Pass Version Of Windows To A Control?

Aug 25, 2008

how to return the following operating system data to a control:1) Version of Operating System2) Version of Service Pack3) Version of .Net Framework

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IDE :: Assembly Version, File Version And Publish Version In ClickOnce In VS 2008

Mar 31, 2009

How they relate and differ from each? What are the best practices for version control? Is there a primer about publish online? Or a good book?

And is it possible to make ClickOnce and a msi in one solution of VS 2008? If so, is there any conflict or pitfall?

BTW I am using VB if that makes any difference.

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Determine The Windows Version From A 6 App?

Aug 24, 2011

Is there any method using VB.NET API to detect Win Edition (e.g. Home/Professional/...)I tried the sample i found here How can I determine the Windows version from a VB 6 app?, but osv.OSVSize = Len(osv) gets me an error in VB2010Espress: Variable 'osv' is used before it has been assigned a value...

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Which Windows 7 Version Is Best For Web Development

Jan 18, 2012

I'm in the market for getting a new laptop and not sure what version of Windows 7 I can get buy with for Software/Web Development. What's the census out there?

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Windows Version Detection?

Jan 4, 2011

I am developing my project in I want to get information of W7/vistHow can i detect them. My code is working properly with Windows Xp but not with PlateForm ID 6 versions

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Set 2008 To Run The 32 Bit Version In Windows 7 64-bit System?

Jan 15, 2010

I am trying to develop an app that uses a .dll that was developed for 32 bit systems. I get no error in VB or the compile.

Under Debug section of Properties the Platform Drropdown only says "Active(Any CPU)" How do I add x86 to this dropdown?

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VS 2005 : How To Check Windows Version

Mar 25, 2009

I need to check to see what version of windows is running. How do I do this from VB .NET 2005? and how comprehensive can I get... can I also check for Vista and Windows 7?

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Get Windows Version In Visual Basic 2010

Oct 19, 2010

How can I find the OS using Visual Basic 2010? It does not seems to recognize any of the old commands like GetVersionEx etc.

I am looking to find out the Windows Version, Build, 32 or 64 bit, RAM, Processor and Manufacturer.

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Release Version VB2008 Application Won't Run On Windows 7?

Jan 20, 2011

I changed my VB2008 Express development system from Windows XP to Windows 7.After installing Windows 7 I installed VS2010 with VB2010 Express.Tried that and had issues so I installed VS2008 with VB2008 Express.The application I was developing with VB2008 on my XP system will compile and run in the debug environment with VB2008 on Windows 7 but the Release build (double clicking the .exe in the Release directory) will not. An information box pops up stating the application stopped working. No application Form ever showed up on the screen. I can run a simple application I start from scratch on this new setup.The release .exe compiled on my old XP system fails in the same way.What could be the problem? The application of interest uses an SQL Server CE database. A reference forSystem.Data.SqlServerCe is included in the References. What could be different about running in the debug environment vs running the

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VS 2005 Check The Correct OS Version (xp, Windows 7 Etc)?

Mar 20, 2012

How do I check the correct OS version (xp, windows 7 etc)? I have seen an example like:-

Imports System.Environment.OSVersion

But this does not exist. All I have under environment is specialfolder.

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VS 2008 Windows Installer Project Version Req?

Apr 5, 2009

I've decided to go with a Windows Installer (Setup Project) in VS Prof, rather than ClickOnce,I've added this project to my main project, and have right clicked and selected 'View -> Launch Conditions', it requires the .netframework 3.5.21022...

But I've created the installer project for .NET 2.0 framework, is this going to stop someone from installing the project without .NET framework 3/3.5?EDIT: I've found under the properties of that installer project, that .NET framework 3.5 and Windows Installer 3.1 was selected as a prerequisite, unchecked those, and checked .NET Framework 2.0, however the version under the launch condition .NET Framework is still 3.5, it should be 2.0

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VS 2010 Version Windows Software Installation

Sep 29, 2010

When you look in the "software" that you have installed you see the size of the software and the version. After I have installed my software I don't see the version in the list. Only the size of the installation. I was wondering how I can change that. Could it be that it is because I used InnoSetup and I need to set it in there or is Windows reading the version of the .exe itself?

