WMP Control Displaying ID3 Information?

Nov 19, 2009

I remember using a one liner, something along the lines of AxWindowsMediaPlayer.currentMedia.Artist or something similar, that required no complex processing of the file, to display artist, album and song title. Using the WMP 11 control. It's been a while since i needed to use that and i've lost it.

Was wondering if anyone knew what that was, and if im mistaken, what easy method, without processing strings, files etc. there is in getting ID3 tags.

Im using Visual Basic Express 2008

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Displaying Information From An Array?

May 30, 2010

I started programming in VB many moons ago, but I put it down about a year ago. I picked back up a project I was working on a few years ago and Visual Studio 2008 Pro had to convert it. It seemed to work just fine but I wanted to make it "look .NETish", so I simply copied all the controls and code into a new project.The new project won't display information stored in static arrays on a Rich Text Box. The arrays are declared public in a code.vb file and the array is populated in the load event for the main form.I've tried inserting a "test" button to see if I could somehow get it to display trying a few different things. Essentially:

Private Sub cmdTest_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdTest.Click
Dim test As String = Gems(0)


Has array conventions changed or something in the past year or so? How do I extract the information contained in Gems() that I have so maticulously entered so long ago

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Displaying Information In A Grid

May 13, 2009

I am working on a Windows Forms Application and I have got stuck and wondered if anyone can provide some much needed direction. [Code] The user makes a selection of, say region, and then a DB layer sends back some linq IQueriable(of sometype) for a particular month. I wanted to add a month column each time they select a month.

I can't seem to do this too well with a datagridview, I have tried making a class that holds the measure as string and value as decimal and then create a list of these to bind but then if I add a new one I have problems as it just overwrits the origional one. I could just place a series of textboxes and fill them as I go but this seems like it is a problem waiting to happen kind of way. What I really need is some sort of grid that is expandable.

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Combobox Displaying Array Information?

Sep 24, 2009

I need to use an array at any part of the project. It has been suggested to me to build an array and show its result in a combobox. Instead of having an input textbox, i will have a combobox which will display 10 common names which are kept in the array.

'Defines the array Names
Dim names(9) As String
'Defines the array's fields[code]......

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VS 2008 Displaying Database Information?

Mar 10, 2010

Public Class ReceiptSpectacles
Private Sub ReceiptSpectacles_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Displaying Interface Information On A Remote Server?

Aug 20, 2011

Im looking to display the interface name, the IP address and the dns servers currently being used by the interface.

i have so far

Dim objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\" _
& svr & "


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MessageBox And MyArray Displaying Current Information?

Mar 21, 2009

I need for the current values entered into the textboxes to show up in a messagebox when enter is selected. I will also need to know how to also have in this message box only the checked boxes of the CheckBox.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim myArray(12) As String
myArray(0) = TextBox4.txt


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VS 2010 Displaying Information During Drag Event?

Jan 27, 2011

I have a form set up for drag and drop. The dragging and dropping is working nicely, as it allows the user to put a pair of dots onto a rectangle, which is exactly what it is supposed to do. However, I would like to give them some information about where they are dropping the points. My first thought was that I could use a tooltip. However, it appears that tooltips are not displayed during drag events. The tooltip works well, and is showing what I want, once I have released the mouse button, but not before then. The only other alternative I can think of, and it is not a very appealing alternative, is that I have some labels elsewhere on the form to display the information.

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MySQL Query - Updating Account Information Displaying In Labels

Apr 19, 2010

I have been coding an application for a LeaderBoard for a game. I have all the Login sorted using Mysql and even have all the Account infomation displaying in lables etc. for account info form. Now I am trying to UPDATE information and this is how I was trying to do this...

Dim UpdateInfo As New MySqlDataAdapter
Dim mycommand As New MySqlCommand()
Dim mydata As MySqlDataReader
Dim query = "UPDATE Login SET Pword = '" + UpdateTxtBox.Text + "' WHERE Uname = " + Login.Uname
mycommand.Connection = conn
mycommand.CommandText = query
UpdateInfo.SelectCommand = mycommand
mydata = mycommand.ExecuteReader()

But comes back with an Error saying... Unknown column 'username here' in 'where clause'. Now the username is in the database as I have just logged in with it and I am taking it I have the Query wrong somewhere.

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VS 2008 Storing Information To An Array Or ArrayList And Displaying Each Item In Label?

