VS 2010 Screensaver Not Showing When Application Is Run

Mar 15, 2012

When it is run, screesavers and screenoff is prevented somehow.. I have narrowed it down to this code.


The above code is what makes it possible for my application to active two forms when only one is activated.. But it is somehow this code that prevents my screensavers and power settings from working.. Do you have any idea how to change the code so it doesnt prevent my screensavers and power settings?

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Enable The Screensaver From Within Application?

Aug 11, 2010

I'm trying to enable the screensaver from within my application I found this code on the internet:

Declare Auto Function SendMessage Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, ByVal Msg As UInt32, ByVal wParam As UInt32, ByVal lParam As UInt32) As Int32
Const WM_SYSCOMMAND As UInt32 = &h212


But it's giving me an error "Expression expected" on the three Const lines right at the & character.

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VB 2010 - ScreenSaver With A Password To Protect Computer

Nov 18, 2011

OK, so, I made a program that locks the computer with a password, to help you protect data from other people. It's quite simple, you open the program, it shows up in full screen, "To access this computer please type in the password"....etc.

BUT, I want it to have a "Guard". To make it act like a screen saver does. That's my plan: So, you typed in the password, and close the program. And then, if you didn't move your mouse, or press a key, or you're not watching a movie, for more than 6 minutes, I want it to automatically launch the program. Until now, I've just put in Form2.Show in the Form1's (which is the password-protect program) FormClosing class. I also made the Form2 on Full Screen, and it's opacity to 0%. That's where you will move your mouse. I made all the code until now, but I need code for making it act like a screen saver.

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Suppressing The Screensaver In Visual Basic 2010 Express?

Mar 8, 2012

I am writing a program to show pictures and other related things. my screensaver interrupts my program when it is running. i will like to know if there is any way to suppress the screensaver whilst my program apart from manually turning off the screensaver

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How To Disable Screensaver, Sleep, Lock, Hybernate On Windows 7 Or Using .net 2010

Jun 4, 2012

I don't have any idea if it is possible and how can I code it.I have created an application that needs to run on a non-administrator account on windows 7. It won't run if the PC goes sleep/ locked/ hybernate/ on-screensaver. So, I want to disable them programmatically using vb.net 2010. Can any one help me?

By the way, I already tried to edit the power settings of the PC so it will never sleep/ hybernate, etc. But unfortunately, it keeps on sleeping after few hours.

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VS 2010 - Showing Forms On Multithreaded Application

Apr 17, 2011

I've finally gotten multi-threading working on my application, but now I'm having trouble showing forms when I need to. I currently have three threads in my program: one for updating a textbox, one for transferring files, and one for displaying forms. Here's a snippet of code from my program:


I'm getting the error: Control 'frmXCopy' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on. I know what this means, but I can't find a way to make the ShowForm Sub run off of the main application thread.

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VS 2010 Application Showing Different Behavoir When Installed Versus Running?

Jul 4, 2011

I have a situation with an application of mine where I noticed I get a different result when the application is installed in comparison to it running in Visual Studio. If the application is installed a certain aberration pops up in this computer graphics application at a certain point in one of the screens but if I run the same group of settings or you could say the same "screen" running the application from Visual Studio I don't see the aberration ever happen. I tried deleting the bin and obj folders and then rebuilding before creating an installation and it doesn't change anything and whether I use InstallShield or create an installation using ClickOnce I still see the same issue. I have Enable application framework unchecked but found it makes no difference checked or unchecked

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Interactive Screensaver Access Printer?

Oct 12, 2009

I am sure the screensaver wasn't meant to be used in this manner, but I have created an interactive screensaver for the company I work for which acts as a checkout station for calibrated measurement equipment.Part of this process is printing out a sticker using an SII SLP Label printer which is attached to the computer with the checkout station. Printing with the printer works just fine over the network from another computer (not running the program as a screensaver), but for some reason I am getting a -16 error (I believe that is "Unknown Error") when the program as a screensaver uses the local SLP printer. The only possible reason I can think for this happening is that screensavers aren't allowed to access printers. Is there some way to give the screensaver permission to use the printer? Currently the screensaver is able to access files on the network file share (such as the equipment database) just fine. If I were to create a TCP/IP server that acts as a proxy or go-between for the printer so that all the screensaver does is connect to localhost and tells the server to print would that work?

