Version Control Add-In And Allows Multiple Check-outs Of A File?

Nov 23, 2010

I'm looking for Version Control software that works with VS 2008 & allows multiple check-outs of a file, merging the changes as each version is checked back in. Obviously this would require manual resolution when two programmers changed the same procedure,but that rarely happens here-what usually happens is we have two (or more) programmers working on different parts of the program that happen to occur in the same file so only one of them can actually do their work at a time. Highly inefficient.

We're currently using Visual Source Safe, by the way. I 'inherited' this so I'm not *absolutely* certain it can't be configured for this, but if so none of the older programmers (in terms of time in this office) know about it. I think they used a home-grown program. Besides, I haven't been able to remember who I heard about it from so remembering that really isn't a help-at least not yet.

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Dynamically Check Version Of Exe File In FTP?

Feb 15, 2011

to find version of an exe, i use this code

Dim FileProperties As FileVersionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(Application.ExecutablePath)
Textbox1.Text = FileProperties.FileVersion

How come we find a version of an exe that's uploaded in FTP? i need the version of an exe that's already there in FTP. i know the path where the exe file is saved in FTP.

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VS 2008 Check Difference Between A Full Version And Unregistered Version?

Sep 1, 2010

I have created a license system for my application with MySql about half a year ago. What it would do is take the serial number and send it to my server if the key was correct it would return a 0 if its wrong the return value would be a 1.The problem was that when the serial number was entered correctly my program would create a "fake file" for example vb.dll in the system.And on run time my program would check for that vb.dll if the file exist it would skip my trial program and run the app as a full version. Half year later i think creating a "fake file" and checking for it on start up is extremely wrong and that's not very good security.How can i check the difference between a full version and unregistered version?

View 23 Replies

VS 02/03 Grab A File Version Of An Specific File From Multiple Remote Machines

Mar 4, 2012

able to give me a script that i will be able to grab a file version of an specific file from multiple remote machines. I have a list of machines in Txt file ... i want the script to read the list.. and generate a new file that have the Machine names with File version.

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IDE :: Assembly Version, File Version And Publish Version In ClickOnce In VS 2008

Mar 31, 2009

How they relate and differ from each? What are the best practices for version control? Is there a primer about publish online? Or a good book?

And is it possible to make ClickOnce and a msi in one solution of VS 2008? If so, is there any conflict or pitfall?

BTW I am using VB if that makes any difference.

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System.IO - Multiple Users - Check If File Is In Use

Jun 10, 2012

i have a program where the high scores will be saved in a txt file. of course, if the file is already in use, saving the text file won't work. is there an if statement i can do to check if it is in use? or could i check the last access time, and the last modify time and if the modify time happened after the access, i know its closed, and if the access time happened after the last modify time it is still in use?

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Compare Assembly Version With File Version?

Jun 3, 2012

I want my application to do something special :D.. jks

I just want it to compare assembly version to the file version something like this (btw i also want it if it is the same i want it to enable a button):

Private Sub StartSplash_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
If Assembly Version = File Version Then


so how do i detect Assembly & File version numbers?

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Check OS Version Is 32 Or 64 Bit?

Dec 24, 2010

I'm wanting to code my button to check the OS to see if it is 32 or 64 bit to run the correct application. How can I do this?

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How To Check For Newer Version

May 23, 2012

Now I like to ask you about (auto) updating application. I know how to check for newer version but I don't know how to download it (and replace the older one). I'm working with .exe files. [code] This is the code which I'm using to check for new version.

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Check Flash Player Version?

Feb 28, 2012

Can I have my program check if Flash Player 10 or higher is installed, and if not, install it?

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Check For Latest Version On A FTP Server?

Jan 23, 2009

I have a radio program.
I can play radio station in it. This is my question: How can I check for latest version on a FTP server?

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Check Version Info From Webserver?

Jan 5, 2010

My question is im rebuilding an app i made years ago but i want to add the auto update i have the file downloader down to a T but i dont wanna use the Click once auto-update So i want to read a text file from a online server and then check if the version info inside matches the string inside my application if it doesnt it opens theupdate.exe the that dose what i have it programmed to to

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Deployment :: .NET Framework Version Check?

Jun 26, 2009

Is there a way to check if the necessary version of .NET framework has installed and if it has not installed to display a custom message explaining the user what is the problem and how to download the required version of .NET framework in order to make the application work?

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How To Check Version Of Installed Sqlserver

Feb 15, 2012

i am working on an application and i want to connect it with mssql database , i dont know about the version of installed mssql server at the pc , how can i get the version of installed mssql server so that i can connect my application with that .(is it possible to check the version of installed mssql server with out connecting it with my application.)

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VS 2005 : How To Check Windows Version

Mar 25, 2009

I need to check to see what version of windows is running. How do I do this from VB .NET 2005? and how comprehensive can I get... can I also check for Vista and Windows 7?

View 9 Replies

Check The Version Of Word That The Macro Is Running Under?