Apr 22, 2010

I have a list of names in a database and what i want is to get all of these names and display them in a label or a text box to the user on the website. I have tried to do this using a for loop but it is always overwriting the label each time. I have a list of 10 different names in the database and what it is doing is putting the first name in the label and then overwriting this with the second name and so on until it reaches the last name. I think i need to store each of the names from the database into an array or an arrayList and then make the label display all of the contents from the array or arrayList. The for loop i have used for this is:

Dim g As SQLadmin = New SQLadmin()
g.DB("SELECT nameOfPerson FROM Persons")
For i As Integer = 0 To g.array.GetLength(0) - 1


i can select the names from the database and store them in an array then make the label display each of the names.

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Is There A Control That Is Specifically Designed For Displaying Content Larger Than Control Itself

Sep 23, 2010

Is there a control in vb.net that is specifically designed for displaying content larger than the control itself?I know it's possible to code your own using a panel and two scrollbars, but is there an already existing method for this?

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Using The List Class - Displaying Information From A List Into A Listbox

Mar 6, 2012

I am trying to understand classes in VB 2010. I am a bit confused with displaying information from a list into a listbox.When I run the following code, the word collection appears in my list box. How do I drill down into 'hostnames' to display the info I want.

Public Class computer
Private _HostName As String

Public Property HostName As String


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Displaying Form With WMP Control On Another Screen?

Jun 11, 2011

I am writing a program to control light and sound for a show I'm working on.
The program has buttons and stuff controlling music and sound effects but I am at a loss as to how to get the video part to work.

My computer is hooked up to a projector in extended desktop mode. (I can't change that, otherwise my control panel would show up on the big screen.

I need the video to display on Screen 2 (the projector), so I made a form and used this code:

Dim screen As Screen
screen = screen.AllScreens(1) 'the array is 0 based
Form2.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual
Form2.Location = screen.Bounds.Location + New Point(0, 0)

to display it when I press a button. This worked fine, I set form2's border to none and fullscreened it, tested again, no probs. My problem arose when I tried to add a WMP ActiveX control. I ran the program, pressed the button, and... form2 (along with WMP) appeared on my laptop display. I desperately need this by tomorrow. If no solution is available, is there an alternative to WMP?

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Displaying A PDF In A Control In Visual Basic 2010?

Dec 17, 2010

I just installed Visual Basic 2010, went through some tutorials on how to display files, but can't find any material on how to select and embed existing PDF files into a form.

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Filter The Content That Reportviewer Control Is Displaying?

Jun 6, 2011

I'd like to know how to filter the content that my reportviewer control is displaying. Example, from all the records of employees, I only want to print those whose surname starts with letter 's'.

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Help Displaying Dates Correctly In Calendar Control

Jun 29, 2011

I have a dataset that returns the following data:[code]The first character is the shift code, the next date is the beginning of the shift the next day is the ending day of the shift and the last field is if it is a day shift (0) or night shift(1).I need to display the dates for the DBX dates in a light blue and the ACY in white.These shifts are always on the same days, just A,B,C,D rotate from night I am new to web development and just trying to create a shift calendar on the fly,What the result should be is a calendar with 4 days shaded blue, and 4 days shaded white.

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Show A Textbox Displaying Numbers With A Control?

Jun 20, 2011

I have three Buttons labled "Single" "Double" and "Triple" and four textboxes, one for each button and one to display the results. Here is how it works. Each time I click on one of the buttons, it increments itself by that number...for example if I click on Button with the word "Triple" on it I will get the result '3' in the adjoining textbox. If I click it again the number will change to '6'. This holds true for all the buttons. I have this part of the program working well. there a way to have the addition of all these numbers appear in the fourth textbox WITHOUT having to use another button. In other words I want the fourth textbox to constantly update as I'm pushing buttons.

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User Control Displaying In Wrong Place

Aug 24, 2010

I'm trying to include a user control in an aspx page, it works fine, but my control does position itself where I want it and always appears at the very top of the page. Could it have something to do with the masterpage? I've tried registering the user control in the master page, but I don't know how to reference it in the content page.[code]

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VS 2005 Displaying Multicolumn Data - Which Control?

Jul 17, 2009

I would like to create a multicolumn list of items, similar to the right pane of the Windows Explorer window. There are rows, one for each item. And there are columns similar to the filename, size, date of last modification, etc. columns of Windows Explorer. The data supplied to the control will be individually extracted from files. (I mean, no database, no spreadsheet is available as a source.)