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VS 2008 Display A Screensaver In A Control?

Jan 23, 2010

In vb ages ago i saw something that would show you a windows screensaver (that you could select) in any control (as long as it had a handle).

Just wondering how i could do this in vb.net?

but I found this eg in c++ showing how to do it as a wmp visual: [URL]

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WIndows 7 Desktop Refresh And Picture Screensaver?

Nov 9, 2011

I am using VB.net in VS2008.I wrote a screensaver that cycles through pictures. When the screensaver exits it sets the desktop background to the last picture loaded using API call SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER, 0, sFilePath, SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE Or SPIF_SENDWININICHANGE).The desktop wallpaper refreshes for WinXP and Vista but not Win7.In Win7, if I run the screensaver as an EXE then the desktop background changes when the program ends. If I run it as a screensaver I need click on the desktop and press F5 before the desktop shows the new desktop background (or click and drag with the mouse to show pieces of the new desktop background).I have tried to add delays and even force a refresh by using SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED, SHCNF_IDLIST, Nothing, Nothing) but with no success.

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Windows - Make Screensaver Fire Whenever Computer Locks?

Sep 27, 2010

Is it possible to force the screensaver to appear whenever a computer becomes locked? Specifically on XP, 7 if possible.

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Application Framework Not Showing On Application Tab

Mar 12, 2009

I imported some code I found a few months ago for a client server messaging program from vs2003 and everything appeared to be ok, apart from a couple of niggles such as the windows form designer generated code being visible on the main form code page but i could live with that. I just tried to add a splash screen but when I went to the application tab to set it up there is no enable application framework checkbox and no windows application framework groupbox. I tried running my application again and now the xp visual style has gone and it looks terrible, is there anyway to get the application framework back on again or do I have to start a new project and copy and past all my code into the new project.

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Running Graphics Effect In Paint Event Of Form (Screensaver)

Mar 18, 2011

Running a graphics effect in the Paint event of a Form. I am thinking of something like a screensaver effect, not necessarily full-screen either. Would a background worker be better suited to this idea or using another thread? I wouldn't want something that is very demanding on a computer processor. In fact, what I was originally thinking, is it possible to put a Windows screensaver program inside a Form?
Installing VB6 on Windows 7

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Showing Another Application Minimized To Tray?

Jul 24, 2010

I've been trying to open/show an application which is minimized to tray but without success.Sorry if this has already been discussed; kindly redirect me then.I've tried P/Invoke methods such as ShowWindow and SetForegroundWindow but these hasn't worked.

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Showing OpenFileDialog Window In Console Application

Feb 15, 2009

I have in a console application. I need the program to show a OpenFileDialog window when certain text is entered, such as "file". I've tried doing this and I cannot get it to work.

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Showing Windows Authentication When Logging In To Web Application

Mar 5, 2009

i'm developing a web application. i want if user access it, it will prompt for windows authentication, if the username and password is correct, then the page appears.i've been working around on this but it's not working. my web app prompt users for windows authentication, but it always failed or access denied.anything i should check?

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When Debug Or Built The Application It Is Still Showing The Old Icon?

Jan 11, 2011

I changed default form icon in VB 2010. It worked perfect. But I re-changed this icon (form's icon property) to another icon, and when I debug or built the application it is still showing the old icon, through it shows it perfectly in design mode... What is the problem?

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Crystal Report In Application Showing Blank Page?

Jul 14, 2009

I have a crystal report that works in Crystal Reports Writer XI just fine. I run the report in the application passing the same information that I use to test in the CR Writer and the report is completely blank. No exceptions what so ever are raised in the application.I've opened the report in VS2008 and resaved it and verified the database and still nothing. I have two different versions of the report. The report is using stored Procs and I have verified that it is loading the report because it is accepting the parameters I setup in the report. If I change the name of the parameter I'm saving to something invalid it then throws an error.

