Add Data From A Datatable Into A Multicolumn Combobox? ?

Oct 19, 2011

Is there a dll somewhere or some place I can read a good example on how to add data from a datatable into a multicolumn combobox? Preferably to be able to stick a datagridview right into the combobox would be awesome.

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.Net 2008 : Multicolumn Combobox Like Access?

Jul 17, 2009

I am running VS2008 and developing a Windows Form App in VB.Net. Is there not a bound multicolumn combobox like Access has had forever? If there is one buried in VS2008, the Windows OS or MPF 2010 or somewhere else would you mind sharing? I could hardly believe my eyes when I did not see one in the common controls list.

Not knowing the correct terminology, I would like this control to be a tool component that I can drag onto my form and set the binding and column properties and be done with it.Come on Microsoft VB.Net Dev Team... where have you been on this? This type of control has been out for umpteen years in Access and 3rd party took kits. There is nothing that says Rapid development like roll your own code! I have seen serveral articles on how it can coded;?

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VS 2005 Displaying Multicolumn Data - Which Control?

Jul 17, 2009

I would like to create a multicolumn list of items, similar to the right pane of the Windows Explorer window. There are rows, one for each item. And there are columns similar to the filename, size, date of last modification, etc. columns of Windows Explorer. The data supplied to the control will be individually extracted from files. (I mean, no database, no spreadsheet is available as a source.)

Question: Which control is the best for this purpose? I tried listbox, but it seems "multicolumn" means not what I'm used to in Excel VBA.

View 16 Replies - Copy Data From Datatable To Dataset.datatable?

Oct 31, 2010

how to copy data from datatable to table in dataset i ry this but its readonly property


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Use A Datatable As A Data Source To Update A Second Datatable Using Sql?

Aug 10, 2011

I am updating a data table (dt_report_crypt) from an encrypted csv file in the code below:I decrypt the colums and update the same dreport_crypt, such that it will contain de-crypted data.This part is working wellI however need to use this de-crypted datatable as a data source to update a second table(dt_report), using the sql SELECT command to filter relevant data,

Dim dt_report As DataTable
Dim dt_report_crypt As DataTable
Using cn As


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Filter Datatable Through Combobox?

Jun 22, 2010

I want to filter the data that's being displayed to my datagrid once I click the combobox and select a specific value,the selected value will be the item to filter the data that I needed to be displayed in the datagrid.. I'm using a datatable,a combobox and a's my code

Private Sub cboView_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cboView.Click
dt = New DataTable


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Databing In Memory Datatable To Combobox?

Jun 20, 2009

i have underneath code for databing a in memory datatable to a combobox. But no values are being shown in the combobox. I get no error. When debugging i see that the table holds the row correctly.

Dim w1 As String = "Hans"
Dim w2 As String = "van Neerven"
Dim table1 As DataTable


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DB/Reporting :: ComboBox Not Filled With DataTable?

Dec 15, 2011

I used this code:

Friend Sub PopulateCB(ByRef mycontrol As ComboBox, _
ByVal expressionSQL As String)
' DMBD is my data-handling class:


Nevertheless, mycontrol remains empty after this.

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Fill A Combobox With Values From A Datatable?

Feb 13, 2009

I want to fill a combobox with the values that I have in a datatable. How can I do that? Below is the code for the population of the datatable:


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Forms :: ComboBox Not Filled With DataTable?

Dec 15, 2011

I used this


Nevertheless, mycontrol remains empty after this.

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Get An Integer Value From A ComboBox Using A DataTable As Its DataSource

Jun 23, 2010

I am using code similar to this to populate a combobox with items from a database. The display works fine, but when I try to get the combobox.SelectedValue it is returning a DataRowView, where I need an integer. Obviously this is becuase I haven't casted the value to an integer, but the function, CInt(cboPosition.SelectedValue) is throwing an InvalidCastException. Is there any way that I can get the ValueMember's type to be an Integer?

Dim cn As New SqlConnection(CreditDisputesLogConn)
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("CustomersLookup", cn)
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter(cmd)


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Get Item Value From A Combobox Using A Datatable As It's Datasource?

May 20, 2010

How can I get an item value from a Combobox using a datatable as it's datasource? Here's my code for constructing the combobox. This code works, that's why I'm not showing it all, but I want you to know how I'm creating the combobox.

query = "SELECT category_id, name FROM categories ORDER BY name ASC;"
dbCommand = New MySqlCommand(query, dbConnection)


I want to display what is the item you physically see in the combobox that you select.

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Sort A Combobox Binded To An Datatable In Wpf?

Apr 3, 2009

I have some comboboxes that are binded to some fields in a datatable

is it possible to sort each single combobox without soting the datatable?

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VS 2010 ComboBox Not Filled With DataTable - Why?

Dec 15, 2011

I used this

Friend Sub PopulateCB(ByRef mycontrol As ComboBox, _
ByVal expressionSQL As String)
' DMBD is my data-handling class:


Nevertheless, mycontrol remains empty after this.

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VS 2010 Combobox That Is Connected To A Datatable With 3 Columns

Jul 6, 2010

I have a combobox that is connected to a datatable with 3 columns. When i click a button i want 3 values from the selected item to be transferred to another datatable.The easiest way without any hassle to do this is via the Combobox.Text, Combobox.SelectedValue and....eyy nowhat?