Question: Which control is the best for this purpose? I tried listbox, but it seems "multicolumn" means not what I'm used to in Excel VBA.

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VS 2008 Displaying Same Control On Multiple Tab Pages?

Aug 5, 2009

Basically I have custom events within several classes which populate data for specific controls. I'm only using one form, however I'm using the TabControl which houses 3 tab pages, I want to display the same label on all 3 tab pages, any idea's how I could accomplish this?

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What Control To Use For Printing / Displaying Pages Of Text

Nov 11, 2011

In my desktop application I am writing output to a rich text file *.rtb and loading it into my rich text box control so the user can see the results of an analysis...This analysis which is saved as *rthas 50-200 pages of textUsing the rich text box control works ok but I would like to have a table of contents with hyperlinks or navigation tree that would allow the user to click on a link and go right to the specific page of output.

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Asp.net - Navigation SiteMathPath - SiteMapPath Control Is Not Displaying On The Masterpage When I Log In?

Mar 25, 2011

My application has a number of different users, currently there are different masterpages set up for them. The idea is for some type of breadcrumb in the system i.e. home > details > ...What is the best approach for this? I think I will need to define the separate paths that each user can have (all the pages they can view) in the Web.sitemap (will have multiple SiteMapPaths) and then add the sitemap control to masterpage and link them to the appropriate SiteMapPath, does this sound like the right way to approach this?

I am having an issue with setting up the SiteMapPath within the masterpage. I used the following tutorial http:[url]....aspx to try to use the control, but the SiteMapPath control is not displaying on the masterpage when I log in do you know what the problem might be?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<siteMap xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/AspNet/SiteMap-File-1.0" >[code].....

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Correct Control For Displaying Mouse Right Click Menu?

Jul 29, 2009

what is the correct control for displaying mouse event -> right click? i tried the ContextMenuStrip control but it seems i can't change its location, can i?

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Displaying Errortext On The Current Cell In DataGridView Control?

Oct 9, 2007

I'm trying to use the errortext field on a cell to display a validation error. It works fine if I leave the cell, but I can't figure out how to display it while staying in the cell. I have seen examples where the code updates the row's errortext, but I really want to mark the cell in error.

My code is:

Code Block

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Displaying Windows Form As A Child Of User Control?

May 30, 2009

I have a User control having two panels. one at the top border and second at the bottom border of the control.

The panels contain some buttons on the click of which i want to display some forms. But I want thoes forms to act like children of the user control i.e. like MDi Parent - Child (here parent being User control and child being the new forms which would be opening). Unfortunately i've not been able to find any way of do'in so.

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VS 2010 Displaying Property Arrays In PropertyGrid Control?

Feb 17, 2011

It seems as if the propertygrid control cannot display property arrays. Is this the case?

When I do this :
Imports System.ComponentModel
Public Class comPicturePirate
Private intAmountImages As Integer
Private strWebURL As String


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VS 2008 Displaying Text On Custom Control (Inherits ListBox)?

Mar 24, 2010

So, I'm working on a custom LitBox that accepts custom items. needed the item collection to be more than just strings, I needed to be able to store avalue to display in the listbox and an associated value (Property: Text) that holds an index value (Property: Tag) of DataTable I'm working with.I have created the new item (iListBoxItem) and the collection (iListBoxItemCollection) and have modified everything so that I can do normal Collection type methods (Add, InsertAt, RemoveAt, etc) to this collection.

Imports System.ComponentModel
Public Class iListBox


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Forms :: Gather Control Handle Information?

Jan 29, 2010

I have a problem whereby some rubbish code is not releasing its memory (eventually reaches the 10k handle limit and crashes).I'm looking to insert some logging in the application to dump a list of handles present at the point of failure.

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Pass The Information To The Specific Label In The Tab Control?

May 8, 2012

I'm just starting out with vb and am working on a single form project.

Basically I'm trying to take information entered in a textbox on the main forum, Appear in a tab control at the bottom of the forum through the use of a button.

As far as I can tell, I need to code the onclick button portion of it but am unsure about how to pass the information to the specific label in the tab control.

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VS 2005 : Get Information From An MP3/WMA Without Loading It In A WindowsMediaPlayer Control?

Jan 9, 2010

Get information from an MP3/WMA without loading it in a WindowsMediaPlayer control?

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