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Monitoring And Showing The Results After Starting A Stored Procedure On A Web Application Via Progressbar

Nov 8, 2011

I'm working on a web application called AssetCenter. I have 2 projects, one of them is the application (ACWEBNET) and the other is the web service (IMACWEBSVCS) that contains service related information.


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VB 2010 : DataGridView Not Showing

Nov 15, 2011

Unable to display data in datagridview : vb 2010 express + mysql server 5 + odbc connector

1. I am able to connect database successfully. I am using arraylist to set data.& also i m

getting till it set to dataview (Object name )

2. Till now i am not added any column name in datagridview property setting .

[add/remove column]'[code...]

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VS 2010 : Showing Only URL's In Listbox?

Mar 16, 2012

I have the code which gets HTML code and puts it in a richtextbox with seperate lines.I would like the richtextbox to delete each line which doesnt contain a url in it.

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VS 2010 ContextMenuStrip Not Showing?

Mar 18, 2012

VS 2010 ContextMenuStrip not showing?

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VS 2010 Icon Not Showing Up As It Should?

Aug 8, 2009

I made a program and had an icon for it, well i recently when to chaneg the icon, the one that shows up on the desktop and when i did it now shows up as a window instead of what i want it to be, so i chanegd it back to he original icon and it is still the window

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VS 2010 No Forms Are Showing Up?

Jun 30, 2011

Well I accidently double clicked both of my forms in a project and then they weren't pinned anymore so I exited them out hoping they'd be pinned aghain, but now when I open the project, no forms show up. Just blank blue wall... How can I get the forms back?

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VS 2010 - DataGridView Output Not Showing?

Sep 7, 2011

For a class project I'm supposed to write a program that requests a team as input and displays the players from that team in the first column. The players should be sorted alphabetically by their last name, and if they have the same name they should be sorted by first name accordingly. My program compiles and I'm fairly certain that I've done most of it correctly. The second column should be filled with the batting average of the corresponding player from the left column.

My problems are as follows:

1) I can't get the DGV output to show correctly, it posts the player's name with the batting average of that player in the following downward cell.

2) I'm not sure how to further use the .Split method to separate the first and last name after already separating the name from team/at bats/hits, and can't find any info regarding this topic. Also, I can't figure out how to sort in reverse, I've only seen the Ascending and Descending options so far for sorting.

3) Is the way I've figured the batting average the most efficient/correct way, or is there another better way?


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VS 2010 - Delay When Showing TabPage

Feb 20, 2011

In my program I have a tab control with 4 tab pages. In the second tab page there is a lot of controls (about 50! includes buttons, labels, combo boxes, textboxes, option boxes). When user opens the program and want to navigate to tabpage 2 there is about 2-3 second delay showing tabpage. This problem only occur the first time, after that it just shows the page fine. I am not sure what is causing this lag but the program seems buggy and slow to user.

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VS 2010 - Want 12 Hour Time, With Out Showing AM Or PM?

Nov 6, 2011

vb Label3.Text = Format(Now, "mm:hh")

That is my issue. It's giving me 24 hour time, and I want 12 hour time, with out showing AM or PM.

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VS 2010 : Showing Or Hiding Controls?

May 20, 2010

I have a form that searches a db. Some searches will always result in one row of data, others might return multiple rows. I want to have the data from a single row shown in text boxes and the multiple rows show in a datagridview is it possible to hide/show those depending on the amount of rows.

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VS 2010 :: Showing Only Images In WebBrowser?

Aug 13, 2010

Is it possible to search for images ONLY in WebBrowser? For example, my keyword in textbox1 is 'clouds' and when the button is clicked WebBrowser must show only images of that keyword.

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VS 2010 DGV Not Showing Text In Cell

Jan 5, 2011

I've got an unbound DGV with several columns that I am programmatically adding rows to. All working fine, apart from when I try to set a really long string in one of the cells, then that cell just appears blank. The string IS in the cell because if I select the cell and do this:


then the string gets copied to the clipboard and I can paste it into Notepad or whatever without a problem. So it is just purely a display issue... but it doesn't seem to make any difference if I resize the cell (horizontally or vertically) and I can't understand why it is doing this.


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