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Datatable Rows - Populate A Combobox With All The Results Where A Condition Is Met

May 5, 2012

I've populated my DataTable will all the results from a SQL search. Upon a button click I want to populate a combobox with all the results where a condition is met. My DataTable as a column called UserID and I want to add all results where the UserID is equal to a set value (for example 12). I can do this to add all results and I guess I could add a if statement inside this to be If Entry.Tag = 12 Then but is there a better way?


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Datatable To A Combobox, Using DataSource DisplayMember And ValueMember Properties?

Jul 7, 2008

I have binded a datatable to a combobox, using DataSource, DisplayMember and ValueMember properties. Now I try to set the combobox to a preset value using comboBox.SelectedValue = value. Nothing happens however.


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Forms :: Set The Column Names In A DataTable As A Datasource To A ComboBox?

Aug 4, 2011

I'm trying to setup a form to search for data within an existing DataTable.

FilterColumnsComboBox.DataSource = WOTable.Columns?
FilterColumnsComboBox.DisplayMember = ???
FilterColumnsComboBox.ValueMember = ???


I could hard-code in the column names ("WO_Number",WO_CustID","CustLastName", etc...), but would prefer to pick this up dynamically (partly because I want to reuse this code later).

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Refresh Combobox Values After Updating Its Datatable And Adapter

Jul 8, 2008

on a windows form i have a combobox called currency, it is populated by a table-adapter called exchan-gerate which is turn populated by a dataset called mydataset. on form load, i issue update commands to the back-end database that holds the table which populates the dataset - they work. if i look at the update to the combobox, they are not reflected until i exit and restart the app - then they're fine. further down the form load i've tried:


am i missing something silly to have the values in the combobox change and refresh at the time of the update to the database? as i said, an exit and restart of the app displays the accurate data.

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.net - Icon On A Multicolumn ListView?

Jan 2, 2011

I use this:

Public Shared Sub FulfillListView(ByVal Icon As Icon, ByVal Item1 As String, ByVal Item2 As String, ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim imageListSmall As New ImageList()
vehicles_prod.OpenOrdersLB.SmallImageList = imageListSmall


In order to Full fil a multicolumn ListView At the start of each line (sub items lines) i want to have an icon, different each time
The only icon i see is the last entered Icon and it is the same for all the lines?

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.Net Multicolumn Listbox Search?

Jan 25, 2010

I want to create a search option.I have 3 text box with "name", "address", "phone number" on a form.what i want is when i start typing into the "name" textbox there should be a multicolum listbox with name and phone number,and as i type into the textbox the name should be searched into the listbox and highlited.when i select the name from the listbox the remaning textbox (address & phone number) should get the data accordingl from the database.if the name that i type into name textbox is not available in the listbox then i should get other two text box so that i can type the address and phone number and when i click save it (name, address, phone number) should be saved into the database.

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MultiColumn Combo Box In Datagridview?

May 24, 2009

me a simple example about that.i have searched on internet but i can't find out any example.

I mean i want to fill a dataset to combox. i know i have to use addrange but i don know how can i implement it

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Multicolumn Listview Or Listbox?

Mar 2, 2009

i have never created one and the manual is to difficult to understansi want to create a listview as shown belowhow do i go about doing this,using laymans terms.I dragged a listview control onto the form, but then im stuck. how do you add columns (which are actually displayed on the control), i have added columns in the properties but they cant be seen in the listview.

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Populate A Multicolumn Listbox?

May 7, 2009

I can get a single column but how do I get 2?

myTenAdapter = New MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataAdapter("SELECT ten_name, ten_contact FROM tenants ORDER BY ten_name, ten_contact", myTenConnection)


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There Is A Multicolumn In Datagridviewcombobox Using Vb 2010

Jan 20, 2012

There is a multicolumn in datagridviewcombobox? what is code?

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C# - Multicolumn Autosearch User Control In Wpf?

Apr 26, 2012

I need to create an Auto search control which will show the results as rows as this one [URL]. However, I dont need the graphics and checkboxes here. A simple listview like appearance will to create the user control using WPF.

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Multicolumn Combo In Farpoint Spread?

Jan 20, 2010

Multicolumn Combo In Farpoint Spread

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Bind Combobox To Datatable And Object Property Causing Duplicate Bindings

Aug 19, 2011

I'm trying to populate the list of a combobox by binding it to a datatable. Also, I want the selected value of the combobox to be bound to an object property so that when the selected value changes, it's automatically updating the object. However it's causing an error at runtime: "This causes two bindings in the collection to bind to the same property.

Parameter name: binding" I thought binding the dropdown list to a datatable and the selected value to an object were different properties but obviously I'm not getting it right.


Private Sub PopulateSiteSelect()
With Me.PlanSiteSelect
If _Plan.PlanID <> Nothing And _User.UserID <> Nothing And _Plan.Category <> Nothing Then


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Forms :: Combobox Populated By A DataTable - SelectedIndex Property Will Not Set Either By Integer Or By FindString?

Feb 16, 2010

In a combobox populated by a DataTable I am having two issues!The SelectedIndex property will not set 1. Either by integer 2. Or by FindString


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Removing Duplicate Items From A Multicolumn Listview

Aug 30, 2010

I was generously guided by the community to use LINQ to find duplicates on my listboxes the last time around. However, I am now in a tough spot because I need to find and remove duplicates from a multicolumn list view. I tried using LINQ but it says that the listview object is not "queryable". Is there a way for me to find and remove duplicates using only one column of the listview? [code]The code now runs fine when I call it. But it does not remove the duplicates:

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