notepad - Save And Open Dialog Filters

May 31, 2009

I have a notepad I am making. I need to resolve to more then 1 Save and Open Filter. I have the code:
Dim dlg As SaveFileDialog = New SaveFileDialog
dlg.Title = "Save"
dlg.Filter = "Text Document (*.txt)|*.txt"
If dlg.ShowDialog = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
RichTextBox1.SaveFile(dlg.FileName, RichTextBoxStreamType.RichText)
[Code] .....

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Save The Plain Text Of The Richtextbox1 To A Notepad?

Jan 1, 2010

i am programming a note and i save the plain text of the richtextbox1 to a notepad then i want to print it i use this code but it print the frist line only and i want to print all lines Private Sub SaveToolStripMenuItem1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveToolStripMenuItem1.Click


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Save To NotePad - Can Be Retrieved After A Program Closes

Mar 4, 2010

how you would go about saving information(username, password, security questions) in a notepad, so it can be retrieved after a program closes. i'm making a log in program in my class, but we haven't done this, so when the program closes, everything is gone. rather annoying, to have to make a accounts each time i'm testing it.

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Use SendInput To Save Data To Notepad In Program?

May 4, 2010

Do you guys have any ideas how to do the codings for SendInput?Like a key is pressed and the data depending on what the user had entered in the TextBox will appear in a Notepad and then save it.[code]...

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VS 2010 Load Data From Text File Into Existing Table

Aug 18, 2011

I'm using the following code to import data from a text file into an existing Access table:


The first time i ran the code, it caused no error but no records where loaded into the table. The second time it causes the OleDbException "Table 'TEMP' already exists."explain me wath am i doing wrong? The text file is comma delimited and it has exactly the same number of columns of the TEMP table.

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Copying Data A File Int An Existing File Where The Filename Of Both The Data File And Existing File Will Vary From User To User

Aug 5, 2011

I have a workbook (Workbook1) that runs through some steps using visual basic, which ends up opening another workbook Workbook2). Once Workbook 2 is opened, I need to copy a section of data from it, into Workbook1 int a specific worksheet. I was able to do this by recording a macro, but the challange is, the name of Workbook 1, and Workbook 2, will vary by User. When I created the macro it uses the files as they are currently named. The section of code is below.


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Search Value Of Textbox In A Notepad (.txt) And Copy In A New Notepad?

Sep 14, 2011

I am trying to create a tool which I would input a word in a text box and it would search the path i give it to look for a word in a notepad file and copy the whole line to a new notepad and paste it.

i did this for now, i am able but i am able to copy all the text from the note pad and put it in a textbox for now..

Dim FILE_NAME As String = "P: est est.txt"
Dim objReader As New System.IO.StreamReader(FILE_NAME)
Dim TextLine As String


I am having trouble to get the command to ask them to go read the text file and copy only the line for the word I put in the input box and to put it in a new notepad.

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VS 2010 Notepad.txt To Database.mdb?

Dec 29, 2011

I'm making a small software in order to pass simple text from a *.txt file (notepad) to an access *.mdb databaseI'm using VS2010, and of course MS Access 2010.My database is created from scratch by code using ADOX with a button (no problem with that)

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim ADOXCat As Catalog = New Catalog()


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File Access - When Open The File With Something Like Notepad, It Shows Random Ascii Chars?

Oct 19, 2011

Years ago when coding with VB6 and earlier, I used a file open command to create, read, and write a file that made it easy to store useful information.I believe it was binary and you wrote/read the data to a specific line in the file. When you opened the file with something like notepad, it just showed random ascii chars. When I needed a line of data, I could specify what line to load it from.

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Open File - Launch A ReadMe.txt File In Notepad Thats In The Same Directory As My Application?

Jan 23, 2010

I get mixed results in Google, so I'm wondering how can I simply launch a ReadMe.txt file in Notepad thats in the same directory as my application?

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Transfer All Data From An Excel File To A Notepad File With Comma Separator?

Apr 11, 2011

I have an excel file i want to copy all the row of that excel file into a .txt file.In the txt file the separator is comma.

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VS 2010 - Create A "Save File" And Save The Programs And Different Texts?

Jun 29, 2010

How would I create a "Save File". I am creating a launcher and need it to save the programs and different texts i have on the program to a save file. One side question: How do I do Links in VS?...HyperLinks that is.

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VS 2010 Making A Notepad Type Of Application?

Dec 1, 2011

I have a MDI Parent form.