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Windows Version Visual Studio 2010?

Dec 3, 2011

Am very new to programing and have never done it before.I am working on very small things at the moment like showing the time and date very basic stuff. i have some books and video's so am going over but i just need abit of code for now -

How can i display what version of windows i am running? for example.i have a button if i click it the label on my form will display the version of windows.

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Write VB Script That Will Work On Any Version Of Windows

Apr 25, 2011

What I need to do is write VB scripts that will work on any version of Windows, right back to 3.1. I may need to write several files for different Windows versions, I just don't know.
This runs on Windows Server 2003 and XP. I've tested it on those systems. But will that run on Windows 7, Vista, 98, 95, NT, 3.1? If not, which language/version do I need to use to do the same job on each system, and could you point me to the language reference?

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.net - Telerik Version Of Code?

Jun 8, 2012

I want to have a partial class to manage my focus between radtextboxes when a user presses the enter key and I am looking for the telerik interpretation of this line of code tbs(i).KeyDown += New KeyEventHandler(AddressOf textBoxes_KeyDown)?

Partial Public Class MstFileTruck Inherits Form
Private tbs() As Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadTextBox
Public Sub New()


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Com-visible Dll Don't Show Version Number In Windows Explorer

Sep 29, 2009

I have created a com dll in vb 2005 and used in vb6. It's working fine.

I have a question why Windows Explorer does not show it�s version number? I have properly set both the Assembly version and File version.

Again I did create a test com dll - windows explorer does show it's version number properly.

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Detect Windows Version Form Say 95 To Win7 In Program?

Jun 21, 2010

Way to detect the windows version, form say 95 to win7, in pardon my ignorance but im not a big coder and norm only do python.

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Net 4.0 Unable To Find A Version Of The Runtime To Run This Application (Windows 7)?

Jun 25, 2010

We have a VB .Net application that is targeted to the .Net Framework version 2, over the past couple of days users have been reporting that they are getting the following error message when running the program?

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Program Express Does Not Run On A Machine With Windows XP Dutch Version

Jun 5, 2009

I wrote a program using VB 2005 Express edition using a computer with windows xp us edition. the program run fine on al machines here in San Diego but it gets a .net framework error on a computer in the Netherlands with a windows Xp Dutch edition.

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Microsoft Script Control, Version 1.0 X64?

Feb 22, 2012

I am using Microsoft Script Control, Version 1 on the application and it works fine on 32-Bit OS, but when i upgrade to 64-Bit OS it stops working and the only workaround is to build the application as x86 and the application will work fine on x64 OS but will run under 32 Bit process.

Now I am looking for alternative ActiveX or method to get my application work on native 64 Bit OS.

Is there a quick way of getting this fixed with minimum code change?

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Set An Windows Forms Project To Auto-increment Version Number?

Feb 3, 2011

It was very practical to keep build number in VB6, as it auto-incremented that number every time that i "compiled" the program.

There is any equivalent feature in VB.Net? I am using VS 2005.

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.net - Using A New Version Of A User Control WITHOUT Removing And Replace Each One?

Nov 6, 2011

I'm self-taught in, having been a VB6 developer for years. I'm now out of the field but I'm making a forms app that I need for my new business. I am using VB2008 Express, and I'll upgrade to later versions when necessary. Because I am self-taught I mostly work from examples and there's a lot about .NET I don't understand.

SITUATION:I've built a Usercontrol. (A custom datetimepicker which I call "datebox"). Then in my application project, I add it to the toolox, then plunk it on a form. It works great so I use it many times in my project, each time with a various properties. No problem so far.