Jun 2, 2010

I have a Word macro that I want to run under Word 2003 and Word 2007. I would like to know if there is a way to check which version of Word is being used so that I can call different subroutines in the macro. Does anyone know how?

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VS 2005 Check The Correct OS Version (xp, Windows 7 Etc)?

Mar 20, 2012

How do I check the correct OS version (xp, windows 7 etc)? I have seen an example like:-

Imports System.Environment.OSVersion

But this does not exist. All I have under environment is specialfolder.

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Check Version Of A Software Installed Verses A Current?

Jan 11, 2011

Is there a way to have a form event check the version of say Adobe Flash/Shockwave/Reader on the PC and then check what's available on the web?

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VS 2005 : Check The DirectX Version At Install Time?

Jul 1, 2009

One of the applications I've written uses DirectX in order to record the user speaking (basically for making verbal notes about something). It fails to work correctly when the installed version of DirectX isn't recent enough. I'm just using a setup project of the type inbuilt into VS 2005, is there a way to check at install time that DirectX is recent enough?

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Read From XML File To Specific Form Control Text And Check Boxes?

Nov 18, 2010

Dealing with reading from an XML file, stuctured similar to the following:


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Compare Version Between Host And Client Download The File If Compare Version Not Same In .net?

May 20, 2011

they need to make some compare version between host version and client version.. and each 1 version different will download the file to the client..[URL]..with both example, how can i make a program in VB.NET just like i said just now?

View 15 Replies

Get A Code To Check Target's Machine Installed Version Of DirectX?

Oct 31, 2010

I'm creating a WindowsForm application and I need a code to check target's machine installed version of DirectX.If the reg key doesn't match with provided one >>> load the form and launch the DX installer "redistdirectx_Jun2010_redistDXSETUP.exe"If the reg key matches with the provided one >>> launch other application "Setup.exe"

Provided version:


View 7 Replies

IDE :: Multiple Version Intallation In A System Through ClickOnce

Jun 5, 2009

Currently we are working on a desktop applicaiton for which we used ClickOnce deployment.Recently we have released a PROD version as BETA to few selected users.So they have the PROD version installed in their system.Now those users need to test the QA version as well as part of forthcoming releases.How they can have the both versions installed in a single system through ClickOnce?While preparing deployables, is there any configuration to achieve that?I was planning to specify the differenet target directories for different versions.But as per the following discussion it seems there's no way the target directory can be specified url...

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Multiple .NET Version Projects Pointing To Same Files?

Jun 29, 2009

I have some assemblies that were developed using .NET 1.1. These are business layer assemblies that are required for other .NET 1.1 applications to work. I have been developing our new applications using .NET 2.0/3.5. I would just convert the business layer projects over to 2.0 and be done with it, but those old 1.1 applications just won't die.As such, has anyone ever had two different .vbproj files (one a .NET 1.1 project file and the other a .NET 2.0/3.5 project file) that pointed to the same set of files so they could be compiled appropriately?

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Send A File To Multiple Hosts By Which Sites They Select On Treeview Control?

Sep 4, 2009

I'm Trying to send a file to multiple hosts by which sites they select on the treeview control. I can't figure out how to set it up.[code]...

View 2 Replies

VS 2010 Does Express Version Support Adding Multiple Soultions (.sln) To Project

Aug 2, 2010

Does the Express Version support adding multiple soultions (.sln) to a project or is this only available with the Professional version.I see that I can add a DLL as a reference that was built in 2010, but it is not letting me step into it with the debugger (or recompile changes to its source).

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Microsoft Script Control, Version 1.0 X64?

Feb 22, 2012

I am using Microsoft Script Control, Version 1 on the application and it works fine on 32-Bit OS, but when i upgrade to 64-Bit OS it stops working and the only workaround is to build the application as x86 and the application will work fine on x64 OS but will run under 32 Bit process.

Now I am looking for alternative ActiveX or method to get my application work on native 64 Bit OS.

Is there a quick way of getting this fixed with minimum code change?

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Pass Version Of Windows To A Control?

Aug 25, 2008

how to return the following operating system data to a control:1) Version of Operating System2) Version of Service Pack3) Version of .Net Framework

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.net - Using A New Version Of A User Control WITHOUT Removing And Replace Each One?

Nov 6, 2011

I'm self-taught in, having been a VB6 developer for years. I'm now out of the field but I'm making a forms app that I need for my new business. I am using VB2008 Express, and I'll upgrade to later versions when necessary. Because I am self-taught I mostly work from examples and there's a lot about .NET I don't understand.

SITUATION:I've built a Usercontrol. (A custom datetimepicker which I call "datebox"). Then in my application project, I add it to the toolox, then plunk it on a form. It works great so I use it many times in my project, each time with a various properties. No problem so far.


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Control Which Version Of System.IO.Ports Application Uses?

Jan 16, 2009

i think there are errors in the SerialPort DataReceived Handler in .Net 3.5 and .Net 3.5 SP1. is there a way i can control which version of System.IO.Ports my application uses? i am using VB 2008 Express.

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