In that form, I show people another form which has a richtextbox.

All I need to know is how would I allow people to print the text in richtextbox and also how to save the text in the richtextbox as a txt file.

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Convert Notepad File To .exe?

Jan 4, 2011

if any notepad file with different-different extension like .java, . html ,.txt will be opened in the vb.net environment than it will create its own .exe fie so without notepad installation the file should be open anywhere with its saved content.

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Read File Like Notepad?

Jan 31, 2009

I need to read the following file in vb .net: C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDataStoreDataStore.edb". It contains info about installed software updates. I've taken a look at the file by opening it with notepad. This isn't a plain-text file obviously, but I can find and see the text I want easily with Notepad, and I want to extract this text by using VB .NET.

The problem is, i've tried to read the file by using an io.streamreader, but I can't get the same results as in notepad. I've tried to change encoding but that doesn't work. I mean in Notepad, I can read some text easily: "A s e c u r i t y i s s u e h a s b e e n i d e n t i f i e d" [...], but the only thing I get with the streamreader is some bunch of ugly characters, and the text I saw with Notepad isn't there.

Do I have to read the file in binary or what? HOW NOTEPAD DOES IT? HOW DO I READ THIS FILE LIKE NOTEPAD DOES?

I absolutely need to extract some updates info that aren't in either the registry or WMI/QFE.

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File I/O And Registry :: Read File Like Notepad

Jan 31, 2009

I need to read the following file in vb .net:"C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDataStoreDataStore.edb". It contains info about installed software updates. I've taken a look at the file by opening it with notepad. This isn't a plain-text file obviously, but I can find and see the text I want easily with Notepad, and I want to extract this text by using VB .NET.

The problem is, i've tried to read the file by using an io.streamreader, but I can't get the same results as in notepad. I've tried to change encoding but that doesn't work. I mean in Notepad, I can read some text easily: "A s e c u r i t y i s s u e h a s b e e n i d e n t i f i e d" [...], but the only thing I get with the streamreader is some bunch of ugly characters, and the text I saw with Notepad isn't there.

Do I have to read the file in binary or what? HOW NOTEPAD DOES IT? HOW DO I READ THIS FILE LIKE NOTEPAD DOES?I absolutely need to extract some updates info that aren't in either the registry or WMI/QFE.

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FAQ Item: Save An Existing Project To Different Local Location Via IDE Menu?

Jun 20, 2010

How do I save an existing project to different local location via IDE menu?

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Save Updates In A GridView Control In Program To An Existing XML Document?

Dec 14, 2009

I have an existing xml document with music playlist information, which is read into a GridView control in Visual Basic. I am now wanting to save any updates in the GridView to that xml document.[code]...

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Export From Textbox To Notepad File?

Nov 3, 2010

I use this code to export from textbox to notepad file.

But Number appear in Notepad


I need to appear like this


I have 10 textboxs.

Private Sub Button6_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button6.Click
Dim myWriter As New System.IO.StreamWriter("c:output.txt")


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Opening A File In Word Pad/notepad Using Vb

Nov 13, 2009

I have a question regarding opening a file to view it in wordpad and i would like to know where to start.

I have looked through a few posts and the only "open" things i can find are to edit the contents of a file without viewing the contents.

How can i open a file in wordpad or What should i be looking for to find out about this myself?

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VS 2010 Save To File?

May 21, 2010

I need a better solution that what I am currently using, and not sure where to go from here.The program uses a scanner and scans documents into it. It uses a flat file (essentially a csv) to store data captured from the documents being scanned (each line in the file is one "document", with each value in the line being some piece of data from that document).

The scanner can scan up to 100 documents per minute, so it runs very fast.Currently, when a document is scanned in, the flat file is opened, a line written to it, then closed.It works for the most part, but sometimes i guess it's too fast for the IO operation, and some documents get completely missed. It will throw an error "error accessing file....". I assume this is because the file is still open from writing the last document to it.

Documents can be scanned at random, so they aren't always constantly scanning. It may scan 100 at a time now, then wait 10 minutes, and then scan one document.Database is not an option, per the specs of this program. It must be flat files. If theres a way to use a flat file like a database, that's cool. It doesn't have to be in CSV format.

It MUST be able to write to the file immediately after scanning. I worry about leaving the file open for writing constantly while the program is open because of a system failure or crash, the file may get corrupt or lost. That is not acceptable. It must be the best option for data recovery, should the computer crash or power go out, etc.

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