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Control Which Version Of System.IO.Ports Application Uses?

Jan 16, 2009

i think there are errors in the SerialPort DataReceived Handler in .Net 3.5 and .Net 3.5 SP1. is there a way i can control which version of System.IO.Ports my application uses? i am using VB 2008 Express.

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VS 2010 Auto-increment Version Control

Apr 26, 2010

Since my VB6 days I've longed for this feature. Every time you build a version it increments by one. On VS2005/2008 I've seen a few 3rd party programs or tips and tricks to get something similiar. I mean who wants to see a version no. like 1.0.1234.5678789 I used to use autobuildversion but can't seem to get it working on 2010. Has anyone managed to get the auto increment to work in any shape or form. I can't find the AssemblyInfo.vb file to edit so my program is stuck on unless I manually increment it? I mean is it so hard to implement a built in auto increment function, or am I missing something?

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VS 2010 Simple Version Control Guide?

Apr 10, 2012

I'm a novice who does not need installers yet and does not collaborate and I was hoping someone might be able to point me to a simple guide for incrementing versions and backing up the source files so that if I ever needed to I could get back to the previous versions. I just don't want to get into Visual Source Safe, Team Builder, or other big hairy version management software. Also my VB Express book only talks about using the ClickOnce solution which doesn't seem like it's a fit for my needs. I'm thinking I should be able to do a build manually incrementing the version and manually archiving files or folders to a certain location.

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Version Control Add-In And Allows Multiple Check-outs Of A File?

Nov 23, 2010

I'm looking for Version Control software that works with VS 2008 & allows multiple check-outs of a file, merging the changes as each version is checked back in. Obviously this would require manual resolution when two programmers changed the same procedure,but that rarely happens here-what usually happens is we have two (or more) programmers working on different parts of the program that happen to occur in the same file so only one of them can actually do their work at a time. Highly inefficient.

We're currently using Visual Source Safe, by the way. I 'inherited' this so I'm not *absolutely* certain it can't be configured for this, but if so none of the older programmers (in terms of time in this office) know about it. I think they used a home-grown program. Besides, I haven't been able to remember who I heard about it from so remembering that really isn't a help-at least not yet.

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Pass Data Between WPF Windows?

Apr 13, 2011

I have some code that works in winforms, but not in WPF apparently, the code is as follows: This is set globally:

Private Property avar As Object
Public main As MainWindow
Public charchoice As Char

And then in the Window Loaded sub, this is placed:

charchoice = main.charchoice

Thing is, the next window doesn't pick up this variable, so how can I make it recognise and use it?

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.net - Crystal Reports Error: Cannot Find CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms Version 10.2.3600

Nov 26, 2009

I am refactoring an old program to use VS2008 (instead of VS2005) and the 2003 Crystal Reports merge modules no longer work on the client machine. I am using the CR version bundled with VS2008. Neither the CR10 merge modules downloaded from the SAP site work, nor the CR x86 msi.

Could not load file or assembly 'CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms, Version=10.2.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1304' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

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Declare And Pass Windows Handles

Sep 9, 2010

I've been using Shell() to launch an application, and Process.GetProcessById() to get the handle to that window, but I think I'm running into problems when passing the handle around to various functions. What is the best way to declare and pass windows handles so that they will be usable? After viewing the debug, it seems the Shell() and Process.GetProcessById() work fine. After I pass the handle off to the functions I need to use them in, the program starts spitting out garbage, and not doing what I want it to do. Short version of the proces


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Windows Form Won't Pass A Variable To Another

May 1, 2012

My problem is that is have 4 forms, 3 of these forms allow me to pass variables between them.. however one form the Booking form won't allow me to pass the txtTotal variable to the Confirmation Form.

All the other forms all me to do this, im not doing anything different i can see... im thinking that perhaps another part of the form is prohibiting me from passing that txtTotal to the Confirmatin form.[code]...

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